10 Delicious Days of Deluxe Dining..Day5-Yachtmans Steakhouse-was it worth 2 credits?


DIS Veteran
Jan 22, 2008
Well, after nearly two full years of pouring over dining review after dining review I’ve finally decided to brave the world of the review board and post my own. Having never done this before I hope you can all bear with me as I muddle my way through our 10 Delicious Days of Decadent Deluxe Dining in Disney World (say that one 3 times fast!) Now, I know I’ve started this dining report early but planning is half the fun, am I right. Being that my ADR’s are due to be made in 9 days I thought I could alleviate some of the stress by starting the report now.

Anyways, I should probably start with an outline of out trip and by introducing the members of our family and give a bit of a background on the six of us before I start.

First off, we will be headed to Disney for 10 days, (May6th-17th) staying at the POP. Because we chose a value resort this time, and also because the trip closely coincides with my Mom’s 50th Birthday, we could afford to splurge and purchase the DxDDP for the first time. And boy, are we ever excited to stuff our faces!! popcorn::

First there’s ME: that’s right Morgy827; a long time lurker, more recent contributor and now lifelong lover of the DIS boards. I am 27 years old and a nurse in my hometown in Canada (obviously being a nurse and having first hand knowledge of heart disease did not sway me from the DxDDP). I am known around work as the expert on all things Disney (as I’m sure most Diser’s are!!) and have been seen helping people book a trip in the wee hours of the morning during a long night shift. I have been to WDW countless times starting at the age of 5 but never stayed on property until Sep 2007 (free dining…woo hoo :woohoo: ) when I truly became a Disney fanatic. Now that I can never stay off property again, I followed up that Sept trip with my fabulous Disney Honeymoon in April 2008, staying first on the fabulous Disney Magic for 7 days then 10 days at POR with the DDP. Now that I get to experience the DxDDP this May I will finally be able to try all of those fabulous TS’s that I’ve been drooling over on these boards for for the past 2 years!
FOOD PREFRENCES: I’m pretty picky (picky=boring). You will probably see me choose chicken and steak over and over again but I believe that repetition makes for a great reviewer of these items.

I should probably introduce my DH(33)-from here on out he will be known as STITCH, partly because that’s his fave character and partly because he will stuff his face with whatever food is out in front of him until the rest of us demand that it is time to leave!! Needless to say this DxDDP is stuff his dreams are made of. Having been a Disney virgin until last years honeymoon DH is quite anxious to head back and sample all the food that he managed to leave behind in the world. Oh, and by the way, this is our 1st Anniversary trip so we will be wearing our anniversary buttons in all of our pics.
FOOD PREFERENCES: Does it fit in his mouth? Oh, good. Then he’ll eat it, and then he‘ll eat what’s left on my plate…and my mom‘s…dad‘s…on second thought if you see a tall, skinny guy in the World around this time you should probably hide your plate under your napkin.

Also coming along will be Mom (49, for now)- she’ll be celebrating her 50th birthday just after we get home from the world and DxDDP is her birthday gift from my Dad…can everyone say AWWWWW all at once…(hint, hint DH.) From here on out we will know her as TINK. My Mom is also a long time WDW traveler and has been to the world once before on the DDP, but this will also be her first time on the DxDDP. She hasn’t been to WDW for 2 years so she’s quite excited to be headed back. She’s not a member on the DIS boards but often I’ll call her at home, ask her what she’s doing and she’ll sheepishly tell me she’s lurking on the boards. Isn’t that one of the stages to acceptance …guilt…no maybe that’s something else. Anyway, I’m sure she’ll soon be a rabid Diser just like the rest of us.
FOOD PREFRENCES: pretty basic, like me, but also willing to try new things . Has cooked for my Dad for many years so the DxDDP should allow her to experiment with some foods that she normally wouldn’t be able to make because my Dad is so picky.

My Dad(54), the aforementioned picky eater. He is even worse than me. When deciding on the restaurants for this trip we had to make sure that each place served chicken fingers as a fall back for my Dad. He does not like sauces, dips or dressing…that right folks, he eats his salad dry…can we now all say EWWWWW. He was the most reluctant in deciding to do the DxDDP for this trip as he was worried that all we would do is be running from restaurant to restaurant. I knew he was a true WDW lover though the day he brought home a huge flip board from work to plot our ADR’s (Thanks Dad). He will now be known as MICKEY.
FOOD PREFERENCES: …need I say more

My brother (22). He is graduating from the education program this year so this will be a celebration trip for him as well. Also, a lover of Disney he is a little more willing to just go with the flow…unfortunately he is going with a Diser who will not allow that to happen. He had little input into the ADR choices, only specifying that we head to WCC and Le Cellier. We managed to squeeze in his requests. He will now be referred to as DONALD.
FOOD PREFERENCES: Used to be quite picky (ie: wouldn’t eat rice unless it had ketchup on it) but since starting to date his girlfriend this year he has been more adventurous,. Now a lover of Sushi he is quite excited to try out Teppan Edo.

My brother’s girlfriend (18, soon to be 19). She has never been to WDW…I know I see shocked looks from everyone. We almost didn’t let her date my brother when we found this out but then she told us she would be willing to join us on this trip and see what all the fuss is about. In all honesty, she is probably more excited for this trip than anyone else. Since she hasn’t been to WDW we will of course regale her with a multitude of family photos and home videos of past trips to the world in the next few months…hopefully we don’t scare her away before the start of this trip. We’ll have to hold back and pretend we are normal for a little while. Nothing is more exciting than showing a Disney virgin why the world is so fabulous. From here on out she will be known as MULAN. FYI: it’s her birthday May 5th…one day short for the celebration promotion…just our luck.
FOOD PREFERENCES: anything but Chinese food, being that she grew up in a strict Chinese household we have been able to introduce her to fabulous North American dishes such as grilled cheese :rotfl2: (which she absolutely loves by the way). She will probably be the most adventurous one on this trip with Stitch coming in a close second (unless quantity can count as adventurous and then he will be the winner, hands down).

Wow, wordy, huh? Well, if you don’t like wordiness, sarcasm, or a multitude of pictures you should turn back now because this will not be the dining report for you. However, if you happen to enjoy these things then hold on tight ‘cause the adventure is about to begin!!

Up next my...i mean OUR:blush: ....plans for ADR's.

To skip the middle man and get to the juicy reviews click here for the page with the links to each restaurant
Well, 9 days to go until we make that dreaded call, the ADR's line. Having put aside a night a couple of weeks ago, myself, stitch, Mickey and Tink got together with the handy flip chart and made a tentative ADR calendar for our DxDDP choices. Being that the park hours are not up we decided to wing it and make an educated guess on which nights would be EMH's, Fantasmic nights, etc in order to maximize our time and minimize the crowds in each park. We are hoping, because it is early May that it will be relatively quiet in the parks those days and hopefully we will be able to get our ADR's as we would like them. Hope, hope, hope, fingers crossed, hope. Of course, being a good Diser, we also have a back up calendar in case all else fails. :thumbsup2

Now, our trip is actually 11 days so we had to split the stay into one room only night and 10 nights with the DxDDP. Our flight arrives into Orlando at 230pm on May the 6th and departs at 530 pm on May 17th. Here is our list of plans for the 11 days;

Wednesday, May 6th
Because we don't have park tickets this day and we are not on the DDP yet we only wanted small meal. Since we will be at DTD we'll probably head to Earl of Sandwich. We've never been there but the sandwiches look tasty and the prices are right. Following our sensible dinner we plan have an equally sensible dessert. Because we all love the Boardwalk we're going to head to Beaches and Cream for a modest dessert of the Kitchen Sink. We don't want to eat too much before we start the DxDDP. :rotfl: Stitch is already asking what everyone else will be having.

Thursday, May 7th
Tradition states that we spend the first day of our trip in MK and considering the limited TS places in MK this is what we have chosen.
Breakfast:CCrystal Palace- have been last trip and loved it
Lunch: The Plaza- new to all of us
Dinner: Tony's Town Square-new to all of us. We had to cancel our ADR's on the honeymoon because I was really sick so we wanted to make sure we got to eat here this trip

Friday, May 8th
MK/Epcot day
Breakfast- CRT-new to all of us. Tink is especially excited to eat inside the castle so even if the food is so-so the experience will be worth it. We already have our ADR for this.
Lunch: No lunch today. Probably use a snack credit if we're hungry. Maybe School bread in Norway, I can still remember how it tasted and it was over a year ago. I wish there was a smilie for 'drooling'
Dinner: LeCellier- Only new to the newbie. Our favorite restaurant in the past. We love hearing how they describe the provinces. Although we've never sat in the Manitoba section we sat right next to it last year and got to hear about our province from the server. It was a lot of fun.

Saturday, May 9th
Epcot day
Breakfast: Cape May-new to all of us.
Lunch: Sci Fi Diner- New to all but Stitch and myself. Okay food but great atmosphere. I can't wait to try the onion rings.
Dinner: Polynesian Luau Dinner Show- new to all of this. We loved Hoop Dee Doo in the past but we have heard many negative reviews of this show. Hopefully ours won't add to that list. Tink is really looking forward to this so hopefully it is good. On the positive side we love the Poly.

Sunday, May 10th Mother's Day

Epcot/DHS day
Breakfast: We hope to go to the Mother's day Brunch although it hasn't been announced yet. We've never been and reviews are fabulous for it.
Lunch: mmmm....too full
Dinner: Teppan Edo- new to all of us and very exciting for Donald and Mulan

Monday, May 11th

DHS day
Breakfast: Chef Mickey's-New to all of us. We already have this ADR booked as well but we had to separate our party into groups of 4 and 2. We got the same time though so hopefully they can put is together.
Lunch: 50's Prime Time- we've all been. Some love it more than others, we'll see what happens this time.
Dinner: Yachtman's Steakhouse-new to all of us.

Tuesday, May 12th
AK day
Breakfast: Donald's Safari Breakfast at Tusker House-new to us
Lunch: CS in AK, likely at Flame Tree BBQ- we've been and we love it.
Dinner:Raglan Road- new to all but myself and Stitch. We absolutely loved it on our honeymoon and I am drooling right now thinking of that bread pudding.

Wednesday, May 13th
Breakfast: None. Likely a snack in the am before we go mini golfing.
Lunch: WCC- we've all been. Loved it the first time, not so much the second. We've never been for lunch so we'll see how it goes.
Dinner: Narccoossee's- new to all of us and we're VERY excited:cool1:

Thursday, May 14th

Breakfast: Akershus Princess Breakfast-new to all of us. Mulan really wants to see some princesses. princess:
Lunch: snack credits
Dinner: Ohana's-We've all been but this is the first time for the new menu for Mickey, Tink and Donald. Stitch can't wait for this.

Friday, May 15th
Breakfast:none. Likely snack credits at POP
Lunch: ESPN-we've all been except for Stitch and Mulan. They don't take ADR's but we'll get there early enough that we won't have to worry about the wait. .
Dinner:Chefs De France- new to all of us.

Saturday, May 16th
Breakfast: 1900 Park Fare- we've all been and we love it. The character interaction is great here.
Lunch: snack credits. Do I hear 'Mickey Ears'? :mickeybar
Dinner: Liberty Tree Tavern- new to all but myself and Stitch although we went when it was still character dining.

Sunday, May 18th

Last day :sad:
Breakfast: Ohana's- new for breakfast for all of us. Stitch will get to meet his idol!!:stitch2:
Dinner: Orlando airport :sad: :sad:

Hopefully we'll be able to get these. We're flexible to a point on the times and we are willing to split our party in some places if we have to.

I plan on reviewing all of our meals and snack as well. I'll hopefully figure out how to link the update to this page for those you just want to read about the juicy stuff. I also plan ion having a TON of pics.

Up next: Do we get the ADR's???? Stay tuned to see!!:happytv:
Thanks for sharing your pre report. You have done a good job.

Here is my input.

Cape Maye is GREAT! We ate there last August. There was a great variety of food. Try the asparagus. I never thought I would eat asparagus for breakfast but it was awesome. Great character interaction. We went there especially for Chip and Dale for my DS. They are no longer there now. Donald is in their place from what I've read.

We did the laua in 2007 and enjoyed it. The message behind the show was family and memories. I think a lot of people miss the message behind the show and see it as entertainment only. The man at the end of the show with the fire stick is very good.

Tusker House is good as well. It did take a while for the characters to come around. O'hana's is my Ds's favorite because of Lilo and Stitch. The food is good. It's served family style. Don't be shy to ask for more. Chef Mickey's is our favorite. We ate dinner on arrival and breakfast for our departure. It's been our tradition now for the last 8 years.

Enjoy your trip and the memories. We head back down at the end of August. It may seem far away but it will be here before I know it.
Looks like a great trip and excellent dining choices!!!

The Plaza was new for us last trip and it's now a "must-do" lunch spot. I'm not a big french fry lover but they were excellent! A great club sandwich too.:goodvibes

Sci-Fi - One of the best burgers we've had at WDW, the other being ESPN Club.

Yachtsman, Narcoossee's & Raglan Road were all new to us on the last trip, all were great!:thumbsup2
Thanks for all your input. Yeah we are super excited to try some of the new places. I'm happy to hear a positive review for the luau. I often find that many things that get negative reviews on here I actually seem to like...maybe I ahev bad taste? No I really think it's because I'm just happy to be at Disney World. I always try to think 'Well, I could be at home working'...
I have to sign up for this one! You are going to be on vacation during my birthday.
Great choices! Can't wait to hear how everything turns out! You guys will be leaving on the day we arrive.
Great choices! Can't wait to hear how everything turns out! You guys will be leaving on the day we arrive.

We can wave at you through airport security. We'll be the ones whose clothes look way too tight... we'll also be the ones with really sad faces 'cause we're leaving the happiest place on earth!

great choices :thumbsup2

Thanks, 4 more days till I get to see if we get our ADR's/ I'm actually a little worried about the CP ressie on May 5th. Hopefully, we can get a good time.
Ahhh...we just called Disney and it looks like there is not going to be a Mother's Day Brunch this year. Now we have to change our ADR's because we have 2 extra points. We're thinking of The Wave for breakfast and then trying to get into the Brown Derby for a Fantasmic package. We'll see what happens but I;m not hopeful about the Fantasmic package. I guess we'll find out bright and early tomorrow morning!! Wish us luck!
Well, we made our ADR's this morning and we did okay. The only place we had a problem getting was Le Cellier's. Nothing for 6 on the night we wanted to go. We could have split up into 4 & 2 but we didn't want to do that so we did a bit of juggling on the phone and it worked out okay. I'll post what we ended up getting later on.
Well, the magical day finally arrived...no, not the start of our fabulous disney vacation...it was the 90 day mark and we could finally make our ADR's.

I had started with all of these plans to get up at the break of dawn, (well earlier since it's the middle of winter and the sun doesn't come up until 730am) so I could be sure that we got all of our precious dining times, but alas, life got in the way. Let's just say that Tink and I came to the decision to sleep a little later and we called about 2 hours after the dine line opened.

2 days before our ADR date Tink came down with a wicked ear infection :sick: that rendered her useless on the phone being that she could not press the phone to her ear, never mind actually hear out of it. Being that she is always the phone person I was now delegated this task...Can I mention that I hate talking on the phone? I know it's stupid, I do it all the time at work and it's no problem, but I have been like this forever and there is nothing I could do about it. I managed to survive somehow....

We also had a few minor changes right before our ADR date. Since the Mother's Day Brunch was not going to be offered this year :sad1: :sad2: we now had 2 extra points that we had to decide what to do with. Well, all of a sudden everyone is talking about doing a Fantasmic Dinner package!! What?!? After much rearranging we finally figured out how we could fit this in our schedule

So here they are, our confirmed ADR's; (I'll put the changes in red)

(As an FYI, the very first ADR we asked for was Le Cellier on May 8th and there were absolutely NO times available that night!! So, we did some last minute switches and it all worked out)

Wed, May 6th:

Dinner: Earl of Sandwich
Late night snack: Beaches & Cream

Thurs, May 7th:

Breakfast: Crystal Palace 805 am
Lunch: Liberty Tree Inn 105 pm
Dinner: Tony's Town Square 730 pm

Fri, May 8th:
Breakfast: CRT 920 am
Dinner: Chefs De France 6pm

Sat, May 9th:
Breakfast: Cape May 905am
Lunch: Sci Fi Diner 120pm
Dinner: Spirit of Aloha Dinner show 8pm

Sun, May 10th:
Breakfast: Princess Storybook Dining in Norway 8am
Dinner: Teppan Edo 530pm

Mon, May 11th:
Breakfast: Chef Mickey's 830am (we have to split our table into 4 & 2 for this ADR)
Lunch: 50's Prime Time 130pm
Dinner: Yachtman's Steakhoue 725pm

Tues, May 12th:

Breakast: Donald's Safari Breeakfast at Tusker House 825am
Dinner: Raglan Road 8pm

Wed, May13th:
Lunch: Whispering Canyon Cafe 1pm
Dinner: Narcoossees 8pm

Thurs May 14th:
Breakfast: Kona Cafe 905am
Dinner: Fantasmic Package @ The Brown Derby 450pm

Fri, May 15th:
Lunch: Espn (does not accept ADR's)
Dinner: Le Cellier 715pm

Sat, May 16th:
Breakfast: 1900 Park Fare 830am
Dinner: Ohana's 5pm

Sun, May 17th:
Breakfast: Ohana's 930am

Well, there they are!
Now all that's left is to eat all of that food!
I've already warned my family that they will have to take pictures of there food before they even think to eat it and I will be expecting a critique of each meal immediately afterward. Can't wait for 84 more days!! I hope to give you guys tons of pictures and reviews on all of these great restaurants and about our first time experience on the DxDDP. I also intend to do a breakdown of all the costs to see how much money we saved (or not) and how much we end up paying in tips (which are automatically charged for our party of 6).

Can't wait to have you follow along...see you soon!


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