08 WDW Marathon? Help me decide!


DIS Veteran
Jul 14, 2005
I did the 1/2 in 2003 and the full in 2005. I'm a VERY slow runner (and I use the word "runner" loosely). I have had 3 knee surgeries - 2 were scopes and 1 was a reconstruction. I did both races AFTER the surgeries. Well, fast-forward to today. I am overweight (I was during the other races, too) and feel I need to sign up for the race for several reasons. One of the biggies is that training for the race will force me to stay with an exercise program. My DH says I am crazy and will end up in a wheelchair or limping. He really doesn't want me to do it. Part of me realizes that perhaps my work schedule and home life (2 kids - DD6 and DS3) doesn't really allow for the necessary training. I still want to do it . . . but would love to be supported by DH. Should I do it despite potential knee problems (if I train properly and take it easy, it may not be an issue) and lack of DH support?

as someone who has a less than fully supportive DH, two kids (7) and (1), a crazy work schedule, recurring PF, and no possible way to get in enough training to really be good... I say GO FOR IT. I'm signed up for GOOFY. I know when the kids are in school I can get at least the bare minimum of training in and maybe more, so I'm just going to say I can do it, and I'm going to make it happen. I'm just going to try to carve out some time for what I want to do, because the pile of files on my desk and the laundry at home- they'll still be there waiting whether I run or not!

OK, I am coming off a high from completing the Minnie 15k and having a fabulous time. And having completed the half and the full yourself, you have a much better sense of you know, reality. :rotfl:

Good luck deciding. I think you just want someone to tell you to do it, so I thought I'd help you out. (and yes, more support from DHs would be great- I'm seriously considering hiring a babysitter for my long runs towards the end- either he'll be humiliated and watch the kids or the sitter will watch them- either way, I can run!)

As far as the knees, yours made it for the full! I did have horrible PF when I tried running a few years ago. I'm now back to running, and the second I feel any pain, I slow down. So far I haven't felt any PF coming back (although I get really paranoid when I'm sore!)

Jen in GA
I'm not one to talk, as I was recently informed that I realy shouldn't run, but if I have to......:rolleyes:

If you're worried about your knees, I'd do a run walk or a walk run. A little less pounding on those knees, so you can do mor marathons in teh future. ;)
I haven't had any type of surgeries and I'm still a very slow runner and I also use the word "runner" loosely. :earboy2:

As for the weight issue, I'm not one of those that can just go lose weight and exercise because it's the right thing to do to get healthy. No....I have to have a more concrete goal in sight. Signing up for the 1/2 last January gave me that goal. I had to train for it or I wouldn't have a chance of finishing. I wanted to quit several times because it was so darn hard but through the encouragement of my friends and the Dissers here, I stuck with it and finished. My husband was not opposed to me doing it but he really didn't encourage me either...at first. He knew that I never stuck to anything (athletic-wise) before so why should this event be any different. Toward the end of my training, he changed his tune somewhat and now he's in training for the 1/2 in '08. I think he was jealous of my Donald medal. ;) He rides in road bike races but they don't get a medal just for participating.

Back to the weight issue (sorry, for rambling , lol). I ended up losing ~33 pounds for the 1/2. Now, I'm signed up for the full next January. I need to lose at least another 30 pounds.....more would be better. I'm hoping that my training (that I'm starting to do now) will help me accomplish this goal. I must say, I do feel healthier now than I did a year ago. I just got back from a two week trip to Italy and I noticed that I didn't get as tired from all the walking and stair climbing as I have in the past. I even climbed up a church dome without breaking a sweat - quite an accomplishment for me!

As for you, I think you should go for it. Try to find someone (for free or otherwise) to help you with your kids so you can do proper training. For the encouragement, the folks here on the DIS boards are a great resource. Feel free to PM me. I'll send you some doses of encouragement, kick in the pants, a shoulder to cry on whenever you need it. :thumbsup2 :hug:

Good luck with your decision. Don't forget - the Mickey medal this next year is a special "secret" medal....just another reason to do the full! :cheer2:
All I would be concerned of would be what the doc says. If you've not been doing anything you need to communicate with your doc. If you are cleared, then you get to training. You know you can do it. It would be nice to have the at-home support, but you've got to take the steps for you, whatever they are, in order to be whole for those around you.

Good luck in your decision. I hope you make it soon so you are not closed out of the event if you decide this is for you.

At any rate, train with the weekly walkers/runners. It is a great group!
Thanks to everyone for their words of wisdom and support. Although I have not yet been able to make a final decision, I'm leaning towards it - but I also want to be realistic in my availability to train correctly.
At any rate, train with the weekly walkers/runners. It is a great group!
Can you supply the link to this threaad? I'd certainly be interested!


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