“It’s for your safety.”

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Maybe people don’t, but if a Disney employee knocked on someone’s door to check the room they could just go to the front desk to ask about it.
Yeah..you'd have to get rid of the person doing the knocking in order to do that though. That's why some people have brought up calling the police or the front desk, etc. But in a grander point Disney should be notifying guests not guests having to go search for answers.

This turned into an issue of not being able to nap, to being a woman nervous about being assaulted, to what if I’m having sex or going to the bathroom or have a migraine or whatever. Not sure why everyone on here thinks they should be exempt from this for whatever reason...it’s literally as simple as answering the door and stepping into the hallway!
Well I wouldn't say it's as simple. I mean yes the act of opening a door is very simple but the activity one may be doing at the time of the knock is what has usually brought on the discussion not the physical aspect of opening the door.

I’d rather have a minor inconvience in my day than something like what happened in LV.
Vegas did have housekeeping. It won't actually prevent someone from doing something. It's as easy as saying "welp there was my daily security check or I see housekeeping came today already let's set up shop".
The security policy is directly related to whether or not your party gets housekeeping. If you do get housekeeping, you're not going to be affected any differently.

Good to know.

I know half of us are opting out, but I'll let them know this info so they can decide for themselves.
Yes that can happen but at least at that point it's on the guest no? Otherwise if Disney failed to notify guests of this change it's on them. The PP said "just ask for a copy" well you have to be aware of a change in policy and that you should have documents given to you in order to even ask for a copy should one not have been previously provided to you.

If it is in printed material, they give you, they HAVE provided the information. If you don’t read the material, that is in no way their fault.
Yeah..you'd have to get rid of the person doing the knocking in order to do that though. That's why some people have brought up calling the police or the front desk, etc. But in a grander point Disney should be notifying guests not guests having to go search for answers.

Well I wouldn't say it's as simple. I mean yes the act of opening a door is very simple but the activity one may be doing at the time of the knock is what has usually brought on the discussion not the physical aspect of opening the door.

Vegas did have housekeeping. It won't actually prevent someone from doing something. It's as easy as saying "welp there was my daily security check or I see housekeeping came today already let's set up shop".
He had a do not disturb sign on his door for several days. There is conflicting information regarding if anyone had actually entered his room.
I want to thank everyone for the kind words. Yes, I was scared, and no, I don’t frighten easily. I am thinking it was the fact that I was startled from sleep in addition to the attitude the man presented. I remained out of my room until my family returned at about 8:30 (this happened at about 5). This is what is really bothering me- I was uncomfortable returning to my hotel room alone because of this. That is not acceptable.

Again, I thank all for the support and hope the information helps someone else avoid a similar situation.
As the father of a teen-age daughter this does bother me A LOT. I have a child who needs 3 alarm clocks to get up for school in the morning. She sleeps like the dead. She would not wake up to something like a check and I don't want a single man alone entering her room. That simple, I asked one of our attorneys why they are doing this. His reply was they are probably trying to cover themselves legally in case their is ever a Vegas style attack. Contrary to what the gentleman who was a hotel manager said the attorney told me that Justice gets hundreds of complaints every year about hotels doing crap like this and it is a very thin line between security and accidentally breaking the law.
If it is in printed material, they give you, they HAVE provided the information. If you don’t read the material, that is in no way their fault.
Yeah..I'm not sure what you're meaning because that's what I said...perhaps you misread my comment or my comment was confusing (if it was confusing apologies on that)

~If they provided the material 100% of the time it's on the guest if they failed to read all the information.

~If they didn't provide the material 100% of the time it's on Disney. How is a guest supposed to know what they were not advised of.
So it turns out the actual “room occupied” sign that’s in each room now has the information about them being able to enter right on it.
It only says they reserve the right to. "Reserve the right to" and "will do" if you decline housekeeping are two different things.

The sign does not say "if you decline housekeeping we will enter your room for a security check".

And "reserve the right to" is very common language used for places but does not actually say we will with certainty do this or do that.
It only says they reserve the right to. "Reserve the right to" and "will do" if you decline housekeeping are two different things.

The sign does not say "if you decline housekeeping we will enter your room for a security check".

And "reserve the right to" is very common language used for places but does not actually say we will with certainty do this or do that.
Or you can just assume that it will happen and save yourself the worrying.
He had a do not disturb sign on his door for several days. There is conflicting information regarding if anyone had actually entered his room.
The information I've read and what's been spouted by many posters is he had interactions with staff and had housekeeping.

One source said he had housekeeping or interacted with staff at least 10 times. What I think isn't known is if someone entered his room the day of the attack. The attack by the way occurred at night. No security check or housekeeping is happening at night. It really is as easy as seeing housekeeping came or that you've already had your security check for the day and setting up. Attacks don't just happen during the hours of 8am to whatever time (as guests have been advised they can schedule their check {scheduling defeats the purpose} but the times given seem to vary between resorts and/or staff).
The information I've read and what's been spouted by many posters is he had interactions with staff and had housekeeping.

One source said he had housekeeping or interacted with staff at least 10 times. What I think isn't known is if someone entered his room the day of the attack. The attack by the way occurred at night. No security check or housekeeping is happening at night. It really is as easy as seeing housekeeping came or that you've already had your security check for the day and setting up. Attacks don't just happen during the hours of 8am to whatever time (as guests have been advised they can schedule their check {scheduling defeats the purpose} but the times given seem to vary between resorts and/or staff).
Interactions with housekeeping can be as simple as seeing them in the hall. You say you've read he had housekeeping in the room. And I've read he didn't. I think we all know how reliable things read on the Internet are.
The fact does remain he could have had housekeeping and could have still had the weapons in the room and stored away.
You are correct in that a security check would have likely NOT prevented his attack. We don't know one way or another as no one know exactly how he had things in that room as no one here was in that room before hand. Nor was anyone else, no matter what folks say online.
But, hotels do feel they need to do something. An eyes on check of every room is something. It's about all they can do. Or do you have a better suggestion.
Clearly, there is a better way to do an eyes on check of every room, there is no question there. But I'm not going to blame them for wanting to do one. Now they need to figure out the right way to get it done.
People talk about a situation possibly happening when a stranger comes to your door, but it actually happened to my friend. The guys were dressed like cops, pushed past her, tied up the people in the house and robbed them. In a decent neighborhood, during the day.
The last time cops came unexpectedly to my door, I refused to open, and I called the precinct to see if he was legit.
If “security” come to my door in Disney, they better have a way to verify their authority, or I’m calling the police. Bang all you want, yell all you want. I’m unimpressed.
I’d rather have a minor inconvience in my day than something like what happened in LV.
I think it’s easy to dismiss these things as annoying until it happens to you. Disney is huge and services tons of people, how do we know what goes on behind the scenes? Yes I agree they should establish a protocol for doing these checks and make sure people aren’t frightened but to jump to a million different issues like migraines and nap schedules and I’ll call 911 if an employee tries to come into my room...geez.

Agreeing to “minor inconveniences” in the name of safety from the infinitesimally small likelihood of something like a mass shooting is precisely the beginning of the slippery slope to more and more “inconveniences” up to and including actual loss of rights.

There really aren’t a million different issues at play here, there is one: the fact that people who say they don’t want to be disturbed should not be disturbed. Wait an hour, send a text, check who is actually booked into the room and use your brain to see if there is a likelihood of them being a true security risk. There is ZERO NEED for this new policy much less the way it is being implemented. This will stop ZERO attacks and could instead endanger guests or at the very least negatively affect their stay.

Yeah, it’s easy to dismiss something like an assault as an inconvenience until it happens to you. Which do you think is more likely - that Disney will stop a mass shooting or that some Disney employee (or even non-employee who gets wind of this policy) will take advantage of this new protocol? Heck, even if every single person is safe as houses, that doesn’t excuse having a policy that is GUARANTEED to cause issues for hotel guests either mentally or physically.
What you all are presenting could have been happening all along, even without this change. The fact that there aren't men roaming Disney resorts attacking women tells me this is simply not something to worry myself about. Not in the past and not now. This new policy has no bearing on it. There are issues with the policy and it disturbing people resting but people (mainly women seems to be of concern here) is just not one. I think trying to wrap this up with #metoo is really ridiculous.

You have a right to your opinion and I have a right to feel the way I do. There's no reason to call someone really ridiculous just because you don't share their concerns. Am I freaked out about this? NO. But as I stated, the situation described by the OP would make me very uncomfortable and makes Disney appear very out of touch with current society. Like it or not, companies are getting in hot water left and right for less than this.
Personally I wouldn’t like this treatment even if it was a female security person. For me it’s more about the unwelcomed intrusion into my room at a time when I expect to be resting, showering after pool, enjoying some down time, or worse sick in bed, and not being disturbed by someone demanding I ( get dressed and) admit them into the room.

Right, Sue M!!! WHY should we even have to have a reason to be in our hotel room????
It's our vacation. You shouldn't have to say, "I'm napping, or showering, or whatever". A vacation, to me, is to relax and have a good time doing what you want to when you want to do it, and not having to submit to nonsense "security" checks.
There are basic expectations that go with going on a vacation, for heavens sake!
It doesn't matter WHY you are in your room.
We have our trip set and is coming up in 4 weeks. If we had not, I would have cancelled and possibly stayed off site in a nice, cheaper condo without having to jump through these ridiculous hoops.
I'm personally getting tired of all these ridiculous changes and upcharges that have been coming almost weekly from Disney. This could be the straw that breaks the camels back for us, sadly.
Maybe people don’t, but if a Disney employee knocked on someone’s door to check the room they could just go to the front desk to ask about it.
This turned into an issue of not being able to nap, to being a woman nervous about being assaulted, to what if I’m having sex or going to the bathroom or have a migraine or whatever. Not sure why everyone on here thinks they should be exempt from this for whatever reason...it’s literally as simple as answering the door and stepping into the hallway!
I’d rather have a minor inconvience in my day than something like what happened in LV.
I think it’s easy to dismiss these things as annoying until it happens to you. Disney is huge and services tons of people, how do we know what goes on behind the scenes? Yes I agree they should establish a protocol for doing these checks and make sure people aren’t frightened but to jump to a million different issues like migraines and nap schedules and I’ll call 911 if an employee tries to come into my room...geez.

This policy would not have prevented what happened in LV. Housekeeping had actually been in that guy's room. This policy actually won't prevent a whole lot. It's a smokescreen of security showmanship.
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