“It’s for your safety.”

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All of this, a hundred times. The fact that anyone is going around spouting off about hotel rights and how “they will get in” like some Little Napoleon and telling women that they need to calm down, is borderline offensive. This is the age of #metoo, and we’ll see how many rights the hotel has when women start speaking up - AS THEY SHOULD! - and objecting to this kind of behavior.

NORMALIZING these actions is exactly what leads to the erosion of not only civilized interactions but actual constitutional rights. Giving up my sense of personal security in order to allow a facade of hotel security? Yeah, that makes a looooot of sense...
How did them being abrasive about doing a security check turn into a concern about sexual assault?
Not saying they can’t be polite about having to check someone’s room but I think you’re being quick to bring the issue of sexual harassment/assault into this.
How did them being abrasive about doing a security check turn into a concern about sexual assault?
Not saying they can’t be polite about having to check someone’s room but I think you’re being quick to bring the issue of sexual harassment/assault into this.

As a single woman who will be doing my first solo trip later this year, this would absolutely be something that would make me uncomfortable and I think it's a very valid concern. How do I know if the brute showing up and demanding to come into my room is actually with Disney? It's kind of mind boggling that Disney decided this was a good idea in the age of the "me too" movement. Makes them seem very out of touch with society.
To the Hotel GM who thinks certain lawsuits are unwinnable for guests,

Google Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants from the 1990s.

Accepting this sort of treatment now will lead to even worse treatment and abuses in the future. This could be a moment in history that will be known as the Hotels Munich agreement if this is allowed to become the norm. Bad people will always find a way to do bad stuff. What's next? Strip searches at the hotel entrance gates?
How did them being abrasive about doing a security check turn into a concern about sexual assault?
Not saying they can’t be polite about having to check someone’s room but I think you’re being quick to bring the issue of sexual harassment/assault into this.

I have two teenage daughters. This is the very first thing that pops into my mind in this situation. Sexual predators are not always stupid. Many are very smart and can use this sort of stuff to their advantage.
i think it's valid for a woman to be cautious about who they let in their room. It's easy to get any kind of fake ID and the more this is publicized, any creep can see that people at Disney will open their hotel room doors when a man bangs on it long enough. And anyone can get on Disney property. You are allowed to visit a resort, have dinner. Or take a bus from Disney Springs to a resort. Oh, and what about Disney Springs?? Still no security there.
Wow talk about out of touch. Security measures that Disney is taking turning into sexual assault. If this turns into something where people are entering Disney resorts to pose as employees so they can sexually assault people then Disney needs to hire an armed security force to patrol their property.
I started traveling internationally when I was 19. I lived in a developing country for two years. Yes I needed to be careful but I can’t believe how scared everyone is now.
I have a daughter too and I’ll teach her to be smart but I’m not going to teach her to be scared of everything.
You know what makes me feel like people are out of touch? When my six year old has to learn at school how to hide under her desk in case of an intruder, when school shootings become the norm, and then when establishments increase security measures and people complain about it.
Wow talk about out of touch. Security measures that Disney is taking turning into sexual assault. If this turns into something where people are entering Disney resorts to pose as employees so they can sexually assault people then Disney needs to hire an armed security force to patrol their property.
I started traveling internationally when I was 19. I lived in a developing country for two years. Yes I needed to be careful but I can’t believe how scared everyone is now.
I have a daughter too and I’ll teach her to be smart but I’m not going to teach her to be scared of everything.

I do not consider myself "scared of everything," nor "out of touch" for not liking the way Disney is currently conducting their security measures. I spent over a decade in the law enforcement field and have been victim of sexual assault when I was younger. I consider myself very AWARE of what possibilities for harm are out there. Not paranoid, but smartly aware. That does not make me out of touch. So yeah, I don't feel comfortable if security will push past me if I open the door to check my room, male or female, but especially male. For me, this change does not instill fear. Instead, it would be in the back of my head that someone can show up at any time and want to come in. Therefore, I would never fully relax if me or my family are not dressed, toileting, showering, sleeping, engaging in sexual activity, etc. Some of us are not complaining that security measures are being increased, but the methods being utilized.
Someone on another thread had what I thought was a really good suggestion when confronted with this situation. She, being alone, simply stood by the open door while security did their quick check. She had an escape route, if needed, and therefore felt quite safe.
I was going to say the same thing. Obviously if I was in my room alone and someone came knocking, I’d walk out and go to the front desk to confirm. I wouldn’t go get back under the covers.
I do not consider myself "scared of everything," nor "out of touch" for not liking the way Disney is currently conducting their security measures. I spent over a decade in the law enforcement field and have been victim of sexual assault when I was younger. I consider myself very AWARE of what possibilities for harm are out there. Not paranoid, but smartly aware. That does not make me out of touch. So yeah, I don't feel comfortable if security will push past me if I open the door to check my room, male or female, but especially male. For me, this change does not instill fear. Instead, it would be in the back of my head that someone can show up at any time and want to come in. Therefore, I would never fully relax if me or my family are not dressed, toileting, showering, sleeping, engaging in sexual activity, etc. Some of us are not complaining that security measures are being increased, but the methods being utilized.

I agree! Well said!
I'm really hoping this is better implemented by our trip in June. I'm wondering if one could ask for the direct phone number to the front desk upon check in, so it's quick and easy to call down and verify that it's actually security when they knock on the door.
I'm really hoping this is better implemented by our trip in June. I'm wondering if one could ask for the direct phone number to the front desk upon check in, so it's quick and easy to call down and verify that it's actually security when they knock on the door.

I'd like to know, too. They may not admit at the front desk that you get a call center when you dial from your room. Also, last year we were trying to call housekeeping as our room was not made up by late afternoon. We pressed housekeeping on our phone and sat on hold for at least 10 minutes each time we tried. DH just tracked down a housekeeper. So not sure we'd get a quick enough response from them anyway if we called.
I'd like to know, too. They may not admit at the front desk that you get a call center when you dial from your room. Also, last year we were trying to call housekeeping as our room was not made up by late afternoon. We pressed housekeeping on our phone and sat on hold for at least 10 minutes each time we tried. DH just tracked down a housekeeper. So not sure we'd get a quick enough response from them anyway if we called.

They probably won't admit it but that's the point where I would ask for a manager.
I have a daughter too and I’ll teach her to be smart but I’m not going to teach her to be scared of everything.

I don't think anyone was advocating being constantly paralyzed by the fear of getting sexually assaulted at Disney. However, it is a real concern for women anywhere they travel to. I don't think the concern about a male stranger entering a lone female's room uninvited is unreasonable. You can teach a 110lb 14 year-old to be really smart, but all the brains in the world can rarely overcome physiology differences between male and females once the sheets have hit the fan.

then when establishments increase security measures and people complain about it.

Someone already said it, this is nothing more than "security theater." This decision was obviously made by people that are extremely out of touch with the facts of the current threat assessments. If Disney really wanted to make a security difference then they would hire an off-duty Orange County deputy to be at every resort 24 hours a day. This is a situation of "what can we do to make it look like we are serious about security for the least amount of $ possible."
I'm really hoping this is better implemented by our trip in June. I'm wondering if one could ask for the direct phone number to the front desk upon check in, so it's quick and easy to call down and verify that it's actually security when they knock on the door.

Your best bet would be to skip contacting the Front Desk and call Security directly. The Front Desk would have no idea if Security was really at your door, Security will.
I empathize with the original poster. I hope and have faith that they'll have this adjusted and worked out soon. Personally, this would be almost a deal breaker for my cash stays at WDW, and a big push in the direction of staying at a different resort off property.

It's completely understandable that they check the room every 24 hours, but their tone in execution and lack of awareness of guest experience is completely off. When I stay at Disney, it's for two reasons 1. rest during day and 2. level of guest service. If Disney is having their guests jump through hoops to have a peaceful mid-afternoon rest, then it defeats the purpose for me.
Your best bet would be to skip contacting the Front Desk and call Security directly. The Front Desk would have no idea if Security was really at your door, Security will.

Would that be a number they could give me at the front desk or is there a button on the phone that would actually go there (I've never noticed)?
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