“Dreams Come True Momma!” A 2 year old’s first trip ~ May 2015~Complete {NEW TR LINK!}

What a wonderful installment! It was truly magical to read about how Little Miss was literally quite enchanted at BOG and WDW in general! I have to agree with you that it was truly a magical day that you will always remember. I just love it when kids share their wonderment.
::yes:: What made the moment better though was that this was more than just pure wonderment. This was a moment of absolute gratitude on TOP of the wonderment. To have such a profound moment from a 2 year old just about blew me away.

I think you try to go back to back to see Stitch for a meet and greet.

Oh dear, that was just so so so sweet! It's the type of response that every parent hopes their child to have while at WDW. Very magical :)
Not sure that its a moment that will ever be topped.

I still can't figure out the secret as to how the food at BOG magically appears at your selected table.
I can tell you if you want.

When we were there in June, we used the pre-order option and I was just baffled when the hostess said to select a seat anywhere. We chose the West Wing and literally in 5 minutes, our food appeared :confused3:thumbsup2:wizard:
Nice! :thumbsup2

Hence prompting the parental unit to move Heaven and Earth to make it happen.
Actually it was more good timing and luck on her part than anything else. The day she brought it up it was late in the afternoon the day that ADRs for Lunch and breakfast became an option. I was fully prepared to tell her it couldn't happen.

::yes:: I love the pre-ordering.
Just walk in, sit down... and a few seconds later, you're eating.
We for sure are going to try it next time we go.

Then again, I've never seen this room.
Not much to it but it is cute. THe suits of armor talk to each other and snore.

Why? I prefer the Rose room. Or did you think Little Miss might be scared?
A few reasons, We didn't fancy eating our meal while thunder was striking every few minutes. and 2 as a girl who grew up in love with all things Beauty and the Beast I always dreamed of being in that ballroom. They executed it so well it really feels like you are sitting in the movie.

That looks good. Was it?
It wasn't bad. I feel like I remember DH's braised dish being a tad better. THe sandwich was just missing a little something.

I recognize that!
Who's what that? Yours? Or DH's?
I had the sandwhich, DH had the braised pork.

Breathed a sigh of relief there I'm betting.
::yes:: I was kicking myself when I realised it. The cupcakes were the main reason we went! :rotfl:

Did you guys see it change?


OMG. Double Awww!!!
::yes:: No better thank you to be had!

To see Jasmine and Aladdin.

hanks for the well wishes for my recovery, I'm plugging along. Hope you're doing better too.

Nice update, I loved our Dinner that we had at BOG. I really wanted to try that Pork but I couldn't resist the Shrimp and scallops dish that they have at dinner. How was the pork? Love that Strawberry cupcake too.
I remember the pork being pretty good. I know we thought it was a tad better than the sandwich.

Such a sweet moment with your Little Miss with her Dreams come True, I agree, it makes it all worth it.

Too bad you couldn't get a pic or video of Your DH and Little Miss dancing.
It was truly a special moment! :wizard:
Aaak I missed an update and a chance to score points!?!
:rotfl2: Well seeing as I originally intended to post this update a week ago.... :scratchin

Yum, BoG! I always think that I could do without this meal then I go there and realize how good it is and I'm always happy that I make ADRs for this, even for breakfast and lunch.
That is really sweet what Little Miss said! Awwww...how cute that she was dancing with DH. What happy moments in Beast's castle!
It really was the absolute highlight of the trip.

My guess is you're going to go meet Stitch since you missed him the day before. :)
Frozen Tomorrowland Fun! (5/14/15 Part 3)

So after we left Be Our Guest, we noticed it was close to the time that we had seen Stitch out the day before so we made our way over there in hopes of catching him today before his line closed. We made it over just in time and ended up 4th or 5th in line.











We had big fun with Stitch. He loved that he had a special spot to sign in Little Miss’s Autograph book. He also took Little Miss’s Sunglasses and was playing with them. It was a wonderful meet and greet.

After our meet with Stitch we had FPs for over at Buzz Light year. I’d like to be able to say that I won, but it really wasn’t even a contest. I’ll simply blame my score on Little Miss getting a bit Spin happy in the wrong parts. :rotfl:



After our spin on Buzz Lightyear, we hopped over to where else… The Peoplemover!!!!



After getting off one of my most favorite rides ever, we left Tomorrowland for our next FP. On our way over to Fantasyland we came across the Move It Shake It parade (or whatever they are calling it these days:confused3) we had fun dancing our way through the crowd. DH got some video of it. I'll save you from having to watch it. :rotfl::rotfl2::lmao:Between the shake factor as he was handling the stroller at the same time and the whole thing is shot from behind its not the best video of the trip.

Soon we had found our way to the Meet and Greet for Anna and Elsa and we were scanning our bands. First up was Anna. Little Miss seemed rather excited and ran right up to Anna and then proceeded to go past her to the curtain. :rolleyes2 Anna was the one to quickly find out that Little Miss was trying to play peek-a-boo. Little Miss was thrilled to pieces when Anna played with her. It also made for some great shots.











After Anna came our Elsa meet. I had thought that maybe since Little Miss was dressing in her Elsa shirt this time that we might be a bit of a better interaction with Elsa.









Unfortunately, we just found that Elsa’s aloof unwillingness to do much of anything but stand and pose for the shot made Little Miss disinterested in the meet and greet. Anna is a much better meet by far. Elsa is just too caught up in the Love and Shove for a good interaction with her. That said, I am glad that I ended up keeping both sets of FPs to meet them Little Miss’s time with Anna each time was priceless.

***Bonus Time!***

What classic attraction do Little MIss and DH go on without me?

Trip Report Game Points

@mdsouth : 11pts, Stitch, lightening round bonus, 1st correct answer

@chunkymonkey : 10 points, lightening round bonus,


annie170 – 67

Afwdwfan – 55

Chunkymonkey – 54

Pkondz – 47

Dugette – 43

Cajunfan – 35

BlvInMagic – 33

Mdsouth – 26

Princessesandpascal – 19

NJLauren - 19

Vleeth – 15

BibbitybobityLu – 11

Kadrachb – 8

LovesTheMouse – 6

ashw100 – 5

Jasperann - 2pts
Oh my gosh! Little Miss telling you that "Dreams come true" had to just make every penny of that trip worthwhile! That is just the sweetest!

I really like BOG for lunch and would like to try it for breakfast next time. It's a great use of a counter service credit. I keep forgetting to ask, but were you on the Dining Plan?

I think they cast the aloof gals as Elsa. I've heard very few that are warm and friendly. Or maybe they're in character as ice queens!

I'll guess that your hubby and Little Miss rode the Carousel without you.
Oh my gosh! Little Miss telling you that "Dreams come true" had to just make every penny of that trip worthwhile! That is just the sweetest!
Isn't it though! I mean just how do you top that?

I really like BOG for lunch and would like to try it for breakfast next time. It's a great use of a counter service credit. I keep forgetting to ask, but were you on the Dining Plan?
Not this trip. We actually haven't ever used the dining plan before.

I think they cast the aloof gals as Elsa. I've heard very few that are warm and friendly. Or maybe they're in character as ice queens!
I think its supposed to be the attitude of the character. I'll never understand why though.

I'll guess that your hubby and Little Miss rode the Carousel without you.
What a sweet interaction with Anna.... Adorable! Such a bummer that Elsa continues to be just ultimate no-fun meet and greet. I hope the big wigs get around to seeing the many posts and comments and have her defrost a little for the kiddies sake. I mean, she was only a Ice Queen during the middle of the movie -- in the end she thaws, right :)

My guess for the next attraction stop is Dumbo!
Yes!!! Would love to know the secret behind the BOG food service magic.... do tell!
DH could give you a more technical answer but, Your Magicband has 2 types of RFID tech in it. 1 is a more limited range that needs to have physical contact with a reader to work. (I.E. when you have to touch a Mickey reader). The 2nd is a more long range that's kind of like a you are here sign. (What they use at BOG to find your table) Frankly I think the long range is under used. If they put up long range sensors up at the bus stops they would have more accurate knowledge about where they need to send buses (i.e. they would know that they need to send more mk buses to POR because the SOuth depot is packed and the bus hasn't made it over.)

What a sweet interaction with Anna.... Adorable! Such a bummer that Elsa continues to be just ultimate no-fun meet and greet. I hope the big wigs get around to seeing the many posts and comments and have her defrost a little for the kiddies sake. I mean, she was only a Ice Queen during the middle of the movie -- in the end she thaws, right :)
No kidding. Not to mention that Stand offish almost snobby additude is not one I want glorified to Little Miss. Although it does make for an easy decision for me as far as FPs for March go.

My guess for the next attraction stop is Dumbo!
WOW!!!!! That's just totally awesome! And you are so right -- the long range RFID would totally be beneficial if used for more Resort to Park bus transports. Thanks for the insight :thumbsup2
Another Lightning Round Update being thrown at you! Points for the bonus question from last round will go into a pot that will be an extra speed round bonus for the first to get a correct answer! The points will add up quickly so most everyone still has a shot at winning at this point.


Fantasyland Adventures (5/14/15 Part 4)

After our meet and Greet with Anna and Elsa we went to get out of the heat a little and went in and watched Mickey’s Philharmagic.


Little Miss loved this and had fun dancing in her seat. Afterwards we couldn’t leave the area without letting Little Miss take a ride on the Carousel of course!







After big fun was had we moved on to another classic attraction. This one I had to sit out.






After DH and Little Miss got off it became apparent that the heat plus attempting to watch them swirl around on the tea cups became too much for me and I needed to cool off quickly. In to Cosmic Rays we went. Little Miss and I grabbed a table and I sent DH up to the front to find me something cold and sweet. I was past the point of caring what it was.


DH was able to bring me back this and I believe something else (Fries maybe?) to hold us over for a while. After our bit of rest it was time for our next fast pass so we went on our way.


It was as we got to Main Street to head to our Parade FP spot that I realized that you can take the girl out of Marching Band but you can’t take the Marching Band out of the Girl. There were a few Marching bands preforming a pre parade -parade and without realizing it I found myself keeping pace with them and before I knew it, I had left DH in the dust. :rotfl2: Hehe… Oops! :blush:

Soon we found ourselves checked in and waiting for the Parade to start. It was while sitting here that I decided that next trip we would be adding an umbrella to our park bag. DH and I ended up getting roasted in this spot waiting for the parade.

I’ll leave off hear though because the parade itself is going to be an overload of pictures.

***Bonus Time***

How many pictures of the parade did we end up with?
Trip Report Game Points

No correct answers last round. Points added to the speed round Bonus Pot. First person with (Spot on) correct answer gets the pot plus normal points for the round!

Speed Round Bonus Pot*: 10 pts


annie170 – 67

Afwdwfan – 55

Chunkymonkey – 54

Pkondz – 47

Dugette – 43

Cajunfan – 35

BlvInMagic – 33

Mdsouth – 26

Princessesandpascal – 19

NJLauren - 19

Vleeth – 15

BibbitybobityLu – 11

Kadrachb – 8

LovesTheMouse – 6

ashw100 – 5

Jasperann - 2pts

207 pictures! And I like your idea of the MB telling them how many people are there...
So after we left Be Our Guest, we noticed it was close to the time that we had seen Stitch out the day before so we made our way over there in hopes of catching him today before his line closed.

Darn! I figured it was either Stitch or Aladdin. And since you'd tried so hard to see them before...
Oh, well.

Love that.
He's helping her put her glasses on again, isn't he?

I’d like to be able to say that I won, but it really wasn’t even a contest. I’ll simply blame my score on Little Miss getting a bit Spin happy in the wrong parts. :rotfl:

:laughing: You'll find that that excuse never gets old.

After our spin on Buzz Lightyear, we hopped over to where else… The Peoplemover!!!!

Well of course. It's right there!

Between the shake factor as he was handling the stroller at the same time and the whole thing is shot from behind its not the best video of the trip.

No, no, no. That's called "artistic".

Little Miss seemed rather excited and ran right up to Anna and then proceeded to go past her to the curtain. :rolleyes2 Anna was the one to quickly find out that Little Miss was trying to play peek-a-boo.

No way! Did she do that without any prompting?
Did she see someone else do it?

Love this one.

I see you got the drunken Anna.

Unfortunately, we just found that Elsa’s aloof unwillingness to do much of anything but stand and pose for the shot made Little Miss disinterested in the meet and greet.

Everyone seems to say this about her.
I'm pretty sure that must be her characteristic.

What classic attraction do Little MIss and DH go on without me?


Afterwards we couldn’t leave the area without letting Little Miss take a ride on the Carousel of course!

Kids love that.
I know mine did.

After big fun was had we moved on to another classic attraction. This one I had to sit out.

:sad2: I really did think Teacups.
I thought "What attraction would I sit out, given a choice."
My first thought was Teacups. Then I thought IASW but didn't think you'd sit that out. So Teacups made sense.

Shoot. Gotta be faster!

After DH and Little Miss got off it became apparent that the heat plus attempting to watch them swirl around on the tea cups became too much for me and I needed to cool off quickly.

Were you okay?

Gorgeous shot!

It was as we got to Main Street to head to our Parade FP spot that I realized that you can take the girl out of Marching Band but you can’t take the Marching Band out of the Girl. There were a few Marching bands preforming a pre parade -parade and without realizing it I found myself keeping pace with them and before I knew it, I had left DH in the dust. :rotfl2: Hehe… Oops! :blush:

:lmao: "Mom! Mom! Daddy? Where's Mommy going??"

It was while sitting here that I decided that next trip we would be adding an umbrella to our park bag. DH and I ended up getting roasted in this spot waiting for the parade.

Good idea. I'm surprised I've never heard anyone mention this before.

How many pictures of the parade did we end up with?

I'll go with over 300.
ETA oops! I see 332 was picked so to be more specific, I'll pick 350.
I'll go with 99 pictures!!

That's so funny that you were keeping up with the marching band!
I find the FoF parade is at the hottest time of day. Definitely an umbrella would be preferable or sitting in the shade somewhere (of which there is very few for that parade with a good view as I found out).


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