£1 Gets You $2


DIS Veteran
Aug 26, 1999
Well not yet but you might just want to hold on a bit before you buy.

STERLING will hit $2 within weeks, analysts say, following the dollar’s renewed slide and aggressive buying of the pound by Asian central banks.
The pound’s rise against the dollar, which has been greeted with alarm by exporters, is unlikely to stop the Bank of England from raising interest rates from 3.75%, probably as early as next month.

Analysis by ABN Amro shows that a 6% rise in the dollar-sterling rate leads to only a 1% increase in the pound’s overall trade-weighted index. For similar reasons, the European Central Bank is unlikely to cut interest rates in response to the euro’s rise against the dollar.

Sterling has sailed through $1.80 and in the past week or so “is in a new ballpark”, said Tony Norfield, ABN Amro’s global head of currency research. The dollar’s slide was exacerbated by figures on Friday showing non-farm employment in America rose by only 1,000 last month, rather than the expected 130,000.

The pound has risen by nearly 20 cents to $1.85 in the past two months, as currency dealers have sold the dollar. It last hit $2, briefly, in September 1992. In January 1985, it almost dropped to $1. A survey by Ideaglobal.com shows a median expectation among analysts that the pound will rise to $1.95, but many expect it to top $2.

jj........... :earseek:
Thats good news for us holiday makers to USA. Im going to hold off for a wee while longer.

$2 to £1 would be simply wonderful - cheaper holidays and less mental arithmetic! Only wish I was in a position to buy a villa at the moment as property prices will be terrific value for money.


Guess I'm on the other side of the coin (pardon the pun) as we're planning a trip to London in August. Guess by these posts, I should not buy any currency yet - eh?

jj - wonder if it's worth banking a few $$$ once it gets over the 1:2 mark?
Hi TZMOM:wave2:

It certainly wouldn't be worth buying any ££ at the moment:eek:
The exchange rate suspense is killing me! I was going to pay off all our Disney & Unviersal room rates for April today as the exchange rate is so good (instead of paying them upon arrival) (incase the rate drops) but iif it looks like it might hit $2 to £1 I might hold on for a few more days/weeks! I'll be keeping a very close eye on it ;)

Richard :)
Bad for us! Booh! :(

No doubt FL is going to be crawling with Brits this Spring. ;)
The rate is dropping:(

Does anyone think it might go back up or is it BUY BUY BUY!:confused:
interbank rate is up again ( 1.8000 ) on comments from European bankers that they don't plan any action to slow the Euro's strength. As I said before Thursay could be a busy day depanding on the ECB and bank of England interest rate policy meetings :D
I jumped yesterday and bought all our currency from http://www.travelex.co.uk/default.asp before they changed their rates at 13:00..... couldn't take the tension any more!

I managed to get an on-line rate of 1.76, when I called their home delivery service they were only offering 1.73 :eek: The only downside from on-line buying is having to pop along to your nearest airport to pick the currency up...


Sterling makes it to 1.8100 interbank rate, IMHO you'll get a better rate tomorrow that today for anyone wanting to change in the near future
kicking myself now! Oh well, to be positive at least I got a better rate than usual @ 1.76....... and to look on the bright side, I have to buy theme park tickets yet :D
£ interbank rate hits 1.8475 as house prices show continuing high rate of increase. This puts more pressure on the Bank of england to increase interests rates ( to cool housing demand) but it may strengthen the £ on the exchange rate further.
I have resigned myself to waiting for the next MPC meeting on 5 February to see if base rate goes up. Looking at the minutes of the last meeting, it seems they are trying to balance the impact of the weak dollar on exports against the concerns over growing consumer debt in the UK.

I would love to get 1.9 US to the £, but suspect I might lose my bottle and jump before then - still only two more weeks to the next decision by the Bank of England.
Marks and Spencer are £1 / $1.78 today commission free & no cash advance fee if you use your M&S card.



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