Poly Tower Speculation

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Guides and sales people have been pretty consistent in saying they had no info in all my trips since announced.

With today’s answer, they should have no qualms about sharing its the same. But I’m emailing my guide tomorrow as well.
Agree they should be accurate with these details after today.

Over the last few months, people have posted guides saying two different things. Some on both sides. Most seemed to have been honest saying it wasn’t disclosed, but there were some who gave the wrong impression and hinted the decision.

You have enough business with your guide that he/she should be honest and accurate with the details.
Guides and sales people have been pretty consistent in saying they had no info in all my trips since announced.

With today’s answer, they should have no qualms about sharing its the same. But I’m emailing my guide tomorrow as well.
Yes, please!

I’m still not convinced that being “part of the Polynesian Resort” is the same as being part of the PVB Condominium Association.
I totally hear what you’re say and I accept that it’s the same association (although I still they think they’re being slightly evasive and should have been more forceful with their wording if they were going to announce it anyway, leaving no room for any argument) but I what I struggle to understand is DVD is going to sell millions of points anyway, resale restrictions or not, so why not? I see how we PVB owners benefit, how does DVD benefit?

Come next year they could have had 3 actively selling resorts with restrictions eliminating the choice of any unrestricted options. That just seems more logical for DVD. If they’re worried resale restrictions will hurt their sales then why not just remove them all together? Especially since they had pretty solid reasons for going the way of a new association and adding restrictions.

Their logic is all over the place or there’s something I’m just not seeing, very likely the latter.
I agree they’re all over the place with the restrictions, but I think that could change if poly2 proves to sell far faster than riviera. We may end up seeing a complete elimination of restrictions if it proves to be bad business long term by hurting the DVC brand. Hurting the brand is not something Disney wants to do right now as they continue to push the expansion of DVC (timeshares).

As far as poly2 is concerned, I think most people oversimplified their logic around why this would be a new association - ie. it’s a “new build” hotel like riviera and VDH, therefore it must be a new association with restrictions. This thinking fails to acknowledge the numerous other variables that strongly supported it being the same association.
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I agree they’re all over the place with the restrictions, but I think that could change if poly2 proves to sell far faster than riviera. We may end up seeing a complete elimination of restrictions if it proves to be bad business long term by hurting the DCV brand. Hurting the brand is not something Disney wants to do right now as they continue to push the expansion of DVC (timeshares).

As far as poly2 is concerned, I think most people oversimplified their logic around why this would be a new association - ie. it’s a “new build” hotel like riviera and VDH, therefore it must be a new association. This thinking fails to acknowledge the numerous other variables that strongly supported it being the same association.
I don’t doubt that there were solid reasons to keep it as the same association, I read some really great arguments that it would be the same association over the past few months, yours included. But as someone who spent most of that speculation unsure what to think and tried to see it from both sides I’m just not sure those points outweighed making it a new association, from a business standpoint anyway. That’s why I think it’s been so surprising. But then again I’m not running a billion dollar business so what do I really know? Not much clearly lol

And to your point about this potentially being a sort of litmus test for DVC to see if resale restrictions are hurting sales, you’re probably right that’s DVD’s plan but I’m not sure it’s a fair resort to try this on. The Poly is so beloved and the location is arguably the best on property, it was always going to sell like hotcakes regardless of restrictions.

But I hope you’re right because this will ultimately sell super well, and they’ll take it as restrictions being the bad guy (which they definitely are) and they’ll remove them altogether.
As a PVB1 owner, I had hoped that it would be a separate association so that point adjustments would stay separate and studio availability will remain the same... But now that a credible announcement is out that it would be the same association, what do people think the Tower would do to PVB1 annual dues, if any?
I’m still on the fence. Same Resort does not necessarily mean same association. Don’t jump the gun peeps!
As a PVB1 owner, I had hoped that it would be a separate association so that point adjustments would stay separate and studio availability will remain the same... But now that a credible announcement is out that it would be the same association, what do people think the Tower would do to PVB1 annual dues, if any?
Dues should go down because expenses will be spread across a lot more points (especially if the point chart is high like VGF, which has the lowest dues) and maintenance costs are low for a brand new building.
Dues should go down because expenses will be spread across a lot more points (especially if the point chart is high like VGF, which has the lowest dues) and maintenance costs are low for a brand new building.
There is also a new pool, which needs to be staffed and maintained and other common elements. And as the PVB occupancy increases, a larger expense for maintenance of the existing common areas at the resort will be charged to DVC
However, a tower is also usually cheaper to maintain than many smaller buildings and bungalows. If there is an effect, it might be down.
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There is also a new pool, which needs to be staffed and maintained and other common elements. And as the PVB occupancy increases, a larger expense for maintenance of the existing common areas at the resort will be charged to DVC
However, a tower is also usually cheaper to maintain than many smaller buildings and bungalows. If there is an effect, it might be down.

Then again RIV is a tower with more points than VGF and dues are higher at Riviera, not to mention VDH. Given that they know the traffic will be insane with visitors (especially if they add some premium dining- anyone betting on a top floor restaurant 🙋🏼‍♀️) it might start higher than we’d think.
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While true they have their own legal team(s) on staff, you’re talking about filing paperwork in 50 different states + any additional countries. Time = money. Making it part of the same association alleviates that pain point, while also addressing a few shortcomings of PVB.
Great what is the Florida statute that makes them do All of this…

And I would argue since Disney has already done Al of this paperwork 17 times before it is pretty much boiler plate…

I think we are looking at cost or money on a personal scale….

Not on the scale of a multi national cooperation cost.
I was rereading the :

"Our plans right now are for the new tower to be part of the existing Polynesian

Isn’t the existing Polynesian resort just the location?

The entire location is the Polynesian village resort?

The DVC property at the existing Polynesian Resort is Called the Polynesian villas and Bungalows….

Did Disney just give marketing double talk?

I don’t know, but I find it interesting that they did not say The tower will be part or the villas and Bungalows”

Either way figured I would just thrown that on the fire
I was rereading the :

"Our plans right now are for the new tower to be part of the existing Polynesian

Isn’t the existing Polynesian resort just the location?

The entire location is the Polynesian village resort?

The DVC property at the existing Polynesian Resort is Called the Polynesian villas and Bungalows….

Did Disney just give marketing double talk?

I don’t know, but I find it interesting that they did not say The tower will be part or the villas and Bungalows”

Either way figured I would just thrown that on the fire
Multiple websites are now stating as a fact that the tower will be part of the same association. If this is not the case I would expect someone from Disney to issue a clarification along the lines of “wait a minute, that’s not what we were saying. All we were saying was that the new tower at the Polynesian is, indeed, at the Polynesian”.
Multiple websites are now stating as a fact that the tower will be part of the same association. If this is not the case I would expect someone from Disney to issue a clarification along the lines of “wait a minute, that’s not what we were saying. All we were saying was that the new tower at the Polynesian is, indeed, at the Polynesian”.
Not saying they are wrong…

My guide said everything is speculation…

What I am saying is they did not answer the question, about the association.

All that was stated is the physical local of the new building….
A few weeks ago I posted, mostly tongue in cheek, that people would not believe it if Disney came out and said the new building will be part of the same association.
Low and behold, there are actually people saying exactly that. 🤣🤣🤣
A few weeks ago I posted, mostly tongue in cheek, that people would not believe it if Disney came out and said the new building will be part of the same association.
Lo and behold, there are actually people saying exactly that. 🤣🤣🤣
I believe I started my post with that may be true.

However, what I did state is correct,

Disney has not made any official statement of then the poly tower will be part of the poly resort….

Mostly tongue check here as well, but I’ll go a step further

If it turns out that this was nothing more than a tactic to not answer

You won’t believe you got played
Dues should go down because expenses will be spread across a lot more points (especially if the point chart is high like VGF, which has the lowest dues) and maintenance costs are low for a brand new building.

Actually, I wonder if they might go up…the shared costs are typically split based on occupancy levels and things now, with PVB having the lion share of rooms, they are going to be on the hook for more of the costs.
Multiple websites are now stating as a fact that the tower will be part of the same association. If this is not the case I would expect someone from Disney to issue a clarification along the lines of “wait a minute, that’s not what we were saying. All we were saying was that the new tower at the Polynesian is, indeed, at the Polynesian”.

I have to agree that DvDs silence today, seeing how it is being reported, is enough to support that the chances of it changing are along the lines of things like” don’t buy assuming CFW will be built” which happens all the time.

I still believe they could have done a better job in the answer…like have it listed like they did with VGF…but as someone else said, maybe it has to do with how far along the project is and what they can and can not confirm at 100%.

What is interesting though is that they didn’t pull PVB for sale yet…with VGF it disappeared immediately.
I was rereading the :

"Our plans right now are for the new tower to be part of the existing Polynesian

Isn’t the existing Polynesian resort just the location?

The entire location is the Polynesian village resort?

The DVC property at the existing Polynesian Resort is Called the Polynesian villas and Bungalows….

Did Disney just give marketing double talk?

I don’t know, but I find it interesting that they did not say The tower will be part or the villas and Bungalows”

Either way figured I would just thrown that on the fire
It still has a slight opening, but the statement was a direct answer to a Q/A question. You should look at the statement in the context of the question.

"Will the new Poly tower be part of the existing or a new association?" The answer was,
"Our plans right now are for the new tower to be part of the existing Polynesian

While it could still be left for interpretation, in the context of the question, it is a bolder statement. If they were still making a preliminary decision or if they were leaning to a new association, giving that answer to that question would be intentionally misleading. Just give the answer we don't know, or separate resort and association in your answer.
It still has a slight opening, but the statement was a direct answer to a Q/A question. You should look at the statement in the context of the question.

"Will the new Poly tower be part of the existing or a new association?" The answer was,
"Our plans right now are for the new tower to be part of the existing Polynesian

While it could still be left for interpretation, in the context of the question, it is a bolder statement. If they were still making a preliminary decision or if they were leaning to a new association, giving that answer to that question would be intentionally misleading. Just give the answer we don't know, or separate resort and association in your answer.
I'm looking at the totality of the circumstances.
Disney would have made an official statement if they wanted to release it.....

But even still, if we look at the facts the way you presented them....

At that time, the statement was true: tomorrow was a new day with a new plan... and tomorrow is almost over....

I personally think too much has been read into such a small statement.

Not saying it was or wasn't true. But if it was true, why didn't the sales guides know today that the tower will be part of the same association?

Why are they referring to it as speculation?

However, if they refer to property and not the legal name of the vacation club association, they leave wiggle room.

To answer your last question, As someone else pointed out here, the members would not let the speaker out of the room without an answer. Is Disney going to release a new property on their terms or because of pressure....

A vague, no-committal statement that refers to the entire property and not the association leaves plenty of room.

Again, As others have said, if true, Disney just saved me a lot of money.
If not true, It might have changed my mind on the purchase anyway.
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