Fast & Furious ride vs Getting slapped in the face

Would you rather ride Fast & Furious or get slapped by a large topless Russian man?

  • Fast & Furious

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Give me that palm!

    Votes: 6 15.4%
  • Is this a serious question, slap obviously

    Votes: 19 48.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It's not a good sign when the line and preshow are the highlights. I chose the image from the preshow because that was my favorite part of the ride.
I told my kids today that since it’s been a few years, we’ll go in to see the line and preshow since they have some value and then bail though the Chicken exit. 😃😃
It's called the Garage Tour.

On another note, if you have never done the MIB Immigration Tour, I highly recommend that. You get to go down on the floor with the aliens, and there is a book where you register as coming to Earth. You get to fill in your name and home planet.
It's called the Garage Tour.

On another note, if you have never done the MIB Immigration Tour, I highly recommend that. You get to go down on the floor with the aliens, and there is a book where you register as coming to Earth. You get to fill in your name and home planet.
We’ve meant to take some of the tours the last few years and have just never done it. You’ve reminded me to make that a priority this trip.
DS loves the ride so we often do more than once.

There are several worst rides at UO.
I feel the same way about Twister and Disaster. Not that either were amazing, but I much prefer both to what replaced them.
I really liked them both
Have never done, but is it worse then Stich was?
Ahem, stitch was fun for the fans, alien was better
Kong is saved by the outside portion
They didn’t run outside my last two trips sept & Oct ? No idea why
Well now I'm curious about this ride, LOL. Never been on it, but I am going to try it next month. Can it be as bad as people say???
If I don’t have anything nice to say…
Thanks for explaining that. I think I will pass on it after all. I only have a few days at Universal and it sounds like a waste of time to me.
Oh, it’s a must do. If only to use it as the basis of comparison for disappointing rides
My major complaint would be that they tore down Disaster ("And we are moving on!") and Beetlejuice for this.
God forbid they’d actually pay union scale actors if they could slap up a screen
On another note, if you have never done the MIB Immigration Tour, I highly recommend that.
Thot that was paused?
Ahem, stitch was fun for the fans, alien was better
My problem with Stitch is more that the seats can malfunction and squish you. I'm not sure how well known of an issue this is, and maybe they fixed it at some point, but basically, the sensor that tells the harness to stop coming down doesn't always work right, and the harness comes down too far before stopping. Never knew this was a thing until it squished my little sister. It didn't break anything thankfully, but it was very painful. There was a of lot of crying. Found out after it happened to us, apparently it had happened to a lot of other people as well. That was years ago, so maybe it got fixed. I just know I'm not going to find out. That was a traumatic experience, and we couldn't get a CM to come help us or anything. It was ridiculous.

Thot that was paused?
Possibly, the secret tours are on and off all the time. It's impossible to know which are running when, and a lot of the time, it just depends on crowds and availability of a TM to take you. Everything I researched looked like all the tours were still being offered as of this year, but you never know, and it can change from day to day. It would take a TM to know for sure what the current policy is.
That was a traumatic experience, and we couldn't get a CM to come help us or anything. It was ridiculous.
key on that ride being comfortable was to sit up as straight as possible until the bar was lowered

The bar is designed to come down, then bounce up a bit after it determines the height of seated guest/appropriate containment.

there were more than a few people who commented on feeling as tho being pushed down in the seats. Being in the dark and the anticipated sense of unease surely added to that. A shame your sister had a negative experience there.

if too many complaints, that likely was one of the reasons that ride (sadly) ceased to operate. Stitch fans, and there are many, are still waiting for some luv there other than character sightings.

re the various “secret” tours of U, it used to be guests could ask & if they had adequate staffing; would offer it. Often, a bit of a wait until they got to the guests.

that stopped once parks opened after covid. Completely understandable IMO.

I’ve not requested to do any of them since, so no first hand info there to share. However, have read various reputable blogs & reviews where guests were told “no”. Nothing in the near past.

perhaps somebody who has actually done one of the tours this year could chime in to verify they still are operational.
Personally I would like Jimmy Fallon to be replaced with the Secret Life of Pets ride that is at USH. That movie takes place in NYC so it still fits the theme of the area. Also I would just prefer more dark rides with a lot of animatronics and less screens
I think that would be a cute addition. hope they'll do something similar in the Dreamworks area they're working on But replacing Fallon and/or F/F would be great too! I do like all the TV history in the building though. One of the things I remember about our first trip to Universal in 2000, was the I Love Lucy spot and all the memorabilia. They could just have props, and that kind of stuff, and it would be cool.

Never really cared much about Stitch or Alien at WDW. Never felt like much was happening, just sitting there watching it get dark, noisy, something exploding, or whatever. But I know a lot of folks liked it. DH enjoyed the Alien encounter.
One of the things I remember about our first trip to Universal in 2000, was the I Love Lucy spot and all the memorabilia. They could just have props, and that kind of stuff, and it would be cool.
It pains me to no end that the I Love Lucy walkthrough was replaced with Hello Kitty. They had a model of the I Love Lucy television studio, which made it perfectly clear how a three-camera sitcoms filmed in front of a live studio audience worked. It was one of those "now I get it moments."
The only ride that was worse was Poseidon's Fury which thankfully closed. Fast and the furious is a waste of time. I don’t hesitate to tell people to avoid it. A slap on the face would be over faster.

Oh, I actually really liked Poseidon's Fury, but I'm more forgiving of any attraction that doesn't use a screen. I really hate screens.
I appreciate have real actors as an integral
Part in an attraction. A rare beastie these days
Actors are great, but what I appreciate are real 3D sets. I want to be immersed, feel like I am there. A screen makes me feel like I am watching a movie and takes me right out of the attraction, so I feel like a spectator and not a participant. I can be a spectator at home for free. When I go to an amusement park, I want more hands-on interactive attractions.
My biggest issue with this ride is the awful dialog that just makes me embarrassed for everyone involved in it.

At then end of the day this is a big waste of space that could be used for almost anything else IMO.

No doubt fast and furious needed to be a coaster - even if it was a simulated one.

Look at what Disney did with Avatar and FoP - something like that for FF would have been 1000 times better.


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