If you are watching the coronation, are you team Camellia


....:scratchin.....:idea: ....I'm thinkinnnnnng......

I'm old enough to remember life before Charles and Diana married. Charles' dating and love life were splashed across all the tabloids for years. He had LOTS of choices. And lots of time to exercise those choices before deciding to use the 19 year old.
I don’t recall, but were those women “acceptable?”

I do remember Andy was dating a (former) porn star for a while.
It seems like there are a lot of people justifying Charles and Camilla’s affair because, after all, Charles and Diana “weren’t well suited anyway”. Poppycock. He married her and brought her into his fold. She deserved better.

I found myself while watching Charles take his vows wondering about his marriage vows. Anyone else?
Simply an aside but this of course happens more than we realize, under much simpler conditions.

People admitting they knew as they walked down the aisle, that it was not the person for them.

It is shame all around.


Have Camilla & Charles not been husband and wife for eighteen years now? This thread is seriously making me forget that fact.🤭
I'm old enough to remember life before Charles and Diana married. Charles' dating and love life were splashed across all the tabloids for years. He had LOTS of choices. And lots of time to exercise those choices before deciding to use the 19 year old.
Me too. And agree

But I would think that the ridiculous virginity check - and yes it was a check, the word check itself denotes the lack of education and common sense right there - hampered the entire situation at hand..
I'm old enough to remember life before Charles and Diana married. Charles' dating and love life were splashed across all the tabloids for years. He had LOTS of choices. And lots of time to exercise those choices before deciding to use the 19 year old.

Ehhhhhhh.......yes and no. He had women throwing themselves at him but according to more than one royal watcher he was not naturally the ladies man the press portrayed him as. It was Lord Mountbatten strongly encouraging him to sow wild oats that he apparently didn't even have because he was already in love with Camilla by that point.

And said women throwing themselves at him wouldn't have been deemed suitable anyway.
People just don't want the mistress to win.
Several thoughts:
- In the case of this particular mistress, she was doomed from the start because pretty much everyone was Team Diana. Any mistress would've been disliked.
- Pretty much everyone either has been hurt by a cheater or has a close friend who's been hurt by a cheater. No one likes them.
... In hindsight, I feel like Diana was essentially used by the royal family ...
Without doubt.
... or we can take a cue from Queen Elizabeth, who over time came to accept and respect her. And Elizabeth made her wishes known that Camilla was to become Queen, which is good enough for me.
The world also changed. Opinions that seemed culturally appropriate began to look old-fashioned and restrictive.
... A beautiful family was destroyed, and the repercussions are still floating around today.
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Thing is, I think a whole lot of people look at this family -- destroyed, in part, by cheating -- and see their own family or their best friend's family. It's a common thing. People forget how these two came together and remember the bitter end.
Several thoughts:
- In the case of this particular mistress, she was doomed from the start because pretty much everyone was Team Diana. Any mistress would've been disliked.
- Pretty much everyone either has been hurt by a cheater or has a close friend who's been hurt by a cheater. No one likes them.

Without doubt.

The world also changed. Opinions that seemed culturally appropriate began to look old-fashioned and restrictive.

Thing is, I think a whole lot of people look at this family -- destroyed, in part, by cheating -- and see their own family or their best friend's family. It's a common thing. People forget how these two came together and remember the bitter end.
I'm not a fan of mistresses, no matter how pretty they are.

The world has definitely changed. But has the opinion on mistresses changed?
Simply an aside but this of course happens more than we realize, under much simpler conditions.

People admitting they knew as they walked down the aisle, that it was not the person for them.

It is shame all around.


Have Camilla & Charles not been husband and wife for eighteen years now? This thread is seriously making me forget that fact.
And soulmates for about 50 years or so.
I don't know. Much like I'm glad I didn't go through my teens and my college years with social media so there is no photographic evidence of the stupid things I did, I'm blessed I didn't live my life on a huge world stage with every single thing dissected, analyzed, and discussed. I don't think either Diana or Charles had a lot of control over how that marriage happened. I used to be very judgmental about a lot of things (big and small), but as I've grown I've realized people really need a lot of grace. Most of the time most of us are all just really trying our best I think. Every time I say "I would never" I find myself "nevering" several years later. My mother has a saying "Don't spit up to God and say what you won't do because you don't know what you will get back". Weird saying I know, but sometimes I find myself thinking maybe my mom is on to something.

I just kind of think their lives, their business. No one is perfect and we never know what goes on behind closed doors. There are three sides to the story...hers, his, and the truth somewhere in the middle. No one was a saint in the situation. Though it is easier to idolize her and make her perfect because she died in such a tragic way. There is enough blame to go around in both families. And the nastiness about Camellia's looks and such are just that...nastiness. I think (and that's worth about 2 cents) that at some point everyone needs to move on. I think it's a bit idyllic to think Diana was a saint who was a victim of Charles and had her heart broken. It was orchestrated by her family as well and he was her sister's boyfriend first. I find it interesting people are so quick to pick up the mantle and say how awful it was they divorced but then say she was living her best life after she divorced. You can't have it both ways. Someone needed to make a move to end things at some point.
I don't think either Diana or Charles had a lot of control over how that marriage happened.
Charles certainly did. IMO his actions were predator-like: a trusted and revered public figure purposely grooming, lying to and using a young, naive woman for his own selfish purposes. Charles was 32 years old when he married 20 year old Diana.
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Charles wasn’t responsible for his own actions?
But were it Charles' actions when it comes to grooming? I wouldn't be surprised if that was much more the palace. I can imagine that the grey suits/skirts are fussing over Diana how she should act and how to be a princess.

I think Charles just said yes at a certain time when the parents decided that Diana would be the best choice.

Diana was young and didnt come from a good home, but why aren't we talking that she could say no? She was an adult.


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