Something About Nothing............ #14

Ah Saturday already. And still warm, as 67 degrees out. Will see how much rain we get. Phone says 30 to 40 percent chances almost every hour of the day, with thunderstorms warnings from 4 am to 11 am, and then around 2 pm. Dice roll rainy day. Hope all enjoy their Saturday.
Quiet night last night on here........

I slept for 9 hours last night......longest ever for years! And it felt great.

We had such a beautiful morning here.


Sea views cannot be beaten!!!!

Gorgeous morning as I said, so a group of us went out very early and tried to do a 10 mile walk....I wasn`t sure if I`d make it as it had been a while since we had done our usual 6 mile a day walk, but we ended up doing 11 miles! We stopped off for a cuppa in Soggy Bottoms, not their real name but it`s what everyone calls it, but got back out fairly quickly before we all ordered bacon sandwiches....... and it was a lovely morning all in.

And we decided to stop the Book Group. The five original members are just fine, but the others were griping too much, so time to stop, none of us need or want the hassle. We won`t miss one of them....she was the one who always tried to one up me all the time and everyone noticed, so, quite embarrassing for her.....pathetic, so good riddance. The five of us will keep it going just for us, just not as often.

Made shrimp and crab salad for lunch, shrimp for us is best with nothing on them, I hate seeing them breaded, such a waste as it loses the fresh taste they have. We very rarely coat them as we never deep fry them, unless it`s similar to the tempura batter Janet mentioned yesterday.....but fresh is best!! We do like our Asian food items.....

So decided to get a Thai take out tonight, they do a lovely shrimp stir fry with asian veg and thread noodles, very light dish....Tom does like rice with his but we haven`t decided what to have yet, we`ll study the menu later.

Laundry out on the line, it`ll dry in no time at all today, cleaned the inside of some of the downstairs windows, there`s too many to do in the one go and our window cleaner is due Monday, he notices a lot!

Bi-fold doors wide open now for the afternoon, may have an afternoon cocktail later.....but nice afternoon ahead doing not very much together.

But, happy Saturday hope it`s lovely wherever you are......:sunny:




Good Saturday morning everyone :wave:




Minion Breakfast


What a dreadful thing to happen and for one to be a friend of your daughter in law, it just makes it seem worse somehow when it’s someone known to you or your family. Heartbreaking.
It does make it worse. So very sad for the families who are left to grieve for their loved ones.

J did well, some Easter Bunnies are quite terrifying!
Yes, they are. This Easter Bunny was very good as the Bunny sat very still when J finally approached him with coaxing from my niece. I told her not to force him as I didn’t not want him to be frightened. He was actually more interested in the scenery they has set up around the bunny.

Glad you had a lovely Easter with some nice family time too.
It was a nice day. We had a nice meal and visit.

oh, so many parents re-living their failed sports dreams thru their kids, it’s down-right disturbing. So many in this generation will chat in the stands as to their dreams for their kids…used to be scholarship goals, now it’s to trend on instagram. :crazy: It passes for
I witnessed some horrible behavior from parents on the side lines while watching grandsons pre-high school day games from a local junior football league.

A father on an opposing team told his son to punch the quarter back on our team if he got to him. The coach said nothing to this man. I told him he should be ashamed of himself for teaching his child poor sportsmanship. I told him he needed to go and sit down and let the coach Do his job.

Another time my grandsons coach who was a wonderful coach had a mother screaming at him to put her son in the game more. This child was new and just learning the ropes of the game. She continued this behavior until the coaches wife confronted her to stop. She told her she was embarrassing herself and her poor son.

Grandsons coach was not only a wonderful coach, but a nice guy. Parents were not allowed on the sidelines with the coaches. Yelling at their kids or saying inappropriate things to the opposing team was not tolerated.

I always felt it takes a lot of guts and hard work to get out on a field and play your heart out in front of a group of people.

one of the big benefits of kids playing sports is to instill the idea of teamwork, discipline & skills to apply to life in general. Things that appear to be sorely missing in many homes. that said she did win three out of four of her events lol:laughing: Doesn’t really matter in the scoring system as it’s on cumulative points, often consistency is what counts there.
Well said.

Sounds lIke your granddaughter has a well balanced approach to her sport. She should be applauded for her dedication and perseverance in gymnastics.

I will! It is stories like that, where I am extremely grateful I live where I do.
It seems these events are happening more often. I’am beginning to feel no where is safe. We can’t live in fear, but sadly must by on our guard.

This is one of the most impressive pics I have of the Island,
Beautiful photos.

I have to laugh at my fellow Canadians. Only true canadians will break out the flip flops and shorts at the first hint of any warm weather.
My older sister said when she lived in Minnesota folks would put on shorts in the upper 30’s.

Tomorrow we will be shopping for a graduation dress for her. The first one she bought is too long. This time we are taking the graduation gown with us when we shop.
Hope you find what you’re looking for.

my headache/migraine when I woke up.
Hope the headache is better.

Sea views cannot be beaten!!!!
Gorgeous sea view.

Mac hope you feeling well and all dental issues are behind you.

Carole not long before you will be at

Taking it easy this morning. Have cup of coffee in my HHN mug. Enjoying the birds and squirrels in the trees. There is a pleasant breeze out on the porch.

Cleaned the screened in porch, furniture and cushions yesterday. There was a nice wind blowing and everything dried quickly. Grandson came over for a quick visit and he put the furniture back on the porch. He is so sweet.

Going to go and watch Grandson‘s Rugby game in a couple of hours. I think I shared he was recruited to join the University team last Fall. He really likes playing rugby.

Grandson decided to change his major from Electrical Engineering to Business. He really looks up to his big sister who graduated with her MBA.

So after settling into his second semester of his freshman year of college he felt a business degree would better fit his goals. He had already narrowed his two fields of study he was interested in before starting college to Electrical Engineering or Business. Then when he started he chose the Engineering route.

I told him whatever made him happy was most important. Grandpa was very happy as he felt P would do great in business, but he did not push him in that direction.

I think once they get their first year under their belt they have a better feel for what direction they will go in. I just want him to be happy no matter what he chooses.

All our other grandchildren have chosen professions that they are happy in so we want that for him too.

I have a project to complete outdoors before we go.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
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Today started off on a sad note. I got an email stating that another member of our Bible study class passed last night. He was in his early 80's and had either Alzheimer's or dementia. His wife woke up this morning to find he had passed quietly in his sleep sometime last night.

B found a replacement dress today, so I think we are all ready for graduation now.

thunderstorms warnings from 4 am to 11 am, and then around 2 pm.
We were having them last night. Poor Caspian was scared, but wouldn't stay with me. He disappeared sometime last night and I didn't see him again until this morning.

Sea views cannot be beaten!!!!
Gorgeous as always.

And we decided to stop the Book Group. The five original members are just fine, but the others were griping too much, so time to stop, none of us need or want the hassle. We won`t miss one of them....she was the one who always tried to one up me all the time and everyone noticed, so, quite embarrassing for her.....pathetic, so good riddance. The five of us will keep it going just for us, just not as often
Sounds like a good plan. Just keep the people who are truly interested.

I had two cats sitting on my face at 6:00 am wanting to be fed.
I had a miracle this morning. Mine didn't wake me until 8:00.

Grandson decided to change his major from Electrical Engineering to Business. He really looks up to his big sister who graduated with her MBA.
Wow, that's quite a change, but as Long as he is doing what he wants to do....
Better to change earlier than later.

I have been procrastinating, but now need to get back to work on an assignment that is die on Wednesday.
You had a better morning than i did
your event was fun

I had two cats sitting on my face at 6:00 am wanting to be fed.

We should trade places and let me walk the beach while you come to my house for cat herding at food time`d love the beaches where we live, although the ones on the West coast where we come from are so much more beautiful....and milder over there too!!

I`m not sure the cats would take food from me......I don`t have a great track record feeding other folks pets.....that`s a story for another day!!

Good Saturday morning everyone :wave:

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Minion Breakfast
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It does make it worse. So very sad for the families who are left to grieve for their loved ones.

Yes, they are. This Easter Bunny was very good as the Bunny sat very still when J finally approached him with coaxing from my niece. I told her not to force him as I didn’t not want him to be frightened. He was actually more interested in the scenery they has set up around the bunny.

It was a nice day. We had a nice meal and visit.

I witnessed some horrible behavior from parents on the side lines while watching grandsons pre-high school day games from a local junior football league.

A father on an opposing team told his son to punch the quarter back on our team if he got to him. The coach said nothing to this man. I told him he should be ashamed of himself for teaching his child poor sportsmanship. I told him he needed to go and sit down and let the coach Do his job.

Another time my grandsons coach who was a wonderful coach had a mother screaming at him to put her son in the game more. This child was new and just learning the ropes of the game. She continued this behavior until the coaches wife confronted her to stop. She told her she was embarrassing herself and her poor son.

Grandsons coach was not only a wonderful coach, but a nice guy. Parents were not allowed on the sidelines with the coaches. Yelling at their kids or saying inappropriate things to the opposing was not tolerated.

I always felt it takes a lot of guts and hard work to get out on a field and play your heart out in front of a group of people.

Well said.

Sounds lIke your granddaughter has a well balanced approach to her sport. She should be applauded for her dedication and perseverance in gymnastics.

It seems these events are happening more often. I’am beginning to feel no where is safe. We can’t live in fear, but sadly must by on our guard.

Beautiful photos.

My older sister said when she lived in Minnesota folks would put on shorts in the upper 30’s.

Hope you find what you’re looking for.

Hope the headache is better.

Gorgeous sea view.

Mac hope you feeling well and all dental issues are behind you.

Carole not long before you will be at
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Taking it easy this morning. Have cup of coffee in my HHN mug. Enjoying the birds and squirrels in the trees. There is a pleasant breeze out on the porch.

Cleaned the screened in porch, furniture and cushions yesterday. There was a nice wind blowing and the everything dried quickly. Grandson came over for a quick visit and her put the furniture back on the porch. He is so sweet.

Going to go and watch Grandson‘s Rugby game in a couple of hours. I think I shared he was recruited to join the University team last Fall. He really likes playing rugby.

Grandson decided to change his major from Electrical Engineering to Business. He really looks up to his big sister who graduated with her MBA.

So after settling into his second semester of his freshman year of college he felt a business degree would better fit his goals. He had already narrowed his two fields of study he was interested in before starting college to Electrical Engineering or Business. Then when he started he chose the Engineering route.

I told him whatever made him happy was most important. Grandpa was very happy as he felt P would do great in business, but he did not push him in that direction.

I think once they get their first year under their belt they have a better feel for what direction they will go in. I just want him to be happy no matter what he chooses.

All our other grandchildren have chosen professions that they are happy in so we want that for him too.

I have a project to complete outdoors before we go.

Have a wonderful Saturday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Good luck to your grandson, Engineering and business aren`t so far apart. Kyle got a Masters in Chemical Engineering, but wanted to get into Finance, the Finance folks covet folks with the CE degree so it`s a natural progression. He`ll do good.

People do shock us at times with their behaviour, never pleasant to see though.

Thank you we are counting the hours now :)

Have a lovely day and weekend.

Today started off on a sad note. I got an email stating that another member of our Bible study class passed last night. He was in his early 80's and had either Alzheimer's or dementia. His wife woke up this morning to find he had passed quietly in his sleep sometime last night.

B found a replacement dress today, so I think we are all ready for graduation now.

We were having them last night. Poor Caspian was scared, but wouldn't stay with me. He disappeared sometime last night and I didn't see him again until this morning.

Gorgeous as always.

Sounds like a good plan. Just keep the people who are truly interested.

I had a miracle this morning. Mine didn't wake me until 8:00.

Wow, that's quite a change, but as Long as he is doing what he wants to do....
Better to change earlier than later.

I have been procrastinating, but now need to get back to work on an assignment that is die on Wednesday.
Poor lady, must have been a shock for her to wake up and find her husband gone. At least for him it was a peaceful passing.

Glad your daughter got her dress, it`s always fun to prepare and plan for a graduation. Was Monyk`s daughter or son due to graduate soon.....maybe I`m mixing her up with someone else though.

Yes, I think we`ll stick to the smaller group from now on, at least we all know we want the same things in a book group.

Well, we did have the lovely lazy afternoon we planned.......watched a weird Spanish film that was dubbed in English called Phenomena, weirdly spooky but the humour was there too, wouldn`t watch it again, but passed an hour or so with a gin fizz or two.

Food arrived around 6.30, ordered a selection of appetisers and two spicy chicken and shrimp dishes.....everything was lovely, and we are very full now although we couldn`t finish a lot of it, so into the trash it went. Now lazing along the sofas waiting to watch the new Munsters movie on pay for view with another gin fizz.

Perfect Saturday night.

Rainy trip to the bbq place. I’m very full. Was delicious. The rain to be chances until later this evening. Light rain falling now. And nothing like taking a late afternoon nap and having your phone buzz to seek shelter as lightning in the area. Um yeah, I heard thunder. So a screen filled family online time since dinner.

Tomorrow, we should dry out. And this Sunday is the orthodox Easter. So for those that celebrate tomorrow, have a very happy Easter. My Greek in-laws will be having us to be enjoying Easter again.

Hope all have a super nice Saturday night. Me? Tea and hoping not repeat shows to view tonight,

Charade, sending sympathy to the parishioner, who lost her husband. Sad news to read. But yay, for B to find a dress she likes. I have yet to hear what little one is wearing. I guess we will do that last minute shopping, if needed. Coming up soon enough.

Mac, Hope tomorrow morning, cats lets you sleep much longer.
Poor lady, must have been a shock for her to wake up and find her husband gone.
Yes, it was a huge shock especially since she reported that he had a very good day yesterday. Last week she reported that he had been refusing food, which made me think that the end might be near. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. I worry that she will be facing more tragedy in the near future. Her 90 something mother is currently living with her. Her health is actually better than the husband's health was.
(In case you are doing the math, there was a bit of an age difference between husband and wife. I think he was around 82-83 and she is probably 69-70.)
Charade, sending sympathy to the parishioner, who lost her husband. Sad news to read. But yay, for B to find a dress she likes. I have yet to hear what little one is wearing. I guess we will do that last minute shopping, if needed. Coming up soon enough.
Thanks Lynne.
Most of the girls around here seem to be wearing white dresses. B found a cute floral dress. She has never been one to do what everyone else is doing. For high school graduation the girls were told to wear a dark dress. Most work black. B wore dark purple.

I am at a stopping point. I am waiting for my professor to answer a question I emailed her about. Think I will see what is on TV. I need a mindless distraction.
Sunday it is. The day the alarm is set, and the trash goes out. And the daffodils bought yesterday, need to go in the ground, and not stay in the pot they came in. I hope they come up next year. Then when older one comes home from work, we won’t be the only ones rolling those trash cans to the curb. Later evening noise in my neighborhood.

Yay the rain is gone, though still some rain chances tomorrow, so maybe wet trash cans will be picked up to dump the trash out.

And what a 10 day forecast as we get closer to May. The high temps predicted so far, from today to next Tuesday: 72, 69, 58, 62, 71, 79, 76, 63, 53, and 55. Sigh. Why house heater still in use, and not putting away my sweatshirt jacket or lightweight winter jacket yet. And while both my kids will be in shorts, I’ll probably be in my lightweight leggings today

Finally, hope this finds all the homies enjoying this orthodox holiday Sunday. Make it super happy and serenely relaxing. And a good morning too.

Love my weekend lazy days. I get the largest tv remote and a full teakettle. And even though I’m up just before my alarm will go off tomorrow, I so like the quiet an early morning Sunday morning is.


Anyway, another beautiful Sunday here.....we went out a very early walk and Kyle joined us this morning along with a few friends, just after sunrise so it was beautiful and fairly warm for the early hour and got some lovely pictures as always, nice views are the best pictures I always think.

Then we headed to another friend`s home who decided it was time to start up the Sunday morning brunches again. She is the best host!!

Wandered down to see their horses too which is always lovely, although they are very large, so kinda scary, but gorgeous.

Brunch was excellent and I don`t think we`ll eat the rest of today.

Might go another wander this afternoon up into the woods around us, we`ll see....or we might just laze is Sunday after all.

Kyle is off the next three days too, using up more vacation time.....lucky ducky.......think he has some plans to go running a lot as the weather has to be glorious this week, but I`m sure he`ll fit us in somewhere......might take him to lunch one of those days.

Hope our Ruth is having a wonderful time with family.....and sunshine!!!

Big hello to our Vicki..... @tink1957 Hope you and the kids are doing good, we miss you on here......:wave2:

Happy Sunday.......:sunny:


Yes, it was a huge shock especially since she reported that he had a very good day yesterday. Last week she reported that he had been refusing food, which made me think that the end might be near. I just didn't expect it to be this soon. I worry that she will be facing more tragedy in the near future. Her 90 something mother is currently living with her. Her health is actually better than the husband's health was.
(In case you are doing the math, there was a bit of an age difference between husband and wife. I think he was around 82-83 and she is probably 69-70.)

Thanks Lynne.
Most of the girls around here seem to be wearing white dresses. B found a cute floral dress. She has never been one to do what everyone else is doing. For high school graduation the girls were told to wear a dark dress. Most work black. B wore dark purple.

I am at a stopping point. I am waiting for my professor to answer a question I emailed her about. Think I will see what is on TV. I need a mindless distraction.

I did quote you Charade but not sure where it went.

Sounds like she does have some hard times ahead for her, but hopefully she has the church and some good people who will help her through them.

Good for your daughter not following the crowd, always like people that are their own person and original...and of course can`t go wrong with purple!. I`m sure the floral dress will be pretty on her.

I know you mentioned her graduation, but I forget when it is now?? BUt, glad she is organised for it, such an exciting time....I remember Kyle`s graduation like it was yesterday, such a proud moment.
think some of my posts are missing,,, duh


I see this post!!! 😁

I do sometimes miss a quote or two and wonder where they went......but figure that`s more down to me than the Dis.......scatty brain at times!!

We are loving this`s been so miserable recently.....but we live on the wrong side of the globe for regular gorgeous weather that mac enjoys most of the year.....

Been down to check the fruit trees......they are flowering like crazy right now....our gardener thinks we`ll get a good yield this year from them all.

Decide not to go for another walk, just going to enjoy afternoon tea in the sunshine, just tea though as we are still full from Brunch.....🫖
Hey all, it’s been a hectic weekend, both ends of the spectrum. So upset, my pooch decided he was a big dog and jumped off a outside retaining wall Several feet high. tried calling 2 different vet ERs, both closed to new arrivals today. Think he had wits scared out of him initially and wouldn’t move. Eating, Walking & even playing now, seems a bit off though. poor baby face planted, swollen nose. No blood etc. will set my clock to wake him every few hours JIK a concussion (no idea if dogs can get them too) & watch him very carefully tonight.

GD & DiL had a ball doing the disney 10K, they had dinner tonight @ the CA Grill to celebrate. Come home Thursday afternoon.
All my boys for Dinner today, prime rib, a big hit. Thank you dear oven for working again, if only temporarily. Oldest will be back rest of their trip for dinner. Do love having them all here together, the house comes alive.

I was sad to hear Poseidon closing next month. decided to act on a retiree whim (good of a name as any lol) and head down for three days next week. between the $38 flights, $100 AP rates @ Adventura (never stayed there) & cheap rental SUV, decided to go for it. Life is indeed short.

but it would mean I couldn’t choose my own seat
I can’t remember the last time i paid for a seat. Thankfully. so few flights from our airports on AA or Delta, other than mostly connections. Allegiant upgrades us as DH is military, spirit for some reason always sets us together, even if a lousy seat in back. SWA we board then grab whatever is left...always strikes me as shopping in a bargain basement.
LoL Oh they have at least two more dollar dog nights this season. There’s always hope. 😃
LMAO, that’s the spirit! some of the fans surely do enjoy keeping that bad boy rep going It seems.
Yup. I am always looking forward to the next trip! I hope you get your excursions sorted for your cruise. Which RCCL boat will you be on? I've been scoping them out as something to do next winter for our 30th anniversary trip!
This time a repeat on the Adventure of the Seas for 9 nights, sailed it years ago out of San Juan. We booked it for the itinerary, not the ship. We are landlocked beach bums at heart. have seen the sights at each port, it’s all about snorkeling and lounging on the beach for us at this point.

Doing Independence with GD & DH after 4th of july WDW trip. cannot believe the rate for the 3 day sailing is near what we paid for the May. They really jack the rates up on all the lines during the summer & holidays. worse this year me thinks as to all the pent up demand.

end of nov doing the Allure for 4 nights in lieu of doing normal split trip WDW & U. Caught a sweet rate last December, per diem, far better value that comparable land portion. We tend to book Nov or Dec via flexible cancellation. always seems to produce the best rates For us, even before “wave” sales start.

I’d recommend one of the Oasis ships. Not their newest class (Quantum) but, it surely has all the bells and whistles onboard you could ever want.
We are not big baseball fans. :blush: I find it like curling - it's like watching paint dry lol.
Oh, I’m with you there. Although I do enjoy seeing curling on the tube now & again when the mr is flipping around. Our pirates suck, plain & simple. Not a winning season my whole youngest DS‘s life. we go for a pleasant evening, for this view & a $10 hot dog lol

We are still smarting our Penguins are shut out of playoffs for the 1st time in 16 years. They’ve swiftly cleaned house in the management
I`m looking into buying a steamer, my niece uses one and never irons, but I`m not convinced yet. I do enjoy ironing lol......
I’ve used one of my kids, big thing looks like a vacuum cleaner??? Not a fan, drips too much for me. I’m old school. Put it on a hanger, run a hot bath & shut the door. Hasn’t failed me yet lol
Our flights to and from LA got changed, but for the better. We got moved to nonstops. I just hope American doesn’t change them again.
That’s a win!
but we ended up doing 11 miles!
Wow and not even an amusement park nearby as a carrot, good job. ;)did your feet bark later?
I told him he should be ashamed of himself for teaching his child poor sportsmanship.
Oh absolutely, you were brave. Never know what that sort of person might do or say being so wound up.
Going to go and watch Grandson‘s Rugby game in a couple of hours. I think I shared he was recruited to join the University team last Fall. He really likes playing rugby.
he is such an accomplished young man. Rugby is a really rough & tumble game.
B found a replacement dress today, so I think we are all ready for graduation now.
Good for her. confused, she went with a floral? That sounds perfect to me as it’s spring etc. seems to be a trend now many of the girls wear dresses more suited to clubbing, even to church. A time & a place for every dress lol
I don`t have a great track record feeding other folks pets.....that`s a story for another day!!
Oh, dear lol
Hope our Ruth is having a wonderful time with family.....and sunshine!!!

Big hello to our Vicki..... @tink1957 Hope you and the kids are doing good, we miss you on here......:wave2:

I second both motions :) Hope Vicki is well.
Ah poor pooch, hope your dog is okay Keisha. Scary. We have a vet that is 24 hour not too far from us. A shame not one would take you today. Yay for GD and enjoyed a nice dinner to celebrate. Yay for last minute trip. I was thinking about it too, but lots on the agenda I have to do these next couple of weeks. Plus, saving my leave to use near the holidays, after taking three weeks off, one done and 2 more scheduled, so far. And graduation coming up fast. Will take off for that. Gee maybe little one will want a quick graduation trip. Her AP still valid. I have to renew mine the end of this month. Her’s I renewed by phone that night of the day the TM said to little one, your last day your pass is good when we entered the park the fifth day of our last week visit. I figured she’d still make it a deal, even if she doesn’t stay as long as I do. She’s seasonal, as most of time that’s when we go, when it’s valid.

Ooh tea cup is washed, as well as teakettle. Time to do that nighttime routine. Will be hearing those trash trucks starting in the early morning.

Hope all have a good night. And I think older one cooked a hotdog. I think that is what us smelling up the house. That or a bratwurst. He bought a pack of them when we were grocery shopping this weekend. Sigh. He’s off work this week, as had to use up his vacation time. Good, as he can follow me to drop off my car at the shop this week. Annual checkup for it. Then I don’t face to wait there for it to be done.
Ah nothing like a fire whistle, from the firehouse three blocks away, to get me up a half hour before the alarm did. Felt kinda sticky for sone reason, so a bit earlier nice long shower. Feeling refreshed. Nothing like a Monday to be back to week day routine today, in a cloudy morning, as I tossed out the last of our trash to be picked up today. Warm enough though, as is 57 degrees out. Oh phone just told me light rain falling, to stop in 6 minutes. Glad I didn’t get wet, when I was outside.

And so, besides a fire whistle this morning, heard the train whistle as I was getting ready for the day. Then about an hour after online, heard both the cardinal and the dove this morning, besides a little traffic.

Ah, even with some cooler weather this week, we are getting that much closer to May. Though we have had a cooler May, but also keep that AC on in May, our May month over the years. Thus our May month can be warmer or more like earlier Spring. But usually the nicest of weather before the summer heat usually returns our mid June. Making our local kids annoyed, as many buildings in our school district don’t have AC. The kids get a warm feeling school the last two weeks of school, and usually the first 6 weeks it starts.

And so, as car needs its yearly maintenance, it’s a short week for me. Yay to that.

And so, a gray start for me, but will be rocking those sunglasses as sun will be shining in a clear sky not much later then that partly cloudy noon time walk.

Ah tea and screen for me day. Hope all have a most Marvelous Monday.
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Quick good morning. I am up early today. Didn't sleep well at all. I was dreaming that I was on an elevator. I wanted to go to the 8th floor but accidentally sent it all the way to the top (40 something floor) and when it went back down it was going too fast. Apparently this means that I feel like something in my life is out of control right now. It's probably that assignment that is due on Wednesday.

I know you mentioned her graduation, but I forget when it is now??
May 12. Less than 4 weeks away.

So upset, my pooch decided he was a big dog and jumped off an outside retaining wall Several feet high
Oh no. Hope he is okay.

between the $38 flights, $100 AP rates @ Adventura (never stayed there) & cheap rental SUV, decided to go for it. Life is indeed short
$38 flights? Wow, and I thought I got a good deal. I will be staying at Aventura in September.

I can’t remember the last time i paid for a seat. Thankfully. so few flights from our airports on AA or Delta, other than mostly connections. Allegiant upgrades us as DH is military, spirit for some reason always sets us together, even if a lousy seat in back. SWA we board then grab whatever is left...always strikes me as shopping in a bargain basement
I'm kinda picky about my seat. I don't want to run the risk of getting stuck in the middle. If I fly from my home airport or Roanoke the airplanes are small and usually have a row of single seats. I always book the single seat so I don't have to sit next to a stranger.

Good for her. confused, she went with a floral? That sounds perfect to me as it’s spring etc. seems to be a trend now many of the girls wear dresses more suited to clubbing, even to church. A time & a place for every dress lol
Solid white seems to be the popular choice among the female graduates here. I really don't think it makes a difference what anyone wears. We are all wearing dark blue graduation gowns.

I will probably be going MIA for a little while. Over the next 4 weeks I have a fairly sizable project due, 2 essays, and then the final project. I can't wait for this to be over.
I blinked and it was Monday morning and time to head into work again :surfweb:

The weekend went by in a blink. I did work Saturday - which went by fast, with no hiccups. Came home to a meal that dh and ds's prepared. They made burgers and homemade fries and salad. They smoked the burgers and they were delicious! They did a fantastic job.

Yesterday, I did most of what I had planned. Got to sleep in a bit, have my leisurely coffee, a grocery run, did some baking and a little tidying and cleaning. I did have some relaxing moments too. It was a good day off ::yes::

Dh was putting feelers and checking into a new-to me vehicle. :sad2: It is definitely a sellers market. Dh was interested in one vehicle, but when dh told them he wasn't just a tire kicker and seriously interested in one vehicle, and the sales manager basically told him outrageous payments - when we knew he was HUGELY inflating the prices and interest rate of borrowing - dh told him to go fly a kite. He just lost out on a sale. Then dealers around here wonder why people go south to the bigger centers to get vehicles. :rolleyes1

B found a replacement dress today, so I think we are all ready for graduation now.
Yay!!! Sometimes when you need that one item, it can be the most hair pulling experience.
Been down to check the fruit trees......they are flowering like crazy right now....our gardener thinks we`ll get a good yield this year from them all.

Decide not to go for another walk, just going to enjoy afternoon tea in the sunshine, just tea though as we are still full from Brunch.....🫖
Your property sounds like it's a piece of paradise! I love that you live close to sea shores, have fruit trees and beautiful grounds! You are very blessed ::yes::
was sad to hear Poseidon closing next month. decided to act on a retiree whim (good of a name as any lol) and head down for three days next week. between the $38 flights, $100 AP rates @ Adventura (never stayed there) & cheap rental SUV, decided to go for it. Life is indeed short.
That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the extra little trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are still smarting our Penguins are shut out of playoffs for the 1st time in 16 years. They’ve swiftly cleaned house in the management
Our Oilers are finally in a good playoff position. Now hopefully they don't drop the ball like they seem to do. They have some great talent, and finally seem to be working well as a team. So time will tell. Sil is a Penguins fan as well - so I know your pain.

Dh likes to watch baseball. As much as I don't like baseball - I like nascar. Other's couldn't be bothered to watch it. I enjoy it. Different interests for everyone :flower1:
I will probably be going MIA for a little while. Over the next 4 weeks I have a fairly sizable project due, 2 essays, and then the final project. I can't wait for this to be over.
It is such a great feeling when you're done. Good luck in getting it all completed

Well, I should go shuffle a few more papers around.

Have a great day everyone!


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