Parks dress code?

Maaan, there's always some goon walking around in shorts and crocs when it's freezing out! 🤣 Yeah, dude, you're oh so tough. How's that wet-zone seat at Fantasmic! treating ya?
Hey now, I wear shorts as much as I can even when it’s freezing out. Has nothing to do with toughness my legs just rarely feel cold and I’m more comfortable in shorts! 🙂

Crocs though, not for me personally.
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I think the crux of this lands on whose responsibility is it to accommodate and adhere to beliefs, values etc? Isn't it appropriate to question why women are literally ALWAYS the ones expected to bend and conform for the comfort of others, esp males? What is that exactly? Why don't these issues ever boomerang back at men?

Everytime there is an issue at hand taking power from a XX woman there is a XY male somewhere standing by waiting to steal that power from a XX female, the literal mothers of all life. This is so deep seated that most people don't even consider it as a point of view that can be rejected.

So again, blinders or very dark sunglasses or just avert the eyes like a decent human should know how to do. I know you think I am kidding, I am not kidding. It's time for men to be made uncomfortable and forced to bend a knee to their own weaknesses and live with the discomfort that adherence to their beliefs demands of them, if so maybe the world would be much better for it. If people have issues in conflict with those of women who were put here by the same One above to actually create life, then really, who has the problem?

Nothing in any of my posts made a distinction among the sexes.
On the other hand, if you don't want people looking at something, then why are you leaving it exposed in public? I'm not going to change the way I'm looking just because you happen to walk into view with everything hanging out.
A person can't leer and feign innocence, if one leers then the offense is on them for having poor self control. There is a difference between noticing and standing dumbstruck like a deer in headlights. If a person can't coexist then they should pull themselves away, the burden is on them.
Nothing in any of my posts made a distinction among the sexes.
It was inferred in more than a few spots, including mentioning a bikini which dudes don't usually wear in theme parks.

Now, if you want to discuss funny things like dudes in half thongs at the beach and that sort of attire, well, that could make a funny thread.
The ads I am getting on this thread! One is a men’s leopard thing that can only be seen in Downtown LV. :rotfl2:
I am very conservative in my dress but I don’t care much what other people wear. But if I see someone’s behind hanging out of their shorts, I am very grateful that I have on longer shorts so I don’t have to sit in a seat behind them with my skin touching where their behind cheeks were.
It was inferred in more than a few spots, including mentioning a bikini which dudes don't usually wear in theme parks.

Now, if you want to discuss funny things like dudes in half thongs at the beach and that sort of attire, well, that could make a funny thread.

If you watch the news you can see that there are many individuals wearing bikini's not just biological women. I do appreciate what you are saying and yes I did make inferences. It does seem that the bar of what is deemed appropriate is set much higher for those who would be traditionally characterized as women.
A person can't leer and feign innocence, if one leers then the offense is on them for having poor self control. There is a difference between noticing and standing dumbstruck like a deer in headlights. If a person can't coexist then they should pull themselves away, the burden is on them.
Sure, we can coexist. You wear what you want and I'll look in whatever direction I want.
Nothing in any of my posts made a distinction among the sexes.
Huh? Your whole first post was about women dressing inappropriately.
What are your thoughts on the WDW Parks dress code? I may be in the minority, but I think it needs to be enforced more often than it does. I have seen young ladies that have less than 20% of their overall body covered. This is not proper attire for a family resort. Not everyone shares the same tastes and some depending on religion have much higher standards when it comes to modesty. I have seen the trend where it seems that young ladies dress as provocatively as possible and then take to tic tok to complain when they are removed from the parks or asked to cover up. Woman have worked for years to level the playing fields and I feel this sets that effort back. I know the opposing argument will be that a woman should be able to wear whatever she wants and not get ogled, or talked about. In a perfect world this is correct, but it will never truly happen. There will always be those, both men and women who stare, take pictures, talk about and sometimes even confront a very scantily clad young lady. This is human nature and as I said is due to the very diverse cultures and varying religious beliefs of those in the parks. Just as someone would feel they are entitled to dress in any manner they choose, others have an equal right to be offended by the way they dress.

Just wondering what the thoughts of others are.
Hey now, I wear shorts as much as I can even when it’s freezing out. Has nothing to do with toughness my legs just rarely feel cold and I’m more comfortable in shorts! 🙂

Crocs though, not for me personally.

Well, that's less crazy than some of the people I see in Orlando in hoodies when it's 100 degress out! There are crazy people out there I tell you!
I'm just an old hippie chick. Free, loving and compassionate...not militant. Although in my day we weren't nasty or hurtful. I attempt to carry this into my life today. I'm no prude although Im sure this would surprise some and they would strongly disagree. I believe in being considerate and respectful. If visiting i.e. a Muslim county I dress appropriately also when visiting a Catholic church in Europe, etc. Just because you HAVE the right...doesn't MAKE it right! Too many encourage division not inclusion...consideration or respect. JMO Peace out! ✌🏼🌼
I do agree that there is a time and a place for certain clothes. Most of us probably wouldn't wear booty shorts and a crop top to a wedding (unless that was the theme I guess) because that is not appropriate for the occasion. Just as you wouldn't wear a formal dress to the club or Disney. I would wear different swim wear to a Disney water park or pool than I would on a boat or at a bar at the Lake of the Ozarks because those are different atmospheres. Just as I wear more conservative suits when we have friends with kids come on the boat than if it's just my kids. I respect that they might not be comfortable with a skimper suit, but also I don't care if my family sees my rolls as much as if other people see them lol. But I can't expect everyone to feel the same way. No matter what a person wears at Disney, there is someone that won't like it and you can't expect people to think about how all 30K other people at MK that day are going to feel about what they are wearing. And as much as you or I or anyone else might think it's not appropriate, it's not our business.
The ads I am getting on this thread! One is a men’s leopard thing that can only be seen in Downtown LV. :rotfl2:
I am very conservative in my dress but I don’t care much what other people wear. But if I see someone’s behind hanging out of their shorts, I am very grateful that I have on longer shorts so I don’t have to sit in a seat behind them with my skin touching where their behind cheeks were.
I was looking on amazon for wrestling singlets for my kid and now all the ads are ridiculous thong looking things on men but advertised as a wrestling singlet :rotfl2: No thank you amazon.
Curious why dress codes are such a hot topic.
I've been playing around on ChatGPT, it comes up with this answer for your question.

Interesting is that the first thing it mentions is 'individuality'. Which seems a bit ironic in this discussion on a board with mainly people from a culture where individuality is one of the biggest virtues.

Dress codes are a hot topic because they often involve issues related to individual expression, cultural norms, gender, and professionalism.

On one hand, dress codes can be seen as a way to establish a professional and respectful atmosphere in certain settings, such as the workplace or school. They may help to minimize distractions and ensure that people are dressed appropriately for the occasion.

On the other hand, dress codes can also be perceived as restrictive and infringing upon individual expression. Some argue that they can be used to enforce gender stereotypes or unfairly target certain groups, such as women or people of color. Additionally, dress codes may not take into account cultural or religious beliefs, leading to discrimination or discomfort for some individuals.

Furthermore, with the rise of social media and online activism, discussions about dress codes have become more public and widespread. People are now more aware of issues related to dress codes and are more willing to voice their opinions and push for change.

Overall, dress codes are a complex issue that touches on a range of social and cultural factors, which is why they remain a hot topic of discussion.
That's a different take
I know a guy with an advanced degree that drives for Lyft because he maintains the same wild appearance he did in high school. No one wants to hire him for a corporate job. So he has the school loans but not the salary.

This is no different than Disney denying people.
I've been playing around on ChatGPT, it comes up with this answer for your question.

Interesting is that the first thing it mentions is 'individuality'. Which seems a bit ironic in this discussion on a board with mainly people from a culture where individuality is one of the biggest virtues.

Dress codes are a hot topic because they often involve issues related to individual expression, cultural norms, gender, and professionalism.

On one hand, dress codes can be seen as a way to establish a professional and respectful atmosphere in certain settings, such as the workplace or school. They may help to minimize distractions and ensure that people are dressed appropriately for the occasion.

On the other hand, dress codes can also be perceived as restrictive and infringing upon individual expression. Some argue that they can be used to enforce gender stereotypes or unfairly target certain groups, such as women or people of color. Additionally, dress codes may not take into account cultural or religious beliefs, leading to discrimination or discomfort for some individuals.

Furthermore, with the rise of social media and online activism, discussions about dress codes have become more public and widespread. People are now more aware of issues related to dress codes and are more willing to voice their opinions and push for change.

Overall, dress codes are a complex issue that touches on a range of social and cultural factors, which is why they remain a hot topic of discussion.
Folks that say they want to maintain their individuality end up looking like other people wanting to maintain their individuality. They’re denying social norms. So society punishes them with lower paying jobs. You’ll have a few exceptions. But they’re not the norm.
Folks that say they want to maintain their individuality end up looking like other people wanting to maintain their individuality. They’re denying social norms. So society punishes them with lower paying jobs. You’ll have a few exceptions. But they’re not the norm.
You can get away with it if you're really good at your job!
I want to be clear that I am not referring to Muslims, although they do have strict modesty standards for women in their culture.

Nothing in any of my posts made a distinction among the sexes.

That one did and is misinformed. Muslims, like Christians, have many ways of expressing their religious culture and the teachings about modesty apply to men and women. Nothing in the Quran requires women to dress the way the Taliban requires. This is not Islam, but rather one male group's interpretation of modesty.


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