Do Not Die Today: Southern California, 2022 (COMPLETE 2/23)

There are those who remain upset at the idea of a Star Wars land inside Walt’s original park, and I understand those complaints. But now having seen it, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much. For one thing, it feels completely separate from the rest of Disneyland. They did a nice job of walling off the views, noise, or any stray sights that might clash with the rest of the park.
Hmm... I guess I never really saw the "upset" side of it. We, as Disney fans, always want to talk about what Walt would think or what Walt would do. We will never know, but I have to think that the level of theming they have in Galaxy's Edge and the fact that the Imagineers still kept the theming hidden from other areas of the park better with this experience than they have with some other recent additions, he would be smiling ear to ear about it all.
Universal upped their game with the Harry Potter attractions and Disney responded with Star Wars and I am totally here for it as long as my wallet holds out.
Which was approximately 5 minutes in...
I was a gunner on this run, so my job basically consisted of mashing buttons over and over again. Well within my skill set.
And you get to blow sh... stuff up.
It’s clear that Disney spared no expense on this one. They went way over the top and down the other side, and I couldn’t be happier that they did so. This ride gets full marks as an experience, a spectacle, a ride, and a combination of every piece of technological wizardry and showmanship Walt Disney Imagineering has ever learned to date. It’s a stunner. I’m so glad we got to experience it.
It really is incredible. The ship moving from the rebel base to the hangar just blew me away. Among many other elements of it.
No, of course not. That’s Rise of the Resistance. But Indy is a perfectly cromulent ride. I’d known going in that it was basically the same ride as Dinosaur in WDW. So I knew what to expect in terms of the experience. I would give it the edge over Dinosaur because the theme (and source movie) is much better.
::yes:: I enjoyed that one!
We got a ride in on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, because we can’t ever skip that ride.
That's got to be a law.
Short answer: Best. Space. Mountain. Ever. Star Wars proved to be the bacon of amusement park rides—it made everything better. We were greeted at the launch with the familiar iconic musical theme, and then we were zooming around, ducking laser blasts and TIE fighters. They did a wonderful job incorporating those elements into the ride, and I instantly wanted to ride it again and again.
Cool! I really wish I could experience that one.
We’d basically completed all of the headliner rides in both parks by now (and yes, we were proud of that), so at this point, it was just about getting on as many rides without a wait as we could.
Time for the Canoes!
If you’re reading this as saying they needed to fortify themselves with alcohol before spending more time with us, well…you’re probably not wrong.
They just can't hang with your breakneck pace!
I can definitely say that we rode it, and it is now on the list just behind the Winnie the Pooh ride at WDW for Best Disney Ride To Experience While Tripping on LSD.
Where does Mr. Toad fall on that list?
As we said our goodbyes, I rolled up the cash in my fist and then did the ol’ gangster handshake with him, slipping him the bills as we shook.
:rotfl2: :lmao:
I think Jeff may be my new favorite Disney character. He sounds like an amazing tour guide, and an overall cool person.
Jeff was smooth, professional, totally unflappable. You got the sense that whatever you wanted, he could make it happen. Or give you a great alternative. So glad we got to have him as our guide.

That was an update worth waiting for! I feel like I was right there with you going from attraction to attraction. What a fantastic experience to have the VIP treatment. Count me in as a Jeff fan!
It was a really great day, for sure! So fun to see how the other half lives for a day!
No apologies needed.
We know that life happens and we're just glad you're still writing and entertaining us in whatever way you're able. :)
Thank you, sir. And I appreciate you saying that.

Is it bad that I had no problem understanding that?
On the DISBoards? No, you're just part of the crowd. In general public? Yes.

Interesting. I was wondering about that. In Florida, it's fine slotted into DHS, but... DL? I wasn't sure about that.
That's where I was, originally. And there's still a part of me that wishes they'd been able to find a way to put it in DCA rather than DL. But now having seen it, I feel like the work they did to separate it from the rest of the park really helps. You can just leave Disneyland and enter Star Wars for a while.
This is possible??
No. No, it's not.

So... you're saying about 10 minutes or so?

Okay... I have no idea if you're independently wealthy. So maybe 5 minutes.
Don't let the VIP tour fool you. 5 minutes, tops.

Took me a minute to spot those.
I remember seeing that in a write-up somewhere. But it was nice to have them pointed out to us.

Finally got to try one... Thought it was really good!
I liked it too!


Not losers. I mean I've met you guys and Julie and the kids seem perfectly fine to me.
This is a fair statement.

And the Oscar goes to...

Unfortunate. He's a pretty impressive animatronic.
I've heard that. Sadly, he was down the whole time we were there.

That pretty much describes me, too.
I'm amazed that some people have the time and energy to obsess about these things.

As long as it's not engineer.

Never be an engineer on this ride.

I got to be the engineer once. And yeah, that's the most boring role for sure. It hurts me to say that.

So... only Julie understands what's going on? Good for you, Julie!
She's the only worthwhile actor in this group.

This is possible??
Apparently miracles do happen.

Not at all surprised. That is one heck of a ride. ::yes::
Just amazing stuff. It's so engrossing, you immediately want to ride it again. Mostly you're thinking, "How did they do that?"

Actually... I've never done that and didn't know they still did. I might be tempted!
I have never attempted the canoes there. Always seemed like I had better things to do. But there will be a couple more canoe-related notes in this TR down the road.

You know what they said about it on Big Bang Theory, right?

I do! And have heard that theory before. But it has also been debunked in various places.

Okay, I like that. :)
A nice little touch. Too bad Drew didn't appreciate it.

Well that was an interesting little rabbit hole. Huh!
I guess you never saw that episode? I try to use "cromulent" in conversation as much as I can.

I did know that! I don't remember where, but I did read about that somewhere.
That one was new to me. Pretty cool tidbit.


Careful... Locals are pretty protective of their little castle.
Yes, I've heard that....:rolleyes1

Yeah... haven't been on that one. I don't remember if it was because I didn't want to risk my back or it was down. I think the latter.
It does go down pretty frequently. But I know Alison avoids it due to the bumpiness.

Was? It's gone now?
I believe the Star Wars overlay is only seasonal, sort of like the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff in the Haunted Mansion.
High. Praise. Indeed.
Well, Space Mountain is fun. Space Mountain with Star Wars music, TIE Fighters, and laser blasts all around you is perfection.

Not sure I saw that one. No clue. I'm gonna go with a definite... maybe.
I know they had re-built the ride recently. I forget when the new version opened.

Nope. That's one ride I don't want the lights to come on. Too much history with that one. Too much nostalgia.
Yeah, I can see that. It's a bit disconcerting to see plywood, etc. where you're used to just seeing pirate ships.

I can't tell which is which!
I'm the good-looking one, of course.

Really earning that Oscar...
On the DISBoards? No, you're just part of the crowd. In general public? Yes.
So you're saying we're all weirdos here, huh?

Sounds about right! :lmao:
That's where I was, originally. And there's still a part of me that wishes they'd been able to find a way to put it in DCA rather than DL. But now having seen it, I feel like the work they did to separate it from the rest of the park really helps. You can just leave Disneyland and enter Star Wars for a while.
I think as long as it's like you describe, part of, but separate, then it's okay?
Don't let the VIP tour fool you. 5 minutes, tops.
I've heard that. Sadly, he was down the whole time we were there.
Like the lions on AK's Safari ride
I'm amazed that some people have the time and energy to obsess about these things.
I sure don't. I obsess on when I might have a day off to just stop and stare at a wall for a bit.
I got to be the engineer once. And yeah, that's the most boring role for sure. It hurts me to say that.
You'll notice I said "Never be an engineer on this ride."
Just amazing stuff. It's so engrossing, you immediately want to ride it again. Mostly you're thinking, "How did they do that?"
So... with the VIP tour... could you have ridden it again?
I have never attempted the canoes there. Always seemed like I had better things to do. But there will be a couple more canoe-related notes in this TR down the road.
I do! And have heard that theory before. But it has also been debunked in various places.
Thanks for those. I had thought about the Nazis digging in the wrong spot. I'm not convinced they would have found it no matter how long they dug. I mean... it's a massive area. Look how far they've gone with Pompeii and how many decades they've been at it.
Also... perhaps only a man of faith could find it? Food for thought.
I guess you never saw that episode? I try to use "cromulent" in conversation as much as I can.
I'm sure I saw the episode, but I guess it didn't stick.
I believe the Star Wars overlay is only seasonal, sort of like the Nightmare Before Christmas stuff in the Haunted Mansion.
Ah, got it.
Yeah, I can see that. It's a bit disconcerting to see plywood, etc. where you're used to just seeing pirate ships.
There's no plywood. PP is held together with gold and diamonds and Walt's love.
I'm the good-looking one, of course.
Of course. How silly of me not to notice.

That explains a lot.

Just kidding!
Sure you are! :rolleyes1
You have to see it to really understand it. I grew up picturing WDW as the Disney Experience. It's so weird to walk down a city block and see Mission: Breakout towering up above.
Or driving on the freeway and seeing the Matterhorn, that's why Walt was so secretive when he was buying up all the land in Florida.
Wow, more power to you! I've probably forgotten half the movies by now.
I didn't remember how some of them ended the first time I watched them! :laughing: Which is why I needed to rewatch them!
I remember hitting a Dr. Strange book in a cage or something, but I don't know that it did anything for my score either.
Yes, that's one of the things and it makes a big circle. I also did something with Thor's Hammer last week.
For me, I think due to it a) being in the dark and b) not being so tall, RnRC doesn't hit me as hard. By the time you realize you're upside-down the loop is already over.
Yes, that is a small loop that goes by quickly. You have plenty of time to see and anticipate the one in Incredicoaster.
It's almost like they are really good at their jobs!
My apologies that I’m going so long between updates.
No worries, my last update before today was in August. Although I really didn't have much to update about until Friday.
There are those who remain upset at the idea of a Star Wars land inside Walt’s original park, and I understand those complaints.
I get it too, but Walt said that "Disneyland will never be completed." I think he would have like it.
As we walked, Jeff filled us in on many of the details in the theming, including these numbers which are a shout-out to the years of the release dates of the original trilogy of movies (1977, 1980 and 1983).
I like how he knows so much about history and trivia.
The main menu items here are “Ronto wraps”, which are basically sausages (meat or vegetarian) wrapped in pita bread with slaw and peppercorn sauce.
That actually looks pretty good. I may have to give one a try. I haven't had one since the previews.
Along the way, Jeff made sure that Drew found evidence that even Mickey was around a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
Cute! I'll have to look for that. I'm going back next Friday.
We headed into the pre-show, where we got a video version of Hondo Ohnaka. I guess the animatronic figure was down. Boo.
After reading your TR, I made sure to pay close attention to the animatronic on Friday. He is a pretty cool one.
I have always loved Star Wars, and have generally enjoyed the various movies.
I can say the same. I haven't followed all the spin off series, but I am looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian.
And if you don’t take this photo in the waiting area, what are you even doing there?
Well, you can only have so many copies of that photo.....
I can see why some people complain about not being able to see what’s going on due to needing to push buttons and look at the control panel. But I also feel like that issue was solved with multiple rides.
Yeah, pretty much and doing all the positions doesn't hurt either.
I’m not sure what I can write about Disney’s showstopper of a ride that hasn’t already been written, but I can tell you this: as your VIP Tour guide, the host is free to get on any rides with you that he/she wishes. Often, Jeff would send us on our way and meet us at the exit when we were finished. But with Rise of the Resistance, he made sure he rode with us.
Yes, this ride is a must do.
I had one group that wanted to go on Davy Crockett’s canoes. That was a weird one. I mean, there’s NEVER a wait for the canoes.
That's definitely a weird one.
We went for a classic ride of our own instead: the Haunted Mansion.
I wanted to do that on Friday, but it was still the overlay version and I'm pretty much over that. Did it back in October.
As Jeff led us through the queue, he stopped to show us one support pole in the temple that seemed curiously flexible. He gave it a shake, and suddenly there was a loud crashing noise like the ceiling was about to collapse.
I really wanted to see this, but the ride is down for rehab. I hope they don't take that out.
But Indy is a perfectly cromulent ride.
And some of the animatronics didn’t quite seem to be working right.
I got a behind the scenes tour, and each little area has several different nuances so that the ride isn't the same every time. The computers in the ride vehicles can react differently to what's going on around. Like the scene with the snake, sometimes the car lurches toward the snake, sometimes it veers the other direction.
We got a ride in on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, because we can’t ever skip that ride.
I did on Friday. :sad2: We were just too tired.
Yes, we were fortunate enough to be at Disneyland while the Star Wars overlay was intact on Space Mountain, so that was definitely a bonus.
That would have been cool. This ride was down on Friday as well. I hope they are up and running when I go back next week.
Short answer: Best. Space. Mountain. Ever.
Alison, Jenny and Jill had come back to the parks and we briefly met up with them outside Space Mountain. But they decided to go on to the Club and meet up with Bob, who had already reserved a table for us, rather than do some more rides. If you’re reading this as saying they needed to fortify themselves with alcohol before spending more time with us, well…you’re probably not wrong.
Well, not so much to fortify ourselves before spending more time with you, to make up for what we did when we visited Fran at home. (I won't reveal that until my next TR, but then again Mark, you know.)
On to Fantasyland, where we got on another new experience for us—Snow White’s Enchanted Wish. This one had been recently re-built with brand new animatronics and effects,
Or the ride where they had to redo it because there was a backlash about the scene at the end where the prince kissed her without her consent. PC at it's finest.
We moved across the walkway to Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride, which none of our kids had ever experienced before. Again, it’s an enjoyable dark ride. I always got a kick out of the fact that a Disney ride actually ends with you going to hell (spoiler alert). I’m just amazed that it exists at all.
This is the BEST ride in Fantasyland.
We got on Peter Pan’s Flight, figuring it was a good use of VIP privileges to skip the ride on that one. Away we went on our voyage, sailing through the skids, until we came to a dead stop right over the pirate ship with Smee blasting away at us with the cannon. The ride had broken down.
Too bad it broke down. Seems like it would spoil the magic.
I can definitely say that we rode it, and it is now on the list just behind the Winnie the Pooh ride at WDW for Best Disney Ride To Experience While Tripping on LSD.
:lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2:
Rather than stand amongst the other peons, Jeff led us to this spot along the side of the castle and we took our photos there.
Hmmm....that's interesting, my group took almost the same picture on Friday, but Jeff didn't point it out to us.
As we said our goodbyes, I rolled up the cash in my fist and then did the ol’ gangster handshake with him, slipping him the bills as we shook.

“I’ve always wanted to do that,” I said.

“And now you have,” he said with a smile.
And I try and figure out what photos I’m actually allowed to post from Club 33.
Good Luck! :laughing:
Is it bad that I had no problem understanding that?
Neither Fran or I had a problem either....and she's not even on the DIS!
Hmm... I guess I never really saw the "upset" side of it. We, as Disney fans, always want to talk about what Walt would think or what Walt would do. We will never know, but I have to think that the level of theming they have in Galaxy's Edge and the fact that the Imagineers still kept the theming hidden from other areas of the park better with this experience than they have with some other recent additions, he would be smiling ear to ear about it all.
I saw the comments here and there. You'll always have the purists who resist any change, but I'm more sympathetic when it comes to Disneyland since that was the original and where Walt actually had so much hands-on input. It just feels more historic that way. But I'm not totally close-minded to the ideas, either, and in the end they won me over.

Which was approximately 5 minutes in...
I don't think I even lasted that long.
And you get to blow sh... stuff up.
::yes:: They know how to appeal to me, for sure.

It really is incredible. The ship moving from the rebel base to the hangar just blew me away. Among many other elements of it.
What a great experience. I felt like they used every trick in the book.
::yes:: I enjoyed that one!
It's fun! Indy makes for a better theme than Dinosaur.

That's got to be a law.
I assumed it was, frankly.

Cool! I really wish I could experience that one.
Well, maybe someday...

Time for the Canoes!
:laughing: I was tempted to ask Jeff for it, just to see his reaction.

They just can't hang with your breakneck pace!
Alison told us several times that we were nuts.

Where does Mr. Toad fall on that list?
That would be high on the list, for sure. But I can at least understand the plot of Mr. Toad. The other rides....:confused3
So you're saying we're all weirdos here, huh?

Sounds about right! :lmao:
No, I would never say that! I might imply it, though.

I think as long as it's like you describe, part of, but separate, then it's okay?
In my opinion, yes. It felt separate from the rest of the park.

Like the lions on AK's Safari ride
You know, I didn't make the connection, but that's a great point. I wonder if those animatronics had the same designer.

I sure don't. I obsess on when I might have a day off to just stop and stare at a wall for a bit.

At some point, things are going to turn for you and it's going to be epic.
You'll notice I said "Never be an engineer on this ride."
Thank goodness! I was getting worried there.

So... with the VIP tour... could you have ridden it again?
I think so? I was not told of any restrictions. I suppose they may have a limit so as not to mess with people's Lightning Lane reservations, etc., but it would have been interesting to see if there is a limit to the number of rides.

Thanks for those. I had thought about the Nazis digging in the wrong spot. I'm not convinced they would have found it no matter how long they dug. I mean... it's a massive area. Look how far they've gone with Pompeii and how many decades they've been at it.
Also... perhaps only a man of faith could find it? Food for thought.
Sure, I would find that plausible. I liked the point they made about the movie being more about Indy's character arc too. Making the journey from selfish glory-hound to seeing that some things are bigger.

I'm sure I saw the episode, but I guess it didn't stick.
I think it was a perfectly cromulent episode.

There's no plywood. PP is held together with gold and diamonds and Walt's love.
And a little pixie dust. Can't forget that.

Of course. How silly of me not to notice.

That's why I wear the hat and sunglasses, otherwise the women would be constantly flocking to me.
No, I would never say that! I might imply it, though.
Oh, you can say it. We all know it.
You know, I didn't make the connection, but that's a great point. I wonder if those animatronics had the same designer.
If it never moves, is it an animatronic? or just a mannequin? Does mannequin only refer to people? Then the lions are just stuffed animals?

My head hurts.

At some point, things are going to turn for you and it's going to be epic.
Can't wait!


I think so? I was not told of any restrictions. I suppose they may have a limit so as not to mess with people's Lightning Lane reservations, etc., but it would have been interesting to see if there is a limit to the number of rides.
So... the question is, how many times can you go on ROTR if you ride it back to back to back for 6? 8? straight hours?
And how would you escape being lynched by all those who keep seeing you ride it over and over while they stand in line for 3 hours?
Sure, I would find that plausible. I liked the point they made about the movie being more about Indy's character arc too. Making the journey from selfish glory-hound to seeing that some things are bigger.
I think it was a perfectly cromulent episode.
And a little pixie dust. Can't forget that.
Of course! I mean... that's where the line is from for Pete's sakes!
That's why I wear the hat and sunglasses, otherwise the women would be constantly flocking to me.
Oh, sure. I get that all the time too.

Wait... <consults dictionary>
No. My mistake. I was thinking "flocking" was the same as "running away from", but it's towards. Nope not me.
I just read an article about a family that visited all the national parks and wrote a book about it, 59 before 18. Of course I thought of your family (hint hint, write a book ;) ) I know you did all 50 states but did you keep count of all the national parks you visited?
Sure you are! :rolleyes1
Or driving on the freeway and seeing the Matterhorn, that's why Walt was so secretive when he was buying up all the land in Florida.
Yeah, it definitely makes for a better "show" not to see that ahead of time.

I didn't remember how some of them ended the first time I watched them! :laughing: Which is why I needed to rewatch them!
I'm starting to not remember them all either! There's just so much "stuff" out there.

Yes, that's one of the things and it makes a big circle. I also did something with Thor's Hammer last week.
I seem to remember Thor's Hammer but I think the boys always hit it before I could.

Yes, that is a small loop that goes by quickly. You have plenty of time to see and anticipate the one in Incredicoaster.
The loop in Incredicoaster kind of gave me a headache too.

No worries, my last update before today was in August. Although I really didn't have much to update about until Friday.
Yeah, it's not like anyone important visited over the summer or anything...

:rotfl:Just messing with you. I'll have to get over there and catch up on your update! :thumbsup2
I get it too, but Walt said that "Disneyland will never be completed." I think he would have like it.
It's hard to say, but I think he would have been inspired by seeing Star Wars.

I like how he knows so much about history and trivia.
He definitely knows his stuff. I think he had a genuine love of the theme parks.

That actually looks pretty good. I may have to give one a try. I haven't had one since the previews.
We were all pretty happy with it.

Cute! I'll have to look for that. I'm going back next Friday.
It was on a wall in that dead-end alley near Smugglers Run.

After reading your TR, I made sure to pay close attention to the animatronic on Friday. He is a pretty cool one.
Of course he is. Now I guess we have to come back.

I can say the same. I haven't followed all the spin off series, but I am looking forward to season 3 of the Mandalorian.
Me too! It might get a little confusing if you didn't watch The Book of Boba Fett, because they ended up including some Mandalorian plot stuff in that show.

Well, you can only have so many copies of that photo.....
Way to dunk on us non-AP holders...

Yeah, pretty much and doing all the positions doesn't hurt either.
It was fun to try! My boys wouldn't let me be a pilot though.

Yes, this ride is a must do.
That's definitely a weird one.
I don't know why anyone would waste their time with the canoes! Especially on a VIP tour.

I wanted to do that on Friday, but it was still the overlay version and I'm pretty much over that. Did it back in October.
Huh. I thought that would have been changed by now.

I really wanted to see this, but the ride is down for rehab. I hope they don't take that out.
I love those neat little touches. They're what make Disney, Disney.

I got a behind the scenes tour, and each little area has several different nuances so that the ride isn't the same every time. The computers in the ride vehicles can react differently to what's going on around. Like the scene with the snake, sometimes the car lurches toward the snake, sometimes it veers the other direction.
I think I remember you talking about that tour, but that's interesting. I didn't know they had different reactions--thought it was the same ride for everyone.

I did on Friday. :sad2: We were just too tired.
Now you have to go back to make amends.

That would have been cool. This ride was down on Friday as well. I hope they are up and running when I go back next week.
Ugh. Let's hope so!

Well, not so much to fortify ourselves before spending more time with you, to make up for what we did when we visited Fran at home. (I won't reveal that until my next TR, but then again Mark, you know.)
Well, I can take a guess, and I can definitely see the need for alcohol in that case.

Or the ride where they had to redo it because there was a backlash about the scene at the end where the prince kissed her without her consent. PC at it's finest.
:sad2: I mean...we're getting a little silly here.

This is the BEST ride in Fantasyland.
You know, I think that might be my vote as well!

Too bad it broke down. Seems like it would spoil the magic.
Yeah...not much we can do about it though.

Hmmm....that's interesting, my group took almost the same picture on Friday, but Jeff didn't point it out to us.
Was Jeff with you on Friday? You didn't tell him how I was describing him, did you?

What, you don't think that was a cool trick? I'd been practicing for weeks. :laughing:

Good Luck! :laughing:
Hope I don't get banned!

Neither Fran or I had a problem either....and she's not even on the DIS!
I knew none of you would let me down!
To be fair, she lives like 5 minutes away and can go back any time. Those of us who visit Disneyland once (or twice) in a lifetime have to maximize every freaking minute!

Well its 25 minutes without traffic....and I actually had not been since October when I went last Friday. :rolleyes1

Ok, ok... I forgot to factor in Southern California traffic. :rolleyes1 :lmao:
I think she meant 25 minutes with no traffic. 6 hours with standard LA traffic.
Oh, you can say it. We all know it.
Thank goodness. Didn't want to have to hide my true feelings.

If it never moves, is it an animatronic? or just a mannequin? Does mannequin only refer to people? Then the lions are just stuffed animals?

My head hurts.
Me too. What were we talking about again?

Can't wait!


Understatement of the year. But yes, I would love to see this for you too. Seriously. It'll happen.

So... the question is, how many times can you go on ROTR if you ride it back to back to back for 6? 8? straight hours?
And how would you escape being lynched by all those who keep seeing you ride it over and over while they stand in line for 3 hours?
I think the answer to the first part is 3 before the ride goes down for maintenance. The second part....I have no idea. That could get ugly.

Of course! I mean... that's where the line is from for Pete's sakes!
Oh, sure. I get that all the time too.

Wait... <consults dictionary>
No. My mistake. I was thinking "flocking" was the same as "running away from", but it's towards. Nope not me.
If I had a dollar for every time I had women flocking towards me, I...would be broke.
I just read an article about a family that visited all the national parks and wrote a book about it, 59 before 18. Of course I thought of your family (hint hint, write a book ;) ) I know you did all 50 states but did you keep count of all the national parks you visited?
They stole my idea! I should sue for plagiarism. But yes, we have kept track of the national parks. It's not the same for all of us because Julie and I have been to a few that the kids haven't seen, and I think I even have a couple on her. So my count is 49. I think the older kids are at 44 if I counted correctly.

Write a book, huh? You flatter me. In a dream world, I would love to do that. I really enjoy writing. But I also am pretty sure that in the real world only 3 people would buy it.

I'll let you in on a secret: I actually have a dream of writing a novel. I have a cool idea for a story and I think I might be able to pull it off if I really devoted myself to it. The hard part is finding the discipline (I'm a notorious procrastinator) and the time (what with a job, kids, college payments, etc.). But the dream never quite goes away.
They stole my idea! I should sue for plagiarism. But yes, we have kept track of the national parks. It's not the same for all of us because Julie and I have been to a few that the kids haven't seen, and I think I even have a couple on her. So my count is 49. I think the older kids are at 44 if I counted correctly.

Write a book, huh? You flatter me. In a dream world, I would love to do that. I really enjoy writing. But I also am pretty sure that in the real world only 3 people would buy it.

I'll let you in on a secret: I actually have a dream of writing a novel. I have a cool idea for a story and I think I might be able to pull it off if I really devoted myself to it. The hard part is finding the discipline (I'm a notorious procrastinator) and the time (what with a job, kids, college payments, etc.). But the dream never quite goes away.
That’s a great dream! If only we had some kind of world shutdown that gave you the time to make it happen. Oh wait, never mind.

All kidding aside you really do have a talent for writing. And more than three people would buy it. I’m sure more than three of us subscribe to this thread. Although I wouldn’t buy it because I work in a library and its against my DNA to buy books. But I would definitely borrow it!!
Me too. What were we talking about again?
Understatement of the year. But yes, I would love to see this for you too. Seriously. It'll happen.
Eventually. ::yes::
I think the answer to the first part is 3 before the ride goes down for maintenance. The second part....I have no idea. That could get ugly.
Given the first part, it follows that the second part would never have a chance of occurring
If I had a dollar for every time I had women flocking towards me, I...would be broke.
Stand in front of a shoe store on sale…
That’s a great dream! If only we had some kind of world shutdown that gave you the time to make it happen. Oh wait, never mind.
:rotfl:If only...

I actually did start one. Didn't make it very far, and I still struggle to force myself to sit down and work on it. But someday...
All kidding aside you really do have a talent for writing. And more than three people would buy it. I’m sure more than three of us subscribe to this thread. Although I wouldn’t buy it because I work in a library and its against my DNA to buy books. But I would definitely borrow it!!
And thank you! But your library idea kind of confirms my thoughts that I shouldn't be too optimistic.:laughing:


Eventually. ::yes::
How about now? Now would be good.

Given the first part, it follows that the second part would never have a chance of occurring
Yeah...that's a very good point.

Stand in front of a shoe store on sale…
Now that's just someone with a death wish.


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