There's Always Too Much Sauce - A July 2022 TR *Updated 3/23

Continued From Previous Post:

If that news wasn’t exciting enough, I have another adventure in the works.

April 12-19th, I am returning to Walt Disney World in order to participate in the Springtime Surprise Challenge.

This is a race I have been trying to do for years (back when it was Star Wars) but have never managed to make the scheduling work. And while going back during the height of moving stresses me out a little, Alex reassures me it’ll all work out. Hopefully by then, our household goods will already be packed up and on a boat to our next destination. So what’s the difference between living out of a suitcase at home versus living out of one at a Disney resort?

If the race wasn’t exciting enough, this trip will be extra special, because I won’t be alone for the week.

My mom will be joining me for all the Disney fun!


Going to Walt Disney World, just Mom and Daughter, has been something we have been trying to do for years. We were tentatively planning on creating this trip back in 2020, but then of course the world shut down. And in 2021, my brother got married, and 2022 I needed to get my kiddos back to the world.

But it’s happening now!

The first time we had a Mom/Daughter trip was in 2012. (So it’ll have been over 10 years by the time we do it again.)



Fortunately, just because we haven’t been able to have another Mom/Daughter trip, my mom has joined me for lots of family trips.

She was there for Landon’s first Disney trip:


And when Alex deployed, her and I brought Landon to Disney by ourselves:


Then, she was there for the disastrous trip that was Evie’s first Disney trip:


After that, Alex deployed again, and my mom helped me navigate Disney with two babies:



Walt Disney World trips and hanging with my mom have always been synonymous, and this time, her and I get each other’s unlimited attention without wrangling little kids.

My mom is soooo excited for this trip, and honestly, so am I.

I love Disney with my kids, but getting days with just Alex and I was a blast. I can’t wait to have that experience again with my mom.

For resorts, our last 4 nights will be at Ol’ Reliable.

Shades of Green.

Splitting a room at Shades makes the cost better than anything we could get on property.

But! Our first 3 nights, my mom and I decided to splurge.

We’re staying at the
Beach Club!!!!!

This is a resort my mom has always dreamed of staying at. Her favorite attraction is Soarin’ and her favorite season is Flower and Garden. So when I booked the room and told her she’d be a walk away from both, she almost cried for joy.

I can’t wait to share more plans with you all as they start to form. Let’s hope those three days of running don’t hinder too much park touring.

I’ve got new attractions to show my mom!

Wow - exciting times! I would LOVE to go to DLP. And taking a train to get there - even better! Hope you write a TR for that one. And Springtime in WDW - lovely. So wonderful you get some special Mom/Daughter time. You have a lot to look forward to!
Wow - exciting times! I would LOVE to go to DLP. And taking a train to get there - even better! Hope you write a TR for that one. And Springtime in WDW - lovely. So wonderful you get some special Mom/Daughter time. You have a lot to look forward to!

We're hoping taking the train will be less stressful than flying. We're lucky enough to have a train station in our village, so all we will have to do is walk a little and then take a few trains and then we're there.

With so much unknown happening concerning where we are going to be living next, having these Disney trips to plan really helps. One of those, "Since I can't plan for my life, might as well plan for my vacations!"

We’re going over Thanksgiving Break (taking a train!) and will get to see all the Christmas decorations. I love the holidays and cannot wait to see the parks decked out for the season.
I would love to go to DLP one day!
Then there was our last trip to Disneyland Paris. Probably one of the most memorable for me.
Looks amazing! Although I am partial to the trips with pics of your two as babies
All our trips to DLP have been wonderful, and with so much happening in the parks this year, I’m really glad we get to go back. It’ll be DLP’s 30th Anniversary and like I said, there will be holiday decorations.
You are going to have an awesome time!
April 12-19th, I am returning to Walt Disney World in order to participate in the Springtime Surprise Challenge.
So exciting! Time with your Mom and three nights at Beach Club! How perfect is that???
So much exciting news!

Disneyland Paris for Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations sounds like a dream. We'll be in Disneyworld the week after Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the decorations too.

Excited for your Mother/Daughter Race trip to Disney World. I have really enjoyed my Mother/Daughter trips. Starting with the Beach Club is going to be the icing on the cake.

Positive thoughts for Alex's next assignment.
I'm happy to hear you were able to ride all the new to you attractions. That's something!
We really did have a lovely time, most of the time, if that makes sense, and we were incredibly lucky to be there for a long time so while each day in the parks was shorter than we’d wish for, overall we got most things done, especially in HS and EPCOT.
I'm sure one day it'll work out. Alex still wants to try for Northern Ireland before we leave. :rotfl:
Definitely let me know if you plan to make it here.
It's hard when something you've been looking forward to for so long doesn't go as expected. It can really be a thorn in your side. But you always sound so positive about what you did get to do, which is all you really can do at this point.
Truthfully I feel lucky to have made it back at all. It has been a rough couple of years so getting away together as a family to a place we all love was wonderful. Any park time was a bonus and Connor interviewing and then getting his first permanent job the icing on the cake!
Oh gosh! For your son? Did the resort help you out at all, help locate an urgent care?
To be fair it was the resort staff that wanted to call Matthew an ambulance with was totally freaking him out poor boy. They were lovely but way more anxious than I was as I knew we’d get him sorted with the right medications and time inside so they arranged transport for us to an urgent care in Lake Buena Vista. Hopefully you never need this service but they do provide free transport there and back to your hotel if staying onsite
Evie has never been a silly kid. She looked at Alex like he was crazy for holding the cookie up to her head. :confused3
:rotfl: :rotfl::rotfl:
I was really proud of her for giving all the attractions a try, but now she definitely knows what she likes and doesn't like and has no desire to give some rides a second chance. :rotfl:
You should be proud of her. Some 58, 25 & 15 olds that I may or may not be related to won’t try certain attractions to see if they can survive ( I mean enjoy) them:rolleyes1:rotfl:
Alex was not going to leave the U.K. without seeing Disneyland Paris one more time.
Wise man that Alex.
We’re going over Thanksgiving Break (taking a train!) and will get to see all the Christmas decorations. I love the holidays and cannot wait to see the parks decked out for the season.
So exciting!
April 12-19th, I am returning to Walt Disney World in order to participate in the Springtime Surprise Challenge.
Do you not find out how far you’ve to run until you get there? Is that the surprise element?
My mom will be joining me for all the Disney fun!
I cannot wait to hear about all your plans. Will they include pizza and tiramisu in Via Napoli I wonder?? Delighted for you both.:goodvibes
Going to Walt Disney World, just Mom and Daughter, has been something we have been trying to do for years.
Fantastic news that you are able to get away together, just the two of you. It will be so much fun.
But! Our first 3 nights, my mom and I decided to splurge.
You are going to love it at the BC. The location is wonderful and strolling around the boardwalk in the early morning before the world awakens or last thing at night is one of my favourite things to do. Fabulous sunrises to be seen from there and one of the few upsides to jet lag is that it makes darn sure you’re up in time to see them the first day or two:rotfl:
I would love to go to DLP one day!

I hope you get the chance! It's a beautiful park.

So exciting! Time with your Mom and three nights at Beach Club! How perfect is that???

We're really looking forward to the time together in such a beautiful resort.

We loved taking the train between London and Paris! I hope you have a fabulous trip!

I'm hoping the train is an easy process. The only thing I'm worried about is Landon gets motion sick on trains/tubes. I'll definitely be giving him Dramomine and we're sitting forward at the front.
Disneyland Paris for Thanksgiving and Christmas decorations sounds like a dream. We'll be in Disneyworld the week after Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the decorations too.

I think going to the parks right at the beginning of the holiday season gets you in the holiday spirit. I told the kids I wanted to put up our decorations before we leave, because when we come back we'll probably want to seem.

I have really enjoyed my Mother/Daughter trips.

It's fun getting to spend time with your mom/daughter without anyone else around.

Positive thoughts for Alex's next assignment.

We've been really lucky with assignments so far (FL, Germany, England) so we're hoping his luck holds out!

Truthfully I feel lucky to have made it back at all. It has been a rough couple of years so getting away together as a family to a place we all love was wonderful.

Very true.

To be fair it was the resort staff that wanted to call Matthew an ambulance with was totally freaking him out poor boy. They were lovely but way more anxious than I was as I knew we’d get him sorted with the right medications and time inside so they arranged transport for us to an urgent care in Lake Buena Vista. Hopefully you never need this service but they do provide free transport there and back to your hotel if staying onsite

Oh wow! Well, I'm glad they were taking the situation seriously and were doing everything in their power to help.

Do you not find out how far you’ve to run until you get there? Is that the surprise element?

I think that's what the surprise element was intended to be when they changed the theme from Star Wars. But now I think the "surprise" is the change in theme every year. This year it's Pixar, and the Challenge means running a 5K, 10K, and 10 Miler.

Will they include pizza and tiramisu in Via Napoli I wonder??

YES, YES IT WILL! :rotfl:
You know me so well.

You are going to love it at the BC. The location is wonderful and strolling around the boardwalk in the early morning before the world awakens or last thing at night is one of my favourite things to do. Fabulous sunrises to be seen from there and one of the few upsides to jet lag is that it makes darn sure you’re up in time to see them the first day or two

Isn't that the truth....
Actually, on race days, I have to be at the bus stops by 3:30 because the races start at 5 in the morning, so I already told my mom I'm planning on keeping to UK time for the first part of the trip. Waking up at 2:30 on race days will be like 7:30 back home, which I never get to do with the kids. :laughing:
July 9th Part 3

Picking up where I last left off (many weeks ago) my family was finishing up a rest back at our AirBnB and was ready to get back into the parks. All of us had park hoppers on our tickets, but we still had so much left to do in Hollywood Studios that there was never any doubt where we’d be headed to.

You have to admit, DHS has a lot to offer now.


Before this trip, I kept telling people this was going to be a new type of Disney vacation, because we finally had kids out of strollers. We had entered a new phase of park touring!

As I was leaving my mother in-law’s house the day before, she threw an umbrella stroller she had from my sister in-law into the trunk of our car.

Surely, SURELY we weren’t going to use it.


Friends, below you is Exhibit A on how very wrong I was:


One day, Evie?!?! Really???? You could not go one full park day before crying that your legs were tired and begging to ride in the stroller.

Truly, folks, I don’t know where our Disney commando touring skills failed us with this one.

But like I said, Alex and I have time yet. We can bring her over to our side. One trip at a time.

(Also notice who is pushing the stroller. This kid will do anything for his sister. Including schlepping her around a theme park in 90 degree heat.)

My family managed to make it all the way to Sunset Boulevard before we needed to stop.

Do you know why?

I bet you can guess.

Come on.

I couldn’t let this third update on our DHS go without mentioning…you know.


The awful, terrible, no good, process of sunscreening ourselves up.

Four o’clock or not, the sun was still shining, and we were starting to crisp!


Fortunately, after another one of those debacles taken care of (only seventy nine more left on the trip!) it was time to use our next Genie Plus reservation of the day.

Way, way, wayyyyy back before I start popping tiny humans out, Alex asked me if I’d ever give Tower of Terror another try. My one and only experience with the attraction was back in 2003, when I was so excited to ride. It was the only attraction I talked about all day. I convinced my younger brother and aunt to go with me.

And I ended up HATING it. I felt like I was flying out of my seat, I stressed my buckle wasn’t tight enough, I had my brother shouting in my ear to let go of him.

I walked off going, “
Nope. Never doing that again.”

Alex, though, loves Tower of Terror.

So back then, I made him a promise. Once we had all the babies we were going to have, and they were all tall enough to go on Tower of Terror, then I would give it another shot.

Well, friends, it was time to pay the piper.

Evie was 46 inches this trip. Plenty tall enough to experience the elevator ride from…you know.


I’m not sure if it was normal or not, but the Lightning Lane seemed to take a long time to get through. Long enough for Evie to start freaking out about the ride.

This was the first time of many this trip that she would work up the coaster in her head, until she got scared and started crying.

Alex and I asked her several times if she really wanted to go on the coaster, and she’d say yes, but then start shaking and hugging us.

When we got to the loading station on TOT, an amazing Cast Member noticed Evie’s demeanor and began talking with her. She pointed out Evie’s glasses and talked about princesses (Evie’s glasses had Rapunzel on them.)

The CM asked Evie why Rapunzel was her favorite, which got Evie going.

“Because she has Pascal. And having a pet chameleon would be cool. I love unique animals. That’s why I love Animal Kingdom and the safari.”

This sparked a great back and forth with the two and did wonders for helping distract my daughter.

By the time we were going to our seats, Evie had calmed down a lot. Thank goodness for great Cast Members! As soon as we were off the attraction, Alex went and left a Cast Compliment for her. She was spectacular.

Unfortunately, my second time around on Tower of Terror did not ingratiate it into my heart.

While it’s not as bad as I made it out to be in my memories, I don’t think I’ll be rushing to return. Too many big drops for me.

The four of us had already gone on Alien Swirling Saucers earlier that morning, but we were looking for something else to book with Genie Plus and that was really all that was left. Alex and I decided to walk over to Toy Story Land and take the kids on the ride again. It’s quick and fun and something everyone can do.

Besides, it was on our way.

Because the time had finally come.


Actually, it was long past time to enter a certain land.

You all know what I’m talking about.

My family needed to see Galaxy’s Edge!

We really, really needed to experience the land with our very own eyes.

Continued in Next Post:
Continued From Previous Post:

Stepping into a brand-new land at Walt Disney World is a magical experience. It’s something you haven’t done before. All the details are being taken in with fresh eyes, the pathways lead to places unknown, the music is foreign to your ears. With so few new lands opening up at WDW over the years, us Disney fans have come to appreciate them when they come. New Fantasyland, Pandora, now Galaxy’s Edge.

It's a memorable occasion.

And for me, a little surreal. I mean, I saw New Fantasyland when I was pregnant with Landon. Now look at us. The kid was striding ahead of his old mom, long legs leaving me in the dust.

You really feel the years when you go to Walt Disney World and see the difference in ages in the kids….

Galaxy’s Edge.

Nothing was going to dampen this moment.

Except the huge rainstorm that moved through the area right at that very moment.

Ahhh, gotta love Florida.

Wouldn’t be a trip in the summer if a monsoon didn’t blow through and soak you to the bone.

So, sadly, our first night and first time seeing all things Star Wars was minimally documented. Alex and I were more focused on running from place to place to avoid the lightening and the rain than stopping to take a lot of pictures.

Our first sightseeing adventure was inside Docking Bay 7. Along with everyone else in Hollywood Studios.

The kids were hungry, and Alex really wanted to try a Ronto Wrap, but the Ronto stand closed at three o’clock. Fortunately, Docking Bay 7 had us covered.

Unfortunately, once we placed our mobile order and picked up our food, the seating area was filled to the brim.

I stood by a condiments stand with our tray and the kids, while Alex did laps around the restaurant. Because it was raining, guests were camping out at tables, getting comfy with phones and even playing cards.

I had no idea what to do in that moment.

My face must have looked pretty pitiful, because eventually a nice girl walked up to me and told me her and her parents were about to vacate their table.


Following them, they allowed us to set down our dinner while they cleaned up the remnants of their food and left.

I must have thanked them a hundred times.

Kind Disney guests do still exist, friends! They’re out there. They might be harder to spot amidst all the people blocking the MagicBands with their scooters, but they are there.

Thank goodness for that family. My gratitude knew no bounds in that moment.

Because of them, my family was able to dig into these bad boys:



Evie was not a fan. (Surprise, surprise)

Alex loved them.

Landon and I thought they were all right.

It was good, don’t get me wrong. The peppercorn ranch slaw was delicious, and the pita bread was nice and soft without breaking apart. But once I got to the middle of the wrap, all I was eating was the pork filling. It was just pork and pita.

Alex said I should have folded the pita more or used my finger to spread the slaw out evenly, but I feel like I shouldn’t have to do that with my meal. Those wraps are not cheap; they should come with the flavors evenly distributed.

Plus, one was too much for me. In hindsight, Evie and I should have split a wrap.

I think I’ll get one again someday, but I don’t think it’s a food I will need to get every trip to make my vacation complete.

After dinner, the rain slowed down enough for Alex and I to grab a few quick shots in front of the Millenium Falcon before our Smuggler’s Run passes were due.


Not going to lie, I had very little desire to ride Smuggler’s Run. I’m not a Star Wars fan (don’t dislike it, just have never loved it) and really don’t like simulator rides.

But it wouldn’t look very good if I made the kids promise to try new attractions if I didn’t follow that rule, as well.

Since we were a party of four, we were assigned gunners and engineers.


The one thing Landon really wanted to do this trip was pilot the Millennium Falcon, but luckily we had another Hollywood Studios day planned and already prepared Landon that we’d get him on as pilot when we were here for our “big” Star Wars day.

This was just the preview night.

Our soft opening.

As I mentioned mere seconds ago, I’m not a huge Star Wars fan. I don’t know that much about the franchise. Barely remembered we were on a planet called Batuu.

But dang if I didn’t get into that attraction.

Halfway through our flight, I was shouting at the kids to hit their buttons, I was smashing mine, looking over to make sure Alex got all his.

“Don’t look at me, watch your controls.”

I felt like a little kid, completely immersed in the game, trying to do the best I possibly could, and clapping my hands when we landed with our axioum. (That’s what it’s called, right? The stuff we were trying to pick up?)

Simulator rides are still not my cup of tea, and I don’t think I could do Smuggler’s Run more than once, but I walked off the attraction having had way more fun than I expected. Kudos to Disney for getting a casual Star Wars fan to thoroughly enjoy a highly themed attraction.

You can’t deny those Imagineers are good at their jobs….

By this point in time, it was 8:45. Mere minutes away from closing.

Alex and I had heard a rumor leading up to this trip that the best time to do walk on for Rise of the Resistance was at the end of a park day.

Should we test that theory out?

We could get lucky and be met with a short wait.

Or we could lose and be stuck inside a queue for 90 minutes with two tired kids.

Ehhh, what the heck. It was our first Disney day! We had the energy.

Let’s go see.

And friends….

Luck was in our favor.

Not just a little luck. A whole pot full. We had reached the gold at the end of the rainbow.

The holy grail of luck.

Rise of the Resistance was

The longest part of the queue was the poor old woman in front of us. Actually, the poor guy who was WITH the old woman.

She was in a scooter and had zero idea how to turn in the machine. The gentleman she was with had to steer for her. And even then they got stuck.

A lot.

Poor people were mortified and kept apologizing.

But my family didn’t mind.

We were WALKING through the queue. Not waiting, not watching the minutes tick by. Simply walking up to the front.

It was unbelievable.

I’m so, so, so appreciative that we never had to do the virtual queue madness. Get to the park before seven, wait with our phones open in the hopes of getting a boarding group. Sure, we had to wait many years to experience the attraction. But at least when we did get to it, our journey to get there was stress free.

Now, while I might be a so-so Star Wars fan, the youngest member in our group was more than just a little excited.


Evie enjoys the series, specifically the creatures and the character Ray. So walking onto a First Order ship, moving under AT-Ats, escaping from Kylo Ren, couldn’t have been cooler for her.

She’s never told me her favorite attraction in the parks, but if I had to guess Rise is up there.

As it should be.

Holy cow, that’s one amazing attraction!!!! The technology behind it, the storyline, the way you get multiple types of thrill.

I loved it.

I would say it’s the second best Disney ride right now.

Or, at least, the second best “thrill” ride. I refuse to compare a classic like Small World against a coaster like Rise. They aren’t in the same category.

Upon exiting the ride, mouths agape, the park was officially closed for the night.

That didn’t mean Alex and I rushed out of the parks, though. We took our time, strolling around Galaxy’s Edge, seeing some things we missed in the rain earlier. (Like the X wing, how’d I miss that guy?!) And appreciating how empty the land was at that moment. The rain must have ran everyone off, because it was a ghost town. Felt like we were the only people on the planet!



We did have another park day the following morning, though, so eventually it was time to bid Hollywood Studios farewell.

Alex and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect first day back in the parks. It was exciting, thrilling, and with three new attractions, it felt brand new to us.

Man, I was happy to be back in the most magical place on Earth.


Up Next…What Have I Missed
How lovely to be able to hop a train to Disneyland Paris! Sounds awesome.
You know I am partial to mother/daughter trips so yay to your April trip.
We may overlap a day or two.
I have found if I hold on tight to the hand grip and push my legs/feet to the floor I like ToT :rotfl: Otherwise no thanks!
I love the Ronto Wrap, yummy!
I’m glad you all had a great time on Smugglers Run and score with the walk on for Rise!
I think going to the parks right at the beginning of the holiday season gets you in the holiday spirit. I told the kids I wanted to put up our decorations before we leave,
:goodvibes Definitely agree it will be lovely to come home to a decorated, festive house 🎄
It's fun getting to spend time with your mom/daughter without anyone else around.
Always ❤️
We've been really lucky with assignments so far (FL, Germany, England) so we're hoping his luck holds out!
🤞 crossing my fingers your are happy with your next location☘️
Oh wow! Well, I'm glad they were taking the situation seriously and were doing everything in their power to help.
They were so helpful as were the centracare drivers and staff.
I think that's what the surprise element was intended to be when they changed the theme from Star Wars. But now I think the "surprise" is the change in theme every year. This year it's Pixar, and the Challenge means running a 5K, 10K, and 10 Miler.
Are you running all off the races? Will your mum do the 5k? Sure has done that one in the past hasn’t she?
YES, YES IT WILL! :rotfl:
You know me so well.
I have to be at the bus stops by 3:30 because the races start at 5 in the morning, so I already told my mom I'm planning on keeping to UK time for the first part of the trip. Waking up at 2:30 on race days will be like 7:30 back home, which I never get to do with the kids. :laughing:
You have to admit, DHS has a lot to offer now.
It is so much more fun now and definitely needs more than a day for me to do all I want.

Friends, below you is Exhibit A on how very wrong I was:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
(Also notice who is pushing the stroller. This kid will do anything for his sister. Including schlepping her around a theme park in 90 degree heat.)
Awwww how lovely is that!
My family managed to make it all the way to Sunset Boulevard before we needed to stop.

The awful, terrible, no good, process of sunscreening ourselves up.
I feel like the suncream battle got a whole lot easier for most of my family this year as we used the aerosols. All of us except the youngest who has special super sensitive skin suncream and my goodness what an ooey gooey sticky mess than can be especially applying it when actually out in the Florida sun so I feel your pain!
Evie was 46 inches this trip. Plenty tall enough to experience the elevator ride from…you know.
I am so impressed with Evie’s courageousness!
Alex and I asked her several times if she really wanted to go on the coaster, and she’d say yes, but then start shaking and hugging us.
Brave girl indeed!
When we got to the loading station on TOT, an amazing Cast Member noticed Evie’s demeanor and began talking with her.
Don’t you just love it when a cast member goes above and beyond to help make a wee one feel special by engaging with them.
Unfortunately, my second time around on Tower of Terror did not ingratiate it into my heart.
I’ve given it 3 tries and honestly I like it less each time so now I’m done.
I don’t think I’ll be rushing to return. Too many big drops for me.
I’m totally with you on this. Not rushing back anytime soon lol
Because the time had finally come.

My family needed to see Galaxy’s Edge
I am not really in to Star Wars either but I was blown away by GE. The wee boy I look after is all about Star Wars so I felt like I had some knowledge and we’d watched The Mandalorian together but I was shocked by how much I loved the whole area as well as the rides. If I ever win the lottery I’m bringing that kid to see it all!
Kind Disney guests do still exist, friends!
:goodvibes It really doesn’t take much to make the world of difference to someone’s day. I feel like kindness is infectious in Disney. Once one person is kind it seems to make me spot others being kind (in among all the air vent hogging grumpy guts out there of course ).
Rise of the Resistance was WALK ON.
Now, while I might be a so-so Star Wars fan, the youngest member in our group was more than just a little excited.
I love the excitement on Evie’s face ! Absolutely priceless!
She’s never told me her favorite attraction in the parks, but if I had to guess Rise is up there.
It is an amazing ride for sure.
Alex and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect first day back in the parks
I’m so glad to hear this.
Man, I was happy to be back in the most magical place on Earth.
So happy for you both!
I think going to the parks right at the beginning of the holiday season gets you in the holiday spirit. I told the kids I wanted to put up our decorations before we leave, because when we come back we'll probably want to seem.

I just finished putting away the fall decoration and hoping to start our Christmas decoration this weekend. I want them up before we leave.

It's fun getting to spend time with your mom/daughter without anyone else around.

Yes it is.

You have to admit, DHS has a lot to offer now.

I think so too.

As I was leaving my mother in-law’s house the day before, she threw an umbrella stroller she had from my sister in-law into the trunk of our car.
We're still debating if we should bring something for John Paul. I suggested an umbrella stroller but I think she leaning towards just renting one if we need it. We are bringing a stroller for Dominic.

Alex, though, loves Tower of Terror.
I'm with Alex on this.

By the time we were going to our seats, Evie had calmed down a lot. Thank goodness for great Cast Members! As soon as we were off the attraction, Alex went and left a Cast Compliment for her. She was spectacular.

This is so great! Kudos for Alex leaving a cast compliment. It goes into their file.

While it’s not as bad as I made it out to be in my memories, I don’t think I’ll be rushing to return. Too many big drops for me.

I'm sorry to hear this. It 's my favorite thrill ride. I love losing my tummy.

Unfortunately, once we placed our mobile order and picked up our food, the seating area was filled to the brim.
It is really small in there.

My face must have looked pretty pitiful, because eventually a nice girl walked up to me and told me her and her parents were about to vacate their table.

So happy a kind family helped you out.

Evie was not a fan. (Surprise, surprise)

Alex loved them.

Landon and I thought they were all right.

It was good, don’t get me wrong. The peppercorn ranch slaw was delicious, and the pita bread was nice and soft without breaking apart. But once I got to the middle of the wrap, all I was eating was the pork filling. It was just pork and pita.

I'm with Alex on this too. I don't have to have it every trip but maybe every other trip.

Simulator rides are still not my cup of tea, and I don’t think I could do Smuggler’s Run more than once, but I walked off the attraction having had way more fun than I expected. Kudos to Disney for getting a casual Star Wars fan to thoroughly enjoy a highly themed attraction.

Not a fan of simulator rides at all but I did have fun pushing the buttons. It kept me from getting sick.

Rise of the Resistance was WALK ON.

Holy cow, that’s one amazing attraction!!!! The technology behind it, the storyline, the way you get multiple types of thrill.

It really is great!

We took our time, strolling around Galaxy’s Edge, seeing some things we missed in the rain earlier. (Like the X wing, how’d I miss that guy?!) And appreciating how empty the land was at that moment. The rain must have ran everyone off, because it was a ghost town. Felt like we were the only people on the planet!

GE has so many hidden nooks and crannies. It is also gorgeous at night. So happy you got a chance to enjoy it.
Enjoying reading about your adventures! The stroller - too funny. Probably better to give in and not have to listen to an unhappy girl. Glad you gave ToT another try. It's one of my favorites! Sorry the rain dampened your first visit to GE. Glad it did clear out later. Wow - some major pixie dust with Rise being a walk on. You really timed that one right. For me, GE has the most immersive vibe and even more so if you can wander around when it clears out for the night. It was a good day for your family - anxious to read more!
One day, Evie?!?! Really???? You could not go one full park day before crying that your legs were tired and begging to ride in the stroller.
Oh Evie!
(Also notice who is pushing the stroller. This kid will do anything for his sister. Including schlepping her around a theme park in 90 degree heat.)
Awww, so sweet! Landon is a great big brother!
Fortunately, after another one of those debacles taken care of (only seventy nine more left on the trip!) it was time to use our next Genie Plus reservation of the day.
When we got to the loading station on TOT, an amazing Cast Member noticed Evie’s demeanor and began talking with her. She pointed out Evie’s glasses and talked about princesses (Evie’s glasses had Rapunzel on them.)

The CM asked Evie why Rapunzel was her favorite, which got Evie going.

“Because she has Pascal. And having a pet chameleon would be cool. I love unique animals. That’s why I love Animal Kingdom and the safari.”

This sparked a great back and forth with the two and did wonders for helping distract my daughter.
I love Evie's explanation for loving Rapunzel.
So, sadly, our first night and first time seeing all things Star Wars was minimally documented. Alex and I were more focused on running from place to place to avoid the lightening and the rain than stopping to take a lot of pictures.
It was good, don’t get me wrong. The peppercorn ranch slaw was delicious, and the pita bread was nice and soft without breaking apart. But once I got to the middle of the wrap, all I was eating was the pork filling. It was just pork and pita.
Jack and I really weren't fans of the ronto wraps either.
We were WALKING through the queue. Not waiting, not watching the minutes tick by. Simply walking up to the front.

It was unbelievable.

I’m so, so, so appreciative that we never had to do the virtual queue madness. Get to the park before seven, wait with our phones open in the hopes of getting a boarding group. Sure, we had to wait many years to experience the attraction. But at least when we did get to it, our journey to get there was stress free.

Now, while I might be a so-so Star Wars fan, the youngest member in our group was more than just a little excited.
Oh my goodness, that is amazing!!
Alex and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect first day back in the parks. It was exciting, thrilling, and with three new attractions, it felt brand new to us.

Man, I was happy to be back in the most magical place on Earth.
So happy for you! :goodvibes
What an amazing night! I can't believe Rise was a walk on! Sorry that you didn't enjoy Tower- it will always be one of my favorites- I come off laughing every time!
Hey Alicia,

Not much time to be on the boards much right now since I'm back in school again and classes have started back up, but I'm reading as I have time and am all caught up. :) I'm not a huge Star Wars mega-fan, but I do really like the theming and detailing in Galaxy's Edge. I'm glad you loved it too. :)
How lovely to be able to hop a train to Disneyland Paris! Sounds awesome.

I'm looking forward to a new form of transportation to get to DLP. Although, it is kind of crazy to think we can get from London to DLP in 2 hours! :eek:

You know I am partial to mother/daughter trips so yay to your April trip.
We may overlap a day or two.

I hope so! I'd love to have a DIS meetup. Are you going solo in April?

I have found if I hold on tight to the hand grip and push my legs/feet to the floor I like ToT

I didn't know about the feet pushing trick. If Landon can talk me into TOT at DLP next week, I'll give it a try.

crossing my fingers your are happy with your next location

We just had our list for open overseas locations drop and there was nothing. Alex and I were pretty bummed, because we were hoping we could stay in Europe. But at least now a little of the unknown is taken away. We know we're going somewhere in the United States. :rotfl:

Are you running all off the races? Will your mum do the 5k? Sure has done that one in the past hasn’t she?

I am. Will probably regret my life choices by Sunday afternoon.
My mom told me she was "definitely done with 5Ks." :rotfl2: But she had done back in 2012.

It is so much more fun now and definitely needs more than a day for me to do all I want.

It's wonderful how much they built up DHS.

I feel like the suncream battle got a whole lot easier for most of my family this year as we used the aerosols.

I want to use aerosols, but I'm so uncoordinated that I tend to miss spots and burn in random little spots. :sad2::rotfl2:

I’ve given it 3 tries and honestly I like it less each time so now I’m done.

Good on you for trying it 3 times.

If I ever win the lottery I’m bringing that kid to see it all!

Ahh, that's so kind. I'm sure for fans of Star Wars, the land is magical.


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