Oh, has it Been Raining? No, this is Just Sweat. Sept/Oct 2022 Trip Report! (Updated 9/16!!)

My Mom and I just got back too (9/16-9/29, extended to 9/30 due to Hurricane Ian). We were across the lake from you at BWV. I love our mother-daughter trips too!

And we really did not notice too many sick people around. My allergies are on a tear right now, but this is just a seasonal flair up issue.
Yikes! That is crazy!

Ohhh, there were so many. Some standouts this year were the paneer in India, the Schinkennudeln from Germany, and an old favorite, the steak in Canada which was cooked to perfection this year!

Thanks! We also wore masks whenever indoors, and even outside in crowds, but they didn't work this time for us!

And talking about selfish, we got stuck on the gondola with this woman who was crazy sick, like the second the doors closed she announced how sick she was and that it was her first day she was able to get out of bed kinda sick. She said she never even had one thought of cancelling because she had looked forward to this trip for months! Of course it was just her and my mom and I on the gondola (mid day, no idea why the CM made us ride together), and the gondola got stopped for like 15 minutes. Meanwhile my mom and I are squishing over to the far side of the cabin to get away from this woman who kept coughing and not covering her mouth. Just ew ew ew. What a gross selfish woman!
This is why I always carry extra masks. This happened to us on a gondola in the Swiss Alps last year and I asked the offending guy “oh did you need a mask, here’s an extra I have”, guilted him enough to take it and put it on.
I was there also last week until Saturday at BWV. Own across the street but stay at BWV a lot. We never took our masks off the entire week.
There were SO many people coughing as you said. I shivered when you related the tale of the woman on the Skyliner. Yikes, I would have wanted to jump off.

I'm very sorry about your Mom and stupid Covid (that's what I call it). I go to Disney with my adult daughter most of the time. (DH not a great traveler). I love going with my daughter and feel it's a privilege. Your experiences of Mom and Daughter make me smile. Your mom sounds very sweet and you both have a lovely connection.

Hope Mom feels better asap and you never get it.
I can't wait to read more about your trip!

So sorry your mom has Covid and hope that it continues to just be a very mild case for her. And hope you don't have it too! (I was shocked that I did not come home with it from my September trip since it was really my first time in large groups since the Covid was around.)
My Mom and I just got back too (9/16-9/29, extended to 9/30 due to Hurricane Ian). We were across the lake from you at BWV. I love our mother-daughter trips too!
Aren't mother daughter trips the best? I'm so glad I have the chance to travel with my mom as much as I do!
And we really did not notice too many sick people around. My allergies are on a tear right now, but this is just a seasonal flair up issue.
I'm so jealous, I wish we didn't see so many sick people. It seemed like everywhere we went, be it transportation, ride lines, restaurants, there was someone next to us that was sick, usually with one of those deep wet coughs. I've never experienced anything like it at Disney before!
This is why I always carry extra masks. This happened to us on a gondola in the Swiss Alps last year and I asked the offending guy “oh did you need a mask, here’s an extra I have”, guilted him enough to take it and put it on.
Oh my goodness, I love this, but I don't think I'm brave enough to do it!
I was there also last week until Saturday at BWV. Own across the street but stay at BWV a lot. We never took our masks off the entire week.
There were SO many people coughing as you said. I shivered when you related the tale of the woman on the Skyliner. Yikes, I would have wanted to jump off.
That was smart of you! We wore our masks indoors and in really crowded areas, but I'm thinking we probably should have worn them a bit more. We also ran out of the kn95 by the end of the trip so were only using the cloth ones, which I'm sure didn't help much.

And yes, we could not wait to get off the skyliner! The crazy thing is, I was going to have us get off at the Riviera to get another, less sick, cab, but the sick woman got off there so I figured we were in the clear. But nope, just before the doors closed she jumped back in saying she got off at the wrong stop! So ridiculous.
I'm very sorry about your Mom and stupid Covid (that's what I call it). I go to Disney with my adult daughter most of the time. (DH not a great traveler). I love going with my daughter and feel it's a privilege. Your experiences of Mom and Daughter make me smile. Your mom sounds very sweet and you both have a lovely connection.

Hope Mom feels better asap and you never get it.
Aw, thank you! Yeah we have such a great time traveling together, I'm very lucky I get to do it so often. And thanks for the well wishes, I've been passing them all along to my mom and she is overwhelmed with how many people are wishing her well!
I can't wait to read more about your trip!
Thank you! New update should be coming soon! :cool1:
So sorry your mom has Covid and hope that it continues to just be a very mild case for her. And hope you don't have it too! (I was shocked that I did not come home with it from my September trip since it was really my first time in large groups since the Covid was around.)
Thank you! So far she's doing pretty well, lots of congestion, but the sore throat is getting better. She has a lot more energy now than earlier in the week, so hopefully that means she's on the mend. I'm still somehow testing negative, so fingers crossed it stays this way!

Day 1, Part 2: Food Booths Here We Come!

September 23rd, 2022

We last left off pulling into the Dolphin for our first night in Disney World!

Our first stop of the day was the front desk to check-in. Our room wasn’t ready yet, so we gave them my phone number to text when the room was ready. We then found some bathrooms so my mom could change into FL clothes, and we could put sunblock on. We then dragged our stuff over to bell services to drop off our bags.

Finally luggage free it was time for Food and Wine! Wahoo! :cool1:

We made our way outside only to find the path that connects the Dolphin to the Yacht club was closed due to the construction, so we had to take the walkway to the Swan and cut over from there. Not a big deal, especially since it was day one and we were fresh, but I’m sure if we were there for the whole week the extra walking to get back to the Dolphin from Epcot would have driven us nuts by the end of the trip!

It was a nice walk over to Epcot, and soon we were scanning in for the first time!

Our first stop once in the park was the shop at the IG to pick up a larger bottle of sunblock, the Remy Hide and Squeak maps, and load money on our gift card. Goodies in hand we made one more quick stop just outside the store at a snack stand to pick up some waters. Now we were ready for some food booths!

We decided to redo what we had done last year and start around Germany and then make our way back towards the IG, stopping at food booths as we went.

The first stop ended up being the Spain food booth where my mom got the Charcuterie and I got the wine flight! While waiting for our food, we discussed trying to find a shady spot to eat and the CM working in the booth overheard and told us she saw a shady picnic table just behind the booth and we should try to grab it! So I left mom to collect the food while I ran over to grab the shady picnic table. Thank you awesome CM for pointing it out!

Soon after, mom arrived with the food, and I headed off again, this time to Germany to get the Schinkennudeln. (SP???).

The Schinkennudeln was amazing again! I love that dish! I wasn’t a huge fan of the charcuterie, but my mom loved it. The wine flight was very good, but the red was super heavy which was just a bit too much for the heat that day.

While eating, I checked to see if Remy was running yet. Earlier when we were waiting in line to check-out at the store, I had tried to book a day of DAS for it, but it was down, so booked a FEA instead. But we really wanted to ride Remy instead since neither of us had been on it yet, so was thrilled when I saw it had just opened. So I cancelled our FEA DAS and booked one for Remy instead. Since it had just reopened and the line was short, our return time was in only about 20 minutes. Not too bad!

So little aside about DAS. I’ve been debating how much to get into our use of it for this trip report, I had hoped that since we had Genie+ that we would use that mostly and only use DAS for a few rides, but the return times we were getting for Genie+ usually did not work with our plans so we ended up using DAS a lot more than I had planned/wanted. Since the DAS is for my mom, not me, I feel oddly really guilty being able to use it with her. It was usually really helpful for her though, although we did end up having to leave a few lines because even though in the LL line, the waits creeped up to over 30 minutes and at times we were just at a standstill which is when things get really bad for her. So I think I will note the rides we used DAS for, and note the ones that even with DAS were issues for us to help anyone else who may be using it.

Anyways, back to the food!

After finishing up in Germany, we swung by the store to pick up a bottle of the wine we had gotten there the previous year that we really liked (gotta stock the room in case the hurricane hit!). Then we started to make our way back towards the IG, checking out food booths on the way. Our next food booth we stopped at was Italy!

Here I got the limoncello margarita and mom got the gnocchi with mushrooms.

The margarita was delicious as always, I seriously love this drink! The gnocchi was really good, but the sauce was super heavy which was a bit much for the heat that day. Mom loved it though!

Next up: Finally Time for Some Rides!
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Aren't mother daughter trips the best? I'm so glad I have the chance to travel with my mom as much as I do!

I'm so jealous, I wish we didn't see so many sick people. It seemed like everywhere we went, be it transportation, ride lines, restaurants, there was someone next to us that was sick, usually with one of those deep wet coughs. I've never experienced anything like it at Disney before!

I love my mother daughter trips with my Mom too! We do it every September to WDW and a couple small staycations at Disneyland each year.

Probably luck of draw on the sick people. My Mom has had a rough year (heart attack and bypass surgery in late February), so we have been super careful about exposing her to germs. But I only had a couple times where I heard someone coughing badly that I thought they should not be out and about. We have been home a week and neither of us are sick thankfully. I do hope your mom feels better soon.
The margarita was delicious as always, I seriously love this drink! The gnocchi was really good, but the sauce was super heavy which was a bit much for the heat that day. Mom loved it though!
I love the Italian Margarita, it is a must every festival!
The first stop ended up being the Spain food booth where my mom got the Charcuterie and I got the wine flight! While waiting for our food, we discussed trying to find a shady spot to eat and the CM working in the booth overheard and told us she saw a shady picnic table just behind the booth and we should try to grab it! So I left mom to collect the food while I ran over to grab the shady picnic table. Thank you awesome CM for pointing it out!

Soon after, mom arrived with the food, and I headed off again, this time to Germany to get the Schinkennudeln. (SP???).
So nice to have a shady spot to enjoy your food. I love that noodle dish from Germany but it is so rich!
After finishing up in Germany, we swung by the store to pick up a bottle of the wine we had gotten there the previous year that we really liked (gotta stock the room in case the hurricane hit!). Then we started to make our way back towards the IG, checking out food booths on the way. Our next food booth we stopped at was Italy!

Here I got the limoncello margarita and mom got the gnocchi with mushrooms.
I got the Italian margarita on @disneyAndi14 's recommendation and really enjoyed it too! :)
We made our way outside only to find the path that connects the Dolphin to the Yacht club was closed due to the construction, so we had to take the walkway to the Swan and cut over from there.
We took the walkway from the Yacht Club to the Dolphin once and it seemed as if it was a longer walk than the bridge to the Swan would have been. I think all the zigzags made it seem long. ;)
Following along! Great report so far! We were there at the same time. I also tested positive for Covid after getting home. Hope your mom is feeling better!!
I love my mother daughter trips with my Mom too! We do it every September to WDW and a couple small staycations at Disneyland each year.
Nice! That's so funny, small world, our mother-daughter WDW trips are always in September too!
Probably luck of draw on the sick people. My Mom has had a rough year (heart attack and bypass surgery in late February), so we have been super careful about exposing her to germs. But I only had a couple times where I heard someone coughing badly that I thought they should not be out and about. We have been home a week and neither of us are sick thankfully. I do hope your mom feels better soon.
Oh yeah, I'm sure it was. Sorry to hear about your mom, but I'm glad you guys managed to avoid the sick people and you both came home healthy!
So nice to have a shady spot to enjoy your food. I love that noodle dish from Germany but it is so rich!
It is pretty rich, but it's so ridiculously good. I actually liked it more than the mac n cheese this year!
I got the Italian margarita on @disneyAndi14 's recommendation and really enjoyed it too! :)
Ah, great recommendation! It is such a great drink, if it weren't so expensive I'd get one every day!
We took the walkway from the Yacht Club to the Dolphin once and it seemed as if it was a longer walk than the bridge to the Swan would have been. I think all the zigzags made it seem long. ;)
I was wondering about the zig zags, it looked shorter and didn't have the uphills of the bridges, but it does zig zag around the building quite a bit! Next time we're at the Dolphin we'll have to try it out to see if it really is quicker!
Following along! Great report so far! We were there at the same time. I also tested positive for Covid after getting home. Hope your mom is feeling better!!
:welcome:, and thank you! I'm sorry to hear you also got Covid, hopefully you're doing well! So far my mom is doing pretty good, still very congested, but she has her energy back which I guess is a good sign! At this point still no Covid for me somehow!

Wahoo, two TR updates in one weekend! I'm flying through this one! :rotfl:

Day 1, Part 3: Finally Time for Some Rides!

Friday September 23, 2022

After finishing up our food in Italy we started to make our way over to France, but of course stopped at a photopass photographer on the way!

This photographer was great, we ended up chatting for a while about our love of photography and what our favorite cameras are/have been. Soon a line started to build, so we moved on.

After our photoshoot, we made one more food stop before heading to the rides, Morocco! I got the chicken kabob, which was good, but not quite as good as it was last year. It was very fatty this year, but maybe I just got a bad cut.

After finishing up the food, it was getting into out return time for Remy, so we made our way over there.

This was our first time to see the new France expansion, last year when we were there it was only open for AP previews, so we were so excited! It is really cute back there, and one of these days we do want to try out the crepes place!

We made our way to Remy and scanned in and soon were on the ride! There was tiny wait even with the LL, maybe 10-12 minutes, but we were pretty much constantly moving until we got to the load zone so it wasn’t bad.

The ride was so cute! My mom absolutely loved it, and says it is now her favorite ride in the park (sorry Soarin’!). I thought it was good, but definitely does not come close to being as good as Guardians! (we’ll get to that later!)

Once off Remy we were into our pre-booked DAS for Soarin’, so headed that way.

This ended up being one of the LL lines that was pretty rough for my mom. Even though in the LL, the wait ended up being over 35 minutes. I was shocked, back in the FP+ days we never waited that long for Soarin’, so to have that long of a wait for a paid product now seemed pretty poor form on Disney’s part.

Fortunately, the queue there is pretty wide and open, and we mostly constantly moved, so while we got close to the point of leaving, mom managed to stick it out, and was thrilled she did because she does love Soarin’! We were assigned B2, so not quite the best, but happy with being in B!

I do love how every time I’ve been on that ride, people applaud at the end, it’s the only ride I’ve noticed this on and it’s just so cool!

After Soarin’ we only had about 15 minutes left in our return time for our prebooked DAS for TT, so made our way over there.

Once again, even with being in the LL line, there was a wait, this time about 25 minutes. This one most of the wait was outside, so my mom was ok-ish, but we were pretty shocked at the wait times for LL we experienced this day. I do have to note, we didn’t always have these kind of waits every day in the LL, some rides/days the wait was only like 3-5 minutes using the LL, but the times we did have the longer waits they did exceed anything we had ever experience during the FP+ days which we found very odd.

TT was a blast, it seemed faster than it used to, although the speed sign wasn’t working so we have no idea how fast we were actually going!

(I LOVE how happy everyone in this picture looks!)

I am proud to say, the car I designed was #1 in all but one of the tests! :banana:

Here’s a picture of my fabulous car:


After TT we were really starting to feel the early wake-up, so made our way back to the Dolphin. Earlier when we were eating in Morocco, I had gotten the room ready text, so we were thrilled we could go rest in our room for a bit!

The walk back to the Dolphin felt so much longer than the walk to Epcot :crazy2: It was hard walking past the YC and not heading in there, but at least we would be the next day!

Next up: An Evening in Disney Springs!


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