Hurricane Ian - WDW Resorts Related Updates, Planning & Discussion

Ok, we've nitpicked @AlldayIdreamaboutDisney's post enough. They voiced their opinion, many others have added theirs... let's move on please.


Quoting myself from earlier. Not my intent to heavily moderate this thread but some recent posts have been removed since we can’t seem to get away from the topic.

Let’s all hope @AlldayIdreamaboutDisney and family are safe and sound riding out the storm in their 2BR Riv Villa, whether they are happy there or not. :thumbsup2

Thanks all.
...during Irma... We saw trees that were knocked over with the roots pulled from the ground.

Totally agree. There will always be some full size, mature trees downed in a severe storm, especially when the ground is saturated already before the storm hits, as is the case now.

The Cabins at Copper Creek, The Bungalows at the Poly and the Treehouses at SS are all in danger of being flooded out due to their proximity to bodies of water. The expected rainfall amounts of 12 to 24 inches over the 48 hours of impact will cause dramatic rises in the lakes/rivers... Add in hurricane force winds pushing the water out of its usual place...

Multifaceted risk. These buildings are also all built on stilts, making them a bit more susceptible to damage from windblown waves hitting their undersides. No one wants to put guests at this kind of risk nor have to send a rescue team to a flooded outbuilding or one with roof damage from a fallen tree.

Don't forget all the campers at Fort Wilderness campground have to be evacuated to "sturdy" accomodations.. That in of itself is a lot of people. Best of luck to everyone there. (we were lucky just missed this by a week!)

Agree, that's a ton of people. It's also a lot of really expensive RVs sitting out at the TTC parking lots... hope everyone has good insurance on them, which doesn't exclude damage from flood or "acts of God". Same for all the cars parked in resort parking lots.
Not sure what you're disagreeing with.

I understand meremac and you to be saying pretty much the same things. :confused:
Actually we weren't but the mods have asked us to let it go, so I respect that. Stay safe everyone especially cast and locals.
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It’s not so much true flooding, but there is more of a risk of places that may start leaking/building up water after hours and hours of blowing rain. I have a memory of some reports of balcony door leaks at WL from the last storm, for example. I think anywhere/any floor exposed to the right combination of consistent wind and rain/low spots that collect water can be subject to taking on water in ways that wouldn’t happen during a normal FL thunderstorm, an event that tends to end relatively quickly. The ideas above of extra towels around thresholds and such if the right idea if such situations arise.

Thanks, that’s what I was talking about, but didn’t explain well. We’ve been at POR when water from torrential rains was coming in doorways of the main buildings. Could see it happening in rooms too.
Outbuildings such as the WL cabins and the Poly bungalows are certainly more apt to sustain damage than the main buildings, but I think there's a bigger problem than people in the outbuildings wanting to wander around. Those people have to go somewhere for food and other services. Yes, they might have food in the fridge, but what if they run out? Or what if they get cabin fever? The main buildings enable people to sleep, eat, and even be entertained all in one secure building. Also, CMs then don't have to go outside to the outbuildings to check on guests or take supplies to them. So it's better for guests and for CMs to have everyone in the main building.

BTW, has anyone heard whether Disney is offering special rates to Florida residents for the next few days? I have a friend who took shelter at WDW during a big hurricane about 15-20 years ago.
I think my daughter said that Universal was offering special rates to FL residents and welcoming pets. Or it may have been another resort outside of Universal $69/ night. She didn't mention Disney having deals.
I hope everyone stays safe!

From a couple thousand miles away the idea of riding out a storm in a Disney resort sounds really cool. I imagine though for those there it is super stressful not to mention the emotional impact of having plans changed due to things outside your control.

Hopefully Ian will surprise everyone in a positive way and have less impact than feared.
I think my daughter said that Universal was offering special rates to FL residents and welcoming pets. Or it may have been another resort outside of Universal $69/ night. She didn't mention Disney having deals.
Is this a departure from previous hurricanes for Disney? I recall Disney opening up to evacuees and their pets last time but this time it seems like they slammed the door shut and kept it shut?

Universal’s website says their hotels are now at full capacity.
We are currently at Poly and we were scheduled to fly out tomorrow. Before we knew for sure our flight was canceled, we asked someone at the front desk about extending our stay with points and they were able to make it happen in about 15 minutes. Said if we still left as normal, could cancel without penalty which was reassuring at the time. They cleared out the Bungalows yesterday. Decent crowd on the beach to see fireworks tonight. Not a shock but the front desk has been very popular today. Also ran into paging Mr Morrow which was awesome.
CM’s at front desk at BLT are telling evacuees that they cannot bring their dogs unless they are service dogs.
I always thought it was a law that during a hurricane pets *are* allowed at hotels. Anyone have any other experience with this?
CM’s at front desk at BLT are telling evacuees that they cannot bring their dogs unless they are service dogs.
I always thought it was a law that during a hurricane pets *are* allowed at hotels. Anyone have any other experience with this?

Timeshare. They have to follow the rules and regulations of the condo association which prohibits pets.
At SSR tonight. I tried my darndest yesterday to switch my reservation to a resort that would connect me to a lobby, dining, etc. but that no new reservation rule seems pretty iron clad. Having said that, the folks here have been great, incredibly accommodating, and despite my concerns over big D's general lack of communication, I truly feel like I'm in good hands here.

I'm on the balcony enjoying the fresh air and the beautiful view of the lake. I hope that all the rest of the current and imminent members of Disney's Hurricane Club are likewise finding a way to enjoy the calm before the storm, but more important, that all of you safely endure with body and mind unharmed.
We drove in a day or 2 after a hurricane, I believe it was Irma. There were no gas stations open, and traffic was at a standstill from all the people driving back in that evacuated. Push it back. It was scary to be stuck in traffic with hardly any gas stations open
We were scheduled to come down Saturday from Atlanta to head to Universal for Fall break. Debating whether to push it back to Monday or cancel -- we can't really reschedule because of school schedules and other travel but my husband grew up in Florida and is very concerned about not being able to find gas on the way down.
Finally got confirmation that out BC stay is being extended 2 nights. There was a discount of about 25% off/ not huge but they didn’t have to do anything. CM’s say restaurants will remain open and they plan on bringing in characters and have activities in the lobby. I’m hoping against hope it will all blow through by early Thursday and we can drop the second night and move on to Universal. Universal has been good in allowing us to cancel days as we need to as well.
Was it a cash rate or were you able to use points? I still have no information.
Anyone staying at Coronado springs? Trying to figure out the food situation the next 2 days.. Can’t get through to front desk and the statements on Disney website weather are vague in regard to what will be available. Just says will be varied and limited based on resort…
CM’s at front desk at BLT are telling evacuees that they cannot bring their dogs unless they are service dogs.
I always thought it was a law that during a hurricane pets *are* allowed at hotels. Anyone have any other experience with this?
I don’t see anything in my googling that says Fl has a law requiring private hotels to allow pets during emergencies. I see a lot of articles debunking the idea they are required to though.

Where it gets morally thorny with Disney is they had allowed it in the past. I feel bad for those people but Disney never announced a change to their rules.
Anyone staying at Coronado springs? Trying to figure out the food situation the next 2 days.. Can’t get through to front desk and the statements on Disney website weather are vague in regard to what will be available. Just says will be varied and limited based on resort…
I would physically walk to the front desk and ask as that’s kinda important if you didn’t stock your room…

Even outside of emergencies ever since Disney centralized phone services if you want something from the front desk it’s easier and faster in person.
After asking for 2 days about extending our reservation due to the storm and being told they had no info and reservations are locked, I went back down tonight and was told that Riviera is overbooked by 16 rooms and they will be “walking” some guests to other resorts. We have had zero information from the resort without asking for it. The website had info 4 hours ago that the guy at the desk still didn’t have. There are no signs up.
Other resorts seem to be taking care of guests and it feels like the Riviera is doing a very poor job with this.
Hopefully 9am comes and the guy at the desk turns out to be wrong about the care given, because guests are leaving his desk dumbfounded after being given reassurances for the last couple days.
After asking for 2 days about extending our reservation due to the storm and being told they had no info and reservations are locked, I went back down tonight and was told that Riviera is overbooked by 16 rooms and they will be “walking” some guests to other resorts. We have had zero information from the resort without asking for it. The website had info 4 hours ago that the guy at the desk still didn’t have. There are no signs up.
Other resorts seem to be taking care of guests and it feels like the Riviera is doing a very poor job with this.
Hopefully 9am comes and the guy at the desk turns out to be wrong about the care given, because guests are leaving his desk dumbfounded after being given reassurances for the last couple days.
We are currently at the dolphin and supposed to check in at movies tomorrow now I'm afraid they won't have room for us. I can't get through on the phone to anyone and now I can't sleep. We left the Tampa Bay area to get away from the storm and now are directly in the path.
I've never stayed, only visited, but have on multiple occasions felt like Riviera suffers from poor management. Their lobby feels chaotic. Cast always seems confused by basic questions, like how do I catch the cost Bus when the Skyliner is down, something that happens last frequently. I get a mystic answer that is different depending on who is responding.


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