Something About Nothing............ #14

Checking in after our recent trip. Hope you all are well. Didn't do Uni this time, but did spend some time in City Walk..... got the HP Hogwarts Loungefly, so all is good! Might do Uni in the fall, but we're watching prices for everything right now. Scary times indeed......
Came home with the dreaded virus, but doing much better now. Prices are WAY, WAY up with everything.
Be well and stay safe homies! good to see you!!! Glad you had a lovely trip to Orlando......don`t be a stranger..... :wave2:

Good evening. Most of the house is now clean and I am tired. We decided to postpone the movies until tomorrow. We ended up going out to eat tonight because somebody forgot to put dinner in the crockpot. :rolleyes1
We ran into B's elementary school principal from when she was in first grade. This man was only her principal for 1 year, but still remembers her and calls her by name whenever we see him.

MST3K was a great show. They watched really bad movies and commented on them and made fun of them. It was hilarious.

Hope you are feeling better now.

I am just happy that he is back to the way he is supposed to be. I was not happy with "dad bod" Thor.

I need to go find something to do. Dh has the TV on a football game.

That does sound like a fun way to watch those type of shows......hope you enjoyed dinner out.


Thanks everyone for your good wishes. It’s a difficult time. Lunch was nice, and comforting to be with my friend from our little group. A lot of hey remember the time……..

Mrose glad you had a good trip but sorry you came back with the virus. I’m leaving on the 29th and a bit worried. And just heard masks aren’t required on US airlines. I didn’t realize. I’ll be wearing mine.

Pumpkin did the Rogers outage affect you? It’s been a mess here. Interact not working at most places. A woman behind me at grocery store had a cart full of meat. When she got to the till the cashier told her debit not working.
Sorry to hear you have another migraine. Do you have prescription for it?
I remember how excited everyone here was for Target. But they didn’t - do well here. Everyone was expecting it to be like the US Target but it wasn’t.

Mac good to see you posting.

Lynne I thought you booked PB and we’re arriving just after we leave? No? I since switched to RP, a little better AP rate. When I booked PB was cheapest. But then RP released AP rate. Still highest I’ve ever paid. So $50/night savings at RP. And with Canadian dollar I need every discount I can get!

Schumi I envy you your morning beach walks! I’m on an inlet, and it’s just not the same. To get real open ocean here you have to go to the west coast of Vancouver Isl.

Charade have a nice weekend break!

Tomorrow my youngest is coming out to paddle practice with me. Looking forward to it.
Dinner is at Brother-in-laws. I’m bringing coleslaw as requested.

lol....we`re almost at $1 to the UK pound.......lowest rate ever. Our first trip we had $2 to the pound.....big changes there. But, it is what it is.......

Yes, we live in a beautiful area and being only minutes away from the sea is perfect, we live in a Bay.....think Antonio Bay from the pretty. Enjoy dinner out with family.

Continued good wishes to mac.....shout out to Vicki ( @tink1957 ) we miss you posting.......:wave2:

And a warm WELCOME HOME to our Keishashadow.........glad you had such a wonderful trip....and next one is just around the corner........:-)

It was so still last night and warm, all windows open which helped. But, our village cricket club was having an event that went on till midnight, so we could weirdly hear their music which never happens as it`s just about a mile and a half away as the crow flies. It was a charity event so no one would complain I`m glad to say. I think the rugby club has an event next weekend so expect a late night there.

But, up and out this morning molefoam covering my blister so hope for the best. Heading inland again this morning for our walk, countryside instead of beach.

Not sure if we are bbqing tonight or doing stir fry, I have a glut of fresh ginger I bought the other day, smells gorgeous. So, we`ll see. But, lovely day ahead for us weather wise, might pop in to see one of our friends for a pot of tea after our walk since we are close by walking.

Still love that weekend feeling and now it`s time for copious amounts of good old breakfast tea 🫖




Have the best Saturday and weekend 🥂
Sue, yep are arriving day after you leave, sadly we not meeting up this August. But have never seen an AP rate for both my times. I do keep checking. And so far, the save more rate I got at PB is still the lowest. But more than I’ve ever paid for August. Though I will keep checking until the 6th day before arriving. I have no problem changing at the last minute for a better rate. Did that last December. Scored a just enough lower AP rate and moved to RP then too. Was so happy as soon as I scored it, rates went up much higher. Like rental car, I book when I think I can at least get the best. Then rinse and repeat. Do that to the last minute too. Airfare, I do try to get when flights open. Sometimes they change to the better, but most of time, particularly now, they only seem higher than what I paid. I do check that airfare every once in a while too. Have gotten a nice amount of points back one time I caught a good drop in my one flight about a month out.

Ooh not much after I posted last night, quite the loud rain passed over us. Was quite quick though. Weather radar shows broken light green little blobs passing by now. So a very light rain falling. Unlike what looks like Charade is getting lots of rain with a line of big yellow blobs in dark green traveling East, and South and just West of me. There’s a big blob of rain over Tennessee are all around that state. They are rainy rock and rolling. But happy to see the bulk near me is already out to sea, with a huge long line of rain, starting closest to the Carolinas’ shores, and stretching as it arches as high as the UK. Middle of the Atlantic is getting refreshed with lots of fresh water rain. Weather news this early morning said rain to be spotty, but should clear, and even see some sun later this afternoon. And a warm enough day, as with all the overnight and now rain, 82 the high. Depending on what the weather feels like as I toss some trash out just before we leave for the doctor’s appointment, I may stay in my lightweight pants I’m in now. Darn. Was hoping to stay in shorts. But those shorts won’t be in the drawer long. We get a dry weather spell for most of next week, then must be getting that warm air, as 93 degrees is Monday’s all sunny day’s high degree. Yay, back to Summer temps.

So day of rest for us, other than doctor visits today. Will see if little one wants to go anywhere else after. I don’t think she needs her eyes opened large, as the doctor we use, says he likes to do it every other year. She did it last year, so her night eye looking should not be for a couple of hours after our visit, as it was last year. Thus, I can see us doing something after the appointment. Including lunch out somewhere. See, with her getting up time, and her dislike of most breakfast food menus, means nothing ate since last night’s Chinese food dinner when we leave. She should be definitely hungry after visiting the doctor.

We decided no dinner cooking at all yesterday, so no grilling, but enjoyed picking up from our only very sure safe for me Chinese restaurant. It’s almost less than a 5 minute time drive up the road from us. Steaming hot food when opened at home. We all enjoy eating from there, as how they cook their food is how we like. My kids and their kids have grown up as I have been going to that takeout restaurant since both my kids and their’s were little. Now the restaurant kids work there, and my kid are now the pick up person. I like also supporting local places, as that is the only store they operate. It’s not a chain, but like many in our neighborhood, a family owned and run one. I like supporting the local business economy when I can.

Thus, hope all have that most Serene and Relaxing Saturday. So?
47605CBE-B10A-4679-B46A-D26D945E2775.jpeg :magnify:


It’s the weekend! :jumping1:

Hope Mac, Mr. Mac and McK are feeling better today . Mummy dust well wishes sent to you all. :hug:
Wow.....quiet on here today..........

We enjoyed our walk this morning with DS running group......they ran, we walked like so many others......fabulous morning with a lovely group of folks.

Then, home, showered and back out to meet a load of friends for lunch in the village pub, even sat outside in the sunshine, well, under huge sunshades, but still outside. Sat and had a few drinks after lunch before walking home for some fresh tea, then sat outside the rest of the afternoon. Gorgeous day here.

Tonight when we move inside we`ll have some snack food I`ve made up and watch The Hit Man`s Wife`s Bodyguard......I do like Ryan Reynolds...just watched Deadpool 1 & 2 over last few nights. Funny movies.

But, while the sun is out, both of us are enjoying this heat in the garden.

Have opened a bottle of wine for to let it breathe........🍷
I don’t even know what day it is

I’m medicated right now…lol

Don’t go skipping and dancing anytime soon…….lol……

Plenty of rest, take it easy and lots of water…….and then some more sleep! Carole’s advice for all ailments…….it works ::yes::

Movie was good, wine was good and now it’s almost bedtime for us. Still so warm here which is just dandy…..

Tomorrow is going to be gorgeous too, think we’ll have a day of not going anywhere except sitting in the garden, that’s far enough and food will be off the bbq, we have loads to choose from. And Austrian Grand Prix too.

It’s been a lovely Saturday :goodvibes
Ah a Saturday night. Evening news had weather news, saying will be drying out tonight with a beautiful end to our weekend, with Sunday, tomorrow, a most pleasant mid 80’s degrees day, mostly sunny and lower humidity. Winner winner chicken dinner.

And so, burgers on the grill. Was warm enough, 74 degrees out, but still feels muggy. Clear sky, but almost dusk now.

Tonight is tea and finding what to watch. Minion movie tomorrow. Should be a cute movie, and I’m looking forward to just a fun to watch movie. Older one said no to Thor, so thinking of getting movie tickets just for little one and me. Maybe for next weekend. Don’t have to see it opening weekend, which is this weekend. I don’t mind spoilers in the news before I see it.

Mac, it’s okay, we’ll keep track of the days for you. Rest, and take care of yourself. That’s all you need to be concerned with. Sending those prayers and good thoughts you will be getting better days very soon.

Family beached time. Yep, that’s our Saturday night for ya. Each has a screen, with I swear, DH has the loudest. After all those years in the military, I can see why he’s getting hard of hearing lately. Eh, what he watches I’m not interested in, so ear buds for me, and enjoying my screen. Well, until I see if something better to watch every so often. Movie is a matinee one. I know better then to book seats before noon. We will have lunch then watch the movie. So, may try to stay up a little later tonight.

Hope all have a most restful sleep. 💤
And another gorgeous day it is here this morning. We only have 2 hours of darkness and even then, it`s not really it`s light from middle of the night, not good for astronomers right now on this part of the world.

Making breakfast for us later, no plans to walk this morning, think we deserve a day off and no plans to go into any stores or anywhere inside today with the hot sunshine promised. Grill will on for lunch and dinner today, doing some blackened shrimp skewers for lunch than a mix of food for dinner, no roast dinner today.

Might do a bit of online shopping today, got a few things in mind to look for, nothing fancy, just bits and bobs.

Not much going on at all right now, everything`s quiet, friends are being of those times of the year, although came downstairs and switched on phone to see a txt from a friend who says she and her husband are coming to the cinema this week with us too! What started off as just us sitting in the back row has evolved into an afternoon out with 6 friends who`ve all booked seats right beside us! Not a complaint though, should be fun! Right now we are the only ones with seats booked, rest of the cinema is empty. Usually we have anywhere between 5 and 15 folks in the whole cinema last two movies we`ve gone to see.

Bacon on rolls up soon....and yes, tea too.........





Have a lovely Sunday :sunny::sunny::sunny:
Hoping to see only a few in our movie theater today. The movie theater we go to has smaller and larger rooms. I saw the one we are in today is one of those much smaller ones. I hope that means they don’t expect many seats to be taken. When I booked them the other day, all seats were open to book. I’m sure some were bought after we did, though.

Glorious sunshine pouring in through windows not much after sunrise. The birds have been chirping since before dawn, as I think they are as happy today is full of beautiful weather.

So almost that typical Sunday. Alarm already set, and after a fun movie day, trash cans will be at the curb after dinner. Yep, that get ready for week day routines. Though older one works today.

Super enjoyable Sunday all. If you have that great weather, get outside. Nice to see the sun.
It's Sunday/funday!

It's a beautiful sunny day here again...only windy windy windy!!! All three boys are out fly fishing today, as it is way toooo windy to be taking the boat out onto the lake. It wouldn't be much fun. The youngest one is off of work today, and he hasn't been out yet to test out his new gear. He was biting at the bit to get out and try it. I have zero desire to go along to watch :rolleyes2

Since I cleaned and did the shopping yesterday, I have the day to myself to do what I wish. Kitchen is cleaned up an I think I'll be tossing whole chicken into the airfryer for dinner tonight. It's easy and quick to clean up.

I found a 2 different quilting patterns I want to make. I have the material I needed for the one ( for GD to make a small quilt for her big girl bed when she transitions into it) I'm trying to decide if that one little matching stash I have will work for the other quilt. So I will start on the one for GD. It should go quick as it's a small one.

We did out for supper/dinner on Friday - just dh and I. Youngest ds was working, the other went out with friends. We got to sit outside on a balcony at a local bbq joint. It was a great meal! I could have had about 4 more of the sangrias they had there. My one went down way too fast - there must have been a hole in the glass lol :drinking1

Came home with the dreaded virus, but doing much better now. Prices are WAY, WAY up with everything.
Be well and stay safe homies!
It's great to see you post! That is not the way anyone want to come home from the mousehouse and Dark Side. I hope you all recover soon with no lingering effects
I am just happy that he is back to the way he is supposed to be. I was not happy with "dad bod" Thor.
Hehehehe, but it sure did make me laugh to see him like that. I do agree I like him in his regular Thor body :o
Pumpkin did the Rogers outage affect you? It’s been a mess here. Interact not working at most places. A woman behind me at grocery store had a cart full of meat. When she got to the till the cashier told her debit not working.
It didn't affect out cells or home. I have always specifically said I wouldn't bundle everything together for that exact reason and I remember a Telus person responded by laughing and saying " That would never happen" :rolleyes1 . We have cellphones through bell and out tv and internet is Telus. Work our debit machines didn't work but cc did. But ALWAYS carry cash around for the reason. So many times lines go down temporarily. We always keep a small cash stash at home too incase of lines going down for significant periods of time. I hope it wasn't too bad for you.
We decided no dinner cooking at all yesterday, so no grilling, but enjoyed picking up from our only very sure safe for me Chinese restaurant. It’s almost less than a 5 minute time drive up the road from us. Steaming hot food when opened at home. We all enjoy eating from there, as how they cook their food is how we like. My kids and their kids have grown up as I have been going to that takeout restaurant since both my kids and their’s were little. Now the restaurant kids work there, and my kid are now the pick up person. I like also supporting local places, as that is the only store they operate. It’s not a chain, but like many in our neighborhood, a family owned and run one. I like supporting the local business economy when I can.
Yum!!!! The chinese place we loved sadly closed down earlier this year. We are not sure where we will go now.
watch The Hit Man`s Wife`s Bodyguard......I do like Ryan Reynolds...just watched Deadpool 1 & 2 over last few nights. Funny movies.
He's one of my favorites! There is just something about him.
I don’t even know what day it is

I’m medicated right now…lol
Sending more healing mummy dust your way! Listen to your body - and don't push yourself too hard.
ame downstairs and switched on phone to see a txt from a friend who says she and her husband are coming to the cinema this week with us too! What started off as just us sitting in the back row has evolved into an afternoon out with 6 friends who`ve all booked seats right beside us! Not a complaint though, should be fun! Right now we are the only ones with seats booked, rest of the cinema is empty
Enjoy it!!! It sounds like perfect day out with friends! Even if it is a scary movie popcorn::

Well, I should hit my project room and make some decisions on fabric from the fabric stash!

Have a great day everyone!
It's Sunday/funday!

It's a beautiful sunny day here again...only windy windy windy!!! All three boys are out fly fishing today, as it is way toooo windy to be taking the boat out onto the lake. It wouldn't be much fun. The youngest one is off of work today, and he hasn't been out yet to test out his new gear. He was biting at the bit to get out and try it. I have zero desire to go along to watch :rolleyes2

Since I cleaned and did the shopping yesterday, I have the day to myself to do what I wish. Kitchen is cleaned up an I think I'll be tossing whole chicken into the airfryer for dinner tonight. It's easy and quick to clean up.

I found a 2 different quilting patterns I want to make. I have the material I needed for the one ( for GD to make a small quilt for her big girl bed when she transitions into it) I'm trying to decide if that one little matching stash I have will work for the other quilt. So I will start on the one for GD. It should go quick as it's a small one.

We did out for supper/dinner on Friday - just dh and I. Youngest ds was working, the other went out with friends. We got to sit outside on a balcony at a local bbq joint. It was a great meal! I could have had about 4 more of the sangrias they had there. My one went down way too fast - there must have been a hole in the glass lol :drinking1

It's great to see you post! That is not the way anyone want to come home from the mousehouse and Dark Side. I hope you all recover soon with no lingering effects

Hehehehe, but it sure did make me laugh to see him like that. I do agree I like him in his regular Thor body :o

It didn't affect out cells or home. I have always specifically said I wouldn't bundle everything together for that exact reason and I remember a Telus person responded by laughing and saying " That would never happen" :rolleyes1 . We have cellphones through bell and out tv and internet is Telus. Work our debit machines didn't work but cc did. But ALWAYS carry cash around for the reason. So many times lines go down temporarily. We always keep a small cash stash at home too incase of lines going down for significant periods of time. I hope it wasn't too bad for you.

Yum!!!! The chinese place we loved sadly closed down earlier this year. We are not sure where we will go now.

He's one of my favorites! There is just something about him.

Sending more healing mummy dust your way! Listen to your body - and don't push yourself too hard.

Enjoy it!!! It sounds like perfect day out with friends! Even if it is a scary movie popcorn::

Well, I should hit my project room and make some decisions on fabric from the fabric stash!

Have a great day everyone!

lol......I think :rolleyes1I`ve had that glass a few times.....

It`s nice to get out just t:hug:he two of you as a couple, we always enjoy just the two of us together for dinner......

Yes, Mr Reynolds has a certain something doesn`t he. Seems very self depricating in his humour which I like.

Looking forward to meeting the others at the cinema......I`ve been hearing some good things about that movie now, all say it`s genuinely creepy and very scary....will make a good house I think.

Enjoy deciding which fabric to use.......

We had a lovely day today.....never left the garden much except to watch the Grand Prix, it was hot, then got even hotter, sun is still shining now and it`s beautiful.

Just the two of us all day, which was rather nice for a change, usually someone drops in for a tea, coffee or wine, and our day went really nicely and passed quickly. BBQ was good and we didn`t eat too much.

Think we`ll be heading in soon. Another lovely day ahead for tomorrow, so we`ll be up and out early for our walk and hope we don`t miss the wine delivery, should get an estimated time it`ll appear early hours.

Tonic water coming up, don`t like to drink tea at this time of night.

Hope everyone feeling poorly gets well soon........
Good Sunday afternoon Sans family :wave:



Mac hope you and your hubby are feeling better.

I'm moving a little slower today. Migraine strikes again! It took me a bit to roll myself up and out, threw the hair up, washed my face, put a little makeup on (so I didn't scare anyone) and out the door. It's a good thing, my manager doesn't care what time I start work. I still have plenty of time to get my time sensitive work competed and submitted.
Pumpkin hope you have recovered from your migraine.

Checking in after our recent trip. Hope you all are well. Didn't do Uni this time, but did spend some time in City Walk..... got the HP Hogwarts Loungefly, so all is good! Might do Uni in the fall, but we're watching prices for everything right now. Scary times indeed......
Came home with the dreaded virus, but doing much better now. Prices are WAY, WAY up with everything.
Be well and stay safe homies!

Which HP backpack did you get. They had two different Styles of Hogwarts backpacks. Both of them were very nice.

I don’t even know what day it is

I’m medicated right now…lol
That’s ok. Take your meds and get better. I second the motion what Schumi said. Drink lots of water. Make sure to do your walks in the house.

Went to Universal for grandsons graduation fun trip. We all had a nice time.

My dad who is 85 traveled down to Florida with me. It was planned for me to drop him off for a week long stay at older sisters house in Harmony. He did well on the trip there and back. He had a great visit with older sister and her family.

I stayed at SF and the kiddos did two onsite Resorts RPR and Cabana. They had a great time. They did more park time then me.

SF was nice as ever. Always enjoy my stays there. I had a Lagoon View room. I was able to watch some fireworks from my room sitting up in bed. I will call that my lazy 4th of July fireworks viewing....LOL

It was hot, but tolerable. Parks were busy. It rained for a bit each day. The game was go to park early in the day, then it usually rained about 1 to 2 pm. Then back to the parks in the evening.

I could see the boat dock from my room and people were filling the boats up pretty good in the morning and in the evening.

I did a bit more pool time and I had planned not to do any shopping this trip, but I did. The Mall at Millenia was calling my name and I answered.....LOL

Went to the Outlet Malls at Vineland and International Drive. I also had a walk around Disney Springs.

Schumi I did get over to the Tribute Store and the Monster Store by Mummy ride. Thankfully both were a easy walk through. Both had nice displays. I couldn’t pass up the Frankenstein wallet.

Keisha looks like you all had a nice time in Orlando.

I took a picture of Schumi’s favorite Universal Christmas Character


I laughed when I saw this at the Christmas store…LOL

Fun drawing at Starbucks at Adventura

Sue sending prayers for your friend and cousin.

Sending a shout out to Tink, bobbie68, monyk and all the Sans family. Have a wonderful restful Sunday.
Last edited:
Robo, fabulous you had fun with your grandson, and your dad enjoyed time with family. Hoping all is well, and getting some restful time sipping coffee in your HHN cup. SF is a pretty hotel, and have always enjoyed my stay there. Will be there almost all my time in September.

Ugh, a Monday feeling it is. Looked at clock when I woke up, and was 15 minutes before alarm went off. Decided then I could have a very long shower. And did. Now feel refreshed, with my tea and screen viewing for some time now. Nothing like being that early bird. I truly enjoy that quiet, as other than sometimes noisy DH, that the early hours of the early workers’s start usually are.

Ah, even that almost cool feeling start. What a clear sky in the overnight does. 61 degrees out. And getting warmer. 86 the high, and while a gloriously sunny start, the clouds should be starting to block that sunny sky, starting around lunchtime. Partly sunny day, says early weather news lady said. Said will be so much warmer, and much more humid tomorrow, so those clouds that are going to be around, will make it chance of rain as you get your taco tomorrow. With the high 92 degrees, maybe won’t be even annoyed to be a little wet, as will be so hot feeling Tuesday. But today, that most pleasant of a Summer in July day. And those pesky clouds better not be causing me to not wear my sunglasses. Eh, even on a bright overcast day, I still tend to wear my shades.

Thus, highly thinking I need a shorter week. Like ending this week, with a three day weekend. This two day weekend went by in a flash.

So, welcome to this Monday. And hope yours is a most marvelous Monday. And hope that good morning too.
Robbie......glad you had such a lovely trip with your grandson for his celebration, and yes, that`s a nice way to watch the fireworks!! And glad to hear you did some shopping too, always nice!!

And happy to hear your dad had a lovely trip too, would have done him the world of good to see you all.

Oh that darn squirrel.......where`s pest control when you need it....... :rotfl:

We are being toasted with heat over here today.........high 80`s by early morning and only going to get it!!

Walked very early this morning, we were out for 6.30am and the promenade and beach were busy.....much busier than usual. Yesterday the beach was mobbed apparently and today will be the same especially when schools finish this afternoon and good to see everyone getting out and enjoying this heat on the beach.

We nipped out shopping after our shower this morning, so rest of the day is in the garden for us......sunshine and bbq food.....perfect Monday. We have some lovely food for DH to grill today, so we won`t starve. Plenty of water and fruit too......

Wine delivery is due between midday and 1pm, so glad we won`t miss him, we have 2 cases coming apparently, he never told me that.....not that I mind of course 🤣

Time for sunscreen on again, then back sitting outside with a large pot of tea before lunch.




Have a wonderful Monday 😁
Looks like everyone had a nice weekend!

Mac hope you’re improving. Take nurse Schum’s advice!

Pumpkin it affected so many here for cellular and banking. And businesses. It pretty well crippled my friends husbands business (who I went for lunch with that day) and I’m sure many others. Fortunately Rogers doesn’t have internet here. But they wanting to take over Shaw :sad2: I hope after this it won’t be approved. I’m on Rogers cellular. A subsidiary, Fido.
Now Rogers has to answer to Telecom/Energy Minister! Ha. Hope they’re raked over the coals. Scammers are now busy with texts ugh. Hope no one is taken in.

Robo great pics! First 6 days we’re at SF in lagoon view. I hope to get a similar view. Was this Guest house 3?'
Sounds like a successful trip! And nice for your dad to get a visit in with his Sister!

Lynne I hope rates lower for your trip. I took a look, seems PB rate is $100/night cheaper than my AP rate was at $470 o_O But recently RP had $410 standard view or $427 water. AP rate. Highest I’ve ever paid too. Those first 2 weeks of Aug are deadly.
Showed dd Utube videos of RP and SF as she hasn’t been to either. Her last stay was PB.
Hope your Monday is good!

We had a nice weekend here. Saturday my youngest dd went out paddling with me. Then dinner was at Brother-in-laws. His lady friend made a delicious Chinese meal. We brought over coleslaw and Key Lime pie.
Yesterday we (well Mr) bbqed pork chops. Had the coleslaw with it which was even better the next day. Nice and refreshing. I add chopped apples to it. And found a nice dressing recipe online that isn’t too sweet. Called for Dijon- never would have thought to add that. But was good. Also celery seed but I didn’t have so omitted.

I think this week I’ll start looking at clothing I’m going to pack and maybe lay out. The 29th will be here before I know it. And next week is crazy busy so should get a start on things this week.

Thursday is a good friends birthday and I’m organizing the troops for a lunch. She’s decided on Japanese.

This morning have to take daughter to Costco to return bathing suit. We went to Winners (TJ Max in the US) and she found one she really liked. Also picked up a 1” flat iron there, I was reading how it can also be used for curls but I tried it, not so easy. I think I prefer a curling iron! Maybe will return.
Sounds like a nice weekend Sue......yes, straighteners are never good for curling, don`t believe them!! I love straighteners and have far too many of them.....8 at the last count.

Dijon is the favoured mustard in our for a million dishes, even for something as simple as a gorgeous honey mustard dressing......wouldn`t be without a few jars.

Had the nicest afternoon sitting in the garden. Some friends came round for an hour....had a cuppa and sat in the shade of the gazebo and chatted a couple of hours away in the end. They always stay longer than they say......I`m glad to say!

Food has been good and we are full.......

Now watching for the release of the first picture from the James Webb telescope.....very exciting but annoyed the White House decided to show one picture a day earlier than NASA plan to show them. But, it should be an amazing picture.......

Still boiling hot the 90`s and it feels like it!! Tomorrow less warm but still decent for us......cinema in the afternoon too.
And just like that it was Monday :sad: and back to work.

It's a nice bright sunny day today. The wind seems to still be here. I was hoping to grill tonight, but I guess that's out. Plan B is whipping up a quick pizza dough with my sourdough starter. I'll head home over lunch to whip it up, and keep it in the fridge to rise and get ds to pull out a little later to rise in room temps.

Slow day again at work - summer. I can tell people are off on holidays. Traffic to get to work is low, and I could pull into Tim's to pick up my morning tea and be out in about 1 minute ::yes:: I love that!

It`s nice to get out just t:hug:he two of you as a couple, we always enjoy just the two of us together for dinner......
It is nice! We don't get a chance to do it often. We enjoyed it. Just like our trip in February was a first for us - being alone without kids or other couples! It was going to be VERY telling of how our relationship would be moving forward. It was amazing!!!! We had the best time!
stayed at SF and the kiddos did two onsite Resorts RPR and Cabana. They had a great time. They did more park time then me.

SF was nice as ever. Always enjoy my stays there. I had a Lagoon View room. I was able to watch some fireworks from my room sitting up in bed. I will call that my lazy 4th of July fireworks viewing....LOL
Your pictures were great! It sounds like it was a good trip!
Ugh, a Monday feeling it is. Looked at clock when I woke up, and was 15 minutes before alarm went off. Decided then I could have a very long shower. And did. Now feel refreshed, with my tea and screen viewing for some time now. Nothing like being that early bird. I truly enjoy that quiet, as other than sometimes noisy DH, that the early hours of the early workers’s start usually are.
I did the opposite. I hit the alarm and snoozed for another 10 minutes, then slowly dragged myself into the shower. Put on minimal makeup and just did the natural curly hair today. I don't need to do all the effort when I sit in my office alone most of the day anyways. The bugs and mice don't care how I look :laughing:
I think this week I’ll start looking at clothing I’m going to pack and maybe lay out. The 29th will be here before I know it. And next week is crazy busy so should get a start on things this week.
OOOOO it's coming up fast! I know you have had it planned for a long time now. I'm as green as a jelly bean you are going!!!!
Had the nicest afternoon sitting in the garden. Some friends came round for an hour....had a cuppa and sat in the shade of the gazebo and chatted a couple of hours away in the end. They always stay longer than they say......I`m glad to say!
Sounds like a great way to spend the afternoon!
Now, I need to ask about the hot weather in the UK. I see people commenting about the hot weather in the UK is different compared to other places. Is it similar to Florida heat and humidity when it's at the 25C mark? I'm just curious! We love the humidity of Florida and the Mayan Riveria part of Mexico which is HUMID and heat! I know we get heat, but it is a dry nothing like Southern US heat. It just feels different.

Well, I should head out for lunch. I want to head home and whip up the pizza dough, and then hit Homesense / HomeGoods, as they had an unbrella for our patio set I wanted to pick up and didn't. Hopefully it's still there.

Have a great rest of your day everyone!
Lol Pumpkin, I don’t mind the Florida humidity either but my husband would die! When we went to Puerto Vallarta at the end of Feb he was really feeling it and I thought, this is nothing! Polar opposite with what climate we like!
I think I may be feeling the Florida humidity this time though as we’ve had a cooler than normal spring and summer hasn been really hot. Definitely nothing like last year 🥵
Good night all. Love the very hot Florida heat. We tend to get the same where I live. Plus, easy to pack, lots of shorts and t shirts. That’s all really needed. Just a pair of pants and a jacket, just in case.

Still warm out, 74 degrees and close to my bedtime. Commuting tomorrow, so close to bedtime it is.


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