July’s Journeys - July 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Happy Friday everyone!

I think I missed my thankfuls yesterday... I'm thankful for my new FitBit and to be back in business logging steps, food and monitoring sleep. And as always I'm thankful for the run of nice weather we're having.

I got the front yard mowed last night and this evening I'll work on the back. I think I'm going to do the country loop drive tomorrow, stopping at the nursery, the yarn shop, and the park along the river for a walk. Other than that it'll be yard work and soaking up the sunshine.

Things are shifting around at work, I'll need to make a quick trip to S Cal the last week of the month for my new responsibilities, then the second week of August it's out to the East Coast to wrap up somethings for my old area of responsibility. In between was to have been the vacation trip to Walla Walla, I'm keeping the week as vacation but canceled the Walla Walla part because I just don't want to be gone that much. During the week I will do an overnight up in Port Townsend, but other than that it'll be chilling locally... and continuing to binge watch the crime drama "Shetland'.
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Happy Friday everyone!

I think I missed my thankfuls yesterday... I'm thankful for my new FitBit and to be back in business logging steps, food and monitoring sleep. And as always I'm thankful for the run of nice weather we're having.

I got the front yard mowed last night and this evening I'll work on the back. I think I'm going to do the country loop drive tomorrow, stopping at the nursery, the yarn shop, and the park along the river for a walk. Other than that it'll be yard work and soaking up the sunshine.

Things are shifting around at work, I'll need to make a quick trip to S Cal the last week of the month for my new responsibilities, then the second week of August it's out to the East Coast to wrap up somethings for my old area of responsibility. In between was to have been the vacation trip to Walla Walla, I'm keeping the week as vacation but canceled the Walla Walla part because I just don't want to be gone that much. During the week I will do an overnight up in Port Townsend, but other than that it'll be chilling locally... and continuing to binge watch the crime drama "Shetland'.
What an interesting career you have...all of the traveling sounds so exciting!
Took a half day off work today and just finished watching Encanto with the kids. That last song gets me every time! Enjoyed some fresh popped popcorn and chilling out before a scout planning meeting tonight.

Made the last payment on out trip for next month. What are the odds magicband+ will come out before we get there? Mid-August seems end of summer no? Took an almost mile long walk during a conference call this morning to try to get my legs ready for the trip. Pretty sure I am going to order the fitbit luxe...it's on sale now but going to see if it gets on a better sale on prime day. Is that a thing? Will prices go down more? Its already almost $30 off.

Dinner tonight will not be healthy....kids requested corn dogs. But did have a light breakfast and lunch so hopefully that will counter it a bit. I went today to finally get some pants hemmed that have been sitting in my closet for upwards of a year. Thrilled they still fit. Really just need to tighten up. Did 20 minutes yesterday of resistance band and thigh master. Also been amping up my water. Did find a new moderately healthy snack brand, anyone tried skinny dip? It's like all different nuts dipped on chocolate, PB, caramel etc. But the dip is a very thin layer as opposed to be caked on. And it's been easy to have half a serving. Need to keep up with that. It has occured to me over the last few months my issue isn't what I'm eating as much as how much. And how often the eating (especially snacking) is mindless as opposed to mindful so need to work on eating something because I am hungry or having a craving as opposed to just walking by the snack cupboard and grabbing something.
1. My favorite toys growing up were my Barbie dolls, Barbie Dream House, and Barbie Camper.
2. My favorite ice cream flavor is typically chocolate, but depending on my mood, I might have vanilla sometimes as well, so 1 or 2.
3. I would rather have a maid.
4. I would rather go boating. I love to be out on the ocean, and I plan on whale watching when we go to Cape Cod at the end of the month.
5. My favorite love song is "God Only Knows" by
The Beach Boys.
6. I would love to have Tinkerbell as my imaginary friend...she kind of already is.
1. Barbie. My Mom was great at sewing custom clothing for her and for a while actually sold Barbie outfits at the drug store down the street, when we lived in Bellingham.
2. For soft serve I'd go with chocolate and vanilla.
3. No contest, a maid!
4. I'd go camping... at the ocean beach side.
5. I can't even think of any love songs, but I'm sure there are a couple that probably make me tear up when I hear them.
6. Yah, I could also go with Tinker-stinker, particularly if I could also fly.
I was very into barbie dolls and paper dolls
Chocolate and vanilla swirl every time!
dancing or shopping depending on the day
Not sure my favorite love song...can't even go with my first dance song because it's not a love song. So I guess "feels like home" by Chantal Kreviazuk
My imaginary friend would be between Mrs Weasley, Bluey or Aziraphale from Good Omens...all across the board I know
My motivation is vacation in 12 days. I am not where I should be right now. I'm up 4 pounds instead of down 4 pounds. I really wanted to be about 10 pounds less by vacation, and now it is unrealistic. I will be happy to at least drop these stupid 4 pounds and maybe a little more by the time we leave.

It is demolition day on the bathroom reno which was supposed to start on June 27th. At 8:00 am, no sign of my contractor gave me anxiety because I didn't have a lot of faith in him starting today. I called the office at 9:00 because I had to bring DD to the train station since her car is parked at her friends house to keep the driveway clear for workers. I wanted to let them know that if I wasn't home when they arrived not to leave. I got the contractor on the phone, and he was all casual like, "Oh yeah, the bathroom reno, right?":headache: Dear God in Heaven, if I hadn't called, he had no intention of starting today. UGH!!!!! When he got to the house, I had to remind him of what the job entailed and handed him our contract so he could review it.:worship:Isn't that something he should have done before leaving the office?:confused3 Meanwhile, he knows that we plan on renovating our kitchen as well, and this is his audition. He'd better clean up his act.

My anger and frustration had me wanting to stop at Dunkin Donuts to buy a dozen, but I stopped myself. Right now, I'm talking myself off the ledge and just trying to calm down and not eat my feelings.
This week's motivation... the official announcement about my job change came out Friday, now it is real! So my motivation is to get myself together enough to really succeed in the new role and help the gal taking my place succeed.

Two things I'm going to do:

1. Get outside and walk! I keep saying I'm going to do this but haven't. Moving is so important to stress regulation so now I can't not do it.
2. Cut the sugar. Again another thing I keep saying I'll do but then don't do it. I need all the brain power I can muster and sugar has such a negative impact.
Motivation is vaca and it's coming quickly! Need to improve my stamina
1. Walk more, preferably while it is hot out. Around the walking trail at work is ideal but around the neighborhood and even up and down my staircase will suffice if that's all I have time for.
2. Increase my water intake. Carry my pretty water bottle around filling and drinking it at least 2.5 times a day to total 55 ounces in addition to the water that makes my coffee and whatever else in drink for the day.
This or That is often applied to food choices, but let's do a round of This or That's for other areas of healthy living as well.

To improve your mental health, what is something you are currently doing that you can swap out for something new/different?

To improve physical health, what is something you can swap for something new (and hopefully more exciting).

And let's go ahead and do a food one as well - what is a food you are regularly eating that you can swap out for something more local and seasonal?
Mental health... go for a walk in the morning, instead of driving to Starbucks. My new team is all in the US, so in a week or so I won't have early morning calls (current team is all in India) , so I'm promising myself I'm going to take advantage of this by going to the park a couple mornings a week to walk, while the days are still long.

Physical health... well, the same swap out really, walk instead of SB.

Food... swap sugar for protein. To start to make inroads here, I've been getting the ham-and-cheese on baguette at SB, instead of a sweet pastry, and last week I got a rotisserie chicken and five meals out of it. got
For mental health I recently swapped twitter for diaboards and youtube! It's not productive at all but I find I feel happier and more relaxed. I have not officially deactivated my Twitter account but likely will. Haven't been on FB in a very long time either.

Physical health/food...hhhmmm I've been swapping out soda for flavored water. Since the flavored water is generally carbonated I still get a bit of bloat but my skin looks better! On the same idea need to go back to swapping diet soda for candy when I need a sweet fix (generally at work)...which may become soda for water again but baby steps.
To improve your mental health, what is something you are currently doing that you can swap out for something new/different?
I've been binge-watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix, and it's too easy to just let the next episode play (which means I get less done and feel guilty - which is not good for my mental health). This morning, I watched Murder, She Wrote instead (which is in the DVR, so I have to actively play another to keep watching, so I stopped after one).

To improve physical health, what is something you can swap for something new (and hopefully more exciting).
More social walks like this morning. I walk longer when out of the house and with someone to talk to than when I'm on the treadmill with chores "staring at me".

And let's go ahead and do a food one as well - what is a food you are regularly eating that you can swap out for something more local and seasonal?
I currently have a box of mini chocolate ice cream sandwiches in the fridge, but should be taking advantage of all the lovely in-season fruits right now.


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