Something About Nothing............ #14

Thank you so much Janet......he`ll like that one!!! ::yes::

And hope your son is on the mend soon.......:hug:

Lazy afternoon doing TR........

But even had the bifold doors open in the kitchen for a while as I sat at the table...I`m far enough away from them you don`t feel a draught, some fresh air......but it is nice to have the doors open for a while. They`re closed now though.......quite chilly all of a sudden.

Time to facetime a friend........
:wave2: And we are sliding into Friday :cheer2: I am sooooooooo happy today is Friday.

No word yet if we are heading to the city yet. I overnight expressed some rapid test to dd. She can't find any in her area, and I had a few extra from my " florida trip" pile. They are starting to feel better yet. On video chat last night gd was full of energy running, playing, jumping on mom/dad/dogs, having tea with us through the screen...and dd was extremely tired and tired of being sick etc etc etc, asking me to come help her :rotfl:and take care of her and gd lol. I remember those days!!!!!

I had no side effects from the booster....dh got hit just as hard as his second shot. So I whipped up some chicken soup and grilled cheese for supper last night lol. He is one of those " big baby men" when he gets sick lol. It's a good thing he doesn't get sick often...I'm not sure either of us would survive that!

Not much on the agenda for today. My pile of papers to shuffle is little. I am slowly getting caught up on @schumigirl 's trip report, then I spied a few others I want to start as well.
I am thinking with the mild weather we's time to try and bbq some moose steaks tonight. Pulled out a package today. It's not often we can bbq/grill in the winter, I want to take advantage of that.

I hope your ds starts to feel better soon! I hate when my kiddies are sick even though they are grown adults. It's a momma thing
Dental work went fine as was drugged for a legal high for two hours
Had two crowns replaced as gum infection had to be taken care of

Next visit for dentist is in 5 weeks
Implant work begins for two molars that were remove last year located on lower jaws.

Unbelievable but dental work costs more than a trip to the Motherland or the Darkside
:hug: I wish I lived close to help out a bit. Ugh, just reading this made my anxiety spike through the roof. I hope you heal quickly from what you had performed.
DH came home with some bbq beef he got from a friend. Made mashed taters, and ooh that bbq was good, a wee bit hot as almost made my nose water. None left, as all eat it. Little one was happy it was not pork, but beef. Can of corn and easy meal. Easy meals are what I like to have, as up so early, and even if not commuting home, still tired enough that cooking for longer time is not what I want to do. So shortcuts and easy meals like pre-made pasta, potatoes, eggs, and soup are at least one or more of our week day dinners.
YUM!!!!! It sounds delicious. Last night I had to change meals on the fly when dh wasn't feeling good from his booster and he just wanted soup and sammies. I always have supplies or plans for a quick easy meal for when things like this happen during the week. Another good one I will pull out is a homemade hamburger helper type meal. We call that "@ss in a pan" :lmao: But it feeds everyone, and no one goes hungry lol.
Making a flourless chocolate cake for my two tonight although might not be eaten till tomorrow with one thing and another.
I will have to research and make one of these. It has me intrigued me since I starting reading your trip reports and you talk about it in those. Sounds like it would be the perfect dessert for a Sunday night supper!
Had the nicest walk…..7 miles as it was just the most beautiful morning.
You are like me...I hate being cold! I would bundle up the same!!!! Love the purple toque and scarf. I wish I looked as cute as you do wearing a toque lol. I look like the version of Frank from Shameless :rotfl2:

Well, I really should start to shuffle some of these papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe. I'll probably be popping in lots today as not much going on in the office today, and honestly I'm ok with that for a Friday
Do they taste as good as the ones in the restaurant? I've been tempted to buy the mix, but haven't done so yet.
They are pretty much the same thing. The nice thing about doing it at home is that they are always warm and you can control the amount of butter/herbs. However, it makes more than I should eat.

Hope all of the sickies and people recovering from dental work and boosters get to feeling better soon.
Good afternoon. I am officially boosted. Just waiting to see if there are any side effects. I think I will take a nap this afternoon just because I can. I have paid bills and have a load of towels in the wash. Those might be the only productive things I do today.

I think we are ready for the snow. Dh took B's disc sled to her yesterday.

Hope no side effects for ya, Charade. Yes, we are to get some snow Sunday night into Monday, with some freezing rain before all turning to rain, as we should be above freezing as the high on Monday. Still saying a 30 percent chance we see more snow than the few inches we are going to have from late evening until the wee hours. Good thing it is a holiday Monday, as even though still not commuting yet, glad there is no where I need to go Monday morning. I too have to grocery shop. May do that tomorrow, as I’m sure the storm worries make even more empty shelves,
So far, so good. I had my boost at a Walmart Neighborhood Market When I got there the lines at the registers were quite long. Glad I went shopping yesterday.

Hope you feel ok after the varies so much between folks, it`s like pot luck how you feel.

And hope the snow isn`t as bad as`s been years since we had that amount of snow. I do remember as a child of about 6 walking to school and it was up to my knees and we all got sent home as it was so bad the pipes in the school froze. And once or twice in the 1980`s but in reent years we`ve only had 2 bad winters to speak of.
I keep seeing 2 different predictions. One says 5-8 inches, the other shows we could get up to 10 inches. I just hop the snow doesn't do mor damage to my tree.

Thermal heat holder hat and gloves and big scarf that looks like it’s 8 feet long…when my friend gave me it as part of my Christmas gifts several years ago, I wasn’t sure if it was a scarf or a table runner…….lol…..

3 layers under the jacket, thermal leggings too. Tom said he was surprised I could walk with all the layers!

Yes, I don’t like being cold…
I hate being too cold, but I also hate being too hot. B would absolutely love your purple hat and scarf.

No word yet if we are heading to the city yet. I overnight expressed some rapid test to dd. She can't find any in her area, and I had a few extra from my " florida trip" pile. They are starting to feel better yet. On video chat last night gd was full of energy running, playing, jumping on mom/dad/dogs, having tea with us through the screen...and dd was extremely tired and tired of being sick etc etc etc, asking me to come help her :rotfl:and take care of her and gd lol. I remember those days!!!!!
Hope everyone is back to feeling well soon.

I had no side effects from the booster....dh got hit just as hard as his second shot. So I whipped up some chicken soup and grilled cheese for supper last night lol. He is one of those " big baby men" when he gets sick lol. It's a good thing he doesn't get sick often...I'm not sure either of us would survive that!
My dh is the same. He acts like he is dying when he gets a cold, but is surprised when I don't want to do anything when I have a stomach bug.

Happy birthday to Kyle!

I went to Panda Express for lunch today. This was my fortune.

Well it’s 52 now but it’s a real 52 come due to no wind

Announcing on tv and on iPhone alerts on weather for predictions of late Saturday, temps will drop and have ice and cold weather

Sunday, some areas by me could get sleet and snow
Well, most times our snowfall is a sprinkle of a few snowflakes, so I do not get excited when we get predictions of snow

it’s a wait and see what will happen in my area for Sunday.

Will send Mr Mac to Publix Saturday for basic groceries in case we get a flutter of snow flakes

Domino’s does not always have delivery service when it snows so my backup plans is Mr Mac to do a Publix run
I think we are ready for the snow. Dh took B's disc sled to her yesterday.

Will send Mr Mac to Publix Saturday for basic groceries in case we get a flutter of snow flakes

Domino’s does not always have delivery service when it snows so my backup plans is Mr Mac to do a Publix run
I'm crossing my finger for both of you that you don't get more than a skiff of snow.

I am one to always have my kitchen stocked in the winter. I HATE having to run to the store when it's gross and snowing outside. It's even easier now that youngest ds works in the produce department :o It's nice to be able to shoot him a text before his shift ends so he can pick up any missing items we need.

Unbelievable slow this afternoon. Still working on catching up on some trip reports. Been enjoying the slow day today.

Happy birthday to Kyle @schumigirl.
We have a side by side fridge freezer style
Due to the cabinets in the kitchen, this was the largest size we could buy to fit in the room

We do not have a free standing freezer as no place to put it.

But we do use our fridge freezer for vegetables.

What meats, fish or chicken, we buy couple times a week and it holds well in our fridge.

it’s rare for us having snow in our area
The predicted ice storm that could be near us won’t be until Sunday

The city will do one sweep of liquid brine put down on our streets but that’s it.
We do not have snow plows or rock salt to clear our neighborhood roads.

I will hit Publix in the morning and be ready for Sunday/Monday for food in case we have to stay inside

Rare for anyone in my hoa drives anywhere when there is low temps, ice/ snow.
I’m on a winding ridge of 4 levels
it was a real poop show at the grocery store. When you walk in and find no carts, it’s generally a good clue to turn around & drive home. Did grab a ‘passable’ Gatorade flavor. It’s been awhile I since purchased any. When did they come out with seemingly hundreds of varieties?
They are starting to feel better yet
great news
I had no side effects from the booster....dh got hit just as hard as his second shot.
so strange how that tends to happen
They are pretty much the same thing. The nice thing about doing it at home is that they are always warm and you can control the amount of butter/herbs. However, it makes more than I should eat.
i freeze extra baked goods, still pulling out cookies in dribs & drabs. Keeps them fresh & helps with portion control

before the quality of the closest RL restaurant tanked after pandemic started, was a frequent visitor. Will say tho, not a fan of most biscuits, even their’s. Shocking lol. I have made them from scratch at various family member‘s requests. Easy easy, look & taste the same to me.
I am officially boosted.
I went to Panda Express for lunch today. This was my fortune.
nwahaha a good prophecy. I often get weird ones that make little sense, believe something lost in translation sort of thing

any rocco’s modern life fans from back in the day here?

Filbert’s fortune cookie

Have y’all see the reports about the new Figment popcorn bucket at EPCOT? They are saying the line is over 5 hours long and people are already selling them on eBay for over $100. It’s really cute, but 5 hours????
File it under pirates gotta make a living?:confused3 guess that’s why they started to limited the number of items per one can purchase.

Will say I did send my DiL off to buy me a Oogie Boogie popcorn bucket at the first MNSSHP years ago. However, in my defense, I was treating for that & a dessert party Believe it took over an hour, nice she waited. I’d have bailed after 15 minutes.
Sunday, some areas by me could get sleet and snow
Well, most times our snowfall is a sprinkle of a few snowflakes, so I do not get excited when we get predictions of snow
i’d be more worried about the local driver’s lack of familiarity with proper snow navigating. Probably more than a few fender benders there on those rare days.
With all in that cold weather, stay safe. Saying as of evening news, dusting of snow, then a steady cold rain. Guess I’ll take that then any snow totals. For the happiness of some, as not that far North of me, will get lots of snow. Means the mountain ski resorts will be glad to see the real snow.

What for Friday night dinner? Pizza and mozzarella sticks. Asked little one to order onion rings, as my favorite, like old school ones. Guess she wanted the sticks instead. Eh, enough cheese, but pizza and sticks were tasty. And I’m full. House feels a little cool, so tea for me. And not much of interest to watch, but at least a quiet night, and that’s a good thing.

Sending well wishes to those that need some get well thoughts. Abd hope those boosted today, have no side effects, though sorry to hear Pumpkin’s DH had not so nice side effects.

Yeah, the South generally does not do well with cold weather and even a little bit of snow. Hope you are going to be warm, and okay Mac.

Did a Target run to get food, as thought no way going near a grocery store. Will brace myself to shop at Sam’s tomorrow, as eye doctor there is who we like, and older one has appointment after his work tomorrow. Since he’s going to have his eyes dilated, even if he drives to, I’ll be driving him home. And while he’s with the doctor, I figure I’ll shop. Not much we need, so hoping what I think I want to get there, is available. May go there earlier, as hoping crowds won’t be there, rather than wait until late afternoon. Will see how I feel about going out in that cold in the earlier hours. Will be a cold feeling day.
We are supposed to get cold tomorrow and Saturday/Sunday night. No precipitation or freezing though. Beef stroganoff for dinner tomorrow night since it will be cold. DH can have noodles, and I will have cauliflower rice with it.

We have been binging Mad Men and Central Park, which is on AppleTV+. If you haven't seen Central Park, it's hilarious. It's an animated musical. Josh Gad is one of the main character voices and a producer. It's very irreverent. The episode we are watching has a girl singing a song about her training bra being a bra-blem :rotfl:

Son's school district sent an email asking for substitutes, so I put in an application. They must be desperate if they would take me:rotfl2:It said that you can choose assignments, schools, days, and times based upon what's needed, once you are accepted. Hoping to do high school. I can't imagine dealing with little kids. I guess helping temporarily while so many staff are out due to covid quarantine/isolation isn't too bad. DS is already exposed everyday. Luckily, the district requires masks.
Well, the arm is sore now, but that was expected. I also have a bit of a headache. We were driving home tonight and dh started singing Sweet Caroline. When he got to "Touching me, touching you." He poked me in the arm. Yes, right where I got the shot today. I was not amused.

it was a real poop show at the grocery store. When you walk in and find no carts, it’s generally a good clue to turn around & drive home
We ran into Kroger tonight to grab some cereal. I don't think there was a single loaf of bread left in. the store. Even all the packs of hotdog and hamburger buns were gone. They still had some milk and eggs left though.

nwahaha a good prophecy. I often get weird ones that make little sense, believe something lost in translation sort of thing
Dh once got one that said something like "It is not too late to turn from the path you have chosen." This was just after we had gotten engaged.

Did a Target run to get food, as thought no way going near a grocery store.
I'm almost tempted to go to Kroger tomorrow just to see how insane it wii be.

Son's school district sent an email asking for substitutes, so I put in an application
You are a brave woman.

Dh has fallen asleep while watching Cops. I think I will find something better to watch.
:wave2: And we are sliding into Friday :cheer2: I am sooooooooo happy today is Friday.

No word yet if we are heading to the city yet. I overnight expressed some rapid test to dd. She can't find any in her area, and I had a few extra from my " florida trip" pile. They are starting to feel better yet. On video chat last night gd was full of energy running, playing, jumping on mom/dad/dogs, having tea with us through the screen...and dd was extremely tired and tired of being sick etc etc etc, asking me to come help her :rotfl:and take care of her and gd lol. I remember those days!!!!!

I had no side effects from the booster....dh got hit just as hard as his second shot. So I whipped up some chicken soup and grilled cheese for supper last night lol. He is one of those " big baby men" when he gets sick lol. It's a good thing he doesn't get sick often...I'm not sure either of us would survive that!

Not much on the agenda for today. My pile of papers to shuffle is little. I am slowly getting caught up on @schumigirl 's trip report, then I spied a few others I want to start as well.
I am thinking with the mild weather we's time to try and bbq some moose steaks tonight. Pulled out a package today. It's not often we can bbq/grill in the winter, I want to take advantage of that.

I hope your ds starts to feel better soon! I hate when my kiddies are sick even though they are grown adults. It's a momma thing

:hug: I wish I lived close to help out a bit. Ugh, just reading this made my anxiety spike through the roof. I hope you heal quickly from what you had performed.

YUM!!!!! It sounds delicious. Last night I had to change meals on the fly when dh wasn't feeling good from his booster and he just wanted soup and sammies. I always have supplies or plans for a quick easy meal for when things like this happen during the week. Another good one I will pull out is a homemade hamburger helper type meal. We call that "@ss in a pan" :lmao: But it feeds everyone, and no one goes hungry lol.

I will have to research and make one of these. It has me intrigued me since I starting reading your trip reports and you talk about it in those. Sounds like it would be the perfect dessert for a Sunday night supper!

You are like me...I hate being cold! I would bundle up the same!!!! Love the purple toque and scarf. I wish I looked as cute as you do wearing a toque lol. I look like the version of Frank from Shameless :rotfl2:

Well, I really should start to shuffle some of these papers.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe. I'll probably be popping in lots today as not much going on in the office today, and honestly I'm ok with that for a Friday

Glad they`re beginning to feel better though, and yes, hope you do get to go visit them for your little granddaughters birthday......yes, we never lose that mother instinct to nurture even when they`re adults.

I love that hat, it`s one of those ones hillwalkers use.....but oh should see my hair when I take it off........ :rotfl:Not a pretty sight!!!

Flourless chocolate cake is so easy.....I justs whisk it all up for more than it needs and it seems to be better that way. It`s a cake that sinks and doesn`t look so pretty but my goodness when you cut into it, it`s as if you`ve made a ganache....very, very rich.....even I take a tiny piece.

Oh yes, @schumigirl, Happy birthday to Kyle!

Thanks soniam........:)

Beef Stroganoff sounds lovely, haven`t made that in the longest time!!! Yes, a very winter warming sister loves cauliflower rice, but can`t quite get to grips with it for some reason, I`m guessing an acquired taste, although I do love cauliflower, epsecially if it has cheese sauce on

Good afternoon. I am officially boosted. Just waiting to see if there are any side effects. I think I will take a nap this afternoon just because I can. I have paid bills and have a load of towels in the wash. Those might be the only productive things I do today.

I think we are ready for the snow. Dh took B's disc sled to her yesterday.

So far, so good. I had my boost at a Walmart Neighborhood Market When I got there the lines at the registers were quite long. Glad I went shopping yesterday.

I keep seeing 2 different predictions. One says 5-8 inches, the other shows we could get up to 10 inches. I just hop the snow doesn't do mor damage to my tree.

I hate being too cold, but I also hate being too hot. B would absolutely love your purple hat and scarf.

Hope everyone is back to feeling well soon.

My dh is the same. He acts like he is dying when he gets a cold, but is surprised when I don't want to do anything when I have a stomach bug.

Happy birthday to Kyle!

I went to Panda Express for lunch today. This was my fortune.

View attachment 638970

I have a lot of purple scarves apparently in varying shades, and yes, I am quite sad and have them on hangers starting from the darkest to the lightest.......sounds very dorky!

I just cannot deal with being cold either......but I can cope with a lot of heat, although yes, overheating is not fun.

Hope you feel much better today and the arm isn`t too bad. And yes, a nap because you can is always a good idea!

Have y’all see the reports about the new Figment popcorn bucket at EPCOT? They are saying the line is over 5 hours long and people are already selling them on eBay for over $100. It’s really cute, but 5 hours????

I heard about that........6.5 hours folks were waiting I heard from someone....that is crazy!!

Can’t find my birthday greetings for Kyle
So sending them again for him

Aww thanks again mac......yes, you sent me an email wishing him HB too.......:flower3:

We have a side by side fridge freezer style
Due to the cabinets in the kitchen, this was the largest size we could buy to fit in the room

We do not have a free standing freezer as no place to put it.

But we do use our fridge freezer for vegetables.

What meats, fish or chicken, we buy couple times a week and it holds well in our fridge.

it’s rare for us having snow in our area
The predicted ice storm that could be near us won’t be until Sunday

The city will do one sweep of liquid brine put down on our streets but that’s it.
We do not have snow plows or rock salt to clear our neighborhood roads.

I will hit Publix in the morning and be ready for Sunday/Monday for food in case we have to stay inside

Rare for anyone in my hoa drives anywhere when there is low temps, ice/ snow.
I’m on a winding ridge of 4 levels

We don`t often get snowed in as such here, but I do love days where the weather is dreadful and we don`t go out, but I have to admit after a day or two I`m like a caged lion and just need to get out.......

Yep, we`re always well stocked up with just about everything......I probably buy too much fresh produce as we do sometimes throw out unused cucumbers/lettuce, that kind of stuff.

But, yes, good idea to get stocked up just in case, your roads are awkward.

it was a real poop show at the grocery store. When you walk in and find no carts, it’s generally a good clue to turn around & drive home. Did grab a ‘passable’ Gatorade flavor. It’s been awhile I since purchased any. When did they come out with seemingly hundreds of varieties?

great news

so strange how that tends to happen

i freeze extra baked goods, still pulling out cookies in dribs & drabs. Keeps them fresh & helps with portion control

before the quality of the closest RL restaurant tanked after pandemic started, was a frequent visitor. Will say tho, not a fan of most biscuits, even their’s. Shocking lol. I have made them from scratch at various family member‘s requests. Easy easy, look & taste the same to me.


nwahaha a good prophecy. I often get weird ones that make little sense, believe something lost in translation sort of thing

any rocco’s modern life fans from back in the day here?

Filbert’s fortune cookie
View attachment 639082

File it under pirates gotta make a living?:confused3 guess that’s why they started to limited the number of items per one can purchase.

Will say I did send my DiL off to buy me a Oogie Boogie popcorn bucket at the first MNSSHP years ago. However, in my defense, I was treating for that & a dessert party Believe it took over an hour, nice she waited. I’d have bailed after 15 minutes.

i’d be more worried about the local driver’s lack of familiarity with proper snow navigating. Probably more than a few fender benders there on those rare days.

Oh it bad I can think of one or two folks that Filbert joke is appropriate to send to them.......:rotfl:although I have no idea who Filbert is???

I did make the RL biscuits ages ago and yes, they were identical to the stuff they serve, wouldn`t go out of my way to make them again though. Funnily enough we always raved about the RL down at the convention centre in Orlando.......not as good this time and I`ve always been a fan of it before.

Kyle did like your birthday meme......::yes::

Thank you for the birthday wishes for my boy! He did have a nice birthday and we have a nice pub booked tonight for dinner. This is a new one to us, but gets amazing reviews and we`re not sure why we`ve never gone before as one of my friends says she prefers it to the other one in that village we usually go to. Long as the steaks are cooked as we ask and tasty, all good.

We have fog this morning and a real feel of -3, so no walking this morning although Kyle is still going running with his club......crazy in this cold!!

Inspired by Janet the other day....I`m going to have a pamper all the usual pamper things and have a sip or two of sparkly as I do so. Although I usually keep the sparkly for when I`m getting made up and dressed to go it........

No cooking tonight as we`re out for dinner but will soak diced beef in ale all day before cooking overnight in the slow cooker with a medley of other ingredients, then have that for Sunday dinner tomorrow. Dishes like that benefit from being cooked the day before, but will add dumplings on Sunday as requested in the last half hour with some veg to be decided yet.

Lunch today is brioche rolls with bacon......mac.....will set another chair at the table for you........::yes::🥓

Fruit and croissants for breakfast.......





Have a wonderful Saturday :flower3:
Well, at least double digits. 12 degrees out. And hehe, older one left for early morning work, and then little one finally went to bed. Sigh. And was up before older one’s alarm went off. So a goodbye and a good morning to my kids. DH just left, as DMIL is not feeling as well. She has all the shots, but think the place she is at, has had many staff testing positive. Sigh, and even more crazy, the one college my DH teaches at, said even if you are positive, can come into class. DH is furious, as while he is fully boosted, of the four of us, he has the the highest chance of getting much worse than us other three. Hopefully most kids do virtual. But DH will still go in, as a few of the kids said they prefer in person. I guess masks and hope for the best. It is so inconsistent. Think was said, when inside, wear a mask. And so, that’s what I do. Some places, most are masked, some places, including the bank I went to, I was the only one masked.

Okay, off that soap box.

And so, a quiet home for me. As older one does not come home until later in the afternoon, I guess tea, and whatever I feel like watching. May make some oatmeal, as feeling hungry. I fully don’t expect to hear little one until a late lunch hour. May do a grocery run shortly, as most open around 8 am. Will see what empty shelves I see. May be a messy commute for those on the roads Monday morning, but we are to be just wet, and not snowed in. Saying where I live, snow will last around 2 hours, Sunday evening, then change to rain into Monday morning. So I fully expect, if we need to go out on Monday, will not be an issue.

And yay, that weekend feeling is a bonus one, and so a super sized Saturday wish for all the homies. Good morning all. Brrr, it’s a wee bit cool start. But a clear sky. While may be shivering a little, rocking those shades will make me look warm. Yeah. Right? Sigh. It’s Wintertime y’all.
Waiting for grand dog to be dropped off for weekend. Big gymnastics competition at lovely resort. We decided weeks ago just not comfortable with driving up to Lake Erie for that getaway.

Just as well. Issues at home and first big storm rapidly approaching. Sometimes life’s zigs & zags do work out for the best. If I repeat that to my self a few more times, I may just swallow it

Will brace myself to shop at Sam’s tomorrow, as eye doctor there is who we like, and older one has appointment after his work tomorrow. Since he’s going to have his eyes dilated, even if he drives to, I’ll be driving him home. And while he’s with the doctor, I figure I’ll shop. Not much we need, so hoping what I think I want to get there, is available.
Have issues need to see specialist for general eye care here. However, went to our local office once for sunglasses. the mr needed replaced quickly as he let his sit in truck & the coating melted???

None of them here participate in our insurance plan. Bit of a pain to pay, then get reimbursed but they did a really nice job cutting his tricky RX. Best of all, they provided them in just days as promised, in time pre cruise
Beef stroganoff for dinner tomorrow night since it will be cold.
I’ve never been quite satisfied with attempts for some reason. Even my go to of adding dijon a miss
Son's school district sent an email asking for substitutes, so I put in an application. They must be desperate if they would take me
always thotof that as a calling vs a job. They’d be lucky to have you.
Do u have teaching certificate? Here, I’ve had one DS teach early on in his career via some sort of exception the state offers In districts that find themselves in a pinch but, only in secondary levels

he quickly decided while he has enjoyed coaching at that level, teaching is not his bag lol
When he got to "Touching me, touching you." He poked me in the arm. Yes, right where I got the shot today. I was not amused
Must not laugh :p
Dh once got one that said something like "It is not too late to turn from the path you have chosen." This was just after we had gotten engaged
Maybe an ex GF planted that.
Hmmm maybe I should try to write a screenplay for a hallmark movie? Lol
have a lot of purple scarves apparently in varying shades,
Imagine that :duck::rotfl2:
It used to be id wind up with multiple gifted gloves every winter. I’m picky & have tiny hands, would wind up donating to local shelter. Win all the way around!
Oh it bad I can think of one or two folks that Filbert joke is appropriate to send to them.......:rotfl:although I have no idea who Filbert is???
Oh my goodness. We must rectify this. One of my favorite Nickelodeon offerings. Slyly irreverent. Invader zim even more out there lol
Inspired by Janet the other day....I`m going to have a pamper all the usual pamper things and have a sip or two of sparkly as I do so. Although I usually keep the sparkly for when I`m getting made up and dressed to go it........
Nice, hope you included chocolate in between treatments too. Enjoy the BD celebrations
Sigh, and even more crazy, the one college my DH teaches at, said even if you are positive, can come into class. DH is furious, as while he is fully boosted, of the four of us, he has the the highest chance of getting much worse than us other three
Totally unacceptable, sorry to hear. Stay safe

My youngest DS, you’ve met (who mac can vouche for as being very conscious, especially as to mask wearing) & having both Pfizer vaxx; is struggling right now.

don’t remember seeing him this sick since he had bacterial pneumonia. keeping close eye on him, double masked & keeping recommended distance as per our dr.

It’s quite startling how high the temp can get even with fever reducing agents in place Doesn’t seem that long ago that my middle DS went thru this, he still has a few lingering long-Haul issues

My youngest’s results were confirmed to have Delta, not omicron, via genomic sequencing. It’s is still hitting even the healthy, fully vaxx much harder than omicron’s symptoms.
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Waiting for grand dog to be dropped off for weekend. Big gymnastics competition at lovely resort. We decided weeks ago just not comfortable with driving up to Lake Erie for that getaway.

Just as well. Issues at home and first big storm rapidly approaching. Sometimes life’s zigs & zags do work out for the best. If I repeat that to my self a few more times, I may just swallow it

Have issues need to see specialist for general eye care here. However, went to our local office once for sunglasses. the mr needed replaced quickly as he let his sit in truck & the coating melted???

None of them here participate in our insurance plan. Bit of a pain to pay, then get reimbursed but they did a really nice job cutting his tricky RX. Best of all, they provided them in just days as promised, in time pre cruise

I’ve never been quite satisfied with attempts for some reason. Even my go to of adding dijon a miss


always thotof that as a calling vs a job. They’d be lucky to have you.
Do u have teaching certificate? Here, I’ve had one DS teach early on in his career via some sort of exception the state offers In districts that find themselves in a pinch but, only in secondary levels

he quickly decided while he has enjoyed coaching at that level, teaching is not his bag lol

Must not laugh :p

Maybe an ex GF planted that.
Hmmm maybe I should try to write a screenplay for a hallmark movie? Lol

Imagine that :duck::rotfl2:
It used to be id wind up with multiple gifted gloves every winter. I’m picky & have tiny hands, would wind up donating to local shelter. Win all the way around!

Oh my goodness. We must rectify this. One of my favorite Nickelodeon offerings. Slyly irreverent. Invader zim even more out there lol

Nice, hope you included chocolate in between treatments too. Enjoy the BD celebrations

Totally unacceptable, sorry to hear. Stay safe

My youngest DS, you’ve met (who mac can vouche for as being very conscious, especially as to mask wearing) & having both Pfizer vaxx; is struggling right now.

don’t remember seeing him this sick since he had bacterial pneumonia. keeping close eye on him, double masked & keeping recommended distance as per our dr.

It’s quite startling how high the temp can get even with fever reducing agents in place Doesn’t seem that long ago that my middle DS went thru this, he still has a few lingering long-Haul issues

My youngest’s results were confirmed to have Delta, not omicron, via genomic sequencing. It’s is still hitting even the healthy, fully vaxx much harder than omicron’s symptoms.

I do hope DS picks up soon, it does sound nasty what he`s going through right`ll be glad he lives close enough you can take care of him when he needs it. And yes how high temps can go is very scary. Fingers crossed he picks up soon...

Omicron is wiping delta out here apparently, hope it`s true as omicron is much milder to the average person.

Hope GD does well this weekend too........

Oh Nickelodeon.....a channel we never watched, or very rarely.....was Kenan & Kel from that pot of shows? We did watch that and the odd cartoon I cannot remember.......

They need some new blood to write those movies.....dear lord how do they get away with it!

No chocolate for me....they have demolished the flourless chocolate cake I made though.........I did have some spicy chips and dip as an afternoon snack now.

Yes, win win to donate items you won`t use......and yes, you do have very small hands, I never noticed before........then again, I miss a lot at times :blush:..........many years ago one of my dad`s friends daughter used to come and visit with him when he came to see my dad. She had been in my room many times, looking at albums, talking about boys and so on, we were about 13 or 14.......this went on for day my mum said to me, doesn`t Kathleen do well for only having one hand!!!!! Wait......what.........I asked her when she had lost it and what happened, horrified in thinking it was recent.......turns out she was born that way.......I felt a chump and a half!!

And she did only have one hand.......she had a stump where her hand and lower part of her arm would have been.....I never once noticed. And funnily enough one of my brothers thought I was joking as he hadn`t noticed either.

I do now consider myself more observant......thankfully!!!


Ended up with bacon on buns for breakfast and made up some shrimp spring rolls for lunch.....similar to the ones in Confisco Grille with the clear wrap instead of the usual coating.....felt quite healthy......:rolleyes1 she says sipping sparkly and nibbling on crisps and garlic dip!!!

Legs waxed, feet glowing, face mask all cleaned off.....time to go do a deep treatment for the hair.......although my hair is in excellent condition wise even if I say so myself 😉......but it`s a nice little pamper.

Temps have improved slightly as the day has gone on, at least we`re above freezing now.....think I`ll have a winter dress on tonight and boots, definitely boots. I do have one with a high neck, but think it might be too high and maybe a little frumpy..........looks a little like a Laura Ingalls dress, but it does sit above the knee at least.



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