The Running Thread -- 2022

Goals for 2022
1. Run my first runDisney races. Nothing, not even Omicron, can keep me from going to Orlando in Feb
2. Run a 10k in under 1h
3. Continue with my S&C
4. To quote @flav 's 2021 goal, Eat sensibly. I am also a pantry-hovering bug and I'm a bit on the heavy side, which means I'm injury prone. My goal will be to keep a healthy weight to keep myself beating the pavement as long as I can.
5. Run my first marathon
Here were my goals for 2021
  • Work more on mobility. I always say I'll do this, and I do spend some time on it, but I want to work more on flexibility to try and stay injury free.
  • Run my first trail half marathon
  • Continue to spend more time on trails with a mileage goal of 250 trail miles in 2021 (Had 122.18 this year)
  • Pick a fall marathon and train for a BQ time. I feel I may need to do two training cycles to get my time down to a BQ but I want to see where I'm at with a real training plan.

Mobility: I did more but not as much as I would have liked. I started seeing a sports massage guy late in the year to help with the higher mileage from the marathon training and that has been great.

First Trail Half: Check

More trail miles: I missed this one. I did have slightly more trail miles, 138.94 up from 122.18, but when I started my marathon training I all but stopped doing the trails.

Fall marathon: In July this switched to doing the Disney full. The idea at the time was my wife wanted to do her first Disney race and it would be the last time we could go as a family without our son having to miss school. The pandemic changed all that since it will just be a solo trip now.

Goals for 2022:

  • The big one I can check off in a week is qualify for Boston with a cushion big enough to actually get in.
  • Get back into the pool. I haven't done any lap swimming since the pandemic shut down the pool in early 2020. Our rec is back opened but I haven't made it back in yet.
  • More strength training. This is another thing that dwindled to a trickle due to the pandemic. I have done some kettle bell work at home but having only one non-running day a week with the Hanson plan pretty much kept me away from weights for the past 4 months.
  • Three state park trail races. We have a local series that does some longer races (10 miles to marathon) on trails in our state parks. They have a series and one of the "bonuses" is running at least one race in three of our state parks. We like taking our son into nature and really under use this great resource we have so that is my last goal for 2022.
  • We have a local 1 mile race that I ran in 2019 with absolutely no 1 mile training at all. I did it in 5:40. I got to see Nick Willis win that race and I'm a huge fan so that was cool. I actually finished before him...only because the Elite race was last. If the timing works out for that race I want to spend a few months actually training for a 1 mile effort and see what I can do. I think I can get that time down a bit. If I can't do that race I'd like to fine one to do that has a pro race. It adds to the experience and if I'm traveling to do a 1 mile race I'd like to have something else to do/see there.
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This is why I should write down major goals for the year in a place where I can easily find them and more importantly, regularly review them to see how I'm doing and what things I need to change.

So, I'm pretty sure that I wanted to finish a modified virtual WDW Marathon. As training started late and met all sorts of obstacles leading into 2021, I switched to 26.2 over 6 days so as to not injure myself. Mission accomplished.

Run the Princess Virtual 10K and Half Marathons. Ran each distance a week apart.

Run the final Star Wars Challenge. I did this on race weekend with my little sister joining me for the half.

Running dipped after that before picking up again in September as I knew I had to get serious about the marathon.

I want to do more strength training, but I usually do that at the gym and with masks never ending in California and my glasses fogging up all the time, I opted to run outside. Which I now do a lot more of than ever before.

2022 Goals listed in the order in which I wrote them down, not importance:

1. Finish my 3rd Dopey Challenge.

2. Settle into some sort of consistent running pattern during my most stressful months at work. I'm still working on what this will look like, but I'm currently thinking 30-45 minutes two or 3 times a week. This one is more about finding a balance between exercise and spare time. Training for races during that busy time is a huge time crunch and causes stress that I've always dealt with by saying that the fun comes afterwards. This time around I think that a shorter duration of running with no longer runs will help me cope better with everything.

3. Spend more time in meditation. I think this is helping improve my sleep and I would like to see if I can do a better job of leaving work stress at the office where I can pick it up again the next day. Even before the pandemic, the last 2 years have brought a lot of upheaval to my personal life and I am finding my place all over again as a result of some of that upheaval.

4. Better utitlize my spare time. Work will really ramp up in intensity and hours worked in February. I hope to become better at using what little spare time I have in activities that leave me feeling more refreshed and less stressed. It can be as simple as spend less time on YouTube watching assorted lore videos and more time reading or audio books, or watching TV programs that interest me.

5. Like @Bree, I want to improve my relationship with God. My church uses lay clergy and I currently serve in a more time intensive position with a lot of responsibility. I hope to better help others draw closer to God as part of those responsibilities and that will begin if I first make sure to work on improving my own shortcomings and weaknesses while also accepting that process will take place over many years.
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2022 Running Goals:
1. Run a marathon - 2022 will be my sixth year in a row running at least one marathon/year
2. Run less - I need to do more strength training, read more, travel more (if COVID allows), etc. But running less doesn't mean not running. It just means not focusing all my exercise on running.

I’d like to aim for 1000 miles (I’ve been close in past years, 850-ish, and well over when I include walking miles).

otherwise, more consistency with strength and yoga.

finally, I’d like to work a bit on speed. Not sure if that translates into a sun-2 half (or a PR on a 10 miler since I’m already registered for 3).

many happy miles in 2022 everyone!!
I didn't meet any of my 2021 goals due to a stress fracture that took almost 3 months to heal.

My only goal for 2022 is to avoid injury. I have 5 deferrals to stay healthy for including the Chicago Marathon.

These are the things I'm going to focus on to prevent injury:

1. Consistency over speed
2. More consistent strength training
3. More yoga
4. Good calcium & Vitamin D intake
5. Continuing to eat plant based whenever possible
6. Foam rolling
7. Continue swimming for cross training
8. Proper rest between training plans

After getting injured yet again, I really need to work on my strength training and flexibility more consistently. I feel like this has been an annual goal for years on end I still haven't achieved. Going to try something different this year and rather than set goals for myself for the full year, I am going to make monthly and quarterly goals so I can adjust depending on how things are going. For January it will be to continue to stretch regularly 6x per week, strength train at least 4x per week and hopefully get back to start running again (hoping to do something short next Sunday since I should have been finishing Goofy). For my Q1 goal it will be to complete a 5-K in March to use as my baseline for training moving forward this year.

My 2021 goal was to be in shape to finish my first full marathon. How'd I do? Ask me Sunday night...

As for 2022 goals:

1. Focus on weigh loss and speed training for the first 4-6 months of the year.
1a -- drop from 205lb to <190lb (preferably <180)
1b -- improve my pace to <10 minutes/mile for 1-3 mile durations (currently about 10:15 for a single-mile pace but cannot sustain that pace for 3 miles)

2. In the second half of the year, train for the 2023 WDW Marathon with a target finish time of 5:00-5:30.
ATTQD: Goals for 2022. First I failed at everyone of my goals for 2021. I may have to come back and read this often so i hit one of them.

1. Weight I need to lose 10 pounds.
2. Get myself back to injury free and staying there.
3. Do my first overnight hiking trip in a tent.
4. Get back to yoga once a week (this is a tough one but the reason i think i ended up injured in 2021). I vow that even if i have to do it via youtube after the marathon yoga once a week.
ATTQD: Goals for 2022. First I failed at everyone of my goals for 2021. I may have to come back and read this often so i hit one of them.

1. Weight I need to lose 10 pounds.
2. Get myself back to injury free and staying there.
3. Do my first overnight hiking trip in a tent.
4. Get back to yoga once a week (this is a tough one but the reason i think i ended up injured in 2021). I vow that even if i have to do it via youtube after the marathon yoga once a week.
Come up to Amicalola Falls and do the very south end of the Appalachian Trial for a good overnight hike.
I didn't post in the 2021 thread, so I'll just go ahead to 2022 goals!

1. Cut back on my weight. I creeped up with some pandemic pounds that I have yet to shed. I'd like to get down 8-10 pounds.
2. 1000 miles run in 2022. I ended 2021 with ~990 miles and this annoyed me more than I'd prefer to admit.
3. Be more positive overall about my running. I had a bad attitude at points last year and it led to suboptimal training and races. None of that helped me. I've been doing much better recently, but I know some times will always be harder than others.
4. Register for and begin training for my first marathon - and possibly run it. I haven't decided if my first will be WDW 2023 or something else, possibly Marine Corps in the fall or another one.
I love backpacking. Depending on where you’re going, you might consider a hammock set up! It is sooo much nicer than a tent in my opinion. Hammock Gear sells good kits to get you started at a variety of price levels.
i have a cheap and fairly lightweight tent. It was purchased to be a starter so that if i do like overnighting i would definitely be upgrading. I am also not opposed to the hammock. I have actually day hiked the AT in GA. We did that when i had the dog in my avatar. We could never overnight because she needed us. We lost her this past summer so one of the things i wanted to do was actually try and overnight. I love to hike but i have never slept outside in a tent. It will be very interesting but i want to try it before i say yay or nay to it. I will definitely need some different gear if i like it though.
I didn't post in the 2021 thread, so I'll just go ahead to 2022 goals!

1. Cut back on my weight. I creeped up with some pandemic pounds that I have yet to shed. I'd like to get down 8-10 pounds.
2. 1000 miles run in 2022. I ended 2021 with ~990 miles and this annoyed me more than I'd prefer to admit.
3. Be more positive overall about my running. I had a bad attitude at points last year and it led to suboptimal training and races. None of that helped me. I've been doing much better recently, but I know some times will always be harder than others.
4. Register for and begin training for my first marathon - and possibly run it. I haven't decided if my first will be WDW 2023 or something else, possibly Marine Corps in the fall or another one.
10 miles short of 1000? OMG this would annoy the heck out of OCD me.

I (twice) got into the Marine Corps marathon and wasn't able to travel to the race due to life circumstances. Besides a way cool medal, it looks like a nifty tour-de-DC on foot. That and the NYC marathon are on my to-do list.

As far as a 1st marathon, my first was WDW and it is hard to beat for a race environment and all the energy from so many other people there for the races.
10 miles short of 1000? OMG this would annoy the heck out of OCD me.

I (twice) got into the Marine Corps marathon and wasn't able to travel to the race due to life circumstances. Besides a way cool medal, it looks like a nifty tour-de-DC on foot. That and the NYC marathon are on my to-do list.

As far as a 1st marathon, my first was WDW and it is hard to beat for a race environment and all the energy from so many other people there for the races.

Yeah, 10 miles! But I'm doing a training plan for Princess and NYE was a rest day. That's just how the cookie crumbles!

I live in DC so MCM is an easy one to do, at least as easy as running a marathon could possibly be. Weirdly, running the monuments may be the least notable part because I run them with some regularity. I do think WDW would be a better first marathon, but recently we've been feeling kind of Disney-ed out? I'm gonna decide after Princess.
Getting amped seeing everybody's goals 👍🧨

Keeping mine simple:
-get back into strength and cross-training (pandemic-related gym leeriness fuels my lazy tendencies)
-train well so I'll be a happy camper doing the Chicago Marathon and Dopey 2023 (fingers crossed to get in)
-make new running friends (anybody else here in NYC?)
Goals From 2021
1) Finish off the Space Coast Marathon Big Bang Series. 3 years of marathons done, just 1 more to go, and this years theme is the Space Shuttle program.
2) Register for a live race weekend at Disney. I've been registered for 3 canceled due to Covid weekends, eventually one of these needs to be held!
3) Stretch Goal: Get my half marathon time down to sub-1:50. Going to be tough without any live races on the horizon to keep me motivated to train, but we'll see what happens.
It ended up being a great year for achieving my running goals.
1) Done! And I got my marathon time down by 42 minutes and an AG award to boot!
2) Done! If all goes well I should be flying down for Marathon weekend in about 32 hours....
3) Done! I got a 1:48 Half time in April 2021, and during my Nov Marathon completed the first half in 1:42

Here's hoping 2022 goes just as well.
Goals For 2022
1) Run 2022 km (or more) for the year
2) Successfully register for Dopey 2023
3) Stretch Goal: Get a Boston Qualifying Marathon time


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