Nothing Can Stop Us Now! The End! Well almost, quick recap of Jan 22 trip! Update on April trip 4/21*

Hello Everyone :wave2:
Our trip is coming up quickly! We leave in 6 days, wow!
I wanted to update one more time with some of our Disney plans!
We will be staying at POFQ, it was the best choice for us after I booked and canceled 4 other resorts! I forgot to put Saratoga Springs in my last post. That was in the running for a day or two as well.:hyper:

Thanks for playing along and guessing. FQ and the Poly were the top guesses. If the Poly wouldn’t have cost so much it would have been first choice.
We have only 4 nights at Disney, this is the least amount of nights we have ever stayed. I want to pack in many things, not sure how many we will get to.
Our first day will be 12/3/21, I have a park reservation for HS.
My plan is to try Genie+ this day and also try to get a paid pass for Rise! We will leave Universal early, like 7am so we can drop of our luggage at FQ and get to HS by opening.
I want to try some of the holiday treats, ride TSM, ToT, SDD, and MMRR. The plan would be to wait for MMRR right at opening rather than pay for that one. We won’t care to much if we don’t get on it.
Baseline Tap House right around 11am is on the list.
We have a late lunch ADR in Epcot at San Angel Inn.
A rest at the room will be next, hopefully it will be ready by 4pm.
The after hour Christmas event is booked for this evening.
We will be meeting Lesley and Karamie at the party. My main goals for the party are rides, fireworks, and the parade. We will also want treats, hot cocoa, and I want to try the Mr. Toads bratwurst burger. It is so cute and I have heard it tastes good.
The event runs from 9pm-1am. I will need to get some extra energy from somewhere to make it until 1am!
This event was very expensive and I want to make the most of it, I hope it isn’t to crowded.
Here are some pictures from a Christmas party in 2017, we were celebrating Andi’s 18th birthday, and today she is 22! Time flies. We stayed at FQ that trip as well.




The next day I booked Epcot so we could sleep in a little. I want to try some of the food from the Holiday Kitchens. We also want to do the cookie stroll.
Andi will try for a virtual queue time for Remy’s, if we don’t get one I may buy this one.
I am not doing Genie+ this day and if it is really crowded we may not be doing any of the popular rides at Epcot. We want to do LwtL in the evening to see the Christmas lights and we always have to ride SE.
Our dinner this evening will be at Space 220 with Lesley and Karamie. The food doesn’t thrill me here but the experience looks so cool. I’m planning to get the steak, to get my money’s worth. Andi will likely go with the chicken.
This is a fixed price menu, you get an appetizer, entree, and dessert. Yes, we will be getting a ridiculously high priced cocktail as well. 🍸
Sunday is AK day, my main goal is to see the magical menagerie this looks awesome and it is something we have not experienced before. We may buy FoP, ugh it just doesn’t seem right to have to pay extra for these rides. :sad:
We have lunch planned for Sanaa with Karamie. Lesley will pass on this one, however, she will be in AK and we will spend some time together at my favorite park.
I want to see AK in the evening, so we will likely head back there until it closes.
Monday is HS day. I’m not sure how we will do this day. We have an early dining reservation at Morimoto around 4:30pm.
I want to check out Jock’s Holiday bar and the Christmas trees.
The problem I have is I want to see HS at night and I think this is the only night to do that.
Here we are with Santa, “I know him”, love Elf. This was at HS

We will need to leave DS by 6pm and Uber over to HS, so much to do and so little time!
I think we will head to DS by 3pm so we can go to Jock’s and do a few things, before our dinner reservation.
Pictures of a couple trees from the pre pandemic Christmas tree trail.

Our last day is 12/7, our flight doesn’t leave until 6pm so we plan to go to MK early, stay for a few hours, and head over to the monorail resorts. I want to see the decorations. I mostly want to check out GF’s gingerbread house.
My other goal is to check out WL’s decorations and have a drink and lunch at Geyser point. Wow just writing this down sounds like a whirlwind and really no down time.
We will make the best of it and I also want to say hi to Jenny, Ariane, and Kari. I hope we can make this work.
Our trips are usually a minimum of 7 nights at Disney so 4 is a short trip.
Thank you everyone for reading and commenting
Send me energy for this trip, lol 😂
I will probably do a highlights report within this report.
Thanks again for following along and I will update when we are back!!
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We have only 4 nights at Disney, this is the least amount of nights we have ever stayed.
Welcome to my world. :)

It's quick... but it's never less than wonderful. :)
My plan is to try Genie+ this day and also try to get a paid pass for Rise!
Do you have an AP? Or are you going to purchase rides as you need them?
I want to try the Mr. Toads bratwurst burger.
Holy smokes that sounds awesome.
We also want to do the cookie stroll.
What is that?
Our dinner this evening will be at Space 220 with Lesley and Karamie.
No! Lucky! Thinking that wasn't an easy ADR to get.
Here we are with Santa, “I know him”, love Elf.
Send me energy for this trip, lol 😂
Energy sent!
Plans sound great!
Sounds like it's going to be a busy yet wonderful trip! I hope you're able to accomplish everything on your list and you can squeeze as much as you can out of the After Hours Party. And if time starts slipping away and you get a little tired, just remind yourself you're seeing Disney during its holidays. Four busy days in WDW beat working in the cold back at home any day. :goodvibes
he next day I booked Epcot so we could sleep in a little.
Our last day is 12/7, our flight doesn’t leave until 6pm so we plan to go to MK early
Ok well we are at Epcot on the 4th and MK on the 7th so hopefully one of those days we can meet up! I'll be in touch :) Your plan sounds good! We've done lots of shorter trips, of course I prefer longer ones and it's hard to get everything in that you want but they still manage to be great trips!
Welcome to my world. :)
Anytime at Disney is a plus! I just have so many things to see and do!
Do you have an AP? Or are you going to purchase rides as you need them?
We have AP’s and will use for park admission, however, now it seems like everything is extra, ugh!
Holy smokes that sounds awesome.
Here it is, I have to get this, it is at The Friars Nook
What is that?
There are cookie stops around Epcot for the Holiday Festival and when you try each cookie, you redeem your stamps for a prize cookie! Lot of cookies 🍪
stroll cookies
prize cookie
o! Lucky! Thinking that wasn't an easy ADR to get.
I know! Lesley was on the ball and got reservations for us. It looks really cool and somewhat of an attraction on its own!
Energy sent!
Plans sound great!
:thanks: And thanks google for the pictures!
Sounds like it's going to be a busy yet wonderful trip! I hope you're able to accomplish everything on your list and you can squeeze as much as you can out of the After Hours Party. And if time starts slipping away and you get a little tired, just remind yourself you're seeing Disney during its holidays. Four busy days in WDW beat working in the cold back at home any day. :goodvibes
It will be really fun. All the decorations at Disney and Universal will be amazing.
There never is enough time to do everything. I sure will try to get in as much as we can.
It sure does beat working in cold Minnesota, well almost anything does lol 😂
Ok well we are at Epcot on the 4th and MK on the 7th so hopefully one of those days we can meet up! I'll be in touch :) Your plan sounds good! We've done lots of shorter trips, of course I prefer longer ones and it's hard to get everything in that you want but they still manage to be great trips!
Yay we will have to meet up even for a quick hello and to wish a wonderful holiday season to you all! The first two days at Universal will be more slow and we will hit the ground running once we arrive at Disney, haha 😆
Hope to see you soon!
Anytime at Disney is a plus! I just have so many things to see and do!
We have AP’s and will use for park admission, however, now it seems like everything is extra, ugh!
Yeah... they sure are squeezing every nickel out of us. :sad2:
Here it is, I have to get this, it is at The Friars Nook
:laughing: That's funny! But it has to taste good too... and apparently it did. :)
There are cookie stops around Epcot for the Holiday Festival and when you try each cookie, you redeem your stamps for a prize cookie! Lot of cookies 🍪
ooooohhh... want!
prize cookie
Dang those look good.
I know! Lesley was on the ball and got reservations for us. It looks really cool and somewhat of an attraction on its own!
I think so too.
Yay, we do too for this upcoming trip! Right now Velocicoaster is not included in the express pass but if you go in at opening it is a short wait!

So, then is it best to RD this (if I don't chicken out) or Hagrids?

It is a really good pizza for the price and I loved the outdoor patio eating area

Good to know!!

I agree with you so much on that one!!
Our trip is coming up quickly! We leave in 6 days, wow!

So soon!!!

We have only 4 nights at Disney, this is the least amount of nights we have ever stayed. I want to pack in many things, not sure how many we will get to.
You have a TON planned- I don't think I could do all of this. Transportation alone eats up so much time lately.

We will be meeting Lesley and Karamie at the party. My main goals for the party are rides, fireworks, and the parade. We will also want treats, hot cocoa, and I want to try the Mr. Toads bratwurst burger. It is so cute and I have heard it tastes good.

Aw, very cute! My favorite specialty burger was the Meunster Burger they had one year for MNSHHP. So yummy!!

This event was very expensive and I want to make the most of it, I hope it isn’t to crowded.

OH me too for you. I will be very interested to hear how this turns out.
The food doesn’t thrill me here but the experience looks so cool.

I've heard the food is over-priced, but as you say, the experience is pretty cool.

My other goal is to check out WL’s decorations and have a drink and lunch at Geyser point. Wow just writing this down sounds like a whirlwind and really no down time.
I was going to say that... I hope you can do even 70% of it. :)
I was all set, except as time went on resorts starting opening up, what is a girl to do:confused3
I had been looking around at some other options too and was surprised they went from next to no availability to almost everything being available. We decided to stay put at BW but I'm hoping this means the crowds won't be too bad. I'm guessing they were just holding back inventory :confused3

Polynesian Village Resort, standard room
Well for the record I was gonna guess this but I am clearly very, very wrong

We plan on watching the Macy’s Christmas Parade and taking in all the wonderful Christmas decorations.
This looks like such a fun parade. Hope you all enjoy some Xmas in Universal

I hope to meet up for a quick hello with the famous Carole, from the Universal boards, and her husband Tom. I have been reading Carole’s reports for years now and love them.
I had to laugh at myself because I didn't even know there were Universal boards :rotfl:

Here are some pictures from a Christmas party in 2017, we were celebrating Andi’s 18th birthday, and today she is 22! Time flies.
Happy birthday Andi!

Our dinner this evening will be at Space 220 with Lesley and Karamie. The food doesn’t thrill me here but the experience looks so cool. I’m planning to get the steak, to get my money’s worth. Andi will likely go with the chicken.
Can't wait to see what you think of this. I think Jason and I would have tried it but I do not want to pay those prices for Casey, who is clearly an adult these days :rotfl2: Hoping they either drop the price fixe at some point or that we can get into the lounge.

Our last day is 12/7, our flight doesn’t leave until 6pm so we plan to go to MK early, stay for a few hours, and head over to the monorail resorts. I want to see the decorations. I mostly want to check out GF’s gingerbread house.
Looks like this may be the only day that we have the same park booked so hopefully we can see you. Think Ariane is in MK that day too
We will be staying at POFQ, it was the best choice for us after I booked and canceled 4 other resorts! I forgot to put Saratoga Springs in my last post. That was in the running for a day or two as well.:hyper:
I would love to stay at POFQ one day. Such a pretty resort!
I want to try some of the holiday treats, ride TSM, ToT, SDD, and MMRR. The plan would be to wait for MMRR right at opening rather than pay for that one. We won’t care to much if we don’t get on it.
Perfect plans!
Baseline Tap House right around 11am is on the list.
Now you're talking!
The after hour Christmas event is booked for this evening.
Wow! A busy day for sure.
The next day I booked Epcot so we could sleep in a little. I want to try some of the food from the Holiday Kitchens. We also want to do the cookie stroll.
am not doing Genie+ this day and if it is really crowded we may not be doing any of the popular rides at Epcot. We want to do LwtL in the evening to see the Christmas lights and we always have to ride SE.
I am really not too fussed about the popular rides anymore. Give me the classics and a chance to enjoy the atmosphere and I'm good.
Sunday is AK day, my main goal is to see the magical menagerie this looks awesome and it is something we have not experienced before. We may buy FoP, ugh it just doesn’t seem right to have to pay extra for these rides. :sad:
The magical menagerie is awesome!! I loved them on my 2019 Christmas trip!
Monday is HS day. I’m not sure how we will do this day. We have an early dining reservation at Morimoto around 4:30pm.
I want to check out Jock’s Holiday bar and the Christmas trees.
That will be so fun!
Our last day is 12/7, our flight doesn’t leave until 6pm so we plan to go to MK early, stay for a few hours, and head over to the monorail resorts. I want to see the decorations. I mostly want to check out GF’s gingerbread house.
My other goal is to check out WL’s decorations and have a drink and lunch at Geyser point. Wow just writing this down sounds like a whirlwind and really no down time.
We will make the best of it and I also want to say hi to Jenny, Ariane, and Kari. I hope we can make this work.
Yes your plans are definitely ambitious but who needs sleep in Disney???
So, then is it best to RD this (if I don't chicken out) or Hagrids?
Yes, if there is early morning hour for Islands, do Hagrid’s first then head to Velocicoaster
You have a TON planned- I don't think I could do all of this. Transportation alone eats up so much time lately.
It does sound like a lot we will use Lyft/Uber a fair amount and take it slower at Universal
Aw, very cute! My favorite specialty burger was the Meunster Burger they had one year for MNSHHP. So yummy!!
That does sound yummy! I hope the Mr. Toad’s burger is good.
OH me too for you. I will be very interested to hear how this turns out.
I will let you know!
I've heard the food is over-priced, but as you say, the experience is pretty cool.
Food is overpriced but it will be cool 😎
I was going to say that... I hope you can do even 70% of it. :)
Haha I’m fine with doing no ride activities more this trip!
I had been looking around at some other options too and was surprised they went from next to no availability to almost everything being available. We decided to stay put at BW but I'm hoping this means the crowds won't be too bad.
Yes it did open up to bad the prices are crazy!
Well for the record I was gonna guess this but I am clearly very, very wrong
The Poly was so tempting but the price at 750 a night way to much!!
This looks like such a fun parade. Hope you all enjoy some Xmas in Universal
It really does and it will be our first time checking it out.
I had to laugh at myself because I didn't even know there were Universal boards
Yes, a fun area to check out
Happy birthday Andi!
She thanks you!
Can't wait to see what you think of this. I think Jason and I would have tried it but I do not want to pay those prices for Casey, who is clearly an adult these days
I’m excited for it, mostly for the experience and to visit with two epic ladies!
Looks like this may be the only day that we have the same park booked so hopefully we can see you. Think Ariane is in MK that day too
Hopefully it will work out. It would be nice to say hi!
would love to stay at POFQ one day. Such a pretty resort!
It really is a nice resort, we love it 😍
I am really not too fussed about the popular rides anymore. Give me the classics and a chance to enjoy the atmosphere and I'm good.
I’m the same way now and I think we might go slower during the day and hit the parks in the evening, the Christmas lights are a must!
The magical menagerie is awesome!! I loved them on my 2019 Christmas trip!
It does look really adorable and a must!
Yes your plans are definitely ambitious but who needs sleep in Disney???
Haha, it is a lot to pack in, we will see how it goes!
I love all your reasons for choosing the Poly but at 745.00 a night I had to pass. I also passed on the Reserve after reading how many peoples reservations were just canceled at the last minute:(
:scared1: Crazy prices! You don’t want to be worrying about them cancelling on you either so good choice with POFQ for sure!

We went with POFQ, we love it there and our last visit there was a couple years ago! Plus I want Mickey Beignets, yum!
We stayed there years ago and I loved it! Such a fun resort and while I’ve never eaten a Beignet I’ve seen photos and sounds like a good enough reason to go there all on it’s own :rotfl::thumbsup2
Our Deluxe room with the express pass at Universal was less than 250 a night, can’t beat that! Disney has been making me sad these past few months with the price gouging just crazy!
So many people I know are saying they are heading over to Universal for the main part of their trip as Disney is just taking the Mick with all the extra charges/prix fixe menus/ resort costs. Seems like we are paying a lot more for a lot less and that makes me sad too.
I hope you're having a great trip! I'm so sorry our time in Disney didn't match up. We love FQ too. I could really go for some Mickey Beignets. I can't wait to read your report from this trip.
I am pretty behind, but it sounds like the August trip was really great despite some hiccups, and you made the best of it! Moving resorts so many times sounds like quite the adventure, but a fun way to see more of the resort! Hope you are having a great trip right now, I was guessing it would be POFQ! Hope you get beignets! I will be interested to hear what you think of Genie+ and the shorter trip. My next two trips are only 5 and 4 nights and that is shorter than I am used to as well.
We've been there twice in December. Pre-Covid. My favorite thing was going to each country at Epcot and listening to the storyteller share that country's holiday tradition. And the decorations! Oh, the decorations! :)
We loved all the decorations! Epcot was sooo busy it was hard to enjoy the WS!


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