The ABCs of Starting Over- OR to KY Roadtrip + WDW 50th Ann. Trip 9/28-10/4; Day 6 and REPORT COMPLETE!

Nicely said.
But if your AC had crapped out... maybe it'd be a different story (or lack thereof.)

Huh! That's a very true statement.

Come on... punch it!


Yup. Sounds like a true paradise...

... or not.
Completely depends on the fruitcake. I've had some good and some horrid. Usually the latter, if it's not homemade.

It needs to be moist! (Doncha love that word?)
No TV??? I don't think I've ever seen a room without a TV!

Functional. Good enough.

And that's about all I can say.
Okay, this place looks all right. ::yes::

OMG. You ate all that?!?!?!? :faint:

Shocking I know.
Love that imagery!

Once in a while I can fire off a zinger.
I. Can't. Believe. It.
That meal was bigger than you are!

Boss Eating!
Heh. Similar to eating Taco Bell??

LOL!! Not even.
How in God's name did you eat all that food?????????????????

I honestly have no idea myself. Mad skilz.
Sure. When you're in the worst crime spot in America, you grab an expensive camera and wander around after dark.


Silly, silly me.
Love that shot.

Thanks, I was pretty stoked that the moon was clear. :)
No apologies necessary! Totally worth the wait!

Hopefully another chapter this weekend.
How is that possible?!?!? You just got there!
I know!! Only 4 1/2 weeks left! Crazy!
<hangs head in shame>
I sure hope. Hard to connect to it emotionally to be honest. :(
Sorry to hear that. But... I do get it. I just can't get super stoked either.
It needs to be moist! (Doncha love that word?)
Actually... doesn't bother me like it seems to a lot of people.
Too many commercials of Cake Mixes when I was a kid, maybe?
And that's about all I can say.
Sometimes, that's all there is.
Once in a while I can fire off a zinger.
I honestly have no idea myself. Mad skilz.
Replies this weekend, Friends! I hope you’re having a good week!

In other news, they found a tear in my knee (meniscus). I’ll be having it repaired on the 15th. :/
Oh geez! How did that happen??? At work?

So sorry to hear that.
Oh geez! How did that happen??? At work?

So sorry to hear that.
I was carrying a (not so heavy) box down the moving truck ramp. I felt something…. “Happen”. Didn’t hurt right away but has gotten worse over the last few months. Had it looked at finally and they found a tear. :(
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I was carrying a (not so heavy) box down the moving truck ramp. I felt something…. “Happen”. Didn’t hurt right away but had gotten worse. Had it looked at finally and they found a tear. :(
Wow. I was expecting:
“My team was down by 1 with under a minute to go in the roller derby when, with Gablonski blocking, I got a slingshot from 2 girls and would’ve scored but someone on defence clotheslined me.”
******For those of you following along still, from the bottom of my heart thank you! I know this has been slow slogging, but I hope you’re still enjoying the journey across the American SW. By the time we arrive, we’ll have also covered the Deep South and end in the Southern Mid-West. It’s a beautiful country we live in and there’s plenty more to show you as we make our way through some of the roads less-traveled.******

P is for: Palms, Pools, and Pavement

Day 5: Barstow, California to Ashfork, Arizona- Pt 1; 323 miles taking the scenic route

We afforded ourselves the luxury of sleeping in a bit but hit the road early enough. Breakfasts on this trip were generally a non-event for us and I have no idea what, if, or where we ate. It must not have been memorable. The scenery and stops were, however. Just east of Ludlow, we turned off onto Historic Route 66. Most of the old highway has been swallowed up by Interstate 40, but some portions remain intact, and our goal was to see as much as was reasonable given our timeframe. While certainly a bit more time-consuming, a patient traveler will be rewarded with empty roads and iconic has-been towns, some abandoned completely, some turned tourist destination.

The road is mostly a barren, desolate 2-lane trek, but out in the middle of this dry and dusty landscape is the Amboy Crater National Landmark. It’s basically a lone cinder cone poking up from the desert floor like an embarrassing pimple that pops up out of nowhere. I’d climbed it years ago so left that for another time.

Instead, I was eager to go a bit out of the way and head to the salt pits that I’d remembered as being incredibly cool when I regularly drove that road to and from college. Would it live up to my hopeful expectations?


While neat and a fun quest, it just didn’t deliver this time. We managed to find one pool that held the crystal clear azure blue, supersaturated water.

Years ago, I remember pool after pool after pool of salt rimmed settling ponds and was dumb enough one time to see what would happen if I got really close and stepped on it. I sunk in up to my thigh and lost a shoe in the muck. This time I kept my distance with a healthy respect. We drove a few more miles seeking more bang for our buck, but only came upon mounds of piled dirt blocking our view. Perhaps there were more pools out of sight, but there were signs posted to keep out. Jail wasn’t a very attractive option. Still isn’t.

So if you have ever wondered where salt comes from or how it's harvested, now ya know. I found a good little article HERE. It has better photos too.

That little side trip ate up about 30 minutes and our next stop was at a little roadside stop that’s only barely open- Amboy, California. In 1986, the entire town was for sale which includes a café, post office, gas station, and some little cottages in various states of dilapidation. It even came with the title of Mayor. It hasn’t changed in 35 years, although someone has bought it. Too bad; I'd love to be the mayor of a remote place where the constituency is small enough that you can be omnipotent over all without any backtalk. If you're wondering what the critical mass is of "no backtalk", that'd be exactly one.

Once upon a time, Roy's at Amboy was a favorite family stop for a pretty good burger in the retro café, use of the bathroom, and a fresh tank of gas.

These days, using Covid as an excuse, the café is closed and the bathroom is a filthy porta-potty. I was careful to fill the tank in Barstow, so passed gas. Er.... I mean passed ON the gas. I also enjoyed talking with the “kid” running the store who told me the new owner has plans to renovate the cottages into guest rooms and restore Amboy into a retro Route 66 destination again. He’s gotten a nice start on the lobby and it screams Prime Time Café! I also got the distinct feeling it was a very convenient tax write off.

The day wasn’t getting any younger; time to move on. Crossing over I-40, we headed towards Goff, California where there is a historical site/museum that you can take a tour of that was sadly closed for the season. We were able to look through the fence and saw some antique memorabilia surrounding the old schoolhouse. I was really bummed out, but it was a last minute addition for the trip and I hadn't done due diligence in the research.

Instead, we made a desert roadside potty stop a little further on and took some time to photograph a passing BNSF. Yes, the engineer waved. Yes, I’m a train nerd and this floats my boat.

Turning my lens from very large, manmade things to very small, creatures of Creation, I spent some time focusing on these little beauties.

I had so, SO hoped to spot a rattler (from a healthy distance) but no such luck. Perhaps during my winter stay in Tucson in a few weeks.

Back on the Interstate, we crossed the No-Longer-Mighty Colorado River into Arizona passing through Needles. With the morning hours behind us, I’ll leave off here with the promise of narrow escapes from aggressive and dangerous desert wildlife, high driving adventures, and “interesting” refreshment. Stay tuned!!
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Day 5: Barstow, California to Ashfork, Arizona- Pt 1; 323 miles taking the scenic route
You were in California for a really long time! That is a huge state!

Years ago, I remember pool after pool after pool of salt rimmed settling ponds and was dumb enough one time to see what would happen if I got really close and stepped on it. I sunk in up to my thigh and lost a shoe in the muck.
That must have been scary. Were you alone when that happened? I had sunk in fine silt up to my knees and I was lucky enough to have someone with me to pull me out back when I was a geology student in college.
Turning my lens from very large, manmade things to very small, creatures of Creation, I spent some time focusing on these little beauties.
The butterflies are beautiful :)
Back on the Interstate, we crossed the No-Longer-Mighty Colorado River into Arizona passing through Needles.
Do you think that the drought has something to do with the changes to the Colorado River?
I know this has been slow slogging, but I hope you’re still enjoying the journey across the American SW.
Not finding it slow at all. Nicely paced.
And ::yes:: still enjoying. :)
By the time we arrive, we’ll have also covered the Deep South and end in the Southern Mid-West.
It’s a beautiful country we live in
Whups. Didn't realize this was exclusive reading for people living in USA.
The foreign contingent will stop reading if required.
Breakfasts on this trip were generally a non-event for us
That's normal for you and your son?
Just east of Ludlow, we turned off onto Historic Route 66.
Super. I've wanted to drive the length of Route 66 for a long time.
Had considered doing it via bike, until I found out about the 15 mile gravel segment.
Not taking my bike on gravel roads unless it's at extremely slow speed. And not spending 2-3 hours on a 15 mile segment if I can help it.
Most of the old highway has been swallowed up by Interstate 40, but some portions remain intact,
When checking the gravel distance above, I read that 85% is still driveable.
It’s basically a lone cinder cone poking up from the desert floor like an embarrassing pimple that pops up out of nowhere. I’d climbed it years ago so left that for another time.
You've climbed a pimple?
Heh. Looks like you're falling backwards off said pimple.
Would it live up to my hopeful expectations?

Doesn't look... overly impressive.
Blue, though.
Cool shot.
Years ago, I remember pool after pool after pool of salt rimmed settling ponds and was dumb enough one time to see what would happen if I got really close and stepped on it. I sunk in up to my thigh and lost a shoe in the muck.
Did you have visions of sinking out of sight?!?!? :scared:
there were signs posted to keep out.
Gee... do you think maybe it's because some yahoo might try to step on it and get stuck up to their thighs??
It hasn’t changed in 35 years, although someone has bought it.
Too bad; I'd love to be the mayor of a remote place where the constituency is small enough that you can be omnipotent over all without any backtalk.
So you're saying you have a God complex. Good to know.
I like it.
These days, using Covid as an excuse, the café is closed
It's an excuse? How so?
I was careful to fill the tank in Barstow, so passed gas. Er.... I mean passed ON the gas.
Yes, I see what you did there.
I also enjoyed talking with the “kid” running the store who told me the new owner has plans to renovate the cottages into guest rooms and restore Amboy into a retro Route 66 destination again. He’s gotten a nice start on the lobby and it screams Prime Time Café!
I also got the distinct feeling it was a very convenient tax write off.
Is that a bad thing?
we headed towards Goff, California where there is a historical site/museum that you can take a tour of that was sadly closed for the season. We were able to look through the fence and saw some antique memorabilia surrounding the old schoolhouse. I was really bummed out, but it was a last minute addition for the trip and I hadn't done due diligence in the research.
Too bad. Sounded interesting.
took some time to photograph a passing BNSF. Yes, the engineer waved. Yes, I’m a train nerd and this floats my boat.
I always forget what the B stands for. Every. Time.
pretty shot
I had so, SO hoped to spot a rattler (from a healthy distance) but no such luck. Perhaps during my winter stay in Tucson in a few weeks.
Ah yes. Do recall your preponderance for the slithery kind. Pray your luck doesn't pay off too well.
You were in California for a really long time! That is a huge state!

Yes, 4 1/2 days. It's so big and there's a lot to see there.

That must have been scary. Were you alone when that happened? I had sunk in fine silt up to my knees and I was lucky enough to have someone with me to pull me out back when I was a geology student in college.

No, not really. Surprised but not scary. My roommate was right there with me and laughed hysterically.

The butterflies are beautiful :)

Thanks! :)

Do you think that the drought has something to do with the changes to the Colorado River?
I think there are multiple reasons, drought, damming, over-irrigation. I really haven't studied it a lot, but those are some common reasons I'd heard in the last 30 years. There are conflicting opinions on its current state.
Whups. Didn't realize this was exclusive reading for people living in USA.
The foreign contingent will stop reading if required.

Didn't mean it that way. Just that this is a big place with lots to see. And that we (he and I) live in it.
That's normal for you and your son?

Yeah, we would often just eat a power bar or something and try to have a bigger lunch.
Super. I've wanted to drive the length of Route 66 for a long time.
Had considered doing it via bike, until I found out about the 15 mile gravel segment.
Not taking my bike on gravel roads unless it's at extremely slow speed. And not spending 2-3 hours on a 15 mile segment if I can help it.

I can see that! That would be tedious at best!
When checking the gravel distance above, I read that 85% is still driveable.

Are they counting the portions that are overlapping I-40 I wonder...
You've climbed a pimple?

No, but have gotten them at the most inopportune times.
Doesn't look... overly impressive.
Blue, though.

It wasn't, but has been in the past. Disappointing to be sure.

Did you have visions of sinking out of sight?!?!? :scared:

Nah, startling, but not terrifying.
Gee... do you think maybe it's because some yahoo might try to step on it and get stuck up to their thighs??

At least the evidence would be well-preserved.
It's an excuse? How so?

"Too dangerous to open back up. Afterall, the 2-5 customers (all in one party) every few hours is really risky. I see it a lot. Outdoor recreation areas still closed (outdoor!), bathrooms closed at businesses (why?!), bank branches closed and only open for drive-through, etc... All directly saying 'due to Covid'. Not here to debate, just pointing out my own observations.
Is that a bad thing?
Not even a little bit.
I always forget what the B stands for. Every. Time.

Burlington. :) I do too and had to look it up on this last trip.
Ah yes. Do recall your preponderance for the slithery kind. Pray your luck doesn't pay off too well.
We do have to watch for them as we step out of our RVs as they have been found under the door steps.
Didn't mean it that way. Just that this is a big place with lots to see. And that we (he and I) live in it.
Sometimes people forget us foreigners are around. ;)
Yeah, we would often just eat a power bar or something and try to have a bigger lunch.
Are they counting the portions that are overlapping I-40 I wonder...
I think so?
Didn't research it.
No, but have gotten them at the most inopportune times.
Nah, startling, but not terrifying.

At least the evidence would be well-preserved.
"Too dangerous to open back up. Afterall, the 2-5 customers (all in one party) every few hours is really risky. I see it a lot. Outdoor recreation areas still closed (outdoor!), bathrooms closed at businesses (why?!), bank branches closed and only open for drive-through, etc... All directly saying 'due to Covid'. Not here to debate, just pointing out my own observations.
Not here to debate either.
Wondered if you meant "We can't open because we don't want to catch Covid" or "We can't open because we can't find staff, because of Covid."
Burlington. :) I do too and had to look it up on this last trip.
We do have to watch for them as we step out of our RVs as they have been found under the door steps.
Remind me to think twice before renting an RV in Arizona! :scared:
("With a crime rate of 53 per one thousand residents, Barstow has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 19."- a crime rate of,here is one in 19. )
Yikes! What a place to stop!
Before we stepped into our room, I snapped a few photos of the antiques they had on display on the lot. I must admit, I do love old cars- the kind that were actual works of art, not simply a means to get from Point A to Point B. The kind you could easily tell the make and model of instead of knowing if it’s a Nissan, Honda, or Mazda until you're close enough to get ticketed or the one-fingered salute.
Those cars are pretty cool!
My job, while a bit easier now than those first couple of weeks, is still very demanding and stressful for me and I can barely drag myself out of bed on my days off. On top of that, I am still unpacking boxes and have all of the normal "stuff" to take care of that is part of life. Like dead car batteries, managing my finances, setting up home here, etc....
You have a lot on your sure to take care of yourself too.
Believe it or not, I'm halfway done now with my first travel nursing contract and am already working on getting licensed for my winter in Tucson.
That is exciting news!
While certainly a bit more time-consuming, a patient traveler will be rewarded with empty roads and iconic has-been towns, some abandoned completely, some turned tourist destination.
Pretty interesting history.
The day wasn’t getting any younger; time to move on. Crossing over I-40, we headed towards Goff, California where there is a historical site/museum that you can take a tour of that was sadly closed for the season. We were able to look through the fence and saw some antique memorabilia surrounding the old schoolhouse. I was really bummed out, but it was a last minute addition for the trip and I hadn't done due diligence in the research.
It's too bad that it didn't work out but I guess on such a long and varied trip there are bound to be hiccoughs.
Ok, FINALLY catching up around here...

Other than a a few pockets of tourist attraction-worthy sights, Barstow is a has-been, drug-infested, crime-ridden piece of desert real estate.

Welp. Is that on the tourist brochure?

I instantly felt like the inhabitants of this town of bygone era regularly wore ski caps over their faces and gun fights would break out any time and I’d be stuck in the middle of some unknown turf war over which random palm trees could be used for crack stashes and pickups.

Please check your gun at the front desk; we'll give you a claim check for the morning.

I’ll bet she was surprised I paid for a whole night.


The art was screwed into the walls.

Now something I have never heard of before. Yikes.

If one is in search of healthy food options this is not the spot.

Woohoo! Sign me up!

Any place that serves breakfast all day usually gets my approval.

Because every act of wanton debauchery deserves a sweet ending.

Truth. Pretty sure Socrates said that.

I love this shot!

I know, I'm going at a terrible snail's pace. I do apologize.

No, no! I very much appreciate that! :rotfl2:

It’s basically a lone cinder cone poking up from the desert floor like an embarrassing pimple that pops up out of nowhere.

I can relate to that for some reason.

Would it live up to my hopeful expectations?



These days, using Covid as an excuse, the café is closed and the bathroom is a filthy porta-potty.

We're just racking up the winners here.

I was careful to fill the tank in Barstow, so passed gas. Er.... I mean passed ON the gas.

Come on now. This is totally pandering to the lowest common denominator. You expect me to laugh just because you slipped in a fart joke? You think third-grade level potty humor is acceptable around here? We have standards, you know.

Or at least some people do. I laughed. :rotfl2::rotfl:

Yes, the engineer waved. Yes, I’m a train nerd and this floats my boat.

As well it should!
Hi All,

Many of you are friends with me on FB, but for those of you who aren’t or aren’t on FB, I wanted to just drop a word that my family and I are ok here in Bowling Green, KY. It’s been a devastating weekend for us here. I’ve tried to put some thoughts, feelings… our story into words but we still don’t have internet here at home. I’ll need to take my laptop out to a place that does to post it which might take a few days.

On top of this, my knee surgery is Wednesday, I’ve been on call all weekend, and the heartache our community is experiencing has added to my weariness.

Go hug your families and loved ones. You just never know what could happen in a matter of seconds.
I have posted on FB, but will also say on here that I'm very happy you and your family are safe.
Such a huge amount of devastation. I'm sure words can't compare to actually seeing it with your own eyes.


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