Something About Nothing............ #14

Two of my favorite pumpkin dishes that I make are pumpkin polenta and pumpkin rum cake. I make the pumpkin polenta instead of stuffing for holiday meals.

Just been down to the fruit trees......they are filling up nicely. Lots of plums again this year, but some have been ruined by the birds, wish we could educate them to pick one and stick to it, instead of attacking them all......pears are in abundance too this year.

Stood on a ladder to get the top of one of the apple trees.



Such a gorgeous day here today......although I think after today summer may be over.
Having fruit trees would be great for my jam making. I have to buy stuff at the farmer's market usually. I haven't had time in a few years for any jam making though. I am hoping to do some this fall for xmas presents. Unfortunately, I didn't have time this summer, so I couldn't make any peaches, which seems to be a favorite when I give them out. I will probably just do pears, apples, cranberries, and maybe plums. I would make marmalade, but I am really the only one that likes that. Can't eat any of my own goods right now, since I am back on keto after being terribly bad and lazy during vacation and for the past few weeks.
:wave2:quick early weekend check in!

It was a beautiful evening, we went to go visit friends that were out camping. Had some burgers, beverages and a smore with a fire roasted marshmallow.

We were going to go fishing, but she's brother was coming I to town late last night. Haven't heard from him yet. So fishing might still be in the plans for today.

That was a great picture of you too. Have a great day today

Enjoy the cooler sleeping. Hopefully the clearer skies stay for the daytime for those who are in the parks! Enjoy your day today
Well...I see the coffee is ready. Going to enjoy some coffee with Bailey's and see what this Saturday holds
Have a great day everyone

Thank you.....hope you get to enjoy some fishing today, and yes cooler evenings are nicer to sleep in......

Upset stomach i thot from Ham BBQ appeared to be a bug that Jr wound up with too. Didn’t keep me from keeping that 3rd vaccine appointment. The mr was amused to finally get a ‘cute’ bandaid with a heart on it lol. It truly is the simple things in life.

right now, arm sore & getting achey. Would be nice to not get the same side effects we had with prior two. :wizard:

don’t remember the song, vividly do the pain of stepping on them. Still have one out in the game cupboard, hasn’t seen the light of day in years.

not sure if autocorrect or foggy brain…Apocalypse. I did watch another 20 minutes of first ‘double feature’. going to give it another shot :)

how do u fire a person from book club, would be awkward I’m sure

i gotta agree with him sounds awful

yikes. A repeat offender. Do they still offer that sitting in vat of water thing/ultrasound? (medical name escapes me) to break them up?

oh boy, what are the odds? Sorry

my parents would do the cake for immediate family, favorite home-cooked meal and a gift. We were thrilled And looked forward to it, simpler times. yet, one of the reasons I roll differently lol. Life is short, seize the day :banana:

you are very fortunate there! Better now than if he came by and exposed you to it unknowingly. Most I know here have lost at least one (usually elderly or immuno comprimised) family member. :sad1: Not to mention so many who did recover are still suffering with long haul symptoms, including my one DS.

i’ve heard it’s off the chain as to crowds then. Was rather shocked how crowded super bowl weekend was until it dawned on me the sports betting & the huge watch parties they have.

:thumbsup2I’d give anything to hear my Dad call me pumpkin again.

you must’ve had the ‘wrong’ pumpkin pie lol. One of my most requested desserts, year round. That & a pumpkin roll is all i’ll touch. Do enjoy sweet potatoes prepared both savory & sweet

my GD there for 3 days to celebrate her BD. Pulled up the weather earlier to confirm IDA won’t impact them. Surprised to not even see the normal afternoon showers I’ve come to expect in the summer there. Personally, much prefer those evening ones, well, except for HHN

Glad you still made the appointment.....very cute with the heart plaster on......and glad to hear it wasn`t the cooking but a bug, it`ll pass in no time and hope your boy feels better soon.

I love sweet potatoes savoury or sweet style, and I love pumpkin, but only savoury it seems. But, yes, maybe I do need to try the right one......

I do remember Apocalypse.....I think we gave up on that one too. The first 2 or 3 are so hard to beat.

I've only been away since around Thursday afternoon, as pages of chatter has been added, lol! Sounds as if most everyone is enjoying their weekend. :car: :thumbsup2

Anyone who is in the path of Ida, please stay safe!

Just wanted to give Charade healing wishes! I hope you're much more comfortable with the meds, and the doctors can help figure it out.
(I've dealt with kidney stones too, and they are the worst!)

Pumpkin, AWESOME job on DH's surprise!!! Your hard work paid off and he loves it!!!

Yesterday was one of the happiest and most joyful days!!! :cool1: :flower1::love:
These young adults (100 exactly), deserve to be celebrated, especially for everything they've missed and had to endure during the last year and a half.

The girls heading to the ceremony. Power walk in heels!!
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Officially recognized as members of the professional dental community! Mom may have shed a few tears of pride...
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Assigned work stations. DD and one of the roommates ended up across from each other. Uh oh!! This could be trouble, lol!!
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We went out for dinner with the girls families after the many phots and reception at the Dental School. It was a very late night, but I'm sure I slept with a smile on my face!

Lovely pictures, and what a lovely ceremony. Yes, I can see many tears were shed, but what a happy occasion.

One of our friends coming tonight is bringing a new gin for us to try.....will post a picture of it and let you know what I think of it.

Yeah...the typical daily showers have been hit or miss this year. It could storm like crazy at the office which is about 10 minutes from Universal and nothing at the house which is near Ocoee. We always have wacky weather down here. As my neighbor likes to say...I you don't like the weather go across the street it will be different. ;)

lol...we say in Scotland, if you don`t like the weather wait half an hour and it`ll change....usually true.

Two of my favorite pumpkin dishes that I make are pumpkin polenta and pumpkin rum cake. I make the pumpkin polenta instead of stuffing for holiday meals.

Having fruit trees would be great for my jam making. I have to buy stuff at the farmer's market usually. I haven't had time in a few years for any jam making though. I am hoping to do some this fall for xmas presents. Unfortunately, I didn't have time this summer, so I couldn't make any peaches, which seems to be a favorite when I give them out. I will probably just do pears, apples, cranberries, and maybe plums. I would make marmalade, but I am really the only one that likes that. Can't eat any of my own goods right now, since I am back on keto after being terribly bad and lazy during vacation and for the past few weeks.

The farmer next to us, his wife has a small cottage industry and makes chutney`s and pies and some jams with them too. In exchange for the fruit we get some of her prize products and an endless supply of fresh eggs! Seems fair. We do manage to have a few plums and apples ourselves before they disappear.

My friend who passed away a couple of years ago used to take some too and she made chutney too. I`ve never been one to do things like that, well, I don`t get the chance as all the fruit is now accounted for.....

I do like rum, but weirdly I hate any dessert with any type of alcohol in it. Folks think I`ll like them, but not for me.

Oh you`ll get back into it soon......on vacations you`re allowed to be naughty.

Surprised at just how gorgeous a day it`s been. Spent a lot of it in the garden.

Waiting for some friends arriving, then get some food ordered and thank goodness as I am starving! Won`t be a late night with them and no game night.....phew! Nice and relaxing.

Happy Saturday. Nothing much going on here. We went out for brunch today and I resisted getting the lemon french toast. I had a much healthier meal.

I picked up my pain medication today but doubt I will use it. The soreness is almost gone, but I still plan to get my scan on Thursday.

Why more than one screen at home, Charade.
I don't know exactly what you were trying to say there, but we only have one TV. Sometimes I will watch stuff on my Ipad.

We go between adding in a few days in Vegas either in the middle or the end of some of our trips. We have a friend at the hotel that loves Vegas and has given us many tips.....we`ll make it one day. I have no clue if we`ll be like your husband and love it or be ambivalent about it.
It's an interesting place that is worth visiting at least once. DH loves it, but I am more of a one and done person.

Hi Tink!

Upset stomach i thot from Ham BBQ appeared to be a bug that Jr wound up with too.
Hope you feel better soon.

don’t remember the song, vividly do the pain of stepping on them. Still have one out in the game cupboard, hasn’t seen the light of day in years.
Now you can have the song stuck in your head.

yikes. A repeat offender. Do they still offer that sitting in vat of water thing/ultrasound? (medical name escapes me) to break them up?
I never sat in a vat of water, so I guess not.

Just wanted to give Charade healing wishes! I hope you're much more comfortable with the meds, and the doctors can help figure it out.
(I've dealt with kidney stones too, and they are the worst!)
Thank you! I am seriously doubting it's a kidney stone now, but I do hope the scan will tell me what is bothering me.

Yesterday was one of the happiest and most joyful days!!!
Congrats again to your daughter.

Having fruit trees would be great for my jam making.
I'm in line behind Mac for some homemade jam.

I think I slept through the back on this morning. Dinner will be simple with hot dogs and corn on the cob on the grill.
Oh Keisha we know many who have been unwell and MIL passed with Covid last year but nobody other than James recently. Hope I’m not tempting fate saying that. We are still very cautious and careful and always wear masks in enclosed places.

Pumpkin your mention of s’mores reminded me I still have the makings unused from holiday. Think that would be a nice thing to do at the fire pit tomorrow or Monday before term time begins.

L had been asking to bake and I kept putting it off but this morning she did a great chocolate cake and they all enjoyed some this afternoon.

We enjoy Vegas with my son and DIL as they push us to keep going but I’m not sure if we would go on our own - unless as a short visit to a show. Will be a few years I think now they have baby X.

Beautiful day here and a garden day. As Schumi said it’s a bank holiday weekend and will be busy at all the local walking places so we won’t be tempted to go far.

We were up very early so won’t be late to bed -particularly as I’m really enjoying a series of books I’ve got into so an hour or so of that.
Ooh almost dinner time on this very soggy day. I think we drove through a yellow weather radar rainfall. Even the fast wipers were no match. Though I did feel sorry for car that passed across from me, as a huge wall of water splashed that car, as we went through a deeper than looked puddle. But once less West of where we were, not as much rain. Had to wear sunglasses at one point. But sky was mostly gray all day. And to be repeated tomorrow. And when came home, pants now on. Almost cool feeling out. 77 was the high, and now 70 out. Nice to not hear the AC blowing for a change. And by Wednesday or Thursday, the remnants of Ida will give us more rain. But for those along our Southern coasts in Ida’s path, stay safe, and hope all is okay, after the storm.

And it’s a little one and me for dinner again. She’s not sure what in mood for. I’m thinking maybe pasta. Easy and usually filling. And for lunch, we fried up some burgers and air fried some french fries, and of course, poured some melted cheese over the fries, and broke up the last two pieces of bacon over those cheese fries. Nothing left. Eh, maybe Chinese food would be good. I could go for some soup and lo mein.

Charade, glad you are not in as much pain. And would be good to know exactly what caused it, with your Thursday’s visit.

Ah nothing like a quiet night, smaller screen for me, as little one likes to play online on our largest TV.

Hope all have a good Saturday night.
Happy Saturday. Nothing much going on here. We went out for brunch today and I resisted getting the lemon french toast. I had a much healthier meal.

I picked up my pain medication today but doubt I will use it. The soreness is almost gone, but I still plan to get my scan on Thursday.

I don't know exactly what you were trying to say there, but we only have one TV. Sometimes I will watch stuff on my Ipad.

It's an interesting place that is worth visiting at least once. DH loves it, but I am more of a one and done person.

Hi Tink!

Hope you feel better soon.

Now you can have the song stuck in your head.

I never sat in a vat of water, so I guess not.

Thank you! I am seriously doubting it's a kidney stone now, but I do hope the scan will tell me what is bothering me.

Congrats again to your daughter.

I'm in line behind Mac for some homemade jam.

I think I slept through the back on this morning. Dinner will be simple with hot dogs and corn on the cob on the grill.

Glad you are in less pain and discomfort today Charade......yes, keeping the scan appointment is worth it to find out what the issue is. Hope you continue to improve though.

And a nice lunch is always good.

Lori.......I think you`d love this gin my friend Felicity brought round was beautiful with fizzy lemonade and lots of ice, very fruity and a strong blackcurrant taste which we all loved.

We`re thinking of having a Gin of the month from now on. You can buy into a club that does similar, they massively advertise on tv, but we could just choose our own as we all love the flavoured options rather than plain gin. Sounds like a nice plan to me....... ::yes::


Chinese food was so couple picked up the order on the way here, but of course they added more although we all ate a lot, there was a lot we didn`t eat put in the trash. Don`t do leftovers.

All of us are busy in the morning, so was a short and sweet few hours together catching up, always fun.

Hopefully planning to walk in the morning, weather looks ok-ish. Long as it`s dry, we`ll go.

Not long till bedtime here......
Just an off the wall question...did anyone watch the first two episodes of AHS this week? I don't know where this season is going but it will interesting to see.
Just an off the wall question...did anyone watch the first two episodes of AHS this week? I don't know where this season is going but it will interesting to see.

Someone told me we only have it shown on Hulu this year over here, we don`t have that. I did notice though all the other seasons are on Netflix now, I need to check and see where they are being shown, although I have lost interest in them last few years.

Since I bought some new shirts for my Disney trip, I thought I should get at least one for my Universal trip. This is the one I ordered except the scarf will be Ravenclaw colors.

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Nice shirt.

Not as cloudy as forecast, I think there`ll be a little sunlight in an hour or so. Almost pitch black now when I got up this morning. I guess Autumn really is just around the corner now.

Keeping bacon for lunch today, quick breakfast and then out, thinking of making bacon, poached egg and avocado tower and some salad for lunch and dinner is some mahoosive lamb shanks. Will cook that in some red wine, redcurrant, rosemary and garlic in the slow cooker all day.

And a catch up with some friends day and some reading too. Almost finished this months book choice, never seemed to find the time to have read it more this last month.

Tea is infused enough now.......




Happy Sunday :flower:
Which book are you reading this month Schumi? My group is doing the Michelle Obama book but I read it previously and will be away for the next meeting so opted out. Still working through The Seven Sisters series and enjoying it.

Nice shirt Charade. I bought three Disney ones but they will probably be worn out by the time we return to Florida!

Sounds like heavy rain for you Lynne. I’m sure we will be getting plenty at some point.

Gorgeous morning here but the heaviest dew as Louie and I wandered the garden earlier. Certainly Autumn colours peeping in.

The pub just a short walk from us is having a “fun day” today so I am going up with L later as Em and J have to find new Astroturf trainers so heading to the shops.

Traditional Sunday lunch this afternoon so brunch when the troops are all ready this morning.

Happy Sunday all x
A easy like a Sunday morning here. 😊

Good Morning homies. A cloudy 68 out. Shorts will be worn, as seems to be a warmer day. Still those afternoon chances of rain, but weather guy, on morning news, said not as rainy a day as yesterday was.

Ooh Schumi may be making bacon. Think I might have smelled it. LoL. And you know me, I’m enjoying some tea this morning too. Hope you finished your book.

Hope you enjoyed your trip to the pub with the kids, Julie. And found the perfect sneakers for the kids too.

Another lazy day, Metro? Yes, please.

And so, that largest screen is mine, as is the now quiet house. Seems little one was up until those very wee hours, and I thought I heard older one say, all agreed online to be playing at 3am. So I doubt I will see either kid up until later, more like a late lunch getting up time. Fine with me. I actually like these quiet mornings.

So our Sunday plans? Trash goes to the curb, and birthday girl makes me say I now have kids in their 20’s. Where did the time go? And yeah, she turned 4 when Katrina hit NO. I hope all stay safe while Ida visits the NO and Southern coasts today. Sending good thoughts all are okay after the storm. But yeah, two storms on this date. One way to have all remember her birth date. :oops:

:wave2: Super Stupendous Sunday homies.
Someone told me we only have it shown on Hulu this year over here, we don`t have that. I did notice though all the other seasons are on Netflix now, I need to check and see where they are being shown, although I have lost interest in them last few years.
Truth be have I but there is something about the show that I have to watch every season.
Crazy I know. :crazy:
Two of my favorite pumpkin dishes that I make are pumpkin polenta and pumpkin rum cake. I make the pumpkin polenta instead of stuffing for holiday meals.

Having fruit trees would be great for my jam making. I have to buy stuff at the farmer's market usually. I haven't had time in a few years for any jam making though. I am hoping to do some this fall for xmas presents. Unfortunately, I didn't have time this summer, so I couldn't make any peaches, which seems to be a favorite when I give them out. I will probably just do pears, apples, cranberries, and maybe plums. I would make marmalade, but I am really the only one that likes that. Can't eat any of my own goods right now, since I am back on keto after being terribly bad and lazy during vacation and for the past few weeks.
Pumpkin rum cake sounds nice!
My mom used to can jam, and all sorts of foods..... years ago.

Happy Saturday. Nothing much going on here. We went out for brunch today and I resisted getting the lemon french toast. I had a much healthier meal.

I picked up my pain medication today but doubt I will use it. The soreness is almost gone, but I still plan to get my scan on Thursday.

I don't know exactly what you were trying to say there, but we only have one TV. Sometimes I will watch stuff on my Ipad.

It's an interesting place that is worth visiting at least once. DH loves it, but I am more of a one and done person.

Hi Tink!

Hope you feel better soon.

Now you can have the song stuck in your head.

I never sat in a vat of water, so I guess not.

Thank you! I am seriously doubting it's a kidney stone now, but I do hope the scan will tell me what is bothering me.

Congrats again to your daughter.

I'm in line behind Mac for some homemade jam.

I think I slept through the back on this morning. Dinner will be simple with hot dogs and corn on the cob on the grill.
Been to Las Vegas a handful times. We have a friend who lives there, and he takes us to places off of the strip. It's a whole other world away from the glitz and casinos.

Oh Keisha we know many who have been unwell and MIL passed with Covid last year but nobody other than James recently. Hope I’m not tempting fate saying that. We are still very cautious and careful and always wear masks in enclosed places.

Pumpkin your mention of s’mores reminded me I still have the makings unused from holiday. Think that would be a nice thing to do at the fire pit tomorrow or Monday before term time begins.

L had been asking to bake and I kept putting it off but this morning she did a great chocolate cake and they all enjoyed some this afternoon.

We enjoy Vegas with my son and DIL as they push us to keep going but I’m not sure if we would go on our own - unless as a short visit to a show. Will be a few years I think now they have baby X.

Beautiful day here and a garden day. As Schumi said it’s a bank holiday weekend and will be busy at all the local walking places so we won’t be tempted to go far.

We were up very early so won’t be late to bed -particularly as I’m really enjoying a series of books I’ve got into so an hour or so of that.
Get in all the fun before school starts!

Ooh almost dinner time on this very soggy day. I think we drove through a yellow weather radar rainfall. Even the fast wipers were no match. Though I did feel sorry for car that passed across from me, as a huge wall of water splashed that car, as we went through a deeper than looked puddle. But once less West of where we were, not as much rain. Had to wear sunglasses at one point. But sky was mostly gray all day. And to be repeated tomorrow. And when came home, pants now on. Almost cool feeling out. 77 was the high, and now 70 out. Nice to not hear the AC blowing for a change. And by Wednesday or Thursday, the remnants of Ida will give us more rain. But for those along our Southern coasts in Ida’s path, stay safe, and hope all is okay, after the storm.

And it’s a little one and me for dinner again. She’s not sure what in mood for. I’m thinking maybe pasta. Easy and usually filling. And for lunch, we fried up some burgers and air fried some french fries, and of course, poured some melted cheese over the fries, and broke up the last two pieces of bacon over those cheese fries. Nothing left. Eh, maybe Chinese food would be good. I could go for some soup and lo mein.

Charade, glad you are not in as much pain. And would be good to know exactly what caused it, with your Thursday’s visit.

Ah nothing like a quiet night, smaller screen for me, as little one likes to play online on our largest TV.

Hope all have a good Saturday night.
Good eats at Lynne's house!!

Glad you are in less pain and discomfort today Charade......yes, keeping the scan appointment is worth it to find out what the issue is. Hope you continue to improve though.

And a nice lunch is always good.

Lori.......I think you`d love this gin my friend Felicity brought round was beautiful with fizzy lemonade and lots of ice, very fruity and a strong blackcurrant taste which we all loved.

We`re thinking of having a Gin of the month from now on. You can buy into a club that does similar, they massively advertise on tv, but we could just choose our own as we all love the flavoured options rather than plain gin. Sounds like a nice plan to me....... ::yes::


Chinese food was so couple picked up the order on the way here, but of course they added more although we all ate a lot, there was a lot we didn`t eat put in the trash. Don`t do leftovers.

All of us are busy in the morning, so was a short and sweet few hours together catching up, always fun.

Hopefully planning to walk in the morning, weather looks ok-ish. Long as it`s dry, we`ll go.

Not long till bedtime here......
I definitely need to find that gin!! Looks so nice!

We are already in a wine it wrong to think of a gin club too, lol??

Since I bought some new shirts for my Disney trip, I thought I should get at least one for my Universal trip. This is the one I ordered except the scarf will be Ravenclaw colors.

View attachment 600606
Love that!! So cute, I'd buy it too!

Someone told me we only have it shown on Hulu this year over here, we don`t have that. I did notice though all the other seasons are on Netflix now, I need to check and see where they are being shown, although I have lost interest in them last few years.

Nice shirt.

Not as cloudy as forecast, I think there`ll be a little sunlight in an hour or so. Almost pitch black now when I got up this morning. I guess Autumn really is just around the corner now.

Keeping bacon for lunch today, quick breakfast and then out, thinking of making bacon, poached egg and avocado tower and some salad for lunch and dinner is some mahoosive lamb shanks. Will cook that in some red wine, redcurrant, rosemary and garlic in the slow cooker all day.

And a catch up with some friends day and some reading too. Almost finished this months book choice, never seemed to find the time to have read it more this last month.

Tea is infused enough now.......




Happy Sunday :flower:
I love it when it's pitch black in the morning! We aren't there quite yet...

First cup of coffee coming up for me shortly!

A quick Sunday morning stop in! The grandparents will all be here in about an hour. We are all meeting DD at an area restaurant for brunch. Continuing the celebrations from Friday night, since the grandparents weren't able to attend.
This will likely be the last time they see DD in person until Thanksgiving. (Which is 88 days is that even possible?)


Truth be have I but there is something about the show that I have to watch every season.
Crazy I know. :crazy:

I know what you mean, it’s so different from a lot of other shows on offer, I just wish they’d go back to their original format……good stories and good actors.

Breakfast sounded good and like the new profile pic :thumbsup2

Pumpkin rum cake sounds nice!
My mom used to can jam, and all sorts of foods..... years ago.

Been to Las Vegas a handful times. We have a friend who lives there, and he takes us to places off of the strip. It's a whole other world away from the glitz and casinos.

Get in all the fun before school starts!

Good eats at Lynne's house!!

I definitely need to find that gin!! Looks so nice!

We are already in a wine it wrong to think of a gin club too, lol??

Love that!! So cute, I'd buy it too!

I love it when it's pitch black in the morning! We aren't there quite yet...

First cup of coffee coming up for me shortly!

A quick Sunday morning stop in! The grandparents will all be here in about an hour. We are all meeting DD at an area restaurant for brunch. Continuing the celebrations from Friday night, since the grandparents weren't able to attend.
This will likely be the last time they see DD in person until Thanksgiving. (Which is 88 days is that even possible?)

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You’d like it Lori……very fresh blackcurrant flavours!

Yes, we’re in a few wine clubs and thoroughly enjoy them, but think our gin club would have around 8 members :rotfl:……not exactly groundbreaking, but it would be fun!

Sounds a lovely day planned today too……long celebrations are always fun!!! Have a super time and a lovely meal.

Supposed to be going to see our friends new foal they’re going to be training, but it’s cold today and the stables aren’t the warmest of places, so we’ll go another day.

We did walk 7 miles this morning, but although it was dry, it was very breezy and cool. Warm shower when we got home was appreciated. Now watching the Belgium Grand Prix which hasn’t actually started yet due to torrential rain and no visibility. We’ve been to that race many times over the years, and it is the dampest place in the whole of Europe!! But, amazing race track, one of the best races around. It’ll be a shame if it doesn’t go ahead today, not looking good.

Lamb is simmering away nicely for later……can’t wait to eat that tonight……
Good afternoon everyone. Nothing much going on here today. So far just church and lunch with friends.

Nice shirt Charade. I bought three Disney ones but they will probably be worn out by the time we return to Florida!
I am praying that this mess clears up sooner than later and you will be able to travel to the U.S. again. Dh has mentioned going to Vegas for his birthday next year, but has also suggested London. He has been there before. I have not.

Morning all! Getting ready for breakfast...waffles and sausage. It's going to be another lazy Sunday.
Lazy Sundays are great. I have already had an afternoon nap.

and birthday girl makes me say I now have kids in their 20’s.
Happy birthday to your daughter.

Now watching the Belgium Grand Prix which hasn’t actually started yet due to torrential rain and no visibility. We’ve been to that race many times over the years, and it is the dampest place in the whole of Europe!! But, amazing race track, one of the best races around. It’ll be a shame if it doesn’t go ahead today, not looking good.
Did you get to have your race? Ours was last night instead of the usual Sunday race. It was more of a demolition derby than a race. Thankfully none of the drivers were injured.

I have no idea what I will do with the rest of the day. I should do something productive, but probably won't.
Good afternoon everyone. Nothing much going on here today. So far just church and lunch with friends.

I am praying that this mess clears up sooner than later and you will be able to travel to the U.S. again. Dh has mentioned going to Vegas for his birthday next year, but has also suggested London. He has been there before. I have not.

Lazy Sundays are great. I have already had an afternoon nap.

Happy birthday to your daughter.

Did you get to have your race? Ours was last night instead of the usual Sunday race. It was more of a demolition derby than a race. Thankfully none of the drivers were injured.

I have no idea what I will do with the rest of the day. I should do something productive, but probably won't.

London is amazing. It`s quite a self contained city and easy to see all the tourist areas in quite a short time. We can take the train and spend the day there easily, although it`s been a while since we did with the pandemic. It`s also easy to get to the Harry Potter experience outside of London too.

the race was abandoned thankfully, they did two laps behind the safety car so drivers could get half points. If they hadn`t abandoned it, there would have been carnage as there was no visibility at all.

Haven`t followed Nascar for a long time, only usually see it when something like you mentioned happens. Never like to see any driver hurt.

Hope you`re feeling ok today.

Dinner was lush!! I do love slow cooked lamb with all it`s flavours, and made a plum cobbler for dessert and whipped up some custard. Very winter like dish, but felt appropriate today as it`s not been the nicest day weather wise.

Spent some time catching up with friends on Facetime and then spoke to my cousin in LI for an hour or so, always good to catch up with her too. I look forward to the day we can get back to NY and LI too. Long island is so beautiful, we enjoyed all our visits out there.

Dark so early now.......

Hope everyone`s doing good...... 😁
Birthday girl’s dinner request. Home made chicken noodle soup, fresh bought baguette, Caesar salad, with some strips of the left over chicken, that I had saved from putting into the soup, and we baked some chocolate chip cookies, as she is not a cake eating fan, and we all were happy to eat them not much past getting the cookies out of the oven.

Trash has left the house, ready in the street. No rain to be seen, though some very gray looking clouds went by. Was very muggy out, even if the sun was not seen more of the day.

Sunday night is the get ready for week day routines. Sniff, as means the weekend is at its end. But happy the a bit longer weekend this week, a bit longer weekend the next two weekends. How nice is that? Though this coming weekend means the end of the Summer season. Another sniff. But it does mean, my Fall trip is getting that much closer. And for that, woot!

Restful sleep tonight homies. Monday is tomorrow. Yeah, I know….


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