Fireworks Shaming

would you feel the same way if the debris landed in your pool or yard, or your yard or house caught on fire from fireworks? Or if you missed an emergency call or someone at home needing help because you had to sleep with earplugs?

I have a pool and I’m going in there after work to get stuff off the solar cover and out of the water.
DH blows the debris off the driveway and off the roof so it doesn’t go in the gutters.
The earplugs aren’t so soundproof that I’m going to miss a phone call.
My house has never caught on fire, but that could happen for other reasons, not just fireworks.

I’m sorry if me saying fireworks doesn’t bother me upsets people - I have no idea why people are taking that so personally 🤷🏼‍♀️
I ended up going to the animal shelter and hanging out with all of them this year. I recently had back surgery so I couldn't really be as active with it as I'd hoped but they seemed to respond pretty well to just having some of us up there protecting them from it all. I have a feeling I just started a new tradition for my July 4th celebrations.
I have no idea if there’s a message board for our subdivision, and if there is I wouldn’t be part of it because I don‘t want to be a part of toxic complaining.
So you have never been on a message board for your subdivision but you just assume it would be full of toxic complaining? Maybe it's full of neighbours being neighbourly. If you just assume the worse why do you live someplace so toxic that you assume a message board would be toxic?
I'm in NYC and even with more police presence last night, groups were shooting large fireworks off in the middle of First Avenue while traffic was driving by. I watched as an MTA bus had to quickly get out of the bus lane to avoid driving over driving over a lit batch of fireworks.
He slipped and hit his head while getting out of a hot tub. A horrible freak accident.

Apparently, the update from the coroner said he took the mortar through the chest...not sure if more of the story will change now as more is known although I'm sure the initial report of drinking, fireworks, friends, and a hot tub will stay involved in some way...
I have dogs...but my neighbors all do as well, and they all bark, and we all manage to get along.
Wait, I'm sorry, dogs in the neighborhood bark, possibly annoying/waking up other neighbors, but that's ok?

I'm guessing with rare exception, it's not the same people setting off fireworks multiple days.
I have a pool and I’m going in there after work to get stuff off the solar cover and out of the water.
DH blows the debris off the driveway and off the roof so it doesn’t go in the gutters.
The earplugs aren’t so soundproof that I’m going to miss a phone call.
My house has never caught on fire, but that could happen for other reasons, not just fireworks.

I’m sorry if me saying fireworks doesn’t bother me upsets people - I have no idea why people are taking that so personally 🤷🏼‍♀️

Not upset here, just wondering how far it has to go before it does actually bother you? For me, it's when they are setting them off past 10 PM the day after the 4th.. We are a 100% residential neighborhood for 6-7 blocks. We bought into the neighborhood because it is amazingly quiet. One night of fireworks is enough. Noise pollution is still pollution. And I shouldn't have to feel my house shake from the explosions. I feel they are intrusive, but it's nice that you like them. Feel sorry for your dog though :)
Wait, I'm sorry, dogs in the neighborhood bark, possibly annoying/waking up other neighbors, but that's ok?

I'm guessing with rare exception, it's not the same people setting off fireworks multiple days.

No, that's not okay. And we have ways of reporting owners who aren't properly caring for their dogs and allow them to cause a nuisance. However, it's a bit different than illegal fireworks that are terrifying kids, dogs and anyone with many cases veterans. Aren't we all for the troops? I know I hear that a lot. Maybe not? Can't we just have scheduled fireworks displays like we've always had so that people with PTSD or anxious kids/pets can avoid them? Not a big ask. One day/night.....fine...go crazy, we all live with that. And people can and do get hurt/killed every year. There's that guy who played for the NY Giants...missing several fingers from a fireworks incident. And yesterday an NHL goalie got killed after getting hit in the chest with an "errant firework" from a private home display.
Aren't we all for the troops? I know I hear that a lot. Maybe not?

haha...there is no shortage of loud-mouth flag wavers in the U.S blustering about how they support the troops...until something is needed to actually support the troops beyond a bumper sticker. If it involves half an ounce of self control, responsibility, sacrifice or something else on their part, suddenly few of those vocal flag wavers are anywhere in sight. (But I digress: that's a whole other thing...don't want to derail the thread.)
So you have never been on a message board for your subdivision but you just assume it would be full of toxic complaining? Maybe it's full of neighbours being neighbourly. If you just assume the worse why do you live someplace so toxic that you assume a message board would be toxic?
The message board for my neighborhood is all about announcing events, asking for recommendations for various services, and listing of items for sale. Very boring, and no complaining.
The message board for my neighborhood is all about announcing events, asking for recommendations for various services, and listing of items for sale. Very boring, and no complaining.

I’m on couple unofficial neighborhoods FB groups and it’s usually just questions or announcements.
Fireworks have been an almost nightly occurrence in my neighborhood since around Memorial Day. Definitely every Fri/Sat/Sun, then most other nights as well. It's annoying, but I don't really mind too much. They're fully legal here. My parents were over on Saturday with their dog, poor thing was up pacing all night in the bathroom. It's kinda funny that they had another dog that passed away about 2 years ago that was absolutely terrified of everything and this dog was never afraid of fireworks or thunderstorms. But since the older one passed, now he's started to be very afraid.
I like fireworks, there's a guy one street over that does a fairly large show every year and we got to sit in the yard of our new house and watch this year (parents have lived in this neighborhood since I was a kid, I've watched that display every year from my parent's porch for as long as I can remember). My grand kids threw those snap things on the sidewalk and had sparklers last night during the show and their parents had a few spinners and other little things that they lit. My dog seemed a bit fearful of fireworks but after the first couple he laid down in a lawn chair next to mine and was chill. It was a really fun night, and its always fun to see the neighbors sitting out in their yards or sidewalks waiting for the show to start.
I don't mind fireworks on other nights around the 4th (a week or so before or after) as long as they aren't after 10 pm. Thankfully no one has really pushed it this year or any year in my area. Just usually a two week span of random fireworks here and there.
My husband stops in SC every year on our way back from WDW. He buys a bunch of fireworks, and sets them off on the 4th every year right at dark time. Lasts about 15 minutes. He built his own mortar tubes, and sets off the fuses from a distance. He's done this forever, and our neighbors come over and watch.

As much as this costs $$$, I have no idea how people do them night after night.


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