Jungle Cruise Update Coming

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I was just on this ride yesterday. Wasn’t planning on riding it until I read they were going to change it. Figure I will ride it one more time the way it is.
I just read the last couple of pages of this and it's really interesting, not least because most of the posts are sincere rather than snarky.


...it is a slippery slope if people started deciding for others what they should be offended by...
...It is definitely problematic to be telling people what should offend them and why. I do sometimes wonder how many people were really offended by something like Splash Mountain before they were told they should be. That doesn't mean the answer is not to change it, but it is part of the conversation that we as a society tend to skip over and I'm not sure that's a good thing.

I agree - it does concern me that this tends not to be part of the discussion, to the point that insults often fly if it's even mentioned.

It concerns me even more that in many places the whole topic has become a conversation that doesn't allow conversation!

Not here, though, and I feel I've learnt a little more from several of the last few posts because there's balance and two-way respect. :thumbsup2
Hands off CoP!!! ;);););););)

I could see the Speedway benefitting from some theming, though.

I know Speedway gets some hate but I do think with some tweaks it could be an asset - just make it electric cars and add style (to the cars and the track) that fits with the "tron" aesthetic and I think it could be pretty great and add to the area rather than detract (with the current noise and smell)
I don't think that's the part they are concerned with. I don't think JC is overtly offensive really, but it has some aspects that could be updated anyway, so I'm all good with it.
Yeah, jungle natives have been in an uproar over this ride for years! lol
It's just people that push back against "cancel culture" and think companies are being pansies by bowing down to the elitist left
And that no one is complaining about these rides in question and they're making changes to pander to the times.
One more say controversial or upsetting change people might see is Trader Sam being removed. It sounds like that’s part of this.
no no...he needs to go. I know plenty of head hunters and NONE of them wear red striped drawls....I find this offensive. :joker:
The number one complaint Disney/CMs at JC have gotten for years at that attraction is Trader Sam and the cannibalism jokes. Whatever happens to Trader Sam himself, those jokes are absolutely done.
Cannibals are upset at the way they're being portrayed? :crazy2:
My guess are some parents complained because they had to explain what a cannibal was to their small ones. You know how it goes, 4 year old little Debbie goes on the ride with her family and folks are laughing at some cannibal joke and she asks her mom what they are laughing for? Mom explains what a cannibal is and Debbie goes "Ewww". Then later on at some sit down restaurant her big brother says something to her about Girl Scout cookies being made using real girl scouts and the real fireworks begin. Ah yes, just another fun day at WDW.

I hope they really don't actually remove Trader Sam because an argument could be made that such a move would not support adding diversity.
It's funny though isn't it? People have waited 70 years to start finding all of this stuff offensive. It's only been a thing since social media became a thing. Everyone likes to try to be the first one to point out something offensive or unjust. It's more about the self righteous, everyone look at me, I just posted a picture of my dinner, I gotta have attention, mindset of the world. Until social media is gone (and it never will be) it's just going to get worse.
I totally understand that - though the script has been changed and they don't really call them "savages" the subtext is still there. I don't necessarily think they have to remove all natives completely (though if they do that's okay too), but the context needs to change a bit.

I have a friend, African American, and he is totally unflappable about any of this kind of stuff. He just doesn't get offended because he refuses to let those things affect him. Sometimes I wonder how he does it, but I can really respect it. He also doesn't pay much attention to the news and forms his own opinions about everything - sometimes pretty unusual ones at that. He'd be the first to be against any changes too - which is interesting because when something is deemed "offensive" there is this assumption that everyone of a certain group feels that way, but that's really not the case. We as individuals can all make up our own minds - that is often forgoten these days.
amen amen amen! I'm sure your friend was not in the minority with his way of thinking back before social media helped to keep issues constantly in our faces. Up until now, most people had their own opinions about most things. These days, we're told how we're supposed to feel or else be bullied or ostracized for not conforming. You're not allowed to vocalize an unpopular opinion in this day and age.
amen amen amen! I'm sure your friend was not in the minority with his way of thinking back before social media helped to keep issues constantly in our faces. Up until now, most people had their own opinions about most things. These days, we're told how we're supposed to feel or else be bullied or ostracized for not conforming. You're not allowed to vocalize an unpopular opinion in this day and age.

Well, I don't know about that - maybe if you go back far enough. I can totally understand why some find this stuff problematic, but I also understand those who don't. For me, it's maybe not so much a matter of being "offended" so much as it is being "out of touch." I mean, I love the JC, but that setting and story, those depictions, they're jus tnot that common today. Kids don't grow up reading pulp adventure novels set in the jungle and how many adults have even see The African Queen (they should - it's excellent!). I don't have an issue with the changes personally, but I'm not one to tell anyone that they should be offended by something - but I also won't tell anyone that they shouldn't be either.
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I LOVE the COP but it needs some work, especailly the last scene. It doesn't make sense to jump so far for the last scene now, so I think a major rework is in order. Rumors are that the new narrator will be Tom Hanks - can't hate that!
I LOVE Tom Hanks. Just don't think we should change narration on CoP. Andrew Duggan is perfect for the role. Changing the narrator likely means re-recording of the songs that rotate. Not sure they can keep the same style. I realize that Duggan replaced Rex Allen. They had to since they replaced the GE references. I'd be worried what they're replacing because of this change.
Reading about this online since it was announced and I am pleasantly surprised that most people are happy about this. For anyone who isn't I think they need to sit down and think about why.

Disney doesn't just have one person coming up with this. Ideas are pitched and feedback is given. They don't just up and decide one day to change a ride this old.

JC is awkward, stale, boring and cringe-worthy. It was time to change and the concept of this doesn't need to be debated, imo.

And spare me the "this is a discussion board" replies. Anyone against this change is giving me more cringe than the ride itself.
Did you cringe while riding The Great Movie Ride during the gangster scene? The fact remains that every one of our races has had their hand in some less that stellar behavior throughout the years. The problem I see is that there is never an issue when the villain is portrayed by a character with light skin. No one clamored for that to be taken out. No one cares that old white women are portrayed as abusers and witches constantly....it's all just so stupid. And one sided. People are all of the sudden trying desperately to find something to be offended by. There soon won't be any trace of reality to anything. When was the last time you saw a cannibalistic tribe from the Amazon that was diverse? lol ridiculous.
Well, I don't know about that - maybe if you go back far enough. I can totally understand why some find this stuff problematic, but I also understand those who don't. For me, it's maybe not so much a matter of being "offended" so much as it is being "out of touch." I mean, I love the JC, but that setting and story, those depictions, they're jus tnot that common today. Kids don't grow up reading pulp adventure novels set in the jungle and how many adulst have even see The African Queen (they should - it's excellent!). I don't have an issue with the changes personally, but I'm not one to tell anyone that they should be offended by something - but I also won't tell anyone that they shouldn't be either.
Now that I can agree on. Very dated. I'm all for that kind of stuff but as for Disney constantly making an announcement to get a pat on the back for addressing anything "offensive", yeah, that irks me. Just DO it and don't make a big deal about it. They're making it a thing.
Did you cringe while riding The Great Movie Ride during the gangster scene? The fact remains that every one of our races has had their hand in some less that stellar behavior throughout the years. The problem I see is that there is never an issue when the villain is portrayed by a character with light skin. No one clamored for that to be taken out. No one cares that old white women are portrayed as abusers and witches constantly....it's all just so stupid. And one sided. People are all of the sudden trying desperately to find something to be offended by. There soon won't be any trace of reality to anything. When was the last time you saw a cannibalistic tribe from the Amazon that was diverse? lol ridiculous.

I mean, they just changed the scene in Pirates where the pirates were the villian and were light skinned

maybe views just evolve - like it isn't acceptible to use negative slang for Irish Americans or Italian Americans (who are light skinned) anymore when it was common place in the past. Or that view fo what a "normal" family changes - showing working women or same sex couples, etc. ... that's what happens over time (even more there was an internet) - things that were viewes as "fine" before now change to not being acceptable by society
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