Aulani in the Time of Covid- a Dec 2020 TR- Complete

I'm really enjoying your report and just wanted to chime in on Cinnamon's. It's a great place and when I went a few years ago in October, they had a spooky Harry Potter theme going on. I had asked a few locals from church what they recommended and Cinnamon's won over Eggs N Things.
I'm really enjoying your report and just wanted to chime in on Cinnamon's. It's a great place and when I went a few years ago in October, they had a spooky Harry Potter theme going on. I had asked a few locals from church what they recommended and Cinnamon's won over Eggs N Things.

Oh how fun! Yes, Cinnamon's isn't fancy- it's a mom & pop kind of place, but it was delicious! Highly recommended.

What a terrific report! I am totally envying you!

Thanks for reading along! I appreciate your kind words.
Tuesday 12/15- Aulani

Our last full day at Aulani. After grabbing a great set of chairs by the grotto, we decided to try stand-up paddle boarding. This was the one time where we goofed up on masks- we hadn't been wearing them at pool chairs or to go back and forth from the pool to the chairs, so we didn't think about grabbing them to go down to the beach. When we got to the rental shack, the CMs asked us to go get them. Totally fair, and our mistake.

We got a basic lesson, and they advised us to start on our knees, to get the feel for it before trying to stand up.

That went OK, so the next step was to stand up. Or to fall off, in my case! I brought the board back into shallow water and tried a few more times to stand up, and always fell off before I could get standing all the way up. My much sportier sister had no trouble (of course). Apologies again to the people who had small children near the launching spot- I couldn't help the swear words when I fell over and slammed my bad knee against the board. Also, KT tape is waterproof, but doesn't really hold up to multiple scrapes against a paddleboard, so I had to stop and get out to throw that away so it didn't wash out into the ocean, revealing my awesomely patterned sunburn. The CM suggested I maybe just sit on it and that ended up being a much better option for uncoordinated me.

Since I had dragged the GoPro out for the paddle boarding adventure, I thought it would be a good day to get some video of all of our different water adventures!

Today we had an early lunch delivered from the pool menu, as we had plans for an early dinner.

I got the wings and the Maui onion rings.

They were both good, but expensive! We did this again on Wednesday and did a better job of keeping the costs down. Vacation is a time to splurge, after all, so I couldn't feel too bad about it.

I also had to make sure I got a photo with a certain Aulani resident!

We planned to meet a friend of my sister's from the Navy (T) and her husband (L) at Monkeypod for happy hour, so we finally got to walk around the front of the resort and get this iconic shot:

Monkeypod Happy Hour
We had been told these were the best Mai Tais on the island, so of course we had to try them.

The passionfruit foam on the top was sooo good, and the Mai Tai was pretty good overall, but I have to say I like the one from Duke's Waikiki better.

Pumpkin Ravioli:

I think I was the only one who liked these, although they were more like Asian dumplings rather than the firmness of a ravioli dough.

Kalua Pork and Pineapple pizza:

Apparently the Mai Tais were strong enough and the conversation delightful enough that I completely neglected to take photos of the rest of the things we ordered: the chicken wings (slightly too spicy for my taste, and the tatziki sauce too runny to make a good wing dip), and the mushroom pizza- very delicious!

Overall Monkeypod thoughts- I can see why people like it, and the happy hour prices were nice. I personally wouldn't be rushing back- I liked the Olelo Room better, but YMMV.

After eating, we offered them a tour of Aulani, since they'd never been on the property before, and it was fun to be walking back as the lights were just coming on.

And a few shots of the resort after dark:

We said goodbye to T & L with the promise of seeing T tomorrow as she was lovely enough to offer their house as a place for us to shower and change for the airport, since Luana lounge wasn't available.

Our Disney+ movie of the night was Frozen 2. Our fairly active day, plus the 3 Mai Tais we each had at Monkeypod meant we both fell asleep mid-way through the movie. Oops!
Wow, thank you so kindly for your detailed report and wonderful pictures! I don’t know when we’ll be able to make it out there, but it’s fun to live vicariously through your posts.
Wow, thank you so kindly for your detailed report and wonderful pictures! I don’t know when we’ll be able to make it out there, but it’s fun to live vicariously through your posts.
You are welcome! Thank you for reading and commenting- it's always nice to know people are out there an enjoying!
December 16 (&17th)- Aulani check out day and red-eye flight home

We awoke with sadness knowing it was our last day. We had called the day before to see if we could get a late checkout, but were told no, that wasn't available- not sure if this has to do with renting DVC points or if there were just already too many people requesting a late checkout. So we dawdled a bit as we packed up the room (dawdled meaning didn't get up until after 6:30 am, LOL) ate our last fruit for breakfast, and figured out how many drinks we would need to drink to finish all our alcohol! We hadn't been huge drinkers the other days at the resort, so we had a bit of work to do, although we decided to give the leftovers to T as a second thank you for letting us use her shower later in the day. M went to save us some pool chairs just after 8am while I waited for bell services. They were extremely prompt in coming up to get all our stuff and I told them about when we thought we'd need it so they could store it in the right spot.

Then it was all about enjoying our last day. We had decided to keep all our bands from each day, so after we were settled, I grabbed this shot before I forgot! I joked that it was a good thing we were going home today because I was running out of arm. :)

The Rainbow Reef staff told me the previous day that any towel location could also punch my band, so I didn't have to make a separate trip later, which was nice! Although I did have to make a separate trip to get the life vest, mask and snorkel. I had decided not to have to pack a wet mask/snorkel, so used Disney's on this day. It worked fine, and I wasn't worried about them being clean- I had every confidence Disney was keeping them very clean between users.

We had settled near the grotto area both the day before and this day. I loved being able to see the pool and the ocean at the same time and my sister agreed this was her favorite place to sit as well.

We were always able to find somewhere, even if it wasn't ideal, but there were only 2 of us, and we were either looking right away in the morning (8 am-ish) or mid-late afternoon (3 pm and after).

We ordered from the pool menu again for lunch and this time I got the club sandwich

It also came with fries. This had avocado on it, which isn't always on a club sandwich. Otherwise it was pretty standard, but also pretty hard to mess up, and extremely filling for our super long day ahead. My sister got the mushroom pizza, which I didn't get a picture of, but she enjoyed. We spent about half of what we spent the day before on lunch- much better value for our money, although still more than if we'd gone to Ulu Cafe. We talked briefly about trying Off the Hook, but the menu wasn't that much different, and we would have had to get up and put on cover-ups- far too much work for our last day! ;)

We did decide to go over to the lawn for the 1 pm character greeting- we could see it was happening on the Aulani app, but we couldn't figure out what character it would be. We're up for any characters, so we didn't care. We walked over about 12:50 and got in line about 3 minutes before 1 pm behind 1 other family. Can you imagine getting in line 3 minutes before a character's set starts at WDW and being the 2nd family in line??

There was a photopass photographer there taking pics, and we were allowed to take selfies with our own cameras and take our masks off for the photos, then replace them before we walked away out of the area. So who did we get?


This was extra awesome since we were in Hawaii. I wished I had my Stitch mask on me, but as I'd worn it a different day, it was already packed in my suitcase stored at bell services. You win some, you lose some! :)

After that, it was time for one last round of swims in the pools and one last Disney snack favorite:

Ahh Dole Whip. Why are you so delicious?

All too soon it was 4 pm and time to start heading to T's house. We packed up our beach bags, threw on some clothes, and said our goodbyes as we walked through the pool area to the elevators, up to the 3rd floor. M grabbed the bell services ticket and I grabbed the car keys and we met at the front entry to pack up the car.

Here's where I goofed- We didn't officially "check out" with a person because we had to be out of the room before 11 am, but were told we could still charge to our room account after the check out time. We had been charging a bunch of stuff to the room, and I had gone in earlier in the week and taken screenshots of the account balance on my phone, so I knew how to split things up later when we got home. Except I didn't do that for our last 2 days, assuming I would get an emailed bill of my total balance, as I have every time I've stayed at WDW. But I didn't get one! I think I've got almost everything figured out from memory, but this was a surprise to me! So make sure you stop at the front desk to ask for an accounting of everything before you leave, or screenshot your account or something!

We headed over to T's house, which was in Makakilo, to the north of Kapolei. She gave us a lovely tour of their house, a chance for both of us to shower and change into plane clothes, and a chance to visit a bit more on her lanai. She asked what we were doing for dinner, and when we said we didn't have a plan, we discussed several options and decided on Kalapawai Market (aka Kalapawai Cafe & Deli, depending on what sign/map you use). They had outdoor patio seating, which we chose, as well as indoor seating available.

I ended up with the shrimp & penne pasta with curry cream sauce, hold the red pepper flakes.

This was very good, but the red curry sauce just built and built in my mouth until the last few bites were on the high side of my spice tolerance. Yes, I'm a spice wimp.

I paired this with a hard cider, Guava Lava, from Paradise Cider, an Oahu-based cider company. I was super sad that I didn't find out about them until we were almost leaving- I don't like beer, but I love hard cider, and there sounded like so many fun flavors to try. It doesn't appear that they sell on the mainland yet, but I'll keep stalking their webpage and maybe someday!

My sister got the fish of the day, and I got to eat the last of her brussels sprouts, since she's not a fan and I love them!

We were both extremely happy with our last meals in Hawaii. With much sadness we paid our bill and said goodbye to T. Then we had to find somewhere to fill up the rental car before returning it. M was sure she knew places near Pearl Harbor from when she was there the last time she was on Oahu, and we had a bit of an adventure almost ending up on the base when we took a wrong turn and me frantically trying to find her military ID before we were able to do a u-turn and not end up at the security check. Nothing like driving through road construction on dark streets in a place you've never been before!

We did finally find a place, and so got that squared away and then drove what felt like an extra 20 minutes around the airport trying to figure out how to get into the rental car return area. I was very glad I had left us PLENTY of time before our flights. We then had a country mile to walk from rental car return over to the one station that was doing agricultural checks for American & Delta airlines, then get checked in, and then stand in a very long security line, where standing 6 feet apart wasn't happening. M got to skip into the TSA pre-check line because of being in the military, so she waited for me on the other side. Since we were flying different airlines our flights were in different concourses, we gave each other long hugs and said our goodbyes.

It's 50/50 whether I will sleep on a red-eye flight, and I had joked with M the previous day that I had to be careful not to fall asleep at the terminal and miss the flight altogether, since it would be the latest we had stayed up at night since we got to Hawaii! I did make it on the plane safely, but didn't really sleep on the flight- it was turbulent and every time I would start to doze off, a jolt of the plane would wake me back up.

The plane landed in Seattle and I had to transfer from the A concourse to the S concourse to catch my second flight. Not sure what if anything would be available at the S concourse for food, I stopped and ordered a breakfast sandwich from a coffee shop in A concourse. I really should have realized that the fact that there weren't prices listed for the food was a hint that it was going to be really expensive, but my eyes flew open when they rang up my bill. Over $12! For eggs, bacon, cheese and bread. I'm clearly not awake enough to make good decisions at this moment. I gave in and paid the "tourist tax" because I knew I wouldn't get home until dinnertime and I wanted to be sure to eat something. I also grabbed a cheese/grapes/apples tray to eat on the plane.

Another bumpy flight with no sleep and a 20 minute drive from the airport to my house, where I forced myself to stay awake until 9 pm and then collapsed into bed, waking up at 7am Friday at the ring of my alarm. Back to work, and to real-life!

I'll be back with one more update to sum up my final thoughts about this trip. Thank you all for reading along and for those who've commented! Best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year!
What a great trip report! Aulani is our home resort and I was wondering what it was like since reopening! We thinking of going in Feb or March, but our teens were concerned that we would have to wear masks basically all the time. It sounds like you don’t need them when sitting in chairs at the pool and beach so that makes a world of difference! You also gave us a few new restaurants to try! Thank you for taking the time to do it!!
We’ve been here since the 23rd- it’s nice to be back, but I’ve been noticing that a lot of the “small things” seem to be broken- the small little illuminated fountains designed to look like a flame for example- as well as some of the few things left for kids to do such as the iPad scavenger hunt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to be here, but it seems like Disney really shut the place down and got behind on some maintenance. In terms of social distancing, I can’t believe Ama Ama is still closed- it’s an open breezy dining area which is perfect for right now- sadly I was told everyone who worked there was laid off, so to reopen they would need to hire a whole new crew. :/
In terms of social distancing, I can’t believe Ama Ama is still closed- it’s an open breezy dining area which is perfect for right now- sadly I was told everyone who worked there was laid off, so to reopen they would need to hire a whole new crew. :/
Very sad, and this is just one of countless examples of what has happened across the state which relies so heavily on tourism. And although Ama Ama will eventually reopen and hire people who desperately need the jobs, there are unfortunately many more restaurants and small businesses in Hawaii which have closed and will never open again. Let's hope a reinvigorated tourism industry in the months and years ahead will help soften the long-term impact of the lockdowns and travel restrictions.
Thank you for a great TR!! We are going in less than 2 months and an update on how it's running after being reopened for a bit is so helpful!
You definitely chose some winner restaurants. We love Cinnamon's & Kalapawai! I prefer Romy's Shrimp to Giovanni's & would love to try Kula Shave Ice in Haleiwa over Matsumoto's. Thanks for supporting Hawaii's economy. We need it so much!
Thank you for a Great Report !
Thank you for reading along and commenting! It is very much appreciated!

What a great trip report! Aulani is our home resort and I was wondering what it was like since reopening! We thinking of going in Feb or March, but our teens were concerned that we would have to wear masks basically all the time. It sounds like you don’t need them when sitting in chairs at the pool and beach so that makes a world of difference! You also gave us a few new restaurants to try! Thank you for taking the time to do it!!

Yes, that was our experience re: masks- I was a bit worried about having to wear them all the time in pool chairs, but it wasn't an issue. You are lucky to have Aulani as a home resort- even now, it was fabulous! Thank you for reading along!

We’ve been here since the 23rd- it’s nice to be back, but I’ve been noticing that a lot of the “small things” seem to be broken- the small little illuminated fountains designed to look like a flame for example- as well as some of the few things left for kids to do such as the iPad scavenger hunt. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad to be here, but it seems like Disney really shut the place down and got behind on some maintenance. In terms of social distancing, I can’t believe Ama Ama is still closed- it’s an open breezy dining area which is perfect for right now- sadly I was told everyone who worked there was laid off, so to reopen they would need to hire a whole new crew. :/
We didn't notice too much of that, but as it's our first time, it's hard to know what isn't working as expected. I was told the same thing by a CM- the entire restaurant including management was laid off. Very sad.

Very sad, and this is just one of countless examples of what has happened across the state which relies so heavily on tourism. And although Ama Ama will eventually reopen and hire people who desperately need the jobs, there are unfortunately many more restaurants and small businesses in Hawaii which have closed and will never open again. Let's hope a reinvigorated tourism industry in the months and years ahead will help soften the long-term impact of the lockdowns and travel restrictions.

I give a few of my thoughts on traveling at this time in my "final thoughts" post. Hopefully with vaccination beginning we are turning the corner towards the opportunity for additional reopenings and opportunities for travel.

Thank you for a great TR!! We are going in less than 2 months and an update on how it's running after being reopened for a bit is so helpful!

Glad I could help! Things were changing constantly, so flexibility is your friend, as I expect that will still be the case by the time you arrive. Thank you for reading along!

You definitely chose some winner restaurants. We love Cinnamon's & Kalapawai! I prefer Romy's Shrimp to Giovanni's & would love to try Kula Shave Ice in Haleiwa over Matsumoto's. Thanks for supporting Hawaii's economy. We need it so much!

Ooh- good suggestions for next time. I seriously want to do a Shrimp Truck feast where all I do is stop at Shrimp Trucks and try each one. You can always find stomach space for more shrimp, right? :)
Final Thoughts

Travel to Hawaii during COVID

I know this is a controversial topic, and I’m not looking to start an argument with anyone. Can travel to Hawaii be done at this time- absolutely. Should you travel to Hawaii at this time? It really depends on your risk tolerance.

I tried to take as many precautions as I thought were possible while still undertaking this journey. I decided to go to Hawaii rather than to Walt Disney World at this time, because I felt that the state of Hawaii had the spread of COVID under much better control than the state of Florida did. But it still involves a plane ride, rather than driving in my own vehicle. I chose an airline that is still restricting capacity (not filling middle seats) to reduce the number of individuals that I would be in contact with. I quarantined myself in my home for the 2 weeks prior to leaving, apart from my COVID tests, and have continued to quarantine upon my return, although not required by my state. I masked and social distanced myself as much as possible in the airport, and made liberal use of handwashing and sanitizing, including sanitizing my seat area upon boarding each plane. I was lucky to have good compliance with masking by the passengers in my immediate area on all my flights.

Once arriving in Hawaii, I found the use of masks and social distancing to be equal or better than my home state. Of the times we ate out in restaurants, we were constantly reminded to not remove our masks until we were actually eating and drinking, and to replace them when we were finished but still chatting at the table. There were many options for outdoor dining. Temperature checks were done at some restaurants and at the Dole Plantation. QR code checking & health questionnaires were completed at one restaurant, and we had to provide our information at all non-Aulani restaurants for tracking purposes. People were very respectful of the 4 people or 1 party per elevator rule at Disney, even if it did lead to long lines for the elevator at peak times.

Only you can decide if the risks are worth the rewards. We took a big risk by renting DVC points, knowing that if our COVID tests came back positive that we would be out that money since the reservation was non-refundable. We also only had 2 adults who needed to manage the pre-travel testing process, which was the biggest stressor of the trip.

I was glad we decided to just meander for most of our time off Aulani property. The one time we tried to do something, it didn’t work due to the current restrictions (Hanauma Bay). If you are deciding to go at this time, I would recommend maximum flexibility in your itinerary.

I am 100% glad we decided to take the risk and go. It was the right decision for me in weighing the physical risks vs. my mental health that was already quite taxed due to all of the lockdowns this year.

Aulani during COVID

As it was our first trip to Aulani, we didn’t really know what we were missing, and we did enjoy the amenities that were available to us. We liked how Aulani reminded us of EPCOT in the early days- it had the Edutainment feel centered around Hawaii and Hawaiian culture rather than being in-your-face Disney. The property was quite beautiful, and except for the tarnish around the elevator buttons, we didn’t see anything in need of repair, but we didn’t have anything to compare it to. Some things I knew about from reading the boards or watching YouTube videos, like the lei greeting or the spa robes in the room, would have been nice extra amenities but their lack didn’t negatively impact our stay.

The pool lounger quest was occasionally challenging, but not much different from the pool chair situation on most cruise ships I’ve been on. I was very happy to have CMs explain the pool chair policy multiple times over our stay and see them actively folding the towels on the back of the loungers to start the countdown. It did, however, have the effect of keeping us from adventuring too far from our lounger at any given time. I would have enjoyed taking my snorkel gear down past Paradise Cove where there is supposed to be a cool beach with turtles, but I knew if I did that, we would lose our spots for the day.

CMs were clearly trying to do their best with the limited staffing/layoffs that have happened. The fancier store was closed for most of our trip, but CMs did let us know that they would allow people in during closed times if we just asked a CM. Having AMA AMA closed was sad- it looks like a beautiful venue. It felt like a bit of a chicken/egg situation- Disney can’t keep all the restaurants open without enough guests to make them profitable, but without all the restaurants and amenities open, some percentage of guests won’t come.

As 2 adults, the closure of the kids’ club didn’t impact our stay, except that the pools were always very crowded with kids.

Should you do a Split Stay?

My two cents- yes you should. While we really enjoyed Aulani, we spent a LOT of time in the car over the 3 days we were sightseeing around the island. We put about 450 miles on the rental car in the week that we had it. Staying in Honolulu or on the Windward side of the island would have allowed for less of that time in the car. Also, while the lagoon was very beautiful and great for our stand-up paddle boarding lesson, it didn’t offer much in the way of either ocean waves or great fish to look at for snorkeling. Both of those are important to me personally, so I don’t think I’d enjoy a Hawaii vacation where I didn’t leave Aulani. Like everything, it depends on what is most important to you.

Would I come back to Aulani?

Unequivocally yes. Not only to catch the things we “missed” but because it was an absolutely beautiful property and a very relaxing vacation experience. Renting DVC points made it very affordable. And it will make a perfect stop when my sister & I take on the Tokyo Disney/Hong Kong Disney/Shanghai Disney trip we’ve always talked about.

Again, thank you to everyone who read/liked/commented! The newest member of the gang and I wish you Aloha!

Thank you for posting! On our way to monkey pods tonight for a Maitai with passion fruit foam.I had the original al at royal Hawaiian a couple days ago but this looks great!
Thank you so much for taking the time to post this report.
I am still not sure when we will get back but this really does make me hopeful.
Fantastic trip report! Aulani is on my bucket list and your report is full of tips that I will squirrel away for whenever we're able to make it happen.


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