Cruise and Theme Park Operational Updates due to Coronavirus

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Ok so trying to catch up so the discussion has officially moved from no way they will reopen on time to no way they will enforce the rules they have in place now that they are reopening on time???

Disney is notorious for being lax about enforcing its rules under normal circumstances. Usually I'm fine with that, but in a pandemic not so much.
I agree - I mean maybe they could increase a little just as people get more used to things and they streamline a few areas

But it is the low crowds that enable people to keep their distance I just don't see how they could have like double the people there as we're there today (even if that still would be less than 50% of capacity) and people still be able to easily keep distance
Until numbers come under control I (personally) don't think you'll see a large increase. As numbers come down, they'll be able to ramp up. For what its worth, 6 feet is the general recommendation in the US per the CDC, the WHO recommends 1 meter (or slightly more than 3 feet). As numbers come under control, I could see the thinking behind social distancing in the US start to decrease to 3 feet and that would allow businesses such as disney more flexibility.
A pic is frozen in time, with the right cropping and angle it could look different ways, not saying that particular instance didn't happen but we don't know for how long that was a situation. Think of when you are funneled through anywhere, it gets tight for maybe less than a minute?
I went yesterday with a critical eye and an open heart and i didn't encounter any of that at all and i was there opening to closing. The major issues were parking, and queues for quick service at lunch time
A pic is frozen in time, with the right cropping and angle it could look different ways, not saying that particular instance didn't happen but we don't know for how long that was a situation. Think of when you are funneled through anywhere, it gets tight for maybe less than a minute?
I went yesterday with a critical eye and an open heart and i didn't encounter any of that at all and i was there opening to closing. The major issues were parking, and queues for quick service at lunch time

This is all good to hear. Were rules being enforced for people breaking them? This is my biggest concern as I consider whether to cancel what I already have planned for February (a hotel and flights). Also I am sorry if I'm coming off as trying to cause drama. I was beginning to plan a trip for the first time in my adult life earlier this year, so you can imagine that I'm trying to be cautious and may not know as much as frequet people on this board... I came here to try to get information about Disney.
Disney is notorious for being lax about enforcing its rules under normal circumstances. Usually I'm fine with that, but in a pandemic not so much.
There rules though, even if not enforced perfectly are way more thorough then anywhere else you go. Go into your local Walmart and see how many people are close together with no mask at all as some teenage worker casually wipes down the shelves. Casual Disney is still better then that.
There rules though, even if not enforced perfectly are way more thorough then anywhere else you go. Go into your local Walmart and see how many people are close together with no mask at all as some teenage worker casually wipes down the shelves. Casual Disney is still better then that.

LOL I haven't gone anywhere but work in months! Curbside pickup for me :) But I see what you are saying.
seriously? I can point you to 9 hours of live stream yesterday where you won’t see another line like that and we heard first hand from people posting right here...there was one cluster caught on camera. One. From the whole day - one pic was circulated. Dont you think there would be multiple pictures? If it were truly not being enforced?
and the dancing CM’s....were outside...far away from people. Exercise might make droplets spread farther but wouldn’t that only be an issue if you are indoors? You strike me as the kind of person who is looking for a reason to justify a decision you already made - not someone who actually looked into how things are going to work.

If someone decides not to go on their trip because they are not comfortable with what they are seeing, why are people trying to convince them to still go? These things WILL happen. Human nature and unavoidable. If it happened during the CM preview, it will surely happen when the general public is there.

I do think this was an isolated incident yesterday after a storm. But things like this could happen (it storms a lot ...) and if someone is uncomfortable with that, they should not go.

What happened to “if you’re not comfortable, don’t go?” Now people are trying to convince someone who says they’re not comfortable going because of something they saw that they should be.
If someone decides not to go on their trip because they are not comfortable with what they are seeing, why are people trying to convince them to still go? These things WILL happen. Human nature and unavoidable. If it happened during the CM preview, it will surely happen when the general public is there.

I do think this was an isolated incident yesterday after a storm. But things like this could happen (it storms a lot ...) and if someone is uncomfortable with that, they should not go.

What happened to “if you’re not comfortable, don’t go?” Now people are trying to convince someone who says they’re not comfortable going because of something they saw that they should be.

nuh uh.
I’m saying don’t draw a conclusion based on one picture.
If someone decides not to go on their trip because they are not comfortable with what they are seeing, why are people trying to convince them to still go? These things WILL happen. Human nature and unavoidable. If it happened during the CM preview, it will surely happen when the general public is there.

I do think this was an isolated incident yesterday after a storm. But things like this could happen (it storms a lot ...) and if someone is uncomfortable with that, they should not go.

What happened to “if you’re not comfortable, don’t go?” Now people are trying to convince someone who says they’re not comfortable going because of something they saw that they should be.
I think the non-sensible jump to conclusions vultures have most on here trying to point out looking at all of the experiences, posts, videos, etc. before making sweeping judgements about operations to maybe bring some of these people back to rational thought and then make an INFORMED personal choice. If after being informed it's not for you by all means ship some dole whip mix from Amazon to your house, buy a tiki torch, and relax in the safety of your backyard.
This is all good to hear. Were rules being enforced for people breaking them? This is my biggest concern as I consider whether to cancel what I already have planned for February (a hotel and flights). Also I am sorry if I'm coming off as trying to cause drama. I was beginning to plan a trip for the first time in my adult life earlier this year, so you can imagine that I'm trying to be cautious and may not know as much as frequet people on this board... I came here to try to get information about Disney.
I sawe maybe a handful of instances where rules were broken, a guy walking not wearing the mask, a person walking drinking and eating, gaiter wearing (still don't know if this is against the rules?) in the very few instances I saw there were no CM around. The new incredi crew were mostly on Main Street USA.
I was at the train station area when Mickey, Minnie and the rest came out and people started going over to take pics and videos, a CM was yelling "please remember to social distance"
I think the non-sensible jump to conclusions vultures have most on here trying to point out looking at all of the experiences, posts, videos, etc. before making sweeping judgements about operations to maybe bring some of these people back to rational thought and then make an INFORMED personal choice. If after being informed it's not for you by all means ship some dole whip mix from Amazon to your house, buy a tiki torch, and relax in the safety of your backyard.

I understand.

I’m just saying someone who is already on the fence may see a photo like that from one instance and say “ok, yeah ... that could happen ... this isn’t for me.”

I don’t think Disney should be slammed for one photo. At all. But I also am realistic that people will likely bunch up in some situations, and people going should probably be ok with that. If you’re not, you probably shouldn’t go.

I’m assuming capacity was lower yesterday for CM previews than it will be Saturday, so I’m holding out any judgments until we have a more accurate representation of what it’s actually like in the parks with a normal crowd.
If someone decides not to go on their trip because they are not comfortable with what they are seeing, why are people trying to convince them to still go? These things WILL happen. Human nature and unavoidable. If it happened during the CM preview, it will surely happen when the general public is there.

I do think this was an isolated incident yesterday after a storm. But things like this could happen (it storms a lot ...) and if someone is uncomfortable with that, they should not go.

What happened to “if you’re not comfortable, don’t go?” Now people are trying to convince someone who says they’re not comfortable going because of something they saw that they should be.
100% agree with you that if you're not comfortable don't come. I will say that as to the situation yesterday this was easily avoidable. If you don't want to be in that crowd don't go into the crowd. Not even when the music started playing and the floats came rolling down MS was there an instance where people weren't social distancing. The photo was NOT the case everywhere yesterday and I would've loved to be close to it to see how long that took to disperse
I had the Mardi Gras and the Radiance canceled on the same day, LOL! Truth be told, I wasn't really surprised or disappointed.

We have a cruise rescheduled for next March on NCL. We are going to wait ~121 days out (outside the cancellation penalty window) to determine how comfortable we would be cruising.
A pic is frozen in time, with the right cropping and angle it could look different ways, not saying that particular instance didn't happen but we don't know for how long that was a situation. Think of when you are funneled through anywhere, it gets tight for maybe less than a minute?
I went yesterday with a critical eye and an open heart and i didn't encounter any of that at all and i was there opening to closing. The major issues were parking, and queues for quick service at lunch time

But the picture happened. Disney didnt plan for that (which is ok), but the people who are supposed to be enforcing those rules when they return to work dont seem to care enough to follow themselves. Thats the bigger problem.

Now imagine the general population where many people still believe this isnt a do you think theybwill react, especially knowing theyve paid $100 plus a day to attend.

One bad apple isnt gonna ruin it, but common sense would tell us this is going to be an issue if the cast members cant even do it.
I sawe maybe a handful of instances where rules were broken, a guy walking not wearing the mask, a person walking drinking and eating, gaiter wearing (still don't know if this is against the rules?) in the very few instances I saw there were no CM around. The new incredi crew were mostly on Main Street USA.
I was at the train station area when Mickey, Minnie and the rest came out and people started going over to take pics and videos, a CM was yelling "please remember to social distance"

from everything I have read/seen/heard the mask has to have ties or ear loops - and some gaiter's do have ear loops but many don't - if they do they are allowed though but gotta be hard to police that when can you even tell from look at someone wearing one if it is one with ear loops?
But the picture happened. Disney didnt plan for that (which is ok), but the people who are supposed to be enforcing those rules when they return to work dont seem to care enough to follow themselves. Thats the bigger problem.

Now imagine the general population where many people still believe this isnt a do you think theybwill react, especially knowing theyve paid $100 plus a day to attend.

One bad apple isnt gonna ruin it, but common sense would tell us this is going to be an issue if the cast members cant even do it.

you are 100% correct it did happen - if it was for 10 min or 1 second it did happen. I will say though that yesterday was CMs and their guests (up to 3 guests per CM, I believe) so good chance the majority of people in that photo don't work for Disney and everyone appears to have a mask on

And even if they were CMs they are also human and emotions, slips ups are going to happen. If the benchmark is that 100% of the rules are followed 100% of the time then it just won't be met and Disney shouldn't reopen (nor should anything else).

But from what I saw from watching many, many sources yesterday the rules were being followed and enforce like 95% of the time - is that perfect? No, but pretty darn good and with the low capacity if an individual wants to follow the rules 100% of the time they will be able to. If you aren't comfortable with that, then you shouldn't go - which especially given the numbers for Florida is more than a reasoable take. If one does go I truly hope they follow the rules, are kind to the CMs and other guests, and do their best to self quarantine when they return home.
I’m assuming capacity was lower yesterday for CM previews than it will be Saturday, so I’m holding out any judgments until we have a more accurate representation of what it’s actually like in the parks with a normal crowd.

And that's all I've been suggesting - don't take one picture, and one day - on day one - and cancel everything.

I personally, just cancelled my August trip to Vero Beach/DVC resort - I'm not blindly rushing into things nor suggesting people should. But my decision to cancel was based on a lot more than one person's picture, or one day out of many. No one should give anyone cancelling a hard time, it's absolutely a personal decision. But I don't think it's fair to slam the whole experience based on one day and one picture.
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