Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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There are over 1,900 rooms at Coronado. Unless theres 100 people from each team coming along, and they all need their own rooms, they would have plenty enough space to hold the entire league, and probably the MLS as well. I think it would be excessive for them to ask for more than 1 resort that they dont really need.
I think I remember seeing that Disney uploaded the employees info directly into the state system so they didn't have to strugle with the system themselves. So hopefully they were getting paid timely.

Unemployment insurance is usually funded by company and employee contributions and those that contributed should be allowed to use the insurance they paid for. That extra $600 that actually pays some more to sit that's a completely different story...
My CM daughter was waiting for a long time before she started seeing any unemployment payments. I think she said last week that she had received a couple now.
Then why would they keep ADRs open to the public then? If I can see it on MDE then I can book it along with anyone else. If they want to keep the precious bubble they'll need to close those ADRs off to the public. They can have the restaurants open to the players and other NBA peeps to have access to and not take ADRs, it completely destroys their bubble if people start booking and show up (and you know someone would want to show up to get a chance to see their favorite player)
They'll be canceling them...Disney doesn't seem big into caring about ppl. wasting their time in plans that Disney knows aren't going to happen. They'll get to it (canceling them, blocking ppl. from being able to book) when they get to it, just like all the other reservations they've been canceling little by little. There's no way they'll let general public go to the CS resort in any fashion with the NBA.
You beat me to it. I was thinking the same thing. If the NBA players are housed at one hotel in a "bubble," how are they going to handle food. I can't imagine NBA players eating hotel food for weeks (months?) on end. And are they going to prevent them from going to Disney Springs? The whole NBA "plan" is just weird to me. The bubble made much more sense when everything was shut down (with the exception of the DVC issue mentioned above), but the more things open, the harder I think that would be to achieved and the less sense it makes to me. It will be interesting to see how it is handled--if it's handled at all.

The NBA players won't be able to leave the bubble. I'm assuming no private cars/lyfts/ubers/etc. They aren't going to be wandering around DS or mingling with anyone who isn't in the bubble. It would defeat the purpose.

I have similar thoughts.....which is why I think the NBA players and families may be housed at the CR with the staff and media/their families/possibly MLS will be housed at CSR. Neither resort is currently showing any availability through August-ish. The CR also has lots of convention space that could be used for family entertainment. It has a very small footprint which would make security and concierge services a little easier to accomplish. The CR also has Disney owned food venues which is more ideal for the VIP guests.

I really don't think CR is going to be used for the NBA. It isn't big enough when you combine the number of players, trainers and coaching staff that will need rooms and it makes zero sense, IMHO, to take the only resort that is walkable to MK out of inventory to general public guests who may be visiting MK. Plus the connection to BLT - that can't take that offline and make it inaccessible to DVC owners, especially if they are opening hotels to others. CR is the best located resort to MK in the current circumstances. I think they are either trying to limit current capacity there or are holding rooms in case they need to move people from CSR. Just my two cents.

There are over 1,900 rooms at Coronado. Unless theres 100 people from each team coming along, and they all need their own rooms, they would have plenty enough space to hold the entire league, and probably the MLS as well. I think it would be excessive for them to ask for more than 1 resort that they dont really need.

Actually, when you add the tower, there are now over 2,400 rooms at CSR. It's plenty of space for the NBA - it has multiple suites, restaurants, a gym (could even create more gym spaces), recreation areas. huge meeting and event spaces. I think in terms of space and security, it would more than fit their needs!
This falls right in the unsubstantiated rumor category, but wdwmagic posts have been shared before, so here it is, take it with all the salt you can’s a I know someone who knows Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m desperate for positive news. :) I know Yulilin3 is taking a break from the boards, but surely she would’ve confirmed this, if true.

ImperfectPixie posted:
“ I don't know squat about squat, but I've been told by two people (who know I don't like false information) that they know CMs in two different roles being called back this week.”
“ Oops...just double checked what they said...three roles total. Housekeeping, parks, and F&B.”
Thanks for the info. and the warning lol.
That is something that has me curious, why they don't just cancel EVERYONE'S ADRs and fast passes for the rest of the summer.

Actually typing that out, I know why-- mass panic. But there has to be a huge likelihood that the ability to use those fastpasses and dining reservations as scheduled will be severely impeded for most people. Even IF Disney is open, it's hard to believe that the fastpass system will operate under reduced capacity like it did before, and I would imagine many resorts would probably have restaurants only available for registered guests of those hotels at first. Just speculation.
Agreed. I know I am beating a dead horse but my extremely minuscule in comparison to WDW visitor facing organization is working with three goalpost dates for planning purposes but multiple dates in between those three dates are all possibilities as well - we are basically using those 3 goalpost dates to run financial forecasts and estimate what resources are needed at different points. There is no way Disney has not been running multiple scenarios -at the very least an ideal best case scenario, a still good but less optimistic scenario, an acceptable but further away scenario and a worst case scenario. I am sure they are also simultaneously working scenarios for what happens if there is a very large spike later in the year after their initial reopening.
End of August seems like a reasonable further off, less than ideal but not quite worst case scenario to me partly because as others have noted the week or two after Labor Day tends to be one the quieter times at the parks (Tuesday after Labor Day 2018 was the emptiest day I’ve spent in MK in many, many years). Opening at what tends to be a quieter time any way can only help them deal with capacity issues.
I completely agree with this, but if you’ve paid any attention here over the past 10 weeks, people hear what they want to hear concerning their already booked trip(s).

There’s no doubt Wdw does not want to demand masks and may be holding out a few more weeks to see more data. But the reality is this touches every facet of a wdw vacation and is not easily solved my just masks or even a few lines of defense. The longer they can hold out and observe, the more they know vs. opening early and making costly mistakes.
Disney initiated it, but there was a part she had to do after they notified her. It took a long time to get going.
That's unfortunate. It seems like no state was ready for the kind of volume they saw. Glad to see she's finally getting something.
Oh, I also think that the rumor as presented is wrong. I also think that Disney is intentionally slow-rolling refunds, slow-rolling ticket extensions, and kicking the can as far down the road as they can on anything that means returning cash to customers.
I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt, but at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true. The longer they put off an announcement, the harder it us to believe it’s not exactly what they’re doing. It’s no small amount of money. I have thousands tied up in various reservation deposit. Multiply mine by thousands of other people and we’re talking a great deal of cash, interest free.
exactly what they are doing and why, interest free loan on our end while they are collecting interest to keep.
give people a sense of hope by cancelling week to week, change 30 day to 7 day cancel so they don’t cancel till you want them to - last minute
This falls right in the unsubstantiated rumor category, but wdwmagic posts have been shared before, so here it is, take it with all the salt you can’s a I know someone who knows Don’t shoot the messenger, I’m desperate for positive news. :) I know Yulilin3 is taking a break from the boards, but surely she would’ve confirmed this, if true.

ImperfectPixie posted:
“ I don't know squat about squat, but I've been told by two people (who know I don't like false information) that they know CMs in two different roles being called back this week.”
“ Oops...just double checked what they said...three roles total. Housekeeping, parks, and F&B.”

...what is F&B? I’m so out of it all I keep thinking of is Flower & Barden.
I know.

also no one has to worry about this anymore bc I had a dream last night (not a joke - I’m so wrapped up in this drama that I dreamt about it) that DVC began opening up in mid June and then the rest of the resorts followed in mid July.

so I have been MIA for the majority of the weekend & I read through the last 3 or 4 pages. Some people are talking like the NBA thing is a done deal, I don’t follow sports in any way, is it a pretty much done deal now?
...what is F&B? I’m so out of it all I keep thinking of is Flower & Barden.
I know.

also no one has to worry about this anymore bc I had a dream last night (not a joke - I’m so wrapped up in this drama that I dreamt about it) that DVC began opening up in mid June and then the rest of the resorts followed in mid July.

so I have been MIA for the majority of the weekend & I read through the last 3 or 4 pages. Some people are talking like the NBA thing is a done deal, I don’t follow sports in any way, is it a pretty much done deal now?
Food and Beverage. But I think Flower and Barden is quite catchy. 😂
...what is F&B? I’m so out of it all I keep thinking of is Flower & Barden.
I know.

also no one has to worry about this anymore bc I had a dream last night (not a joke - I’m so wrapped up in this drama that I dreamt about it) that DVC began opening up in mid June and then the rest of the resorts followed in mid July.

so I have been MIA for the majority of the weekend & I read through the last 3 or 4 pages. Some people are talking like the NBA thing is a done deal, I don’t follow sports in any way, is it a pretty much done deal now?
Food and beverage
...what is F&B? I’m so out of it all I keep thinking of is Flower & Barden.
I know.

also no one has to worry about this anymore bc I had a dream last night (not a joke - I’m so wrapped up in this drama that I dreamt about it) that DVC began opening up in mid June and then the rest of the resorts followed in mid July.

so I have been MIA for the majority of the weekend & I read through the last 3 or 4 pages. Some people are talking like the NBA thing is a done deal, I don’t follow sports in any way, is it a pretty much done deal now?

Not totally, but seems yo basically just be waiting for formalities. I also think a lot can be assumed considering how much reporting ESPN has done on it over the weekend considering they're all owned by the same that tries hard to not let info. out they don't want out. If Disney/ABC/ESPN were not all full in; I don't think we would've heard much about it. Really the talks have been going on for weeks, if not months at this point, but the last several days is when ppl. reallt started talking/hearing/reporting on it.
Not totally, but seems yo basically just be waiting for formalities. I also think a lot can be assumed considering how much reporting ESPN has done on it over the weekend considering they're all owned by the same that tries hard to not let info. out they don't want out. If Disney/ABC/ESPN were not all full in; I don't think we would've heard much about it. Really the talks have been going on for weeks, if not months at this point, but the last several days is when ppl. reallt started talking/hearing/reporting on it.
I found this podcast an interesting listen.
They don't answer all the q's but they do give some possible scenarios.
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