Will you be taking your family to Disney before a cure/vaccine is found for Covid 19?

We have a little one on the way at the end of the year, so we weren’t planning on going until end of 2021 or beginning 2022. My concern is more will it be easy to make reservations for then as we are DVC members.
At present I have a trip planned for my healthy daughter and I in October. I don’t foresee a vaccine. I’m hoping remdesevir will pan out to help the critically ill. I’m not going to cancel yet. I was planning a mostly hotel trip, so we shall see what it looks like closer to October. I’m also not going to get my hopes up too much. I’m in healthcare and as many others have mentioned, we are all going to get this unless they find a miracle vaccine. My only real wish is that we had better information about antibody formation.
I am not sure. I would definitely not go anytime soon. We were planning to hopefully go in June/July 2021 before this all started. We are on the fence if we are going to try to book for then or wait. Our family's first trip was October 2018 so we don't go frequently anyway. Fortunately we have some time before we need to make a decision. I am hoping we will feel safe enough to go then and there will be enough of the Disney experience available at that point.
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Yes, we will be visiting in November. I’m not going to stop living life waiting around for a vaccine. If u think about it, SARS and MERS was in 08’ 09’, still no vaccine a decade later. This strain of the virus is here to stay and will more than likely never go away. The more knowledge we obtain, the better control we will have over it. I would warrant more thought into not going if I was over 65, immune compromised, or had several comorbidities such as hypertension or diabetes; 80% of cases thus far have been in this category. As for now, I’m working on beefing up my immune system with Vitamin A, D, C, and Zinc for our upcoming trip since mixed scientific evidence on whether or not mask provide protection due to incorrectly wearing and cross-contamination. Prayers you and your families stay in good health and hope we can all begin some sort of normalcy very soon😊!
Yes we will. I need to create a macro so I can quit typing this out, but the point of social distancing isn't to hide at home forever preventing risk of infection. Its to make sure there are enough hospitals beds for those that need it.

this. We have a trip booked for Vero beach DVC resort in August & Thanksgiving week in WDW

I don’t know that there has ever been a time like this when the entire global scientific community is all working toward one shared goal - I’m banking on brains much smarter than mine to figure it out bc getting everyone out of the fear zone is the only thing that will solve both the economic and health crisis.
I will admit that I am nervous about my trip in November. I really want to go, and my very best friend is going with me too. She has never been to Florida or to any Disney property so I don’t want her first experience to be having to wear masks, she has to wear them everyday all day as she is a nurse. That is not what we are paying so much money to do. We have booked spa treatments, and we are looking at some very good restaurants, the Christmas party, as well as rides and other entertainment.
So I’m hoping that we may turn a corner by that time. So she can experience he first visit, I can celebrate having my abuser no longer in my life ever and my first trip in nearly 25 years. So we’ll do all the planning bits adr is coming up on May 21 and we’ll get the fast pass list going as well.
fingers crossed.
No, or at least not before 2021. For me, it is more about whether or not Disney can have realistic guidelines/rules in place AND will effectively enforce them. If they state people need to wear masks and then have a dozen exemptions OR won't remove the people who refuse, we are still at risk. I've been going to Disney for years and it is my happy place as well. I just wouldn't be able to cope if one of my family members got sick because I wanted to go on vacation. Clearly an individual choice for everyone.
Certainly. I have no intention of living my life in fear. I’m happy to wear a mask to help slow the spread of the disease. But we have to get back to as close to normal as possible. Otherwise the cure will certainly be worse than the disease.
My life will never be normal until I can see and hug my mom and my mother-in-law, heck my friends. That will not happen until there is effective treatment or vaccine. I miss my mom, but I will not risk killing her for a hug. I wouldn't be able to live with myself
My life will never be normal until I can see and hug my mom and my mother-in-law, heck my friends. That will not happen until there is effective treatment or vaccine. I miss my mom, but I will not risk killing her for a hug. I wouldn't be able to live with myself

There may never be a vaccine and an effective treatment could take years, if ever.
Booked at BWV in July. We are going unless Disney cancels us. The important thing is the lethality rate on COVID is low, most who catch it remain at home, and the medical system can treat it. Plus, it's summer. And, there are no guarantees in life, including that a vaccine will ever be developed. If developed, then how effective? People get a flu shot and still get the flu.
There may never be a vaccine and an effective treatment could take years, if ever.
I understand, but what is my choice. I guess I could go live with my mom by myself. But my kids will be going out some, my husband, etc. My mom and mil are both high risk breast cancer survivors, diabetes or high blood pressure, turning 80 this year. I could kill them. I do not see a choice. I feel for them stuck in their houses getting food dropped off. But if they leave they could die a horrible death. Numbers are rising. Until the numbers drop way down that is life.
I understand, but what is my choice. I guess I could go live with my mom by myself. But my kids will be going out some, my husband, etc. My mom and mil are both high risk breast cancer survivors, diabetes or high blood pressure, turning 80 this year. I could kill them. I do not see a choice. I feel for them stuck in their houses getting food dropped off. But if they leave they could die a horrible death. Numbers are rising. Until the numbers drop way down that is life.
Lonely is a pretty horrible death as well.

I get what you're saying; but I think there comes a point where quality of life has to come into play. That's kinda where my gma is at. She's in her 80s but is so sick of neing stuck home alone. We have a family trip to the beach this year and she has already sent a very stern email out to everyone stating that she wants to go unless something crazy happens etc. She said you only live once and she's not okay with not seeing and spending time with her family for 6+ months. We'll see what ends up happening; but I'm a pretty big proponent of quality life as being a priority.
It's great to read the varied viewpoints and choices of each family here :)

Ultimately, I think that careful consideration of individual goals is the way forward here. I'm comfortable establishing a new normal that probably involves returning earlier, wearing a mask, and personally putting more effort into cleaning my surroundings when traveling.

As a DVC owner with many points expiring this use year, I'm eager to stay in some great Disney resorts. I'm planning to clean/prep my room differently upon arrival and we already forgo room cleaning until day 7.


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