Is anyone else worried about opening up again

Why do people keep saying the economy/America/etc. are closed. Aren't the majority of people still working, making money, and buying things? The economy is OPEN. It's just a little smaller.
The projected losses for my state for this fiscal year and next year from coronavirus is 1.3 billion in tax revenue losses. So yeah not just a little smaller.
Daily new case have declined for 16 consecutive days according to the Georgia Department of Health.

Barely. But it meets the criteria.
I thought cases yesterday were just over 19,000 yesterday and today over 20,000?
Will the places opening be able to have appropriate hand sanitizer, gloves, lysol, etc?

These are all still scarce around the country.

Our local business supplier told me last week even for wholesalers to find these, it's like the wild west. Lots are there, then they are snatched up. Prices look like they're one thing, then they go up immediately.

Our local Dollar General has under 1/2 a 32 ounce bottle of hand sanitizer for employees at the register. They've not had handsanitizer in the store shipments in 4 weeks. Clerk told me that when that bottle runs out they'll have to close. They have over 1,000 customers a day.
Wouldn't you feel better about opening if you could easily get tested and buy N95 masks and hand sanitizer? I know I'd feel better about going out if I could get my hands on N95 masks.
I don’t feel great about the opening but it meets the criteria.
And that's the next ball to drop. State employees.
Yeah there's been a hiring freeze of at least non-essential employees that was put in place last week or the week before honestly I can't remember. That's on a state level. On the University level that was done several weeks ago to at least some of the universities here, employees have been furloughed with at least some cities and hiring freezes done as well. My county has furloughed employees, and a city within my county has furloughed employees. The DMV was closed for about 2 weeks so some of the employees furloughed on a County level were from there.

I should note they are leaving the slight positive consideration of the small possibility of Federal aid that would help the situation.
Wouldn't you feel better about opening if you could easily get tested and buy N95 masks and hand sanitizer? I know I'd feel better about going out if I could get my hands on N95 masks.
I dont know that you could get to the point where everyone could get tested in the very near future but I do think more places should be doing randomized testing. My county is starting that, I believe other places are as well.

At least for my county it's a mixture of essential and general population getting randomly selected. That would at least make me feel more comfortable as it's shifting at least part of the focus to the people who are asymptomatic. I know my state also loosened the testing requirements for just having 2 symptoms instead of 2 symptoms and a fever (the fever requirement was dropped).

I do agree we need more and more testing though.

The hand sanitizer well at least distilleries and the like have been able to join in. That's at least helped for some people.
I'm not worried about opening up. I am worried that they will try to keep us locked up longer. My county has had 8 deaths and only 133 cases. My area thrives on small businesses. I know many people who are struggling. We need to get back to work.
On a lighter note, yes free the barber!!! My boys are looking feral!!!! :teeth:
The reason the oil price has bottomed out is because two countries had a oil war. It wasn't the US companies. They were talked down and flooded the market. I am well aware the oil is still there. Its whether the US companies can afford to continue to drill it.

I am not worried in the least about the companies. I AM worried about the thousands of people who are employed by these companies.

I am always utterly amazed at the people who make that comment "I am not worried about the big company" but those big companies employ a LOT of people. And those are just people like you and me who are trying to make living.
So if 2 funerals caused those kind of numbers, sure let's open it up to more gatherings. Makes total sense. 🙄
So if 2 funerals caused those kind of numbers, sure let's open it up to more gatherings. Makes total sense. 🙄

The phase 1 guidelines do not allow gatherings like funerals or weddings. They do not allow the businesses that are opening to open and operate as before.

The gym I go to, boot camp style, has said they are going to limit classes to 18. They have enough room to maintain a 20 foot social distance and no equipment will be shared. It will be sanitized between each class.

I don’t think they will get 18 to go for a class based on the Facebook comments.

Staying in a holding pattern is not a long term solution. As much as everyone is clinging to 12 months for a vaccine, that is not realistic. Multiple years is a more realistic timeline to develop, trial, manufacture, and administer.

A phased approach to opening seems to be an option worth trying. Colorado is opening as well. Using the same phased approach. Colorado seems to be even more aggressive then Georgia allowing any business with fewer then 50 employees to open.
Yes but at this point its too far out and have lots of time for a treatment to come out.

Sorry, but that's wrong. It's widely accepted as fact that there will be a resurgence in the fall, and we're not even out of the current infection. It's never too early to encourage people to get vaccinated for the flu, no matter what the cause, but especially in this scenario. As for "lots of time," no, we don't have that. Flu season starts in October. 6 months is an extremely short amount of time in terms of drug and treatment development, since you have to factor in all of the testing that must occur before treatments are widely available. Whatever can be done to mitigate pressure on hospitals and other medical centers should be done.
This is a local hospital. Before opening everything up, can we please help our hospitals to be outfitted with necessary equipment? This is a disgrace. My town gets about 10 more positives a day, and you have to be sick to be tested.

Our allegedly "best in the world" medical system has always been vulnerable. This virus has simply exposed that vulnerability. Hopefully, we are learning our lesson....but somehow I doubt it. All the lessons being taught to us all will quickly be forgotten when life goes back to "normal." Prepare for a pandemic? Why? That costs money. No reason to do that! Spread manufacturing capabilities around the world, and importantly keep some here in the US? Why? That costs more money! No reason to do that. Dr. Osterholm has been warning about this for at least a decade, and no one was listening....from any political party. Sadly.
I'm not worried about opening up. I am worried that they will try to keep us locked up longer. My county has had 8 deaths and only 133 cases. My area thrives on small businesses. I know many people who are struggling. We need to get back to work.
On a lighter note, yes free the barber!!! My boys are looking feral!!!! :teeth:

There’s only a life threatening pandemic happening. But let’s all run back to work.


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