Marathon Weekend 2021

Where would it be on the website? I can't find it. The only corral-worthy half marathon time I have right now is from March 2019 so I am hoping that will work since I probably won't get a chance to race anytime soon!
Under the "Events" tab. I copied the actual timeframe. You're good to go!

Proof of time must be provided from an officially timed race on a USATF certified course reflecting results between January 1, 2019 and October 20, 2020 and must be one of the.......
Excited to hear that the registration date has been announced, though I do have a few misgivings. At this point I'm kind of relying on the WDW Marathon to keep me motivated and keep me training (and keep me sane--I probably would not leave the house at all otherwise), so my plan is to behave as though I expect it to happen. I'm hedging a few bets in terms holding off on prepaid/difficult-to-refund reservations beyond the room and the race until as close as possible to the trip, but I'll be online to register when the passholder window opens up May 7. The position I'm in, unfortunately, is that I'm already likely to lose enough money from my vacation fund to not be able to do a big 2021 trip at all if the marathon doesn't go through--I made a nonrefundable DVC rental through a broker. Figures that the first time I have my act together far enough in advance to book AKL, I end up wishing I had a value resort reservation direct with Disney for ease of cancellation if things go south. Figure at this point I might as well gamble on the race registration as well.

Also, I'm on my third half marathon plan since I sketched out my training plans a month or two ago. First some friends holding a retreat (which I hope is still going to happen, though I'm not holding my breath) scheduled their event on top of the local half I'd picked out in August. Okay, fine, found another one that's an overnight trip away in September. Then a major annual event at my workplace got rescheduled from March to...well...that exact weekend in September. :headache: So I hunted out a third option for another weekend in September, also an overnight trip. If anything happens to prevent me from doing that one (PTO denial, cancellation, I-don't-even-know-what) I think I'll just find a dang virtual half to run, because I have just plain run out of half marathon options within a day's drive that happen at the right time of year for my training plan.
Hey quick registration question:

if I’m considering trying for the Castaway Cay Challenge, should I book the cruise first? Or wait for the registration for the Challenge to open first?
Does anyone think there is an ethical question involved when considering whether to register for Marathon Weekend in January?

I'm thinking specifically of how the weekend can only help spread COVID-19.

Currently, I'm planning to register as soon as it opens, but I have my doubts about how much my participation will add to the infection rate in the US. I've been holed up at home for the last month and I'm prepared to continue like this for as long as necessary. I know this virus will be around for years, but we can't all stay in our homes forever. Do you think the travel, hotel stay, and park time is worth the risk of personal infection and/or contributing to the spread?
Does anyone think there is an ethical question involved when considering whether to register for Marathon Weekend in January?

I'm thinking specifically of how the weekend can only help spread COVID-19.

Currently, I'm planning to register as soon as it opens, but I have my doubts about how much my participation will add to the infection rate in the US. I've been holed up at home for the last month and I'm prepared to continue like this for as long as necessary. I know this virus will be around for years, but we can't all stay in our homes forever. Do you think the travel, hotel stay, and park time is worth the risk of personal infection and/or contributing to the spread?

That risk is going to be present pretty much everywhere from here on out, whether I’m at marathon weekend or not. I’m more concerned about the two-week dive trip I have booked in Feb 2021. Much tougher to stay away from people when on a boat than at a race. At least at the race I can actively do more to distance myself if I want to do so. In any case, I think the bigger question is will events with large numbers of people be allowed to take place?
Does anyone think there is an ethical question involved when considering whether to register for Marathon Weekend in January?

I'm thinking specifically of how the weekend can only help spread COVID-19.

Currently, I'm planning to register as soon as it opens, but I have my doubts about how much my participation will add to the infection rate in the US. I've been holed up at home for the last month and I'm prepared to continue like this for as long as necessary. I know this virus will be around for years, but we can't all stay in our homes forever. Do you think the travel, hotel stay, and park time is worth the risk of personal infection and/or contributing to the spread?
Yes, I do. I won't be doing anything similar to this until I know it would no longer be a risk to my wife. Too many people do not have at risk people living in their homes so think it is safe. It isn't because of the risk to people everywhere. And until it is, things like this are irresponsible, IMO.
I will likely sit this out. Even if everything is back up and running, I'm not sure I'll be comfortable going and really the point is to enjoy myself. Who knows, maybe I'll be totally fine and regret it come January, but I'd rather have fomo than be out several hundred bucks if I decide I'm not comfortable going.

Bummer, I was so excited about this back in February.
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Hey quick registration question:

if I’m considering trying for the Castaway Cay Challenge, should I book the cruise first? Or wait for the registration for the Challenge to open first?
We did it a few years ago and it didn’t really matter too much. Since there are many people taking their current 125% cruise credit for the COVID-19 cancelled sailings and moving to 2021 sailings, you might want to secure a spot on the ship first. I‘m not saying that this one will sell out but it might be helpful to get the right room and pricing.
That risk is going to be present pretty much everywhere from here on out, whether I’m at marathon weekend or not. I’m more concerned about the two-week dive trip I have booked in Feb 2021. Much tougher to stay away from people when on a boat than at a race. At least at the race I can actively do more to distance myself if I want to do so. In any case, I think the bigger question is will events with large numbers of people be allowed to take place?

Completely agree there’s an ethical element at play. My view is if the parks are deemed safe to be open come jan, then it’s safe to race. Ultimately this is unprecedented and all any one can do is adhere to scientific guidance and make an educated decision to decide what you’re comfortable with🤷‍♂️
Hey quick registration question:

if I’m considering trying for the Castaway Cay Challenge, should I book the cruise first? Or wait for the registration for the Challenge to open first?
We did it a few years ago and it didn’t really matter too much. Since there are many people taking their current 125% cruise credit for the COVID-19 cancelled sailings and moving to 2021 sailings, you might want to secure a spot on the ship first. I‘m not saying that this one will sell out but it might be helpful to get the right room and pricing.

I'm pretty sure you have to have booked the cruise to even register for CCC.
Does anyone think there is an ethical question involved when considering whether to register for Marathon Weekend in January?

I'm thinking specifically of how the weekend can only help spread COVID-19.

Currently, I'm planning to register as soon as it opens, but I have my doubts about how much my participation will add to the infection rate in the US. I've been holed up at home for the last month and I'm prepared to continue like this for as long as necessary. I know this virus will be around for years, but we can't all stay in our homes forever. Do you think the travel, hotel stay, and park time is worth the risk of personal infection and/or contributing to the spread?

Ethical in what way? Disney will open when it deems that it is safe for guests and employees. If a person is at risk then they need to make the decision on weather or not to go based on that condition and weather or not they feel that there are enough protections in place for them to be safe.

For instance, I'm at high risk because I take immunosuppressive medication for RA. We have a trip in September planned and we are still planning on going. If I felt that Disney wasn't using enough precautions to prevent the spread, I wouldn't go. I am also going to do everything I personally can, hand hygiene, wearing a mask and not touching my face to prevent myself from getting sick and avoiding as much as I can large gatherings (which I know is very difficult at WDW). Will this trip be different-yup. People should accept that things are going to be different for quite some time.

As far as MW registration. I am holding off because of my PERSONAL circumstances. It doesn't mean that it is unethical or even irresponsible for rD to hold registration. Holding registration is far different than actually holding the races as rD can refund or defer registrations if they chose to hold off the races. I had planned going for Goofy. As of now Goofy will likely have to wait another year but as for others...

Like they say...You do you boo.
Hey quick registration question:

if I’m considering trying for the Castaway Cay Challenge, should I book the cruise first? Or wait for the registration for the Challenge to open first?
I'm pretty sure you have to have booked the cruise to even register for CCC.

Yes, this. You need your cruise reservation confirmation to be able to register for the Castaway Cay Challenge
As far as MW registration. I am holding off because of my PERSONAL circumstances. It doesn't mean that it is unethical or even irresponsible for rD to hold registration. Holding registration is far different than actually holding the races as rD can refund or defer registrations if they chose to hold off the races. I had planned going for Goofy. As of now Goofy will likely have to wait another year but as for others...

The concern that I have with them going forward with MW registration at this point is that the timing of it is an indicator that they are planning on going ahead business as usual for the race weekend. They haven’t had time to even consider any other plan with recent events.

Not even experts in the field know what mass gathering events are going to look like as we figure out the return to normalcy. Will field sizes need to be altered to avoid some of the existing bottlenecks on course? To allow for corrals with more square footage per runner? Possible additional screening at security that will reduce throughput through security, requiring fewer runners? Ultimately, what if this event could be held in a safe (or at least, safer) manner if they limited the field to 1/2 the traditional size? The specific reduction factor really doesn’t matter right now. How do they deal with that reality after registering a full field of runners?

There is absolutely no reason to rush into registration right now. They delayed registration into late June or early July a few years ago. There’s no reason that they couldn’t push it out at least that far, if not a bit further. Giving an extra few months would allow for more to be learned about the virus and see how the parks and other major events are able to adjust their operations to deal with the new normal and have a plan to go forward with.

I understand that people are desperate for a semblance of normalcy, but I can’t see a premature registration date as being a good sign or a light at the end of the tunnel. It seems much more like an organization with its head in the sand taking advantage of people’s desire for normalcy so they can cash in on the interest from several million dollars of registration fees while praying it’ll all work out in the end.

Ultimately, yes, I will most likely register for Dopey when it opens. More out of desire to reserve a slot given the desperation that I think will drive a rapid sellout than any faith that things will be back to normal by then. But RunDisney has fallen in my estimation as a result of this decision.
Lots of interesting discussion here. I do think it was surprising to see marathon weekend registration announced already. I was not surprised about the virtuals in any way. It’s rather good of them to capitalize on that and get people doing something during this time.

I will be registering for marathon weekend. I don’t know if it will happen. I’m also registered for wine and dine. At the very least if it doesn’t than I get my money back. Disney isn’t going to just be careless about this. If the races are on as normal I will find it personally safe to run/travel. You may think otherwise and that’s fine.
Good morning runDisney all-stars!

For this week’s Sundays are for Disney, what’s your favorite piece of Disney apparel?

Because my race shirts don’t fit right, I’m going with my Monsters University hat. My first was a going away gift from my coworkers two years ago. Unfortunately, that one went flying off my head on Splash Mountain and I had to replace it (much easier that trip than when the movie first came out). Still, I love the hat and it reminds me of my friends.

Have a great week and stay safe, everyone!
SAFD: My favorite piece of Disney apparel is a Nike Golf cap with the Disney Cruise logo on it. I got it on the Fantasy several years ago and have worn it regularly ever since. It’s really starting to show its age, though, especially the “white” stitching of the logo. I’d love to get a new one, but I haven’t been able to find one anywhere.


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