The Running Thread - 2020

I have a question for spreadsheet lovers: In 2017, I was able to get my rankings for the challenge. I do not see that information for Dopey or Goofy 2020. Did anyone put the results in a spreadsheet and sorted it to get their rankings?

ETA: I must have done it in 2017 because the challenge results are in the same format.
@opusone actually use to put it together for me back when I ran Dopey. He tried to teach me back in 2015, but converting PDF to Excel has always eluded me as something I could do easily. I just spent the last two hours on it and made little to no meaningful progress.
Just seeing this. I must admit, I mostly did this for @DopeyBadger in the past since he was the only one who was really asking for it... plus, he does so much for everyone else that it was the least I could do. If it is useful for people here, I can pull the rankings together again. Are people more interested in Dopey, Goofy, or both?
Just seeing this. I must admit, I mostly did this for @DopeyBadger in the past since he was the only one who was really asking for it... plus, he does so much for everyone else that it was the least I could do. If it is useful for people here, I can pull the rankings together again. Are people more interested in Dopey, Goofy, or both?
I was asking if someone had done it but it is not important enough to ask someone to do it for me. I would be more interested in Dopey personally but it is all icing on the cake. Thank you for offering.
Just seeing this. I must admit, I mostly did this for @DopeyBadger in the past since he was the only one who was really asking for it... plus, he does so much for everyone else that it was the least I could do. If it is useful for people here, I can pull the rankings together again. Are people more interested in Dopey, Goofy, or both?

Thanks for doing this in previous years. I always found it interesting even though I’ve never tried for the fastest Goofy or Dopey time I could get.
I have a question for spreadsheet lovers: In 2017, I was able to get my rankings for the challenge. I do not see that information for Dopey or Goofy 2020. Did anyone put the results in a spreadsheet and sorted it to get their rankings?

ETA: I must have done it in 2017 because the challenge results are in the same format.
I was asking if someone had done it but it is not important enough to ask someone to do it for me. I would be more interested in Dopey personally but it is all icing on the cake. Thank you for offering.
Thanks for doing this in previous years. I always found it interesting even though I’ve never tried for the fastest Goofy or Dopey time I could get.

Dopey 2020 Ranked Results

For those interested, I have ranked the Dopey 2020 results. As usual, the pdf file is too big to attach on the DISboards, but you can find it here: Dopey 2020 Ranked Results
@opusone Thanks! This is always fun to look at.

ATTQOTD: I have never run one of those races. Are they only at Moderate and up resorts? If not I am surprised there is not one at AofA/Pop. That running trail along Hourglass Lake would be great.
@opusone Thanks! This is always fun to look at.

ATTQOTD: I have never run one of those races. Are they only at Moderate and up resorts? If not I am surprised there is not one at AofA/Pop. That running trail along Hourglass Lake would be great.

They have one a couple times a month at All Stars so maybe someday we will get our run around Hourglass Lake.
Well last week got a little busy, but I'm back today for another QOTD: Have you run any of the resort fun run races at WDW? If so tell us about it.

ATTQOTD: I have not, but want to and will try to fit one in on our next trip this summer.
@opusone Thanks! This is always fun to look at.

ATTQOTD: I have never run one of those races. Are they only at Moderate and up resorts? If not I am surprised there is not one at AofA/Pop. That running trail along Hourglass Lake would be great.

for those looking for more info on the resort runs, there is a thread with other people’s experiences as well.’s.3703509/
QOTD: Those who run with their pets. Does your pet run in front, to your side, or just all over the place? Tips for running with your pets?

ATTQOTD: I've started to short runs at slow paces with my Brittany Spaniel. If shes up front she pulling to go faster which is not what I want. When I get her to my side she is easily distracted... probably because my run is a fast walk for her lol. As far as tips go.... Never forget the "bag" if nature calls for the pup. Practice a lot of leash walking before running. My dog judges me for running slow lol, and I did not realize how fast she was till we went out to a large open field and she just ran for 30-45 minutes chasing all the birds and smells. Her natural desire to do bird dog things are impressive.
QOTD: Those who run with their pets. Does your pet run in front, to your side, or just all over the place? Tips for running with your pets?
1st mile: dog runs ahead of me
2nd mile: dog runs beside me
3rd mile: dog runs behind me

I have stopped running with our dog given that she can only go about three miles. She also likes to take breaks way too frequently which is not my favorite. Now, my wife will run with her (2-3 miles), and we all take her for walks.
Very similar experience to @opusone on running with my pup....
No matter how many times I lecture him on going out easy, my dog will always run a blistering 1st mile and I struggle to reign him in.
We then find a nice almost comfortable pace around mile two...somewhere around mile 3 we are finally in sync....and then he hits his wall.
Mile 3-4 I feel him start to drift back a bit and in need of constant encouragement to keep up.
For the most part he runs by my side because I keep the leash very short.
I actually have him slipping in close against my leg when on coming traffic approaches by telling him "in tight", no if he will only will listen to the "leave it" when we pass dogs on the other side of the road instead of bark and jumping like a maniac.

not sure how to rotate
QOTD: Those who run with their pets. Does your pet run in front, to your side, or just all over the place? Tips for running with your pets?

ATTQOTD: I've started to short runs at slow paces with my Brittany Spaniel. If shes up front she pulling to go faster which is not what I want. When I get her to my side she is easily distracted... probably because my run is a fast walk for her lol. As far as tips go.... Never forget the "bag" if nature calls for the pup. Practice a lot of leash walking before running. My dog judges me for running slow lol, and I did not realize how fast she was till we went out to a large open field and she just ran for 30-45 minutes chasing all the birds and smells. Her natural desire to do bird dog things are impressive.

We did a lot of training with Gantu prior to running with him. It involved a lot of treats and loose leash walking skills. These skills included that the walk stops or directions changed when he would begin pulling and would not continue until he was at our side. It was frustrating at first but in the end very worth it. We also practiced "leave it" and "drop it" and "focus" a lot. They usually work well except for used tissues found near a soccer field or river otters with dead fish in their mouth (dogs are gross!) We run with him on a waist leash that does allow some freedom and frankly I don't want to carry a leash if we have real mileage ahead.

He runs at our side as he knows that is the zone where he should always be (also known as the cookie zone) He's two years old now and finally at an age where we'll run more than a mile or two with him (growth plates!) since the speed they run with us is much different than their natural stride. There is nothing wrong going out with treats in your pocket to reinforce the behavior that is desired. We'll probably do his Endurance Trial in 2021 since Nationals will be in Virginia that year. Texas won't work for us this year most likely. We are going to get him up to 12 miles though this year for that.

Our dogs never wear collars at home so they know when collars come out, its time to focus on us and something fun out of the house is going to happen. I also talk to my dogs a lot when we're out in public and it keeps them engaged with me (and probably while we may never be able to do Obedience trials as I use my hands and voice too much and fail at just using one)

Qi'ra is way faster than Gantu just from noticing their playing in the backyard. As we aren't running with her yet, it will be interesting to see how she reacts when she runs on pace with us.
Dopey 2020 Ranked Results

For those interested, I have ranked the Dopey 2020 results. As usual, the pdf file is too big to attach on the DISboards, but you can find it here: Dopey 2020 Ranked Results

I don't have the 2019 results (and no need to do it for me), but looks like Luis Barboza now holds the crown for fastest cumulative Dopey time. Didn't ever think I'd see Michael Wardian's 2014 record of 4:38:45 be broken. Barboza averaged a 5:30 min/mile over the 48.6 miles to a time of 4:26:56. Crazy!


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