Marathon Weekend 2020

SAFD: I’m planning on NO character stops this time... but if the Adventurers Club is out, all bets are off. KUNGALOOSH!

About weather... it’s been all over the place here in FL lately. Forecast was for bad storms last weekend, but we barely got rain where I live (100 miles west of WDW). Last week was forecasting temps in the low-70s for this weekend - it’s 80. A cold front is supposed to come through tomorrow, dropping temps for two days, and then back to near 80. Seriously, plan for anything between 20 and 85. And pack and use SUNSCREEN! I swear, the sun seems stronger every winter. I use SPF 50, reapply with 70 every two hours, and still get more tan than I’d like during a 5-hour run. I’d be burnt to a crisp without the sunscreen.
Ok gang, looking for a little pep talk (text?) this morning as I seemed to have developed an issue with my adductors at the end of training. I bailed on my 16 miler last weekend after 3 in hopes of getting it under control, but after an easy 8 that went ok at the start of the week, issue came roaring back during Thursday's 8 miler. I had 18 miles scheduled this morning as my last long run, but since I could still feel a bit of tightness just walking around, I have decided that anything possibly gained by the run would be outweighed by the risk of aggravating the issue further.

Since I did MCM in late October and promised myself that I would not worry about time for any of the Dopey races, I think I can still do this, but admit my confidence is lagging pretty bad at this point having missed my last 2 long runs. I had to bail on last year's Dopey attempt because of injury and really don't want to have that happen again.
I’m no expert on injuries or what you can & cant do in an injury, but just wanted to say I’ll bet you can still finish! I’m being a big diaper baby about my ankle issues right now but we both can do it! There’s my pep talk for both of us.

I will always stop for Donald (any variety). I won't stop during the full, but would stop during the others for Moana, Flynn Ryder and/or Rapunzel, Jafar, Quasimodo, and the Three Caballeros.

Faves from the past have been: The gang from "Up", Mike and Sully, and Vacation Genie.
SAFD: this is my current debate of whether I’ll stop or not. Probably only if it’s Moana/Maui but I’ve seen a lot of responses that say they’ve met Vacation Genie which sounds absolutely awesome!
but if I’m running well or lines are long I probably won’t stop and maybe just do some pictures after the finish line - the Fab 5 still meet there right?
Ok character text groups - we've done this for for multiple race weekends now so some of you will be familiar with it. Basically for the half and the full I'll text out where the characters are on the course as I get to them. You can then plan which ones you want to try to stop for. I start out of A so I'm able to get out ahead a bit and hopefully get the information to you in a useful time frame. The one hitch for me is AT&T has a weird text group limitation and it affects how many can be in the group. But I guess if this something you're interested in, shoot me a PM and we'll see how many we have this year. Please let me know the following:

Phone Number
Type of phone
Do you mind being a group that texts/chats a lot all race weekend or if you prefer a "just give me the characters" group.
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My last long run had to be cut a couple of miles short because the bottom of my feet were burning. I’ve spent over $100 trying new socks and the same thing happens every run. Usually it doesn’t get bad until mile 7, but this one it started at mile 3 and I gave up at mile 6. I’m giving them a few days of rest, and have bought inserts and Body Glide for Feet in the meantime. So I’m hoping that the combo of these will help me out. I’m getting nervous because I’ve decided to do the 10k (I was considering just doing the half). I don’t want to ruin my feet before the half, but I also don’t want to miss out on the 10k😕

Race- 10k
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- unknown
Corral- ??
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12mm with character stops factored in

Race- Half
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- Wilderness Explorer
Corral- D
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12:30 with character stops factored in
My last long run had to be cut a couple of miles short because the bottom of my feet were burning. I’ve spent over $100 trying new socks and the same thing happens every run. Usually it doesn’t get bad until mile 7, but this one it started at mile 3 and I gave up at mile 6. I’m giving them a few days of rest, and have bought inserts and Body Glide for Feet in the meantime. So I’m hoping that the combo of these will help me out. I’m getting nervous because I’ve decided to do the 10k (I was considering just doing the half). I don’t want to ruin my feet before the half, but I also don’t want to miss out on the 10k😕

Race- 10k
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- unknown
Corral- ??
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12mm with character stops factored in

Race- Half
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- Wilderness Explorer
Corral- D
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12:30 with character stops factored in

Question I may have missed you talking about this before. But this did start when you changed shoes possibly? 2018 Dopey was hell for me because I used a pair that were safe that actually weren’t. Turns out I can’t run in true neutrals. I’m asking because burning feet, pain in the bottom of my arch, and heat radiating from it was how it presented. I never used the pairs again and the issue went away.
Question I may have missed you talking about this before. But this did start when you changed shoes possibly? 2018 Dopey was hell for me because I used a pair that were safe that actually weren’t. Turns out I can’t run in true neutrals. I’m asking because burning feet, pain in the bottom of my arch, and heat radiating from it was how it presented. I never used the pairs again and the issue went away.
I’ve been training in this pair since June. But only made it up to longer distances in the last couple months (10k was my longest in my old shoes). So maybe it’s the shoes? I just bought a new pair to see if they would help and the horrible run was my first time using them. So maybe they just aren’t a good fit for me.
I still have a really old pair of shoes that I love. I am considering using them from now til race day. The ones I bought in June are the new model of these shoes and they never felt right for me.
Ugh that stinks, have you tried Balega Silver Antimicrobial No-Show Compression-Fit Running Socks for Men and Women? They are on Amazon and they are amazing. Everything else will hurt for me after a long run, but not my feet.

My last long run had to be cut a couple of miles short because the bottom of my feet were burning. I’ve spent over $100 trying new socks and the same thing happens every run. Usually it doesn’t get bad until mile 7, but this one it started at mile 3 and I gave up at mile 6. I’m giving them a few days of rest, and have bought inserts and Body Glide for Feet in the meantime. So I’m hoping that the combo of these will help me out. I’m getting nervous because I’ve decided to do the 10k (I was considering just doing the half). I don’t want to ruin my feet before the half, but I also don’t want to miss out on the 10k😕

Race- 10k
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- unknown
Corral- ??
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12mm with character stops factored in

Race- Half
Name- Lindsey
Dis’er Name- Sleepy425
Clothing/Costume- Wilderness Explorer
Corral- D
Pre-Race meet up- yes
Early/Late Arrival- Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral- Middle
Expected Pace- 12:30 with character stops factored in
SAFD: Darkwing Duck is one I still haven't been able to get or Mike and Sully. They have been out before but always had long lines and I've never wanted to wait that long so early in the race.

Looks like I'll now be joining the herd headed towards Hollywood Studios after the 5K. With them changing the time to 7am, my friend and I decided we had a better shot of getting on the ride that day instead of waiting on me to finish the 10k.

Apologies for just now getting to this @DopeyBadger

Race - 5k
Name - Lauren
Dis'er name - Baxter 24
Clothing/ Costume - Sully
Corral - ??
Pre-race Meetup? - Yes
Early/ Late arriver - Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral - Front - running with my friend and we want to get to HS
Expected pace - 12:30/mi

Race - 10k
Name - Lauren
Dis'er name -Baxter24
Clothing/ Costume -No costume
Corral - ??
Pre-race Meetup? - Yes
Early/ Late arriver - Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral - Front or Middle depending on when I make my way over
Expected pace - 9:30-10:30

Race - Half
Name -Lauren
Dis'er name - Baxter24
Clothing/ Costume - Minnie Mouse
Corral - F (moving back to run with friend)
Pre-race Meetup? - Yes
Early/ Late arriver - Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral - Front - friend wants as much distance between her and the balloon ladies
Expected pace - 13:00-14:00

Race - Full
Name - Lauren
Dis'er name -Baxter24
Clothing/ Costume - No costume
Corral - D
Pre-race Meetup? - Yes
Early/ Late arriver - Early
Front, Middle or Back of Corral - Front
Expected pace - 10:00-10:30 running but with stopping for characters
Ugh that stinks, have you tried Balega Silver Antimicrobial No-Show Compression-Fit Running Socks for Men and Women? They are on Amazon and they are amazing. Everything else will hurt for me after a long run, but not my feet.
I have three different Balega pairs of socks. Are those the ones with lines underneath? If so I do have them.
Question: Looking like I'll finish in the range of 8:20-8:30 for the half. Debating whether to futz around at the finish for a bit and head to the Epcot entrance for park opening to take a leisurely stroll back to the hotel to change (we're at Boardwalk) and try to grab a champagne reward on the way back to the hotel before coming back to the park again. Or should I hop on the bus back to the resort to grab a shower and then just head back to the park later?

Which would you do if your finish timing was that close but still before park opening? I Should add my husband will have already finished his race by a good half hour and will already be waiting for me at the finish line too.

(Note: I'll probably be tired, but I'm not the type who is so beat I can't walk around)
The worst part though would be that my 5 and 2 year kids would be awake when I leave. They don’t know I’m going to Disney without them.

I don't tell my kids I'm going to Disney specifically. I just say Florida to run some races. Last year they didn't ask any questions, not even when they saw my medals with Disney characters on them!

Which would you do if your finish timing was that close but still before park opening? I Should add my husband will have already finished his race by a good half hour and will already be waiting for me at the finish line too.

(Note: I'll probably be tired, but I'm not the type who is so beat I can't walk around)

For me, personally, I'd feel gross going through the park after a race. I like to shower and relax and go back to the parks fresh. But it's all personal preference really.
Well I finally said screw it and booked a tour for Thursday. I figure I’ll know pretty quick 5k morning whether or not I’ll be able to ride. And at the rate they’ve been usually going through the BGs there’s a decent chance of being able to do both. If not well I’ll be in CA in February at least

I’ve been training in this pair since June. But only made it up to longer distances in the last couple months (10k was my longest in my old shoes). So maybe it’s the shoes? I just bought a new pair to see if they would help and the horrible run was my first time using them. So maybe they just aren’t a good fit for me.
I still have a really old pair of shoes that I love. I am considering using them from now til race day. The ones I bought in June are the new model of these shoes and they never felt right for me.

The only other thing I can think of is are they similar style of shoes? Dopey problems got triggered in a New Balance pair but it was an AdidasZero pair several months later I figured out what had gone wrong at Dopey with. Look at how much cushioning your getting you might need to check that.
I’m no expert on injuries or what you can & cant do in an injury, but just wanted to say I’ll bet you can still finish! I’m being a big diaper baby about my ankle issues right now but we both can do it! There’s my pep talk for both of us.

Right back at ya! Just a day feeling sorry for myself. #1 Goal has always been to have fun and I can absolutely still achieve that if I keep my head out of my own behind!
The only other thing I can think of is are they similar style of shoes? Dopey problems got triggered in a New Balance pair but it was an AdidasZero pair several months later I figured out what had gone wrong at Dopey with. Look at how much cushioning your getting you might need to check that.
This is a different style - I was using a Saucony Guide, this is a New Balance (not sure which model). I tried getting inserts to cushion me more, but bought ones that just cushion around the ball. I was just at the gym and left frustrated after 13 minutes on the elliptical. I'm going to check out more inserts on my lunch break tomorrow, and may see if my podiatrist can get me in. So much for a cheap sport - this running thing is getting expensive:crazy2:.


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