May W.I.S.H. Goals-A Little Bit of Mayhem

I will try posting again! I need to pick myself up and start again and I miss the chat. I have not tried anything that workout great this week. In fact I tried something new that did not work at all!


better luck this week
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I left the program I joined after month but will restart/adjust the tracker from it myself.

Some of the things they track 3 things I am grateful for each day. Preferably different things
1. My husband got his 4th year all clear scan this week
2. We booked short break in Lanzarote (only Europeans call 8 days short!) Spanish island in 3 weeks
3. The home I have. I know we are trying to sell and buy but it is a good home and I am fortunate to have a place that I can call home

3 daily wins, I will fill in tonight

3 highest priority items for today to get me towards my goal
Spend some time planning my food for the day
Spend time outdoors weather is good & do my walks
Be more deliberate with my internet use

The rest of the plan, I am working on making it my own and I will post once I come up with it! I also find myself cute mickey check logo - good for you and fun too to add touch of magic to my sheet :)

Have a happy Friday all
I am thankful the work day is over!!! I am also thankful for the meeting I had to go to tonight (after working an hour late at work). It contained some super fantastic excellent news. wahoo

@HappyGrape Nice to see you!

Gotta go to bed so I can get ready for another probably crazy day at work tomorrow and then the loooong drive to see friends!
Better late than never...


*I am thankful for wonderful neighbors. I have the pleasure of driving 3 other kids in addition to my own 2 to the bus stop each morning. My husband keeps trying to get me to have them walk because it's not really that far. But I truly enjoy it! And the one kid, who is known to be a bit crazy, is also the most polite kid. He's always the last one out of the car and genuinely thanks me for the ride every day and always wishes me a good day as he gets out. And it's not robotic at all. He always means it. And it helps put me in a good mood, no matter how rushed or crazy the morning was up to that point!

*I'm also thankful that my sister's house is projected to sell quickly. It's been a bit stressful in the family with all of us working together to get her house ready to show. They have A LOT of clutter and her father-in-law has started a lot of fixer-upper projects that he hadn't finished. And of course, he's on vacation this week. So my dad has been working hard along with my brother, sister and brother-in-law to finish up many of those projects. Her open house is this Sunday, but the realtor did allow one showing tonight for someone who is away this weekend and is certain the house will sell from the open house. It would be great for this process to just keep moving along.

*And since I'm a day late...I'm thankful it's Friday. This has been a VERY LONG week at school. The closer we get to summer, the more energetic the kids get as well as less focused ;)


We did try to new recipe this week for Pork Chops with Dijob Herb Sauce. Here's the link to the recipe.
I didn't not actually cook this one. My daughter did since she was home before me. Which reminds me of another one for Thankful Thursday...I'm also thankful that my daughter is such a good cook and enjoys it. She really helped out this week by cooking dinner while I picked up my son from baseball. This then allowed us to eat and go help out at my sister's house afterwards.

Happy Friday and I hope everyone has a great weekend! Hopefully the sun keeps shining and the colors keep popping! Love reading everyones posts, even when I'm busy. Didn't even notice the "likes" for the posts until someone mentioned that on here. So one of these days, I'll start liking posts as I read them too. Great idea!
Once aqain, I'm a Friday Foodie Failure. I didn't even cook myself any burgers this week. I'm not even sure where this week went and am more than a little surprised it's Friday already... grateful but surprised.

My focus for next week is to reduce dairy and carbs. I will spend some time this weekend actually making a food plan, which will include one new recipe!

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Happy Friday everyone!

Going to try and do better next week participating in all the fun day of the week themes!

I have tracked my food all week and walked everyday! I can’t even believe it!

For Foodie Friday I will share one of my favorite low carb recipes! I like to serve this with sautéed broccoli!

Everyone have a great weekend and best of luck with your goals!!!
Hello, Dearies!

Even though it is Friday (for a few more minutes, anyway,) I am super-thankful and joyful to announce that my stats class is *OVER*!!!! That's a thankful, a wahoo, and a "FINALLY!!!" all in one!!!! Today was the final exam, grade is posted and it is OVER. Thank goodness!!! It was sooooo boring!

I'm trying to remember all the new foods I've been doing lately, but it's probably good that I can't... you'd think the reason I haven't been posting much so far this month is that I've been stuffing my face!!!

One thing I recall is that I made a mango salsa to put over fish a while back, that was really good and I'll make that again sometime

I tried canned seasoned yellow squash, that wasn't very good, but now I can stop wondering...

On Cinco de Mayo, DD11 wanted to make breakfast for dinner, so we did breakfast tacos, which I discovered in Texas years ago... (scrambled eggs, refried beans, chunks of cooked potato, bacon, cheese, fresh salsa- not jarred, all in a tortilla... fresh made if you can get/make one...) Since I've been at least TRYING to be a little better about things, I did regular breakfast tacos for them, and for me, I smashed a baked potato, added 1/4c refried beans, one scrambled egg, one slice of crumbled bacon, and lots of salsa... no cheese, no tortilla... The calories were about the same, but instead of all the fat from the cheese and tortilla, it was from the extra potato, so I traded fat for fiber and potassium. Overall, it tasted pretty good... (but nothing is as good as a REAL one...)

I tried another one of the packaged Indian foods I'd bought a while back... this one was Madras Lentils, I think... it tasted like canned chili, except it was meatless. Once again, I'd eat it if was my only option, but otherwise, meh...

On the other hand, I tried an "Amy's potato samosa wrap." That thing was DELICIOUS! It was not the healthiest thing on the planet, but I do like samosas, and they are not easy to find, and when you do find them, you never know what's in them, calorie counts, etc... so this was a way to have all that information... definitely will have that again some time....

Wednesday I made tamales and had some of the masa batter left over when the filling was used up, so I made two with black beans as the filling... those are in the fridge still, and I will probably have them over the weekend. Oh, and with the tamales, I tried a new type of beans as a side... Bush's brand "Black Bean Fiesta." It was so-so, I'm not a huge fan of chipotle flavoring, and I cut mine half-and-half with plain black beans to tone it down a little.

And lastly (see, I told you it's a lot, this is over the past few weeks... there's more I can't think of, too...) I have been working my way through different foil packs of tuna, trying to find ones that will be good for packing in my lunches for school in the fall. Most recently I tried a Tomato Basil one from Bumblebee brand. It wasn't awful, a little vinegar-y, but vaguely pizza-flavored, too. Not planning to buy it again, but would eat if that was all there was.
day 2 - i am still feeling motivated. I filled in my sheet for yesterday. I feel boost of motivation since I booked short break for this June and big holiday for next June!

The highest priority tasks for today (pertaining to my weight loss goal)
workout in the gym, food shopping, sticking to my calories/macros

being back to the awesome gym, no house viewings this weekend (don't ask), having access to healthy foods

wins for yesterday
close to my calorie goal, did my 10 k steps, i had planned for some sorbet, I had it and did not go all out after. Trying to not ban any foods and plan for some treats

i like filling in the tracker while drinking my coffee in the morning. Lets hope it lasts!
Day 3. Still happy to be here :)

I am checking my weight daily. After eating whatever whenever for period of time, The scale is quickly going down. I am well aware this is not real weight loss and it's just loan for the weeks I will do everything and the scale won't budge but right now it is motivating to see 1.7kg down

I spend some time thinking where things went wrong and one of the things that happened that triggered feelings of not being able to sustain my weight loss was I over did it in the gym. I have a body weight program right now, where I do about 3 weekly workouts for 30 minutes each and considering warm up and stretch it's really only 20. Body weight squats, planks, glute bridge, plank/shoulder taps and high knees interval is the first week for example. I decided, unlike previous attempts to take it silly slow with going to week 1. Staying for a month to a level if needed. For example I will move to week 2 when I lose another 2.7kg - which is likely to take a month. I have no rush, I will never be super fit but taking it slow hopefully will help me build confidence that I can exercise regularly without burnout. I can also leave energy for my walks, swimming and yoga - things I love doing but due to over doing it in the gym did not feel enjoyable in the pas.t

yesterdays wins
great workout, 21500 steps, I has small serving of sorbet and remained on track. i own't have treat every day but I plan to incorporate them in my plans

gratitude - netflix, comfi couch, being able to bounce back

highest priority for today - eat sensibly on meal out, do my steps, spend some time food planning

I feel I am over the disapointment about how come I am back needing to lose weight. It really sucks but ... there is no benefit of over thinking it. Some lessons to be learned for sure but apart from that I will look ahead. I listened to phit and phat (someone here recommended her, thank you!) and she said - people imagine healthy living like going ot jail. We should think about it as going to -hawaii!

Come to hawaii with me! lets make it as easy to sustain, as tasty and as fun as possible so we can lose the negative associations with living healthy and the positive associations of eating too much
@HappyGrape I love your thing about thinking about healthy living like going to Hawaii. It’s especially fitting for me because I am currently trying to lose weight for going to Hawaii!

I think it’s a great point though: living healthy does not need to be horrible. But if you focus on what you need to give up it will always feel like a loss to you. I am realizing that I am slowly moving towards truly enjoying a healthier lifestyle. I used to love a lot of fatty food. One of my favorite dishes used to be gnocchi with Gorgonzola sauce. With loads of cream. I often consider it when looking at the menu at an Italian restaurant and just can’t order it. Just the thought of getting a whole plate of it makes me feel bad. If they are offered at a buffet and I can take a tiny portion and add a salad and some protein, I will still eat it though! Same with a lot of sweet things. I have figured out that a small portion goes a long way for me!
Hello -
New to the WISH area. Need to be accountable for sure! I recently had some photos done and boy were they eye opening! I weigh more now than I did 9 months pregnant and I want to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse. I am presently 154lbs (5 feet 5 inches) and only weighed 147 9 months pregnant. So now I gotta get into gear and get that weight off and down to the 125lb mark.

I just want a place where I can check in every day and hold myself accountable.

Thank you!
Hello -
New to the WISH area. Need to be accountable for sure! I recently had some photos done and boy were they eye opening! I weigh more now than I did 9 months pregnant and I want to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse. I am presently 154lbs (5 feet 5 inches) and only weighed 147 9 months pregnant. So now I gotta get into gear and get that weight off and down to the 125lb mark.

I just want a place where I can check in every day and hold myself accountable.

Thank you!

:welcome: to the thread!

You sound a lot like me in numbers and motivation (maybe a little more ambitious, though - I'll be happy if I hit 135. :laughing:)

It's a great group - very fun and encouraging - and I hope you like it!
Good Evening Everyone!

Hard to believe the weekend is almost over :worried:!!

I am so inspired reading everyone’s posts!

We had a baby shower for my sister in law today and I knew I would have to say no to a lot of foods...and I was so nervous...but I did it! I stayed on track, ate no desserts and saved half my meal and brought it home with me! It was not even that hard, I was enjoying the party so much the food seemed like a after thought!

In a surprising turn of events my sister in law was told on Friday she would be delivering tomorrow! I am keeping my niece and nephew (the big brother and big sister) while she delivers tomorrow and I am attending my nieces “cafeteria experience” with her tomorrow to get her ready for kindergarten next year! I’m so excited for tomorrow and I hope I can “just say no” to the tater tots in the cafeteria :scared:

I hope everyone had a good weekend and wishing everyone a great Monday!
Hello -
New to the WISH area. Need to be accountable for sure! I recently had some photos done and boy were they eye opening! I weigh more now than I did 9 months pregnant and I want to nip this in the bud before it gets any worse. I am presently 154lbs (5 feet 5 inches) and only weighed 147 9 months pregnant. So now I gotta get into gear and get that weight off and down to the 125lb mark.

I just want a place where I can check in every day and hold myself accountable.

Thank you!

I had a lot of issues with the program The Biggest Loser, but I always liked Jillian (and Bob, he was so nice!)

Let’s not derail ourselves over one slip up-we don’t have to be perfect! If one of our family or friends had a bad day we would tell them it’s ok-you’ll be fine. So let’s treat ourselves with the same kindness.

Have a good Monday everyone!
Good Evening Everyone!

Hard to believe the weekend is almost over :worried:!!

I am so inspired reading everyone’s posts!

We had a baby shower for my sister in law today and I knew I would have to say no to a lot of foods...and I was so nervous...but I did it! I stayed on track, ate no desserts and saved half my meal and brought it home with me! It was not even that hard, I was enjoying the party so much the food seemed like a after thought!

In a surprising turn of events my sister in law was told on Friday she would be delivering tomorrow! I am keeping my niece and nephew (the big brother and big sister) while she delivers tomorrow and I am attending my nieces “cafeteria experience” with her tomorrow to get her ready for kindergarten next year! I’m so excited for tomorrow and I hope I can “just say no” to the tater tots in the cafeteria :scared:

I hope everyone had a good weekend and wishing everyone a great Monday!

You too - enjoy your time with the little ones! I got to go to gingerbread-house-making with one my nieces when she was in kindergarten for the same reason - her new baby sister had just been born. It was fun!
welcome to the group @cobbler

I have 2 minutes before I run out for the am gym session so quick update on yesterday. Could have been better but I remeined in calorie balance. The wine got me :). But I tracked it all and my intake = burn and it was good meal

hOwever I want consistent deficit this week. I can do better

have a super healthy week all


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