Blended O'HANA: lights, water fountains, and characters OH MY!

It was time to split up again. Ashley, Gia, David & Christian went to catch some more rides and we headed to Fantasyland for a snack. Jimmy was hungry and he's Italian so of course we went to Pinocchio Village Haus for some flatbread. We all shared and JP played in another fountain, until we were asked to remove him from the fountain(spoil sport).
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How could someone deny him so much joy?

After our break we headed back to the front of the park


We finally caught The Movie Shake Dance Party in the hub.

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As soon as we finished the dance party it was time to check in for our 6:05 reservation @ Crystal Palace. Jimmy's parents headed out. They were ready to call it a day and had an early flight the next morning. We said our goodbyes and got ready for dinner. I had eaten here once before back in 2007 but this was new for Michelle, Jimmy & JP. I don't know if Ashley, Gia or David had every been there. I think it's a beautiful setting but I do find it very loud and as we experienced not well organized when it comes to the character rotations.

JP enjoyed seeing the ducks while we waited to be seated.


It's such a beautiful area.

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We didn't wait too long before we were ushered inside.


Continued in next post.
Once we were seated we took turns getting food. We needed to get some food in front of the little ones as fast as possible. I find the food ok here, nothing special but when you have little ones it really helps that there are choices and you don't have to wait for food. As Michelle said I don't know if we were in a bad spot or what but we watched the characters pass us by but not come to our table. As the kids got antsy it was time to do something. I do not like to complain or be confrontational but when I reach my limit I can do just about anything. The adults were tired of the kids waiting so I said something to one of the CMs and that did the trick. This ended up being the best character experience of the trip. All the kids had great interaction and of course JP never wanted it to end. Several CMs stopped just to watch the kids with the characters. I think they brought joy to several people that night. I know I enjoyed watching them. It still makes me misty just remembering. Michelle posted the best shots from the night but here's a few more.
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We never met Eeyore but that was ok, the kids were happy with Tigger, Piglet & Pooh.

We also enjoyed getting to visit with Katelyn. Michelle posted some good pictures of the two of them but she missed one. This was one of the pictures taken at her wedding in Disney. If you ever see Katelyn please say hello. I'm not sure where she is working now. She has moved around a lot.


After dinner we headed to Fantasyland to hopefully catch a few rides. Katelyn walked with us so we could visit some more. I'm going to be honest I had really wanted to ride Peter Pan, it's my favorite Fantasyland ride. It wasn't on our list for FPs and we never made it for rope drop. I had pretty much given up. The wait time was still listed at over an hour. Pooh didn't look too bad so we headed that way. HEA was getting ready to start as we got to Pooh. As the show started Ashley checked the wait times for Peter Pan and all the sudden it dropped. She knew how badly I wanted to ride so we all turned around and headed to PP. We walked straight on the ride and did not even have time to enjoy the line. Michelle & I were worried about Jimmy since it comes off the ground but he did fine. We did have to deal with some major loud booms going off and the ground shaking too but the short line was worth it plus it was added entertainment. And I of course felt much better after getting my ride.

Since we were already at the far end of Fantasyland it made sense to just keep walking towards the best nighttime ride in MK, BTMRR. We still had anytime FPs to make up for it being down earlier. Of course the only people who wanted to ride was Ashley and me. Does anyone else see a trend here? So far we've done Soarin', Seven Dwarfs and now BTMRR together. Who would have thought I would do so many rides with Jimmy's ex-wife? This family has really made progress. Ashley had never ridden at night but I knew how much better it was at night. I'm glad it was down earlier so we got to do it at night. While we were enjoying the wildest ride in the wilderness, David & Christian waiting for us. Michelle, Jimmy & Gia took pictures while we were gone. They were still in line to take pictures with the carriage when we got back.

It was time to say goodbye to MK and split up again. Gia, Ashley, David and Christian had a few more days left on their trip but we would be flying back home the next day. We left Fantasyland through the castle.
I took one more look up to the castle.


We slowly made out way back to Pop's bus stop. Why is this the longest and saddest walk ever? At least it wasn't too crowded since it wasn't right after the fireworks or at park closing. We were soon back and in bed. We had a late check out and a late flight so we didn't have to stay up late getting ready for our departure. When we drive I'm always us late packing up so we can get an early start the next day.

Up next...saying goodbye to Pop and visiting Art of Animation.
What a wonderful last day!
Your family are a credit to you! Fantastic how you all get along and a wonderful example to others! Gia is a very lucky little girl to be surrounded by such love :love:
Michelle certainly looks like she’s having aa much fun as JP in the water play park.
I’m glad you spoke to a castmember and got the characters to call by. You made some great memories :goodvibes
What a wonderful last day!
Your family are a credit to you! Fantastic how you all get along and a wonderful example to others! Gia is a very lucky little girl to be surrounded by such love :love:
Michelle certainly looks like she’s having aa much fun as JP in the water play park.
I’m glad you spoke to a castmember and got the characters to call by. You made some great memories :goodvibes

Thank you! We have certainly come very far as a family. I know Gia loves when we're all together.
I'm glad I spoke up too. I would not have wanted to miss so much fun.
I'm caught back up again. I can't believe how big JP is getting!! He doesn't look like a baby anymore—he's a little boy now! What awesome birthday parties you threw for him and for Gia!
Michelle, Jimmy, JP and I headed over to the Big Top area so JP could play in some more water.

Kids and water....

Of course John Paul loved playing in the water but I think Michelle has some fun too.


:laughing: She sure looks like she's having fun!

This is when I discovered all the great treats many of which are in the Confectionery on Main Street.

Discovered this myself, this last trip.

It was time to head to SDMT but of course Michelle & Jimmy didn't want to ride.


Gia ended up really liking SDMT and wanted to ride again, but of course we didn't get a chance to do it on this day. I think the ride photo shows what a good time she had.


After we exited Mine Train we headed down or is it up Main Street to meet the others.

I guess, considering the angle... it would be down.

As Michelle already posted we got some really cute family pictures.


Jimmy was hungry and he's Italian so of course we went to Pinocchio Village Haus for some flatbread.

Of course! :laughing:

We all shared and JP played in another fountain, until we were asked to remove him from the fountain(spoil sport).


How could someone deny him so much joy?

Patently unfair!

We finally caught The Movie Shake Dance Party in the hub.

No offense... I hate that parade.

I find the food ok here, nothing special but when you have little ones it really helps that there are choices and you don't have to wait for food.

I agree. Nothing fancy. But it'll fill you up.

do not like to complain or be confrontational but when I reach my limit I can do just about anything.

Uh, oh!

Note to self. Stay on Vanessa's good side.

This ended up being the best character experience of the trip.


This was one of the pictures taken at her wedding in Disney.

Nice photo. :)

I'm going to be honest I had really wanted to ride Peter Pan, it's my favorite Fantasyland ride.

Me too.
Story about that in a future TR.

We walked straight on the ride and did not even have time to enjoy the line.


We did have to deal with some major loud booms going off and the ground shaking too

That's just the pirates firing at Peter.

the best nighttime ride in MK, BTMRR.


You and I are on the same page a lot here.

Who would have thought I would do so many rides with Jimmy's ex-wife?

:laughing: No, I guess not!
Kids and water....

This kid really loves water.

Discovered this myself, this last trip.

What did you get?

Of course! :laughing:

I think Jimmy & JP could eat Pizza everyday.

Patently unfair!


No offense... I hate that parade.

None taken.

Note to self. Stay on Vanessa's good side.

This is more true than you know. I'm very calm and a peace maker, but when I reach my limit you DO NOT want to be the one I'm upset with.

Me too.
Story about that in a future TR.

Can't wait to hear about it.

That's just the pirates firing at Peter.

I like that!

You and I are on the same page a lot here.

Well you know what they say about great minds.
This kid really loves water.

So I see!

What did you get?

Well... um... er… for myself?.... uh...


I think Jimmy & JP could eat Pizza everyday.


This is more true than you know. I'm very calm and a peace maker, but when I reach my limit you DO NOT want to be the one I'm upset with.

Yes ma'am! Of course, ma'am! Can I get you anything? Your slippers? Glass of wine?

Well you know what they say about great minds.


Such joy in thier faces!

I loved reading about your MK day! You packed in so much magic on a TON of rides and while I've never been to CP, I do agree, I've read too many reviews of the interactions being very hit and miss. Not being a big buffet OR character gal, I doubt I'll ever eat there, but I'm so glad it ended up being such a great time for y'all!
Such joy in thier faces!

Yes! Disney sure knows how to spread the joy around.

I loved reading about your MK day! You packed in so much magic on a TON of rides and while I've never been to CP, I do agree, I've read too many reviews of the interactions being very hit and miss. Not being a big buffet OR character gal, I doubt I'll ever eat there, but I'm so glad it ended up being such a great time for y'all!

The 2 times we've done CP was for kids. Maybe someday you'll get to bring the grand kids and make it worth it to go there.

Travelin Home.

How we made the WORST day of a trip still have some magic.

I feel like I’ve been putting off even drafting this part of the TR. Facebook reminded me that we were eating lunch at Be Our Guest, stopping by the spot we got married, and JP rode clothes-less in the carrier over 1 year ago. I can’t believe it’s been a year! I can’t believe we’ve been working on this trip report for a year.

But, I digress: here’s our last day…

We woke up that morning, knowing we didn’t HAVE to be anywhere until about 3pm. This was the BEST PLAN EVER. We had a few things in mind we wanted to maybe see and just take our time about. But first we had to pack up.

Now, I’m not one to really un-pack at hotels the way mom likes to. But we had to be pretty methodical with our luggage and storage in the new, fancy Pop rooms, so our stuff was EVERYWHERE. Organized chaos, really. We got JP up and changed and everything and Jimmy took him for their morning walk around Pop while Mom and I managed to sort through all the things we had and what needed to be carry-on and what not. With a baby, you have to be very well-thought-out on these things. Other than that, packing up is just throwing things in bags and hoping they don’t weigh too much. So that went rather quickly.

We moved about very slowly this day. The only thing I remember about leaving the actual room was that we were out of toilet paper. Funny thing: my husband uses excessive amounts of toilet paper. IT IS UNREAL! I’m tempted to give him a squirt bottle for some pre-maintenance before his obnoxious use of toilet paper. Like the ones they give us after we have a baby. But yeah, no toilet paper. So we called the front desk and were told someone would be up shortly. So we had waited a while… nothing. We finally gave up and headed to the food court. He could do his business there while we ordered breakfast.

It must not have taken too terribly long to pack up because the pictures look like we were eating breakfast by about 7:30am. And prior to that, we had already sent our luggage to the airport… because there was entirely too much to sit at breakfast with. Also, because breakfast was PACKED at the resort. I think I mentioned the Brazilian “15” groups at our resort this week. There are few things in life I despise more than middle school bathrooms. And while these kids were slightly older, when you’re surrounded by them, it feels like you’re at a middle school basketball game or something and you have to go to the bathroom. And you’re surrounded by them and you’re like AHHH NNOOOOO. I love kids. Well, I love my kids. Other kids, eh. Pass.

Again, I digress. This is me avoiding ending this TR. Luckily mom’s been so far behind that when she chimes in, I can re-live it some more.

Don’t let that hurt your feelings, Ma. I’m just picking. LOVE YOU! And you’ve done a great job catching back up.

At breakfast, JP decided he was a big boy! Eating with a fork. Or sort of. Either way, still a big deal. Remember, I had packed TWO WEEKS worth of baby food pouches for him to eat only for him to decide on day 1 that he was done with baby food.


On the way either to or from breakfast we saw something rare…


A teenager sassily talking on her phone… kidding. But this animal sighting was exciting for little man.

After we ate we went to the gift shop to look around at any last minute things we might want to buy. We still had some money on the gift cards my in laws had bought us. I’m stingy with my vacation spending. Because you never know what ELSE you might want. I wait till the end. Unless JP throws up on something, you know. You break it-- or throw up on it-- you buy it.

I still LOVE this luggage set, but won’t buy it because I doubt when he’s older he will want to travel with it. BUT OMG ITS SO CUTE!


JP did get this… and it’s gotten SO MUCH USE!


This was the lobby as we were all pottying after breakfast.


So at this point, luggage was gone, we didn’t have park tickets, kinda too tired to go to Downtown Disney. What to do until this afternoon? Let’s check out the pool. It’s hot. Not maybe hot enough to swim, but JP just loves to play in the water.

Hey! I know! Let’s go walk over to Art of Animation and check out THAT pool!!!! This was actually on the itinerary as a possible option. So that’s just what we did!

On our way out of Pop, Jimmy showed us kind of the path that they would take each morning on he and JP’s walks while Mom and I handled the business and lady stuff in the room. JP got real excited about Mr. Potato Head. Jimmy said they stopped every morning to tell Mr. Potato Head good morning. Oh, husband, you find the smallest and most interesting ways to surprise me.


Once we officially were away from Pop and on the trek to AoA, we got to see the construction on the gondolas. That was cool!!!




View from the walkway between the resorts.

I can’t remember the path, just that it was hot and longer than I wanted. But once we got into AoA, it was really cool. Something we had never been to before and we were just taking it all in.

The Nemo area really had JP excited. This was a little playground. But the sun was so hot this day and the slide was not ideal. Not much further until the water!


If you’re walking from the Pop way and not from the Lobby, before you get to the pool there is actually a Splash Pad! How perfect. We didn’t really have swimsuits and it was HOT. I know I’ve mentioned the heat about a hundred times. Sorry, not sorry.

JP wasn’t walking yet at this point but was a master-crawler. The flooring, let’s call it, of the splash pad was concrete. That wasn’t ideal, but I know cleaning other materials can be a pain. Regardless, that meant we had to really help him out so he didn’t scuff himself up too much. Mom to the rescue again! But remember how I mentioned 23489038 times about the heat… I DID NOT MIND getting wet this day AT ALL!

But first… sunscreen! My fair baby.


So the splash pad has a couple different things going on. Good ole, sea anemone provides shade. A few fish squirt periodically. And then there are places where the water comes up, like a fountain you would try to run through and “beat the water” as a kid. You all know what I’m picturing, right? No… then you haven’t lived!

First, we tried the fish. They seemed the least aggressive.



But since he’s not walking, he wasn’t always in the right spot to get wet from the quick squirt. So he was ready to “walk” to more fun things.


“What are those big kids doing?”


I don’t know why, but I will always love this picture.

Now to see the fun pictures I captured from that angle…


Yep. I’m gonna get it. I’m gonna get that water. Up, Down, I’m coming for you!


That escalated quickly.



And we did. Again, and again, and again. It was hilarious. It was refreshing. And he had the time of his life!


He would crawl right through it and make this face. It’s like.. Do I worry, do i be excited for you? Either way I was certainly laughing.


It was a game and he loved it.
(Last one for Today I promise)

I tried to move him to the splashers in the shade. Little man burns easy. He’s not just a baby, he’s a pasty baby.


Jimmy kept close by, but he doesn’t do “hot” well.

At one point, I was taking scenic pics of the buildings, and a seagull found his way nearby and I caught this picture and giggled to myself. I was like, hey Jimmy, you’re all MINE MINE MINE.


Then we realized all the birds eating JP’s snacks. But not to worry, it’s only all the leftovers in and around the stroller. He still had plenty snacks after the birds had their share.


Another angle of the splash pad.


We decided to eat in the food court at AoA. I think Jimmy was over the heat and went to find wine. Travel day= wine. My husband is a BIG wine drinker. It relaxes him and makes him happy. Never a drunk, though. He’s Italian. It’s like water to him. But he knows sometimes it bothers me that he is like “ugh, I need wine.” I don’t know why, it just bothers me. So this trip, he barely drank any, if at all. It made him really present and that’s something that was like GOLD for me. But yeah, we were going to be home soon and back on the grind… so he was allowed wine. Mom either laid out a little or hung under an umbrella. But me and JP, we headed for the POOL!

Didn’t get to “swim” but we got in deep enough to really let him play. The Nemo pool is SO COOL.





I didn’t get many pictures because it was just he and I and I needed my hands to keep him from deciding to topple forward for an impromptu-swim lesson. But he was SO HAPPY. I can almost hear his giggles just thinking about it.

Up next: our "final walkthrough" of AoA and our goodbyes to WDW.

I love the face. It totally is "what just happened?"


I didn’t get many pictures because it was just he and I and I needed my hands to keep him from deciding to topple forward for an impromptu-swim lesson. But he was SO HAPPY. I can almost hear his giggles just thinking about it.
So happy!
How we made the WORST day of a trip still have some magic.

Impressive feat, that.

I can’t believe we’ve been working on this trip report for a year.


We woke up that morning

Always a good thing.

we didn’t HAVE to be anywhere until about 3pm. This was the BEST PLAN EVER.

:laughing: I believe you! After a vacation filled with ADRs and FPs... Yeah, I believe you.

Now, I’m not one to really un-pack at hotels the way mom likes to.

I do. My suitcase is empty if I'm staying in one spot more than an overnight.

so our stuff was EVERYWHERE. Organized chaos, really.


With a baby, you have to be very well-thought-out on these things.


Non-parents have no clue of all the material and planning that goes into just leaving the house with a baby.

my husband uses excessive amounts of toilet paper. IT IS UNREAL!

Betcha he has the cleanest bum in the south!


I’m tempted to give him a squirt bottle for some pre-maintenance before his obnoxious use of toilet paper.


So we had waited a while… nothing.

Well... good. If there'd been "something" and no TP... Not a good thing.

We finally gave up and headed to the food court. He could do his business there while we ordered breakfast.

OMG! He was going to poop in the food court???????????????


I love kids. Well, I love my kids. Other kids, eh. Pass.


Again, I digress. This is me avoiding ending this TR.

There, there. It'll be okay.

Remember, I had packed TWO WEEKS worth of baby food pouches for him to eat only for him to decide on day 1 that he was done with baby food.

The only thing that doesn't change with babies... is that things always change.

On the way either to or from breakfast we saw something rare…


Even before I saw your next line, I thought to myself...

A teenager sassily talking on her phone… kidding.

… exactly that.

I’m stingy with my vacation spending. Because you never know what ELSE you might want.


I've done this.
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $100 item?"

You break it-- or throw up on it-- you buy it.

I think this sign should be in every store.

This was the lobby as we were all pottying after breakfast.


All those people having to step over and around your... messes.
(I see what you mean about the tour groups, though.)

Hey! I know! Let’s go walk over to Art of Animation and check out THAT pool!!!!

Uh, oh... you've just unleashed all the "you can't pool hop!" people's wrath.

Oh, husband, you find the smallest and most interesting ways to surprise me.

keep him.

Once we officially were away from Pop and on the trek to AoA, we got to see the construction on the gondolas. That was cool!!!


The flooring, let’s call it, of the splash pad was concrete.

What? Really? Ouch!

But remember how I mentioned 23489038 times about the heat…

Oh? Not sure? I thought this was the first time.

And then there are places where the water comes up, like a fountain you would try to run through and “beat the water” as a kid. You all know what I’m picturing, right? No… then you haven’t lived!


You want to get wet, but watch the camera!

I don’t know why, but I will always love this picture.

I get it. :hug:

Great shot!!!

And we did. Again, and again, and again. It was hilarious. It was refreshing. And he had the time of his life!


Jimmy kept close by, but he doesn’t do “hot” well.

I'm Canadian. I don't do "hot" well by definition.

At one point, I was taking scenic pics of the buildings, and a seagull found his way nearby and I caught this picture and giggled to myself. I was like, hey Jimmy, you’re all MINE MINE MINE.


Then we realized all the birds eating JP’s snacks.


Travel day= wine.

Everyone needs a hobby

But he knows sometimes it bothers me that he is like “ugh, I need wine.” I don’t know why, it just bothers me.

I do.
I'm the same way.

But he was SO HAPPY. I can almost hear his giggles just thinking about it.


I do. My suitcase is empty if I'm staying in one spot more than an overnight.
Really? Mom does that. Me, I just stick to the suitcase, a bag in the bathroom, and maybe a dirty clothes pile. But we just had SO MUCH STUFF and the new Pop rooms have SO MANY nooks and crannies to put all your stuff. So obviously, we HAD to put everything somewhere.

and by organized I mean.... this large shelf held all the food and baby stuff. it was a hot mess, but at least we knew the general direction the food and baby stuff was. And like this corner had my stuff, this crevice had the junk we emptied from our pockets each day. That sorta-kinda-organized.

Betcha he has the cleanest bum in the south!



Well... good. If there'd been "something" and no TP... Not a good thing.

OMG! He was going to poop in the food court???????????????


:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: All this just has me cracking up.

Even before I saw your next line, I thought to myself...
To be honest, I thought of it with your humor in mind. Glad you caught it!


I've done this.
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $10 item?"
"Want this $100 item?"

EXACTLY! And if you had spent the $10, $10, $10, $10, $10 ANNNNNNDDDD then you found the $100 thing you LOOOOVEEE... well that's just expensive LOL

I think this sign should be in every store.
We had a sign around LSU campus when I was in college that said "If you see something, say something" to help prevent crimes... but i'll never forget the building i spent most of my time in had it and someone made an edit to it. I then read, "If you SMELL something, say something." I feel like my sign would be as relatable. And funny.

All those people having to step over and around your... messes.
(I see what you mean about the tour groups, though.)
:rotfl2: You're killing me with all this.

Uh, oh... you've just unleashed all the "you can't pool hop!" people's wrath.
I'm not well-versed in the Dis world, so that's news to me. I did feel guilty at first, though. Then you start to justify it, like "well we aren't SWIMMING" and "it's for the baby" and "we can't just let he be this hot, right?" But above all... THE GATE WAS OPEN! So woah-is-me we went and enjoyed it.

keep him.
::yes:: I think I just might.

I'm Canadian. I don't do "hot" well by definition.
:rotfl:I can't even imagine.

I do.
I'm the same way.
To be fair, I am too. When the kids and/or work have made for a real tough day, I'm like...M is for Margarita? I think I just get butt-hurt when he's stressed and I feel like we are supposed to be having fun. Like when he has a hard time being present in what I think is a REALLY special or joyous moment. Found out recently, actually, it was all related to work and he was getting a lot of flack for, I guess, some stuff that happened while he was in Disney. So, naturally, he was blamed and stressed and blah blah blah. So he gets a pass! He gets upset when he thinks we are having the most magical time ever and he looks over at me and I'm like :coffee::scared1::eek::faint:, too. I think we probably all do :grouphug:
Really? Mom does that. Me, I just stick to the suitcase, a bag in the bathroom, and maybe a dirty clothes pile. But we just had SO MUCH STUFF and the new Pop rooms have SO MANY nooks and crannies to put all your stuff. So obviously, we HAD to put everything somewhere.

obviously! That's what nooks and crannies are for.

Well... that and losing stuff.

and by organized I mean.... this large shelf held all the food and baby stuff. it was a hot mess, but at least we knew the general direction the food and baby stuff was. And like this corner had my stuff, this crevice had the junk we emptied from our pockets each day. That sorta-kinda-organized.


Like... my pantry.

:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: All this just has me cracking up.


To be honest, I thought of it with your humor in mind. Glad you caught it!


Great! I remind you of potty humour.

EXACTLY! And if you had spent the $10, $10, $10, $10, $10 ANNNNNNDDDD then you found the $100 thing you LOOOOVEEE... well that's just expensive LOL

Actually... then I wouldn't buy the $100 item. "Well... I already spent so much..."

We had a sign around LSU campus when I was in college that said "If you see something, say something" to help prevent crimes... but i'll never forget the building i spent most of my time in had it and someone made an edit to it. I then read, "If you SMELL something, say something." I feel like my sign would be as relatable. And funny.


:rotfl2: You're killing me with all this.



I'm not well-versed in the Dis world, so that's news to me. I did feel guilty at first, though. Then you start to justify it, like "well we aren't SWIMMING" and "it's for the baby" and "we can't just let he be this hot, right?" But above all... THE GATE WAS OPEN! So woah-is-me we went and enjoyed it.

I really don't care if people pool hop. Not even a little bit. I mean... if the gate is closed and your MB/roomkey doesn't open it... then I guess you won't get in. But... otherwise? I really could care less.

But I do know others feel differently.

::yes:: I think I just might.


:rotfl:I can't even imagine.

But I do cold real well.

To be fair, I am too. When the kids and/or work have made for a real tough day, I'm like...M is for Margarita? I think I just get butt-hurt when he's stressed and I feel like we are supposed to be having fun. Like when he has a hard time being present in what I think is a REALLY special or joyous moment. Found out recently, actually, it was all related to work and he was getting a lot of flack for, I guess, some stuff that happened while he was in Disney. So, naturally, he was blamed and stressed and blah blah blah. So he gets a pass! He gets upset when he thinks we are having the most magical time ever and he looks over at me and I'm like :coffee::scared1::eek::faint:, too. I think we probably all do :grouphug:

I get it. I really do.


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