Canadian Buffoon's DISmeet vacation - 09/14 - Bowled Over

Where did you stay?

I know you like soup that's why I want to take you to The Barn for their unlimited soup and bread bar. Or Barberton for their famous fried chicken. You really need a week in the Cleveland area.

So was it Sept 25 that you would be in the area?

Our trip is Sept 22-29. Free dining at AKL. I can get as many zebra domes as I want!!! So I can't change dates because I would have to change to CBR.
*Poor favour (for) manatees, all jaded less, "purty".
(You're welcome.)

Hahahaha your spanish is very bueno.

I sashayed into the building and up
to the window.

More than one person has spoken about your sashaying! So this must be how you walk regularly!

Not quite the "Zen" I was looking for,
but still... at least I got to see it.

What happens next?


The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.
Most notably the original (1982)
Blade Runner.
It's just... a cool place to see.

It's really cool! I even remember it from 500 Days of Summer.

Elsewhere in the park,
you could visit and look into
an active dig site.

That is really cool.

But it was interesting.
I had a silly smile plastered
to my face the whole time.
And not just because the tar pits
weren't the only thing with gas that day.


Pretty much a Vegan's nightmare.
Mind you, I didn't see any Vegans,
so maybe not.

Maybe they were Undercover Vegans? :cool2:

Of course I forgot that LA's rush hour traffic
starts around 4am and ends about... 4am.

Very true!

There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

And I ordered a wedge salad!!!

Oh, the ignominy.
Not even food porn-worthy

The horror!! How can this be? :eek:
Maybe you are secretly...a VEGAN? :rotfl2:
1. You got to meet her! Nice!
2. Sounds like a good day. :)

Our day was very much like the last few hours of the day you'll be writing about soon, but slight alteration of the venue. We met back in October, but that was only for a few minutes. We had the whole evening this time.

Or save the draft on the phone and then finish it up on the computer.

Or just do it all on the phone like I ended up doing it, and probably will for a while now.

Oh! Yes, that was very good advice.
Thanks! I'm really glad I went.



I recommend.

I probably won't get there until I see the original in Portland which is looking even more likely now.

Me neither!
It's like we're living
parallel lives.


I would've paid to see/hear that.

Next time you visit we'll get our horns out and put our cases in front of us while we play. :laughing:

I really need to coordinate with
you before visiting again.

:sad2: You are always shrouded in secrecy! I tell you, I know a few things! :laughing:

Have you seen Dave?
You should if you get the chance.
Nice movie.

Never even heard of it....will have to Google....later....

Yup! Just tell Fran the next time
she sees the city in the background
off the balcony...
She's seeing a curtain.

That's one of the series that she watches while I am running errands, asleep or otherwise out of the TV room.

Oh? Do tell.


OK, there is sort of a lot of background to go along with this....

First keep in mind that I was raised in Silicon Valley before there was a Silicon Valley. At the time it was pretty much a farming sort of community slowly moving to a bedroom community. There were still lots of apricot orchards when I was growing up. In fact for a few days one summer I sliced apricots (for drying) to make extra money. At $1.25 per tray (12 ft by 4 ft) I think I made about $3+ over the course of 3-4 1/2 days of work. What I'm getting at is that I did not grow up in a big city though the area I grew up in eventually turned into a big city. The point of this is that I grew up in a community that was very wholesome and not at all associated with crazy homeless, or other deranged types of people. Unrelated to the farm issue, my Mom also continually told me that I grew up in an Ivory Tower. I had no idea what that meant, and I thought she was insane.

While I was in High School my parents made me believe that their financial situation was destitute, we were never in any danger of being homeless. I think she was just telling me why they couldn't take me along to fancy restaurants that they were going to. And why we didn't go out to dinner as often as we had in the past. But they trained me to have a fancy palate. If you've been reading the comments on Mark's TR, PB&J was not a part of my childhood. My sister did eat Peanut Butter and Honey sandwiches, but that was at her request. My Mom probably humored her since it was easy. I learned to eat fancy food. After my senior year of high school I learned that I like shellfish. I would order Shrimp Cocktail at restaurants and found out that I liked Crab. Anywhere I ordered it I was served perfectly prepared Crab legs, probably on a bed of ice, with the body cleaned and neatly placed amongst the legs.

Fast forward to first year of college. I went to Cal State Northridge located in the San Fernando Valley. Like Oh my God! Fur Sure! The Vaallleeey! I met my friend Julie. The only thing that we had in common was that we both played saxophone. She lived with her father whose mother had divorced him. He had custody of the kids. (Later I learned that her mother realized that she was a lesbian and went on to become a visible activist in the Gay Community out in Palm Springs and successful businesswoman.) Julie had a younger brother and sister, and her family (as it was) introduced me to a type of family life I had never known. It was common for her father to hand her a $20 bill (went a lot farther back in the 80s) and say "pick up dinner for your sister and brother at McDonald's." I remember that they had kittens in their house and none of them had any whiskers because they were eating the crumbs off the stove and the pilot light burnt off all their whiskers. I realize that this was not even rock bottom poverty, but for me it was eye opening. I realize that even more destitute people can't even afford McDonald's. Maybe they weren't necessarily poor just lazy.

So here we are at the 1984 Olympics. They were in Los Angeles and they needed people to be in the Marching Band. There were 800 people selected, 200 from USC, 200 from UCLA, 200 from Colleges around Los Angeles, and 200 from bands around the country. We were sequestered at Pepperdine in Malibu and it was like a two week band camp where we were going from 7AM until 9PM almost every day. I had two friends from Cal State Northridge Band (however, we weren't the only Northridge folks) that were also in the band and one of them had a car, Julie.

So we were going all day and half the night for days on end. They gave us one night off, maybe they gave us two because I remember another night where we drove back to our homes in the valley to pick up stuff we hadn't planned for and forgot to bring along. But I digress. Since we were at Pepperdine in Malibu, we thought it was a great idea to go visit the Santa Monica Pier as it was only a few miles south of Malibu. I don't know how we ended up where we did for dinner, but I think Julie had a hand in that. My friend Terri had a similar upbringing. I think the crab she had eaten came from the seafood counter at the supermarket or a similar restaurant experience.

So however, this whole thing went down we ended up at a place on the pier where they served crab. You picked your crab out of the tank, they dropped it in the boiling pan, wrapped it up in newspaper and handed it to you with a mallet. I'm sure it's not there anymore. Notice the expression on my face and how thrilled I am with this situation.


I had never seen crab "guts" before in my life. I wanted to barf. I think Terri was similarly disgusted. She took the pictures. Now Julie is the one with the busy hair and in the picture where she is holding the crab body you will see a guy behind her who is shirtless. I'm not sure if he was homeless or just obnoxious, drunk as heck or all three, but even though he had a lady (and I use that term loosely) with him, he was sort of trying to impress us from a table away. He was taking the crabs and drinking the liquid from them opening them up and scooping out the insides and all three of us were absolutely disgusted. I've never really had a desire to go back to the pier, and I think I can count on one thumb how many times I have been back.

The other picture there was taken at some kind of celebration party for the opening ceremonies. Not exactly sure about that one. But I vividly remember that night with the icky crabs and the SM Pier. Since then I've learned to clean crabs and I'm over the disgustingness, but back then it was totally unexpected and given my distaste of all things icky, it stands out in my mind of "worst experiences ever!"

And here Liesa just said
the better way is not battered and fried.

OK. You've seen both Liesa and I in person. Liesa is petite, skinny and tiny. Hence the grilled fish tacos.

Me? I didn't get this Rubinesque body eating grilled fish tacos. Bring on the battered and fried fish! :banana: When has battering and frying not made something better? Tempura? Fish and chips? Chicken Fried Steak? Funnel Cake? Deep Fried Snickers?

It's up to you. Try it however you want. But I'll tell you the best Fish Tacos I've had are at the place I mentioned above. Hole Mole. There are several locations in Long Beach and in So Cal. Their fish tacos are small but at $1.50 each they are quite the deal. And they have both grilled and fried fish so you could try them side by side.
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Where did you stay?
I stayed at three places.
The Anaheim Marriott, the Westin Long Beach
and then the Grand Legacy.

I know you like soup that's why I want to take you to The Barn for their unlimited soup and bread bar.

I do like my soups. :)

Or Barberton for their famous fried chicken. You really need a week in the Cleveland area.

And I do like my fried chicken! :laughing:

I'm getting the idea
that I do need more time there!

So was it Sept 25 that you would be in the area?

I know I'll be in Toronto on that date.

Our trip is Sept 22-29. Free dining at AKL. I can get as many zebra domes as I want!!! So I can't change dates because I would have to change to CBR.

Well, of course you shouldn't change your dates!
Honestly, I don't know yet where or when
I'm going to be anywhere yet.
There might be a (very, very) small chance
I might be in Cleveland on or before the 21st.
Won't know for a bit.
Hahahaha your spanish is very bueno.

What does Sonny Bono have to do with this?

More than one person has spoken about your sashaying! So this must be how you walk regularly!

Not regularly.
Only on certain special occasions.

What happens next?



Ziss, off coarse.

It's really cool! I even remember it from 500 Days of Summer.


That is really cool.

It was. I had no idea.

Maybe they were Undercover Vegans? :cool2:

There is no such thing.
Trust me.

The horror!! How can this be? :eek:
Maybe you are secretly...a VEGAN? :rotfl2:

Bite your tongue!

Wait... if a Vegan bites his tongue,
does that disqualify him?
<sigh> 'twas not to be.
So... let's take two in Vegas!
I am so sorry that they lost - I wore a Jet jersey so it must have been me. :furious: I promise I won't wear it for the next game. I will just cheer them on.
Our day was very much like the last few hours of the day you'll be writing about soon, but slight alteration of the venue. We met back in October, but that was only for a few minutes. We had the whole evening this time.

What??? You took my evening
and cheated on me with another woman?

How could you!


Or just do it all on the phone like I ended up doing it, and probably will for a while now.

Oh? Why?

I probably won't get there until I see the original in Portland which is looking even more likely now.

You're going to Portland?
Off to visit Liesa? (That's where she lives, right?)
When are you going?

Next time you visit we'll get our horns out and put our cases in front of us while we play. :laughing:

I'd be totally okay with that. :)

:sad2: You are always shrouded in secrecy! I tell you, I know a few things! :laughing:

I have this urge to not spoil
my TRs for you.

Never even heard of it....will have to Google....later....


That's one of the series that she watches while I am running errands, asleep or otherwise out of the TV room.

Well... you can just tell her
to look out for it. :)

First keep in mind that I was raised in Silicon Valley before there was a Silicon Valley.

So then it was just... the Valley, right?
Or is that somewhere else?

There were still lots of apricot orchards when I was growing up.

I'd have liked to have seen that.
Do you know if there are any apricot
orchards left?

In fact for a few days one summer I sliced apricots (for drying) to make extra money. At $1.25 per tray (12 ft by 4 ft) I think I made about $3+ over the course of 3-4 1/2 days of work.

Holy cow!
Slave labour.

Unrelated to the farm issue, my Mom also continually told me that I grew up in an Ivory Tower. I had no idea what that meant, and I thought she was insane.


So did you think she was insane
because you didn't know the term?
Or because once you knew it,
you didn't believe her?

While I was in High School my parents made me believe that their financial situation was destitute, we were never in any danger of being homeless. I think she was just telling me why they couldn't take me along to fancy restaurants that they were going to.

Huh. My folks just said.
"We're going out. Leftovers in the fridge."

If you've been reading the comments on Mark's TR, PB&J was not a part of my childhood.


I learned to eat fancy food.

I would order Shrimp Cocktail at restaurants

I think that was my first
exposure possibly.
Not sure.
I do know my first lobster (tail)
was when I was in grade 4.
So... eight or nine years old.

I brought the shell to show and tell.

I went to Cal State Northridge located in the San Fernando Valley.


Like Oh my God! Fur Sure! The Vaallleeey!

Please tell me you can actually
talk like that.

I met my friend Julie. The only thing that we had in common was that we both played saxophone.

Teens. Always obsessed with sax.

She lived with her father whose mother had divorced him. He had custody of the kids.

That was very rare back then!

(Later I learned that her mother realized that she was a lesbian and went on to become a visible activist in the Gay Community out in Palm Springs and successful businesswoman.)

I'd love to talk to you about this some day.

I remember that they had kittens in their house and none of them had any whiskers because they were eating the crumbs off the stove and the pilot light burnt off all their whiskers.


We were sequestered at Pepperdine in Malibu

Googles, again.

So however, this whole thing went down we ended up at a place on the pier where they served crab. You picked your crab out of the tank, they dropped it in the boiling pan, wrapped it up in newspaper and handed it to you with a mallet.

That sounds good!
But... I'd probably just eat
the claws.

Notice the expression on my face and how thrilled I am with this situation.


"I'm smiling, but I really want
to use this mallet on you."

I had never seen crab "guts" before in my life. I wanted to barf. I think Terri was similarly disgusted.


He was taking the crabs and drinking the liquid from them opening them up and scooping out the insides and all three of us were absolutely disgusted.

I suppose.... it's a delicacy?
But... I'll pass, thanks.

I've never really had a desire to go back to the pier, and I think I can count on one thumb how many times I have been back.

Well, since you don't think
that place is there anymore...
It's probably safe.

Since then I've learned to clean crabs and I'm over the disgustingness, but back then it was totally unexpected and given my distaste of all things icky, it stands out in my mind of "worst experiences ever!"

Awwww... poor little teen Alison. :hug:

Bring on the battered and fried fish! :banana: When has battering and frying not made something better? Tempura? Fish and chips? Chicken Fried Steak? Funnel Cake? Deep Fried Snickers?

You make a compelling case.

It's up to you. Try it however you want. But I'll tell you the best Fish Tacos I've had are at the place I mentioned above. Hole Mole. There are several locations in Long Beach and in So Cal. Their fish tacos are small but at $1.50 each they are quite the deal. And they have both grilled and fried fish so you could try them side by side.

Now this sounds like a quest
I can get behind!
I am so sorry that they lost - I wore a Jet jersey so it must have been me. :furious:

So it's your fault!!!!!

I promise I won't wear it for the next game. I will just cheer them on.


I was really hoping they'd be able
to win both home games,
but now Vegas has home ice advantage.
I'm hoping it works just as well for them
as it did for Nashville.

Full day, so fasten your seatbelts.
If you fall off the TR,
you get left behind.

I can't count the number of times I've gotten behind.

"Well." She replied. "Normally I'd tell you
that you could get change at the café across the hall,
but it's closed today."

"Well, poop." I thought. I'll have to get change somewhere.

"And." She continued. "The gardens aren't open today."

Two strikes in a row.

"You can overlook the garden from above."

Finally a win.

It's non-descript on the outside,
but on the inside?

Beautiful! I love all the detailed iron work.

It was a two page picture of a mammoth
partially submerged and stuck in tar
with a sabre toothed cat on its back,
it's haunches slipping into the tar, ensnaring itself.
Nearby, a brace of vultures waited patiently,
except one had foolishly dipped a wing
into the pervasive ooze.

Very good description.

When I think of the tar pits I think if the scene in "1941" when the plane crashes.

I walked a little further and...
there it was.
I'd seen this display
countless times...
but only in print or pixel.

I thought the mammoths would be more woolly.

Did you know, the tar pits are still active?
Every here and there, small bubbles
of methane rose to the surface.

Very cool.

Elsewhere in the park,
you could visit and look into
an active dig site.

Science on display.

I wandered around the various booths,
admiring the wares for sale.
Sooo many meats.

you could also order premade
or made to order treats.

Wow I see lots I would like.

Why yes... I'd had one just the day before.
So what?
I like clam chowder,
and this one was really good too.
Better than yesterday's
and that one was good too!

I was thinking the same thing, he got clam chowder again? I'm glad it was good.

Holy crap.
That stuff was amazing!

I bought a jar.
My only regret is I didn't buy more.

Homemade peanut butter sound great. I had a customer that use to make me homemade peanut butter without salt.

I got a "Cuban".
(oven roasted pork, mustard, ham,
provolone cheese and pickles)
It was very tasty. :)

This sounds really good!

I ordered Popcorn Shrimp
(Cajun tartar sauce, horseradish cocktail sauce)
and a wedge salad.

Yum. I prefer the cocktail sauce to the tarter.

And I ordered a wedge salad!!!

and popcorn shrimp.

And did you see it?

I didn't.
Full day, so fasten your seatbelts.
If you fall off the TR,
you get left behind.

Punch it, Chewie!

Okay! Let's go!
Everyone settled?
Got your knees and elbows in?
Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas*.

*Poor favour (for) manatees, all jaded less, "purty".
(You're welcome.)

Thanks for explaining that! I'd always wondered.

I set out dull, insipid and early.

So it was a day that ended in "y".

"To reach the space, enter the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center,
check in at the information window on the left, take the elevator down to level B
and zigzag to your right through an unembellished hallway."

The red zone is for loading and unloading only. There is no parking in the white zone.

I must admit I was a bit disappointed.
I was hoping for an embellished hallway.

Well, sure. Who wouldn't?

"Well." She replied. "Normally I'd tell you
that you could get change at the café across the hall,
but it's closed today."

Strike one.

"Well, poop." I thought. I'll have to get change somewhere.

"And." She continued. "The gardens aren't open today."

So glad I drove over.

Strike two! You'd think you'd research these things.


What's this? A glimmer of hope?

"You can overlook the garden from above." would justify the trip.

I zipped back to the car and...
no ticket.

Pixie dust!

It's non-descript on the outside,
but on the inside?

Hey, that's pretty cool!

The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.
Most notably the original (1982)
Blade Runner.
It's just... a cool place to see.

Never heard of it. I saw the movie, but it was ages ago.

And I didn't. My 10-15 minutes
parked in the loading zone was up.
I grabbed a cookie and a Coke
from the adjacent Subway
and thus fulfilled my obligation
of "loading".

Breakfast of champions, right there.

I was really looking forward
to my next stop,
the La Brea Tar Pits.

Cool. My wife and daughter saw that on a trip a few years ago. Seemed to enjoy the visit.

(A book is an old form of web site.
Except it's on paper.
And (usually) pretty non-interactive.
Paper comes from trees.
I presume in a few years
I'll have to explain what 'trees' were.)

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Well done. Although I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

If it's undiscovered, I'm going
to call it a "pkondz rope tree"*
*Arbor Funem pkondz
Has a nice ring to it.

Good enough for me. Let's apply to the World Science organizations.

A baby mammoth calling out
to its trapped mother.
Makes you wonder...

...just how many school kids
get traumatized by that
every year.


Did baby go out to its mother,
getting hopelessly trapped itself?
Or did Dad's will prevail and
instead it played it safe and
became an accountant instead?

I figure Dad climbed in to get her out, got stuck, then yelled for the kid to find somebody, kid ran off, got distracted and forgot.

(True fact. Most mammoths were accountants.
It's why they became extinct.
Out of extreme dullness.)

But they did put a cover sheet on their TPS reports.

Did you know, the tar pits are still active?
Every here and there, small bubbles
of methane rose to the surface.

Hey, just like me!

And every few minutes,
a fairly loud <bloosh> sound
would accompany a larger
solitary bubble.

Hey, just like m--uh oh.

All in all...
I didn't leave disappointed.
Is it rollercoasters and popcorn?


But it was interesting.

I would definitely be interested. That's all you can ask for.

I had a silly smile plastered
to my face the whole time.
And not just because the tar pits
weren't the only thing with gas that day.

:rotfl2::rotfl2: I KNEW it!

Pretty much a Vegan's nightmare.
Mind you, I didn't see any Vegans,
so maybe not.

Looks like heaven to me.

Because I'm stupid.

Quoting this for posterity.

I don't know if it was actually making
the peanut butter or if it was just for show.
In any event, the young lady pictured below
offered me a taste.

Holy crap.
That stuff was amazing!

Wow. That must be some peanut butter!

Of course I forgot that LA's rush hour traffic
starts around 4am and ends about... 4am.


Or maybe I just thought
"I've been here before,
I have photos already, right?" :sad2:

I've felt that way before. I mean, I've done 3 TR's on Disney World. What more can I say about it?

Either way, I took a grand total of....

One photo of DTD.

Well, you got a Lego dinosaur vomiting on a knight. Good job.

There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

And I ordered a wedge salad!!!

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Turn in the man card.

And did you see it?


I actually saw the characters in one photo and started to think, "You know that would be a perfect spot for pkondz to do a little Photoshop..."
I can't count the number of times I've gotten behind.

I'd like to say the exact
same thing.

Two strikes in a row.

Was not pleased.

Finally a win.


And yet...
I like to go through them.
Not see them from on high.

Beautiful! I love all the detailed iron work.

Isn't that something?

Very good description.

When I think of the tar pits I think if the scene in "1941" when the plane crashes.

Oh! I forgot about that.

I thought the mammoths would be more woolly.

I did too.
I looked to see if they were mastodons
instead of mammoths, but... :confused3

Different species of mammoth??

Science on display.


Sooo many meats.

I wanted to buy soooo much.

Wow I see lots I would like.

I did too.
Wasn't easy restraining myself.

I was thinking the same thing, he got clam chowder again? I'm glad it was good.


I like clam chowder.

Homemade peanut butter sound great. I had a customer that use to make me homemade peanut butter without salt.

It was soooo good.
Smoothest and creamiest
I've ever had.

This sounds really good!

It was!

Yum. I prefer the cocktail sauce to the tarter.

I tried one, maybe two with the tartar.
But yes, I agree.

I didn't.

I made this one a bit tougher.
Punch it, Chewie!

Thanks for explaining that! I'd always wondered.

I always run an educational TR.

So it was a day that ended in "y".

What else is new?

The red zone is for loading and unloading only. There is no parking in the white zone.

Strike one.

Strike two! You'd think you'd research these things.

Swing and a miss!

Pixie dust!

Or lazy meter maids.

I'll take whatever I can get.

Hey, that's pretty cool!

It really was.
Not at all expected from the exterior.

Never heard of it. I saw the movie, but it was ages ago.

I hadn't either until I researched it a bit.

Breakfast of champions, right there.

I need some sugar energy.
Busy day.

Cool. My wife and daughter saw that on a trip a few years ago. Seemed to enjoy the visit.

It's really pretty unique.

:lmao::rotfl2::rotfl: Well done. Although I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.

Probably the latter. :rolleyes:

Good enough for me. Let's apply to the World Science organizations.

Let me know how it turns out.

I figure Dad climbed in to get her out, got stuck, then yelled for the kid to find somebody, kid ran off, got distracted and forgot.

Ah! Yes, you would have experience there, I'm sure.

But they did put a cover sheet on their TPS reports.


Hey, just like me!

Hey, just like m--uh oh.

I'm seeing a trend.
A big, smelly trend.

I would definitely be interested. That's all you can ask for.


:rotfl2::rotfl2: I KNEW it!


Looks like heaven to me.

I know, right???

Quoting this for posterity.

Whoops! Kinda set myself up there.

Wow. That must be some peanut butter!

Like I just mentioned to Vanessa,
easily the smoothest and creamiest
I've ever had.

I've felt that way before. I mean, I've done 3 TR's on Disney World. What more can I say about it?


I feel like Bill Murray.
"Well it's Groundhog Day.... again."

Well, you got a Lego dinosaur vomiting on a knight. Good job.


Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. Turn in the man card.

Ha! Jokes on you.
I lost that sucker
years ago.

I actually saw the characters in one photo and started to think, "You know that would be a perfect spot for pkondz to do a little Photoshop..."

Full day, so fasten your seatbelts.
If you fall off the TR,
you get left behind.

That seems to be happening to me a lot lately.

I set out bright and ea.......

I set out dull, insipid and early.
I braved the morning commute.

So the May Gray or June Gloom had set in early. I seem to remember that. We don't have a name for it when it comes in during April.

The first stop was the
James Irvine Japanese garden.

You should have taken my advice and gone to the Earl Burns Miller Garden at Cal State!

"And." She continued. "The gardens aren't open today."


While I couldn't get in the garden,
I did get above it.
Not quite the "Zen" I was looking for,
but still... at least I got to see it.

I don't exactly remember what they looked like as it was over a decade ago we looked at it (possible wedding venue), but I think the Cal State one might have been more picturesque.

The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.

So is it still in use? It looks clean and not over run with homeless people.

I was really looking forward
to my next stop,
the La Brea Tar Pits.

Another place I've never been. :sad2:

No idea what kind of tree this is,
but I thought it was interesting
enough to take a photo.

If it's undiscovered, I'm going
to call it a "pkondz rope tree"*
*Arbor Funem pkondz
Has a nice ring to it.

I can't tell you the name of the tree but there is a house in my neighborhood with the same kind of tree. So it's probably not undiscovered. I do like the nomenclature but I doubt you can copyright it.

A baby mammoth calling out
to its trapped mother.
Makes you wonder...

...just how many school kids
get traumatized by that
every year.

That's actually kind of cruel for them to have a display like that!

Different species?
No clue.
I'm going to say.... yes.
Because it's my TR and I get to decide.

So much easier than doing research.
(And I couldn't find anything definitive.
I think it's a Woolly Mammoth.)

And it's this kind of crack trip reporting that we count on you for!

I walked around the "lake",
snapping a few shots as I did.


Now these I can identify! Rhapsiolepsis. We have lots of these around our buildings!

Did you know, the tar pits are still active?
Every here and there, small bubbles
of methane rose to the surface.

That's actually kind of cool!

Elsewhere in the park,
you could visit and look into
an active dig site.

Even cooler!

My next destination was right on time.
I was getting hungry a bit,
and where better to find something
to nosh on, than...

And here is another place I have never been to...

I wandered around the various booths,
admiring the wares for sale.


You know i was thinking the price on those Tomohawk Rib Eyes was not too bad. Considering they are $119 @ S55, I could probably make it myself for about $75. Guessing a 3lb tomohawk....

Why yes... I'd had one just the day before.
So what?
I like clam chowder,
and this one was really good too.
Better than yesterday's
and that one was good too!

I get that, but then again I don't enjoy repeating dishes, unless I'm on a taste test quest.

Rows of differently filled empanadas.
You know... I've never actually had one...

Love Empanadas but all those sound...odd

Okay, it wasn't that bad.
I got back to the hotel without
wishing someone would die
in a fiery wreck...

So that's a plus, right?

I'm going to say yes.

Either way, I took a grand total of....

One photo of DTD.


And... again... total fail.
I thought Jack Brennan's Jazz Kitchen
looked interesting.

I always love that place

I ordered Popcorn Shrimp
(Cajun tartar sauce, horseradish cocktail sauce)
and a wedge salad.

We usually get Oysters, know you don't like those....


The Garlic bread....OMG!

Fried Calamari....Seriously

And then the Chocolate Bread Pudding Souffle. :faint:

To. Die. For.

There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

See above....
Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas*.

*Poor favour (for) manatees, all jaded less, "purty".
(You're welcome.)

Hahaha I'm so glad I know what this means now! if only I had a translation for the translation...

While I couldn't get in the garden,
I did get above it.
Not quite the "Zen" I was looking for,
but still... at least I got to see it.

Oooh! I mean, not the experience you were hoping for at all, but still nice to be able to see, and how pretty!!

The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.
Most notably the original (1982)
Blade Runner.
It's just... a cool place to see.

Cool!! What a neat spot...

I grabbed a cookie and a Coke
from the adjacent Subway
and thus fulfilled my obligation
of "loading".



(A book is an old form of web site.
Except it's on paper.
And (usually) pretty non-interactive.
Paper comes from trees.
I presume in a few years
I'll have to explain what 'trees' were.)


Oh good choice! I love a good market. I think markets can show you a lot of a place's personalty. Yummm.

In any event, the young lady pictured below
offered me a taste.

Holy crap.
That stuff was amazing!

I bought a jar.
My only regret is I didn't buy more.

Mmmm I loooove me some peanut butter! Sounds amazing!!

Of course I forgot that LA's rush hour traffic
starts around 4am and ends about... 4am.


There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

And I ordered a wedge salad!!!

Oh man. How disappointing. :sad2:
Full day, so fasten your seatbelts.
If you fall off the TR,
you get left behind.

That seems to be happening to me a lot lately.

I set out bright and ea.......

I set out dull, insipid and early.
I braved the morning commute.

So the May Gray or June Gloom had set in early. I seem to remember that. We don't have a name for it when it comes in during April.

The first stop was the
James Irvine Japanese garden.

You should have taken my advice and gone to the Earl Burns Miller Garden at Cal State!

"And." She continued. "The gardens aren't open today."


While I couldn't get in the garden,
I did get above it.
Not quite the "Zen" I was looking for,
but still... at least I got to see it.

I don't exactly remember what they looked like as it was over a decade ago we looked at it (possible wedding venue), but I think the Cal State one might have been more picturesque.

The Bradbury building has been on
numerous films and TV shows.

So is it still in use? It looks clean and not over run with homeless people.

I was really looking forward
to my next stop,
the La Brea Tar Pits.

Another place I've never been. :sad2:

No idea what kind of tree this is,
but I thought it was interesting
enough to take a photo.

If it's undiscovered, I'm going
to call it a "pkondz rope tree"*
*Arbor Funem pkondz
Has a nice ring to it.

I can't tell you the name of the tree but there is a house in my neighborhood with the same kind of tree. So it's probably not undiscovered. I do like the nomenclature but I doubt you can copyright it.

A baby mammoth calling out
to its trapped mother.
Makes you wonder...

...just how many school kids
get traumatized by that
every year.

That's actually kind of cruel for them to have a display like that!

Different species?
No clue.
I'm going to say.... yes.
Because it's my TR and I get to decide.

So much easier than doing research.
(And I couldn't find anything definitive.
I think it's a Woolly Mammoth.)

And it's this kind of crack trip reporting that we count on you for!

I walked around the "lake",
snapping a few shots as I did.


Now these I can identify! Rhapsiolepsis. We have lots of these around our buildings!

Did you know, the tar pits are still active?
Every here and there, small bubbles
of methane rose to the surface.

That's actually kind of cool!

Elsewhere in the park,
you could visit and look into
an active dig site.

Even cooler!

My next destination was right on time.
I was getting hungry a bit,
and where better to find something
to nosh on, than...

And here is another place I have never been to...

I wandered around the various booths,
admiring the wares for sale.


You know i was thinking the price on those Tomohawk Rib Eyes was not too bad. Considering they are $119 @ S55, I could probably make it myself for about $75. Guessing a 3lb tomohawk....

Why yes... I'd had one just the day before.
So what?
I like clam chowder,
and this one was really good too.
Better than yesterday's
and that one was good too!

I get that, but then again I don't enjoy repeating dishes, unless I'm on a taste test quest.

Rows of differently filled empanadas.
You know... I've never actually had one...

Love Empanadas but all those sound...odd

Okay, it wasn't that bad.
I got back to the hotel without
wishing someone would die
in a fiery wreck...

So that's a plus, right?

I'm going to say yes.

Either way, I took a grand total of....

One photo of DTD.


And... again... total fail.
I thought Jack Brennan's Jazz Kitchen
looked interesting.

I always love that place.

I ordered Popcorn Shrimp
(Cajun tartar sauce, horseradish cocktail sauce)
and a wedge salad.

They have Gumbo, garlic bread, onion soup!

There was fried chicken!
There was catfish!
There was jambalaya!
There was Bacon wrapped BBQ Meatloaf!

And they have Chocolate Bread Pudding Souffle!


Nice shots on the way back to your hotel though.

Oh, and yeah I did see it, but I'm not a huge fan of nuts....
That seems to be happening to me a lot lately.

Learn to buckle up!

So the May Gray or June Gloom had set in early. I seem to remember that. We don't have a name for it when it comes in during April.

Oh, no.
It was a beautiful day.

The dull and insipid was me.

You should have taken my advice and gone to the Earl Burns Miller Garden at Cal State!

That's what it was!
I couldn't remember.

Yeah, yeah.
Go ahead...
rub it in.

I don't exactly remember what they looked like as it was over a decade ago we looked at it (possible wedding venue), but I think the Cal State one might have been more picturesque.

You realize you're just
giving me one more reason
to come visit, right?

Haven't you had enough of me already? :laughing:

So is it still in use? It looks clean and not over run with homeless people.

I didn't see anyone else
other than two security guards.
As far as I could tell,
I think it's still in use?

Another place I've never been. :sad2:

You really should, Alison!
It's not an all day affair,
for sure.
But it is worth taking a peek.

I can't tell you the name of the tree but there is a house in my neighborhood with the same kind of tree. So it's probably not undiscovered. I do like the nomenclature but I doubt you can copyright it.

Oh, sure I can.
Well... the photo, anyway.


That's actually kind of cruel for them to have a display like that!

They weren't so concerned
with pampering back in the 60s
when they put it in.

And it's this kind of crack trip reporting that we count on you for!


Now these I can identify! Rhapsiolepsis. We have lots of these around our buildings!

They were purty. :)

That's actually kind of cool!

It actually is. :)

And here is another place I have never been to...

You'd love it there, I think.
I know I did.

You know i was thinking the price on those Tomohawk Rib Eyes was not too bad. Considering they are $119 @ S55, I could probably make it myself for about $75. Guessing a 3lb tomohawk....

3lb? So that you have enough
for another meal?
Or do you give some to the cats?

I get that, but then again I don't enjoy repeating dishes, unless I'm on a taste test quest.

I don't normally.
But I really do like it
and don't get it that often
up here.

Love Empanadas but all those sound...odd

I wouldn't know!
It was my first!

I lost my empanada virginity
and now you're saying it was
to a freak empanada?????

I'm going to say yes.

Well, you're the expert!

I always love that place

I really enjoyed it.
I'd definitely go back.

We usually get Oysters, know you don't like those....

I don't?
Huh. I never knew.

Actually, I've had
Oysters Rockefeller
which I loved...
but haven't had since 1990.
Just haven't seen them anywhere.
Raw oysters I don't really care for
all that much.
I've had them on occasion,
but there are other things that I prefer.
But I will eat them.


The Garlic bread....OMG!

Fried Calamari....Seriously

And then the Chocolate Bread Pudding Souffle. :faint:

To. Die. For.

I know. I totally failed.
Hahaha I'm so glad I know what this means now!

You're welcome. if only I had a translation for the translation...

Oh, sure.
Poor favour (for) manatees, all jaded less, "purty".

The manatees are less jaded, so it's poor favour for them but they are pretty in a cute way.

See? Simple!

Oooh! I mean, not the experience you were hoping for at all, but still nice to be able to see, and how pretty!!

It was nice. Small, but nice.
Wish I could've wandered around in it.

Cool!! What a neat spot...

It was!

Oh good choice! I love a good market. I think markets can show you a lot of a place's personalty. Yummm.


Must admit that I was extremely
underwhelmed by yours.
The Seaport Farmers?
Then again, it wasn't summer,
so it didn't look anything like this:

It was just a big empty building
with a very few counter serve spots.

Mmmm I loooove me some peanut butter! Sounds amazing!!

Oh, it was soooooo good.
Creamy and smooth. Yum!

Oh man. How disappointing. :sad2:

I know.
Total fail.
<hangs head in shame.>


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