I Went Running and Racing...and Boozing and Freezing!

Enjoying your latest TR! I also followed your vow renewal TR which was awesome! You got a lot accomplished on your first night and lots of pixie dust. I love going in December but the weather is certainly a gamble. My DH and I went early December and had perfect weather but that hasn't always been the case. Anxious to hear how the rest of your trip went!
I LOLed at your flip flops in the snow! I have a feeling I know how the weather went for you since I was there a little bit after you!
Yes, prepare to see many more layers, ridiculously unmatched layers at that!! We look ok through New Year's Eve, but after that all bets were off!!

I think you're too hard on yourselves—this is nice!! We're our own worst critics.
Well, thank you! I know I am definitely critical of how I look in pictures, which is ridiculous because I should just be focusing on the fact that we were together in my most favorite place of all!!!!

I still love this picture!! Poor Rob - he almost figured it out. I like your pirate hook finger. Very classy.
I could not stop laughing when it first uploaded into my account!!! I wonder what the other riders thought of my scowl and hook finger :)

Here for another adventure. I still think about your phone on the tracks at Rockin Rollercoaster. When I was there in Feb, I made sure my phone was tucked in my bag!
Welcome!!! :) thanks for coming along!

ME, TOO!!! I kept trying to glance down there when we exited like I might miraculously be the one to find it, "Uh, hello, Disney, it was RIGHT THERE"....but sadly, that didn't happen. Believe me, I kept my phone zipped up tightly inside my purse, strap wrapped around me and under my leg!! I also put my ears in the darn basket where they should've been the whole time. Happily I did not lose a thing this time around! LOL

Yay, you've started!!! I'm here!
Hi, Tracy!! :) Thanks for your patience!!

Right?! I absolutely love it at night! Especially since that's where I serendipitously met @chunkymonkey for the first time a fews ago :goodvibes
Awww, that would definitely make it even more magical!!!

The camera is at such an awkward spot - I'm always staring off into space and the whole boat is clueless. :laughing:
I know! The pics are always so weird, that's why I was trying to get Rob prepped so at least TWO of us in the boat would be pirate-y. Better luck next time!!

Enjoying your latest TR! I also followed your vow renewal TR which was awesome!
Hi!!! Thanks for reading :) I'm glad you enjoyed my first TR--that trip was truly one for the books!!!!

I love going in December but the weather is certainly a gamble. My DH and I went early December and had perfect weather but that hasn't always been the case. Anxious to hear how the rest of your trip went!
Christmas at Disney is my absolute favorite! We have been there in record heat in December, bu this was our first time with such cold! Lesson learned.
I always used to tell him when we were dating and he wouldn't do things I wanted--"Well you're not being very magical!" So, my brother had that shirt made for him LOL

Aww that's really cute, it's such a funny shirt!

Right?! I absolutely love it at night! Especially since that's where I serendipitously met @chunkymonkey for the first time a fews ago :goodvibes

Frontierland IS magical!! Esp at night!!

I love this picture from your vow renewal!

two of the main parts of our deal were absolutely no train rides and no Tomorrowland Speedway for either of us! He even made us shake his hands to seal the deal

Hahaha, this is adorable!

had requested the highest floor in the 60’s building

No wonder we never ran into each other at Pop Century, we were in the 90's building so pretty far away from you guys.

This picture is so cute!

She said, “There. Don’t you feel like a princess? Every girl should remember what it feels like to be a little princess again, don’t you think?” She gave me a big hug and I felt like I could burst into tears there in the castle, twirling and feeling like a little girl again if just for a moment.

What a great Snow White!

He says he will decide for us and be right back. Imagine our surprise when he came back with all three desserts even though we were only entitled to one each. #pixiedust

Yay! I love moments like that, it's what makes Disney so special!

I may have squealed a little when I saw our names on the sign.

Haha, I get way too excited about that little touch on rides!

Walking through New Fantasyland we came upon Cinderella’s Coach, so I’m sure you know by now that I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to take our pictures in front of it!! Though, I did push Rob out of the first one!! MY castle, MY coach, MY HAPPY PLACE! :)

What!! I definitely did not see this! This is so cool!

And this little gem in my MDE--LOL

OMG, this is hilarious! I ended up with multiple random people in my MDE from Buzz Lightyear as well!

We decided to try Big Thunder Mountain in the dark, a first for us both! We LOVED it!! We went on it during the day later in the trip and decided it is absolutely superior at night.

Such a great ride in the dark!

Great picture! I love the reflection in the water!

Now, I explained to him where the picture is taken on the ride…and yet, here is the picture we ended up with: 3 people on their phones, half the boat looking the wrong way, Rob shocked by something in the distance….and me…with my pirate scowl and finger hook LOL


headed out of MK toward the bus stop at 2:22 a.m.

Way to go! We were so tired, we left right after the fireworks...
Sunday, December 31st

I promised Rob we would take it easy and not be in a rush to set the alarm and have to be places early on this trip, so we slept in a little this morning. I hung up my decoration in the room because the windows were so sweaty that the tape wouldn’t stick! It had gotten pretty cold at night and our room was warm from having to turn the heat on.
20171231_082034 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

In my notes I wrote that we were on a bus to MK at 8:27 a.m. In fact, I only know that because I sent this picture to our friend who works for the Chicago Transit Authority to wish him a Happy New Year from an articulated Disney bus!! He is fascinated with all things related to transportation and has actually taken business trips to learn about Disney transport. Fun fact: our bus and train system in Chicago uses the same voice for announcements as Disney. Doesn’t Rob look thrilled?
20171231_082720 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

Traffic was pretty backed up, as we figured it would be. Last year on New Year’s Eve it took us about 45 minutes to get from Pop to the bus drop off at MK. Today was no different. We got off the bus, through security and under the train station around 9:15 a.m. The park was really filling up!!
20171231_091700 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 20171231_091657 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

Originally, I had intended for us to get cinnamon rolls at Gaston’s Tavern, but the walkways were super crowded and we figured we would just head for Tomorrowland as we had two FPs coming up over there. (In the meantime, sleeping in and all the traffic had caused us to miss our Haunted Mansion FP. More on that in a second!)
wdw2017365902245903_8152251564 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

We rode Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin (BLSRS??) and then had the WDW breakfast of champions—Mickey pretzels with fake (albeit delicious!) cheese.
20171231_094135 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

I really wish I hadn’t cut the lady next to me out of this selfie! Rob was in shorts and I was in a tank top today—the sun was warm and wonderful and we were soaking it all in. The lady next to me was wearing a full length parka with a scarf, gloves, hat and Ugg boots. I chuckled to myself about how THIS was not cold! Karma would not be kind later this week, and I would kick myself for laughing at that lady…..I would also wish she was around so I could borrow her gloves…or hat…or anything!

Our FP for Space Mountain was about to open up, so we walked over only to be met by a huge line of people being turned away because SM had gone down. Immediately MDE notified me that I had a Multi-Experience FP that could be used right now at any attraction. Not until I looked at that did I even notice we also had one for the FP we had missed this morning at Haunted Mansion.
Screenshot_20171231-100507 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

We had a lunch reservation to get to, so we had intended to spend the morning at MK. Our late start, broken down rides, and the building crowd were making it necessary to make a game plan and get moving. We decided to use one of the FPs on BTM. As we strolled across the park…well, bumped, jostled and squeezed through the park is maybe more like it, I noted wait times were insane already! In case you can’t read the screens: 210 for 7DMT, 140 Peter Pan’s Flight, and 50 for IASW.

20171231_100726 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 20171231_100943 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 20171231_101000 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

This man is losing steam, can you tell!? Good thing he's about to ride the wildest ride in the wilderness!!
20171231_101945 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr
After our ride in Frontierland we headed for the park exit and just missed a boat to Wilderness Lodge. Luckily we only waited about 10 minutes before another boat came. The boat ride was relaxing, especially compared to the chaos we had left behind in MK!
20171231_104500 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 20171231_105529 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 20171231_105836 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

When we docked, we wandered just a bit before figuring out where Whispering Canyon Café was located. There was a PP photographer in the lobby who took these cute pics before we headed to the check in stand.
wdw2017365902027383_407608291270 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr wdw2017365902027394_407608291274 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

There were only two or three other families in the restaurant, so it was quieter and more tame than I had hoped. I was the first person to ask for ketchup for the day, so our waitress filled her whole apron with bottles from the Ketchup Jail and brought them all to me, along with a handful of straws and napkins. Jimmy would have loved this meal!

Our waitress was wonderful—she was from Chicago and we talked awhile about the impending cold for the rest of the week. I mentioned the parka/Ugg boot lady and we chuckled about how Floridians can’t handle the cold. (way to go, self!)

Admittedly, I made this reservation for Rob more than myself. I figured I would find something to eat, but I knew he’d go for the BBQ platter…which I didn’t take a picture of. Ugh, TR writer fail. He loved his food and really filled up! I ordered a pulled pork sandwich, but it ended up being “too porky” to me. I know that sounds insane, but it was just too much meat, not enough sauce for me. I ate it with a fork because there was no way to pick it up and eat it. We would definitely eat here again, but I’d probably go in with Rob on the platter and fill up on all the delicious sides!
20171231_112751 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

We took the boat back to MK and strolled toward the bus stops. There was a line of people waiting for a Pop Century bus, but an Art of Animation bus was just pulling in. We headed right over and hopped on. We stopped at the Big Blue Pool bar for a drink to walk back to Pop with. I stopped by the play area to send a picture to Jimmy (who I call Squirt!) and tell him I was missing him a lot.
20171231_131734 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

When we’d purchased our drinks, I asked the bartender if I could add a Mickey straw. He looked at me kind of quizzically, but grabbed the cup of straws and asked me what color. I asked for green (there weren’t any green in the cup, but I saw people had them in their fruity drinks at the bar…he was a good sport about going in the back to bring out more green. Hey, it was for Jimmy or I wouldn’t have cared….much!) PS Rob was blinded by the sun. I swear he wasn’t drunk…yet. We walked back to our room past the Skyliner Construction near the bridge between the two resorts.
20171231_131922 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

Our only plan for the afternoon was to relax by the pool, drink up a little stack of gift cards we had set aside for just this purpose, and enjoy the afternoon before our big NYE celebration!
20171231_151554 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr Screenshot_20171231-151654 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr

They handed out party hats and had poolside trivia. It was such a fun afternoon, I almost didn’t want it to end. BUT, we had a party to get to, so around 5:00 we headed back to the room to get dolled up for our night out!

20171231_154008_001 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr 46372 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr Snapchat-295398511 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr Snapchat-436539130 by Jackie Lagoni, on Flickr
WAIT. The CTA voice is the same one as Disney transportation?? We were in Chicago for 4 days over spring break and took many busses/trains. I thought the voice sounded familiar, but thought nothing of it. It was the Disney guy?!?!
to wish him a Happy New Year from an articulated Disney bus!!
I don't think I have seen an articulated bus at Disney! Why I find that interesting, I don't know...

Rob was in shorts and I was in a tank top today—the sun was warm and wonderful and we were soaking it all in.
At least you got some warm weather!

Originally, I had intended for us to get cinnamon rolls at Gaston’s Tavern, but the walkways were super crowded and we figured we would just head for Tomorrowland as we had two FPs coming up over there. (In the meantime, sleeping in and all the traffic had caused us to miss our Haunted Mansion FP. More on that in a second!)
Man, I don't think I want to be in Disney on New Years Eve Ever!

The boat ride was relaxing, especially compared to the chaos we had left behind in MK!
I love that boat ride! It is half the reason why we love Wilderness Lodge!

There were only two or three other families in the restaurant, so it was quieter and more tame than I had hoped. I was the first person to ask for ketchup for the day, so our waitress filled her whole apron with bottles from the Ketchup Jail and brought them all to me, along with a handful of straws and napkins. Jimmy would have loved this meal!
I think dinner is more rowdy.

Where was Ketchup Jail?

We took the boat back to MK and strolled toward the bus stops. There was a line of people waiting for a Pop Century bus, but an Art of Animation bus was just pulling in. We headed right over and hopped on. We stopped at the Big Blue Pool bar for a drink to walk back to Pop with.
Good Plan!

Your straw makes that Miller Lite so much classier!
I ordered a pulled pork sandwich, but it ended up being “too porky” to me. I know that sounds insane, but it was just too much meat, not enough sauce for me. I ate it with a fork because there was no way to pick it up and eat it.
I totally get it! Pulled Pork needs to have the right mix of sauce and meat, or else no good!
Just stumbled on your report! Glad you finally got it started! You guys hanging in the MK til 2am and then getting up at 8 the next day is impressive! And I am loving all your selfies, so cute!
We rode Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin (BLSRS??) and then had the WDW breakfast of champions—Mickey pretzels with fake (albeit delicious!) cheese.

LOVE the fake cheese! It's the best part!

As we strolled across the park…well, bumped, jostled and squeezed through the park is maybe more like it, I noted wait times were insane already! In case you can’t read the screens: 210 for 7DMT, 140 Peter Pan’s Flight, and 50 for IASW.

I always wondered just how busy it would be on NYE and now I know. I feel like I'd want to try it at least once, but not sure I could handle the crowds. Can't wait to see how you spent the rest of the day/night!

The boat ride was relaxing, especially compared to the chaos we had left behind in MK!

I love the boat rides around Bay Lake. We use the boats whenever we can!

There was a PP photographer in the lobby who took these cute pics before we headed to the check in stand.

So cute! Love those pictures!

Love all your poolside Snaps! I'm glad it was warm enough then to enjoy the sunshine!
Fun fact: our bus and train system in Chicago uses the same voice for announcements as Disney

We rode Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin (BLSRS??) and then had the WDW breakfast of champions—Mickey pretzels with fake (albeit delicious!) cheese.

Haha I've had this for breakfast before, along with frozen chocolate-covered bananas, they are my favorite quick breakfast when I don't want to stop for a meal!

Our FP for Space Mountain was about to open up, so we walked over only to be met by a huge line of people being turned away because SM had gone down. Immediately MDE notified me that I had a Multi-Experience FP that could be used right now at any attraction. Not until I looked at that did I even notice we also had one for the FP we had missed this morning at Haunted Mansion.

How nice! Sometimes we don't realize a ride is down too and we only notice when we see random anytime FPs in our account!

Admittedly, I made this reservation for Rob more than myself. I figured I would find something to eat, but I knew he’d go for the BBQ platter…which I didn’t take a picture of. Ugh, TR writer fail. He loved his food and really filled up! I ordered a pulled pork sandwich, but it ended up being “too porky” to me. I know that sounds insane, but it was just too much meat, not enough sauce for me. I ate it with a fork because there was no way to pick it up and eat it. We would definitely eat here again, but I’d probably go in with Rob on the platter and fill up on all the delicious sides!

I've always wanted to try this. I'm not like a huge fan of BBQ meats either, but I do love all the sides!

Looks like a relaxing afternoon! LOL at everyone else feeling cold except for you guys that day. I know the feeling.
Can't wait to see what your big NYE celebration is like!
WAIT. The CTA voice is the same one as Disney transportation?? We were in Chicago for 4 days over spring break and took many busses/trains. I thought the voice sounded familiar, but thought nothing of it. It was the Disney guy?!?!
I know!!!! It's such a mind-blow, isn't it!? When he told me that after their last trip I was astounded!!

I don't think I have seen an articulated bus at Disney! Why I find that interesting, I don't know...
That's because you're smart enough to go when they don't need to have gigantic buses out to transport the crowds!! LOL

I think dinner is more rowdy.

Where was Ketchup Jail?
I got that feeling, too. We will definitely go back for a try at dinner. Ketchup Jail was just a box on the wall outside the doors to the kitchen. But I liked that she called it that :)

Your straw makes that Miller Lite so much classier!
VERY classy. That's me in a nutshell!

I totally get it! Pulled Pork needs to have the right mix of sauce and meat, or else no good!
I'm glad I'm not the only one! My husband was eyeballs deep in his platter, so he did not "get" my complaint!

Just stumbled on your report! Glad you finally got it started! You guys hanging in the MK til 2am and then getting up at 8 the next day is impressive! And I am loving all your selfies, so cute!
Thanks for finding me :) I'm glad I got started, too! Kindergarten is stressful this time of year, so having my TR to get lost in has been a little therapeutic!

We were flying on adrenaline at the beginning of the trip! Our ambitious early ups were less pleasant at the end of the week LOL

I always wondered just how busy it would be on NYE and now I know. I feel like I'd want to try it at least once, but not sure I could handle the crowds. Can't wait to see how you spent the rest of the day/night!
New Year's Eve is the busiest day of the year at WDW. It's kind of insane and a little incredible to be able to see!! If you have some sort of a game plan, you would totally be able to do it, just don't plan on a lot of rides. Take it all in and spread out your FPs and meals. It's totally worth it!

Love all your poolside Snaps! I'm glad it was warm enough then to enjoy the sunshine
My husband sometimes just humors me and my love for Snapchat :) I sometimes can't help myself!! I'm very glad we took the time to enjoy the pool this day because it was our last chance til the day we went home. The weather shifted and the pool was closed for the rest of our trip!
I've always wanted to try this. I'm not like a huge fan of BBQ meats either, but I do love all the sides!
I definitely think I would have enjoyed the meal a lot more if I'd have gone in on the platter with Rob and just eaten the sides!!! Next time for sure :)

Looks like a relaxing afternoon! LOL at everyone else feeling cold except for you guys that day. I know the feeling.
Can't wait to see what your big NYE celebration is like!
The cold was about to hit.....I was SO glad we got to enjoy this day by the pool because it was closed the following morning and every day until the day we left for home :(
I love this shot! Plus, given that I was there during this incredibly busy/chaotic time, too, shots like these were hard to come by :laughing:
I think that's what prompted me to take it!!! I mean, I expected the insanity at MK, so mentally I was prepared but going from that to this in just a few minutes was like....oh, yeah, much better!

How cute is this?! :cutie:
Thanks :) I have become obsessed with band bows!! I ordered a bunch, but sadly had a hard time wearing them under all the layers I had to put on every day after this one!

Sounds like you made the most of the sun and crowds this day... anxious to hear about your evening NYE celebration :thumbsup2
Hopefully coming up this afternoon!!
Bummer about all your cancelled ride fast passes! But nice you could use them and just go without having to wait for the next slot to open.

My sister is the same way with the coat! She moved from Boston to Los Angeles a few years ago, when she got there in January it was mid to upper 50s/low 60s and she would walk around in flip flops. Now a couple years later she came home for Christmas and it was warm for a New England winter, maybe 60, she was FROZEN! We give her a hard time about needing a down jacket in 50 degree weather.

Lunch looks great! I love Whispering Canyon. I have been for dinner and breakfast and I LOVE their breakfast foods. We had a little snafu with my bachelorette trip where our Flight of Passage fast pass was lost, so my friend booked the river ride, which I have no interest in. So since I have zero interest in waking up after a night of drinking for a 7 am park opening at AK, I decided to skip AK all together (was only going for FOP), and made a breakfast reservation for myself at WCC! I am dreaming of the banana bread french toast as we speak!


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