The ABCs of Another Steppe Into Adventure!- Last Africa Ch. + World Showcase Pt. 2

Hmmm.... were we talking about breakfast? I thought we were talking about Mayo in general.
But.... yeah. I don't think I've ever touched mayo for breakfast. Not that I can recall.
I'd have to look up the recipe to be sure, but if you've ever had eggs Benedict, I'm fairly certain the hollandaise sauce is mayonnaise based.

Just looked up the recipe and although it is not mayonnaise, they say it's like mayonnaise in that it's an emulsion of oil in egg yolk.
Now, let's hear from you: What's the best thing that happened to you this week?

The best thing that happened to me this week was either being able to see my mom, brother, sister in law and niece *OR* job interview in central FL going well. Until I find out I got the job, it would have to be the visit itself. If I got the job, then that would take the top spot.
Mayonnaise...most overrated condiment ever. Can't say as I've had any food that was improved with mayo. :crazy2:
I would definitely disagree here. It's what makes a tomato sandwich great. Here in the south (made famous by Elvis...peanut butter and banana sandwiches with mayonnaise - I don't particularly like them, but many folks do).
Sausage sandwiches with mayo and mustard.
Ham sandwiches.
Hot dogs.
I could go on, but suffice it to say, I very much am a mayo fan.

We can agree to disagree and the great thing is we (like Disney) can enjoy different things and that's okay.
I'd have to look up the recipe to be sure, but if you've ever had eggs Benedict, I'm fairly certain the hollandaise sauce is mayonnaise based.

Nope. Made it several times.

But I see you’ve already figured out the recipe.

So, the new them song for Liesa will be "Fly Robin, Fly" except substituting her name for Robin. W00T.

Following along. You certainly have no shortage of things to occupy your time! I loved our roadtrip that included Zion and Bryce, but i never would have expected snow at Bryce in the first week of May!

From our schedule in April your time at DLR might be somewhat limited, but at least you'll get there! Disney with your folks should be fun as well. Im planning a trip with my folks for next year.
That's perfectly okay.
Life has to come first. :)

Sadly, yes.

Good for you! Fly, Liesa! Fly!

Heh, gonna take a while.

Ooh! That'll be nice! Because...

...of that.

Always love to practice. :)

Heh. Aren't we all? ;)

I suppose that's why we're all here! LOL!

That'll be really nice! They've been before, I presume? Or?

Oh yes! Mom grew up near DLR and went many, many times as a teen. They took me as a kid many times a year and they still like it well enough. They love EPCOT and I hope I can introduce them to AK and get them to love it as much as I do.

Holy crap... that sounds... intimidating.

I know I am!

To quote... well... you.
You can do it!

We shall see....

Cool! That'll be both a nice change of pace and scenery and (I assume) good for the patients.

It's about 4 times as big as what we have now, so yes, good for everyone!

Ugh. I feel your pain. Those don't get easier with time, I'm sorry to say.

Maybe someday, they can be passed along to the young'uns. ;)

Sigh. Yes. But.... I don't think it's worth it in the long run.

Well, career-wise, I think all nurses have to pay their dues so to speak. If it gets me some job security, I'm okay with that.

Note to self. Stay far away from Oregon.

HEHE! Well, Zach's been driving well over 2 years now, so he's good and ready. :)

I've heard this.
Let's see.... what did I do yesterday. Went to get my licence renewed, then went back with Ruby and got hers done. Plus did the insurance on three cars (ours and Elle's... except it's still in our name.)
Took about.... 5 minutes?

So, a Canadian with a good experience. Honestly, it's all over the board here too. If I drive half an hour to Dallas, a small community to our west, it's always very quick. Maybe it's situational?

Are you kidding? I don't remember that! :laughing:

Hmmm.... I would have to say chatting with my best friend.

Awww, that's really nice!
Ugh, I think no matter where you live anything to do with drivers' permits is hellacious. I also am utterly terrified to even contemplate the idea of my kids learning to drive, just sayin'. I don't feel like they will ever be ready for that kind of responsibility lol.

It's just such a time consuming process to get anything done! I am always afraid at first as well. We live on a rural highway (just off of one) and they have to make a left turn out onto it. That terrifies me! Plus it's one-lane for about 6 miles into town. UGH!

Cool about your new learnin' at work. I know it's tough, but you seem so good at learning new things so I'm sure you will be more than great!!! And also learning to so incredible..I am loving being on that journey with you too...can't wait for the eventual flying pics lol

It'll definitely be a process to get up to speed out there. :)

AS for flying, the actual flying won't come until Spring. I want to pass my written exam first. Plus... $$$$$$$
Hmmm.... were we talking about breakfast? I thought we were talking about Mayo in general.
But.... yeah. I don't think I've ever touched mayo for breakfast. Not that I can recall.

No, mayo at breakfast. Just no.


Interesting thought.
You'd think that education would be enough. Apparently... not so much.

Nothing like real life experience to provide a well-timed wake up call. As unfortunate as they can be at times.

<shoves bowl of weeds over to Liesa.>

nom, nom, nom...

Interesting. Never heard of it so... Google to the rescue.

Love me some University of Google.

::yes:: One must always exercise proper decorum.

So, completely unlike anything ever seen at my home.

None of it useful!

What? Reindeer knowledge isn't useful.

Hi Liesa! Just stopping by to say I'm trying to catch up before commenting. Haven't forgotten about you. Have had some destractions lately, studying for my coding exam and busy with clients. I am loving your TR as usual! Be back soon!

When will you sit the exam, Tammie? How do you feel about it? Ready?
:woohoo::cool1::banana: A couple of our favorites. Make sure you hit both early, though. Zion is especially crazy crowded in the summer. We actually planned to avoid it this time around. Not because we don't love the scenery, but didn't want to mess with the crowds with limited time. We didn't make it to Capitol Reef last time so we're trying to pick that one up instead.

Okay, definitely going to pass this info along to the main planners of this trip. Guess the old RD trick will be utilized. ;)

Well, sure. Is it a day that ends in y?

Yes, and a month with at least 28 days.

My kids subtly hint at that, too. "I wanna go back to Disney! When can we go back?"

Super sneaky.

party: Sounds like you're getting Disney fixes in regular intervals these days.

Which is a nice change from every 5 or so years.

I can certainly understand being worried about that! But you'll rock it. I know you'll put in the time.

I imagine, depending on how many times I get scheduled to train out there, it'll take a month or so before I'm let loose to do it myself.

Well, there's a reason they call it "work" and have to pay you to do it.

True. And I just added it up. For the 3 days of the move (that we're all expected to take part in), my pay will take care of about half of the Utah Vacay.

I'm in that boat! My daughter turns 16 in about a week and a half. :scared:

Does she already have her permit? Sorry, if you've mentioned this on your TR, I've forgotten.

Sorry to hear that. Our DMV's got an overhaul a few years back and really pushed customer service hard. They've done an amazing job. You'll never hear much praise, because it's a government office and nobody notices anything we do well, but I'm always amazed at how quickly I can get in and out.

A typical visit to ours takes anywhere between an hour and 3. But you're right. It's like having a clean house: If it's clean no one notices, but if you're dishes aren't done or your floors are gross, everyone will!

Well, we're in that crappy time of year between Christmas and Easter when it's cold and dark and nothing is going on, but...

My normally cursed football team won the right to be the team that loses to the Patriots in the Super Bowl this year!

Yes, the dark of late winter. But, my daffodils are poking through, some camelias are blooming, and the snowdrops are also up and blooming. Despair won't last much longer.

Sadly, there's nothing I can do for you team. No one can.
Mayonnaise...most overrated condiment ever. Can't say as I've had any food that was improved with mayo. :crazy2:

Cole slaw? Potato salad?

When are you heading to DLR? I'm a local and am always at the parks, so would love to meet up and share our Disney love!

:welcome:, Lesley! Glad to have you here!

I'm going in mid-April, but will only be in the parks one day and spending the rest of the time with family in the area. :) I have some plans to meet up with 4 others, and am really not sure what the group has planned, but I'd love to say a quick howdy hello if it works out to! :)

All caught up again.

I'll just say, your pictures and Africa stories make you stop and realize how blessed we are.
Yes, it certainly helps to put some things in perspective. :) We really have things nice here, when you stop to compare. Not that we shouldn't strive to improve, but things could be far, far worse... and more like it is in a lot of other places. :

I'm finally caught back up but I'm reading on my phone so no quoting.

OH, I'm all too familiar with the phone reading. ;)

I have enjoyed both sides of your report but the Africa sides really tears at my heart. Kudos to you for giving your time and talents.

It was a joy to serve; hard, but worth it.

I really enjoyed your dapper dan day. Danielle and I would love to do that one day. She is so into dressing up and doing cosplay.

Anyone who likes to dress up would love that day!

I'm gearing up for our trip down to WDW. I'm so excited to share it with my grands. I'm really excited to see the The Festival of the Arts at Epcot. In 14 days I'll be in my happy place (not that I'm really counting)

WHOA! 14 days (and less now!) is coming up quick! So exciting! I've not been to that Festival yet, and hear it's quite lovely!
Oh, so you'll be the mean lady sticking us all with needles...:P

Yep, that'd be me!


You may have already seen on FB, but I had some excitement in the house this week:

Last Friday I went to the city humane services to adopt a kitten. I wasn't entirely thrilled with the idea but the mother was a stray so I guess I feel good about the fact that I've given the creature a better life than it would have had otherwise. DD is over the moon with happiness and surprisingly DW has been the most cuddly with it so far.
A few pictures below. She's a 2 month old calico with a little orange tabby in her. Wiki says that's technically a tortoiseshell cat, so named her Shelby. Maybe not the most original name but it works.

I did see that! And she is absolutely adorable. So cute!

I had a tortioseshell as a kid once; they are really pretty.

Wow, still reading along. What a lot to take in and absorb in Africa, for me anyways; such a difference to our privileged lives. Thank you for sharing the ups and downs with us. It's important for me to keep my perspective.

In many ways, Donna, this is serving as a nice way to look back and reflect. I'm SO glad I took notes because the days blended together as it went on. There were so many new sights and smells and sounds and feelings there. Glad it's helping you see things in new ways.
Heh, gonna take a while.

You'll do it!

Oh yes! Mom grew up near DLR and went many, many times as a teen. They took me as a kid many times a year and they still like it well enough. They love EPCOT and I hope I can introduce them to AK and get them to love it as much as I do.

I meant WDW specifically. :)
But good to hear that they do love Epcot.

I know I am!

Yep! Agreed! Absolutely intimidating!

We shall see....

Yes. We shall. ::yes::

It's about 4 times as big as what we have now, so yes, good for everyone!

Nice! That'll be great for everyone. Patients and staff.

Maybe someday, they can be passed along to the young'uns. ;)

Not for me... not for... another decade or so I think.

Well, career-wise, I think all nurses have to pay their dues so to speak. If it gets me some job security, I'm okay with that.

:) Hope that works out!

HEHE! Well, Zach's been driving well over 2 years now, so he's good and ready. :)

Get that boy his licence!

So, a Canadian with a good experience. Honestly, it's all over the board here too. If I drive half an hour to Dallas, a small community to our west, it's always very quick. Maybe it's situational?


Nothing like real life experience to provide a well-timed wake up call. As unfortunate as they can be at times.

Unfortunate. Now there's a word.

So, completely unlike anything ever seen at my home.


What? Reindeer knowledge isn't useful.

You just proved my point.
I put on my own socks today! Granted, still using only my right hand, but hey, progress is progress!

And that is an adorable kitten @Terra Nova guy!

Now that's some progress!! Nice!

And we have a saying in our house: Any progress is GREAT progress! Keep at it!

As with many condiments...they don't need to be refrigerated until they're opened.

Hmmm.... still gonna keep mine in the fridge. ;)

The best thing that happened to me this week was either being able to see my mom, brother, sister in law and niece *OR* job interview in central FL going well. Until I find out I got the job, it would have to be the visit itself. If I got the job, then that would take the top spot.

Both sound really nice! Family visits are great, but a job interview (especially one in FL!) would sure seem like a great thing too. But yes, always best not to count your chickens before they hatch. Fingers crossed (even though I don't really believe in luck. You're either meant to have it or not.)

So, the new them song for Liesa will be "Fly Robin, Fly" except substituting her name for Robin. W00T.

Had to look that one up! O. M. G. Did you watch the video!?! That is the most... disco... .in the worst sense of the word!, I think I"ve ever encountered. LOLOLOLOL! Dying here.


We can agree to disagree and the great thing is we (like Disney) can enjoy different things and that's okay.

If we all liked the same thing, there'd be exactly one ride at Disney. Imagine how long the line would be!

Following along. You certainly have no shortage of things to occupy your time! I loved our roadtrip that included Zion and Bryce, but i never would have expected snow at Bryce in the first week of May!

I have camped there once as well, in October I believe. I nearly froze to death and also woke to snow. It sucked.

From our schedule in April your time at DLR might be somewhat limited, but at least you'll get there! Disney with your folks should be fun as well. Im planning a trip with my folks for next year.

I'm not counting on much, and that's okay. The company is far more important. :)
Hmmm.... still gonna keep mine in the fridge. ;)
I do as well...after I open it. Unopened one is in the pantry for when that runs out.

Both sound really nice! Family visits are great, but a job interview (especially one in FL!) would sure seem like a great thing too. But yes, always best not to count your chickens before they hatch. Fingers crossed (even though I don't really believe in luck. You're either meant to have it or not.)
Agreed...I don't believe in luck either...everything happens for a reason.

Had to look that one up! O. M. G. Did you watch the video!?! That is the most... disco... .in the worst sense of the word!, I think I"ve ever encountered. LOLOLOLOL! Dying here.

Laughing along with you, because I know you got our your gold lame dress on and started dancing with them. I know that's what you'll be doing when you get your pilots license.

Had a thought about getting your license...instead of the flying nun, you'll be the flying nurse.

If we all liked the same thing, there'd be exactly one ride at Disney. Imagine how long the line would be!
No...I'd rather not imagine that.
Working the night shift once a week almost seems worse than being stuck on that shift for a few weeks at a time. I know when my husband was working in lodging and he'd have to cover a night shift when he was normally on days it left him extra tired the following few days. Hopefully you're managing well and getting time to study for your pilot's license!

I'd talk about my week but Landon picked up strep from his preschool class and gave it to Evie and myself. We've been cooped up inside with tea and Disney movies. I am sure having to teach kids how to drive and take them to get their licenses is no picnic, but man I'll be happy when my kids are at that point and not spending their days in the petri-dishes known as preschools! :rotfl:
I do as well...after I open it. Unopened one is in the pantry for when that runs out.

I accidentally bought extra for some reason and we are finally down to only one extra in the pantry again. My kids teased me mercilessly for months.

Agreed...I don't believe in luck either...everything happens for a reason.


Laughing along with you, because I know you got our your gold lame dress on and started dancing with them. I know that's what you'll be doing when you get your pilots license.

Had a thought about getting your license...instead of the flying nun, you'll be the flying nurse.

Steppe- The Dancing Queen.

(No, like for reals, I do like ABBA.)

No...I'd rather not imagine that.

And you KNOW it'd be It's a Small World.
Working the night shift once a week almost seems worse than being stuck on that shift for a few weeks at a time. I know when my husband was working in lodging and he'd have to cover a night shift when he was normally on days it left him extra tired the following few days. Hopefully you're managing well and getting time to study for your pilot's license!

Yes, the phenomenon of being tired for a few days is very real. I am getting a bit of time, yes, and have made a little plan for myself, so there is progress. :)

I'd talk about my week but Landon picked up strep from his preschool class and gave it to Evie and myself. We've been cooped up inside with tea and Disney movies. I am sure having to teach kids how to drive and take them to get their licenses is no picnic, but man I'll be happy when my kids are at that point and not spending their days in the petri-dishes known as preschools! :rotfl:

I can think of worse ways to suffer through strep.

We've gotten 3 kids through it, and I'll certainly be glad when the last 2 are over it.


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