This week's episode had me question the CM room access

This has been recommended multiple times during the course of the thread.

I know. I guess it is just so obvious that i don't understand all the consternation. How does the removal of a door hanger turn into a scenario where you have to bring a weapon and consider a scenario where you're assaulting resort employees?

I think the policy may be moderated as time goes by.

Assuming it’s a CM AND YOU HAVE LOCKED YOUR DOOR, barring a total shoulder to the door breakdown what is your concern?
Regardless of the OP and their approach here the thing is people insist just up and does insist that a latch is the solution to the problem. The truth is it's a possible but limited solution. When traveling not everyone stays and leaves the room at the same time.

Just on our most recent trip my husband left the room multiple times without me (to get the packed food for Irma from the Resort and because October 2016 hurricane was a mad house I had no idea how long he would be), to take video of Irma damage, to getting into the car for a forgotten item, etc). I also was dropped off at the curb several times while he parked the car so here I am up in the room while he is not. Granted being dropped off at the curb occurred late into the evening but it's just as easy to envision this occuring in the middle of the day.

None of those times would I have latched the door..that would have meant even with my husband using his MB (which he did to get back into the room) he wouldn't have been able to get into the room. When I get back to my hotel room it's common for me to use the bathroom thus I would have been unable to have him knock and me move the latch to let him in. Some people are napping and some are in the shower.

This also means it could have been the moment when Disney comes by requesting to come in. Obviously this comes down to perfect timing but just understand when you say "just use the latch...duh" you're sorta missing the times when it doesn't work out.
Regardless of the OP and their approach here the thing is people insist just up and does insist that a latch is the solution to the problem. The truth is it's a possible but limited solution. When traveling not everyone stays and leaves the room at the same time.

Just on our most recent trip my husband left the room multiple times without me (to get the packed food for Irma from the Resort and because October 2016 hurricane was a mad house I had no idea how long he would be), to take video of Irma damage, to getting into the car for a forgotten item, etc). I also was dropped off at the curb several times while he parked the car so here I am up in the room while he is not. Granted being dropped off at the curb occurred late into the evening but it's just as easy to envision this occuring in the middle of the day.

None of those times would I have latched the door..that would have meant even with my husband using his MB (which he did to get back into the room) he wouldn't have been able to get into the room. When I get back to my hotel room it's common for me to use the bathroom thus I would have been unable to have him knock and me move the latch to let him in. Some people are napping and some are in the shower.

This also means it could have been the moment when Disney comes by requesting to come in. Obviously this comes down to perfect timing but just understand when you say "just use the latch...duh" you're sorta missing the times when it doesn't work out.
Pretty isolated in the scheme of things. Not sure where your security was compromised.
Pretty isolated in the scheme of things. Not sure where your security was compromised.
I didn't say it compromised my security did I? Please point that out in my quote.

Please don't use your verbal back and forth experience with the OP in your interaction with me as I'm not commenting on that aspect.

All I'm saying is just understand that the latch is not the solution for all things and I quoted you because you made several comments regarding that. There are very legit and very common reasons why people don't use the latch 100% of the time. I gave you some of those reasons and you can look at the multiple threads out there to see that others feel the same too regarding that.
I didn't say it compromised my security did I? Please point that out in my quote.

Please don't use your verbal back and forth experience with the OP in your interaction with me as I'm not commenting on that aspect.

All I'm saying is just understand that the latch is not the solution for all things and I quoted you because you made several comments regarding that. There are very legit and very common reasons why people don't use the latch 100% of the time. I gave you some of those reasons and you can look at the multiple threads out there to see that others feel the same too regarding that.
My apologies. Things often get off track on certain threads. I never have said that the room latch acts as a 100% effective security device. In fact I only asked if the PP utilized its protection. My general comments have been based on having a general sense of security at WDW and not having to rely on additional layers of security other than what is currently in place.
My apologies. Things often get off track on certain threads. I never have said that the room latch acts as a 100% effective security device. In fact I only asked if the PP utilized its protection. My general comments have been based on having a general sense of security at WDW and not having to rely on additional layers of security other than what is currently in place.
No worries :) you're right threads often do get off track lol and the general sense of this one is much different than the other threads out there concerning the topic that's for sure.
O.k. I read through the whole thread first but nothing is mentioned with a dog. I thought I read they can't come into a room with a dog. What is supposed to happen? Once you come back to your room after 7 hours. Will they require you take the dog out so they can check your room?
I noticed zero change this past week while at Disney so I don't find it as a loss of privacy.

You’re one person, Ryan, so just because you didn’t experience a newly rolled out change doesn’t mean others haven’t. We can’t really base how things are going due to one account.

How would someone who is not a CM gain access to your room if the door is closed?

One of my concerns is that this is going to open up the door (sorry - pun LOL) for criminals to gain access. How? Well, anybody can create their own CM badge and impersonate one. If guests have no idea when this supposed security check is to happen and receive a knock on their door by someone with a CM badge, what’s stopping them from opening the door? Nothing. They think they’re doing what is expected. Criminals can then enter that way. This is very dangerous.

I think this policy is being haphazardly rolled out - in typical Disney fashion - and will be modified over time. As a DVC member, I have major concerns especially since I’m staying at the GF/Poly in a few months. Disney needs to better analyze this policy.
I have said this in the other threads. Never never open the door for anyone who is not your family. If the cm is real they can do it themselves. If u have the latch on you may remove that but do not proceed to open the door. In the other thread someone talked about random people knocking and trying to open doors and once found they ran. Also to help the saftey of all involved have a cm always with a secruity guard. This way people feel more safe and if something is wrong in the room the proper people are already there to fix it.
One of my concerns is that this is going to open up the door (sorry - pun LOL) for criminals to gain access. How? Well, anybody can create their own CM badge and impersonate one. If guests have no idea when this supposed security check is to happen and receive a knock on their door by someone with a CM badge, what’s stopping them from opening the door? Nothing. They think they’re doing what is expected. Criminals can then enter that way. This is very dangerous.

Sure, I guess it could happen ... but has this EVER been reported to have happened before? There's absolutely no precedent for concerns about people making fake CM badges to trick people into opening hotel room doors.

I think running through what-if and worst-case scenarios is fine – and it's totally OK if it's a concern of yours – but this one feels a little too much to me.

Regardless, I hope you have a great trip and can bring back any updates to this situation to share. There's a lot that's unknown right now, and personal experiences are always important.
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Sure, I guess it could happen ... but has this EVER been reported to have happened before? There's absolutely no precedent for concerns about people making fake CM badges to trick people into opening hotel room doors.

I think running through what-if and worst-case scenarios is fine – and it's totally OK if it's a concern of yours – but this one feels a little too much to me.

Regardless, I hope you have a great trip and can bring back any updates to this situation to share. There's a lot that's unknown right now, and personal experiences are always important.

Despite security booths at entrances to every resort, people get in and leave flyers under doors about pizza delivery. Many of these are false and have scammed guests. Now that this policy is in place, I could definitely see things getting worse. Has it happened before? No, but that’s because keys were needed to get inside rooms. That’s not the case anymore. One simple knock and access is granted now. Bad move on Disney’s part.
You’re one person, Ryan, so just because you didn’t experience a newly rolled out change doesn’t mean others haven’t. We can’t really base how things are going due to one account.

One of my concerns is that this is going to open up the door (sorry - pun LOL) for criminals to gain access. How? Well, anybody can create their own CM badge and impersonate one. If guests have no idea when this supposed security check is to happen and receive a knock on their door by someone with a CM badge, what’s stopping them from opening the door? Nothing. They think they’re doing what is expected. Criminals can then enter that way. This is very dangerous.

I think this policy is being haphazardly rolled out - in typical Disney fashion - and will be modified over time. As a DVC member, I have major concerns especially since I’m staying at the GF/Poly in a few months. Disney needs to better analyze this policy.
I understand Nikki and didn’t say we should base everything off one account. I haven’t heard of any horror stories yet though and based on my experience last week I’m not worried that the change has negatively effected my vacation.

Unfortunately there are always going to be bad people in the world. If they have intent to harm they are going to find a way to do no matter what measures Disney takes. In my opinion I don’t feel the new policy makes it any more likely for a non-CM person to break into a room.
Despite security booths at entrances to every resort, people get in and leave flyers under doors about pizza delivery. Many of these are false and have scammed guests. Now that this policy is in place, I could definitely see things getting worse. Has it happened before? No, but that’s because keys were needed to get inside rooms. That’s not the case anymore. One simple knock and access is granted now. Bad move on Disney’s part.

I'm confused by "One simple knock and access is granted" ... keys ARE still needed to get in rooms. No one should open the door for strangers – no matter who they say they are. That's common sense. I've stayed at hotels around the world and never once opened the door for someone I did not expect to show up at my doorstep.

But where does it end? If people are going to make fake badges to scam people into opening doors, does that extend to everywhere else on property? Should we assume that everyone in a CM uniform and badge could potentially be using fake credentials to scam guests?

I feel like there's a lot of consternation and worry over something that has very few real first-person accounts.
I'm confused by "One simple knock and access is granted" ... keys ARE still needed to get in rooms. No one should open the door for strangers – no matter who they say they are. That's common sense. I've stayed at hotels around the world and never once opened the door for someone I did not expect to show up at my doorstep.

But where does it end? If people are going to make fake badges to scam people into opening doors, does that extend to everywhere else on property? Should we assume that everyone in a CM uniform and badge could potentially be using fake credentials to scam guests?

I feel like there's a lot of consternation and worry over something that has very few real first-person accounts.
There's been a lot of comments in other threads about not disobeying the new policy when someone has said they would refuse entry. I would gather that a guest refusing entry to a CM there to do a security check would be dealt with in a certain way--not a violent way no just that you're not complying with one of Disney's rules.

When people say 'don't open for strangers'..well you're supposed to let CMs into your room for a security check and failure to do so would mean you are going against Disney's new policy and posters have already commented on other threads that it's Disney's property and their rules either follow them or stay elsewhere.

So consider a guest who has been told to expect a Disney CM to do a security check and someone knocks on their door..they know if they refuse entry they are going against Disney's policies.

I don't think we should assume fake credentials for all but in this particular case you've been advised "the hotel and its staff reserve the right to enter your room for any purposes including, but not limited to, performing maintenance and repairs or checking on the safety and security of guests and property."

Besides there are times when again you may not be able to hear the knocking in order to even deny entry to begin with.
don't disney hotel rooms have that top thing on the door that prevents it from being opened?
i don't know what it's called, but it's that thing that you slide across to make it impossible to open the door from the outside.
Don't disney hotel rooms have those? I can't remember (yes i was just there in august, but i don't remember)..

don't disney hotel rooms have that top thing on the door that prevents it from being opened?
i don't know what it's called, but it's that thing that you slide across to make it impossible to open the door from the outside.
Don't disney hotel rooms have those? I can't remember (yes i was just there in august, but i don't remember)..

Yes, @disneyholic family,they do (most peeps here have been calling it a latch), and that's one of the items that has been being discussed here in the thread. :)
Yes, @disneyholic family,they do (most peeps here have been calling it a latch), and that's one of the items that has been being discussed here in the thread. :)

so i don't get what the deal is - if you're in the room, close the latch...end of story....
i'm more curious if there have been any dog incidents since the new policy started... :)
so i don't get what the deal is - if you're in the room, close the latch...end of story....
Closing the latch only works if everyone in your party is in the room. Dad could be back in the room with younger kid(s) who are napping while Mom and older kid(s) are still in the park. When they come back they can't get in without waking the nappers up. Or maybe Mom is still asleep when Dad goes out for his run. Just a few reasons why closing the latch is not necessarily the solution.
Closing the latch only works if everyone in your party is in the room. Dad could be back in the room with younger kid(s) who are napping while Mom and older kid(s) are still in the park. When they come back they can't get in without waking the nappers up. Or maybe Mom is still asleep when Dad goes out for his run. Just a few reasons why closing the latch is not necessarily the solution.

so the CM comes in....who cares...
i was sick in bed in august and the CM came in....big deal....what? she'll see me in my jammies? for all i care she can see me naked....she'll be a lot worse off for that sad event than i will (she may want to gouge out her eyes)...

it's all a big deal over nothing....they knock....say housekeeping....peek in....leave.....big deal...nothing to get your panties in a bunch over...



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