New Year, New Experiences! A January 2016 TR - I’m here at WDW! 3/25

Poor DS had a Febrile Seizure on Sunday that sent him to the ER via ambulance

Oh my gosh that must have been so so horrible. I can imagine how scary that must have been. Glad he's okay but so sorry you had to go through that.
Okay, I'm all caught up!
I stopped quoting from the TR because I figured by the time I finished I'd have 10 separate posts at the end of the thread :rotfl:

There were so many things I wanted to remember to comment on but of course I've forgotten most of them by now.
Your gender reveal was so awesome! Even though I already knew the outcome :rotfl2: I was still so excited to see how it went down
I can't believe how big Calvin is! Big boy rides! That is so exciting.
Knott's Berry Farm looks very cute. I can't imagine I'd ever take a day away from Disneyland to go there though
Paint the Night is officially my favorite parade, hands down. I am SO happy I got to see it in April. I was totally convinced that when it was ending in Disneyland and MSEP was ending in WDW that Paint the Night would be moving to Florida. I was so disappointed when they announced it wasn't. Q is so teeny and cute in your DL TR! Lucky kid at DL at 5 weeks old ;)
Giving Cal the Beverley :rotfl: Bobby has been talking about giving Ryann a lemon to suck on think before she was born. I haven't let him do it yet though!
Your meal at Yachtsman looks amaaaaaazing.

I hope you'll be back to the TR soon! :hyper:



Is it possible to over-order cheese?


And some Escargot, per DH’s request again :laughing:

Ewww!! :crazy2: What does it taste of? What's the texture like? I have never been adventurous enough for this :laughing:

Stop itttt what an angel :lovestruc

And while this was happening in Canada

Yesssss legit my favourite shots on the whole of disboards!! What does he say to the photographer before posing for these?! Does he let him them think he's taking them unironically?! And does he tell you he's had them done? It would be so funny to casually log into your memory maker a few days later and find these :rotfl:

Next up, the United Kingdom, where DM and DH had a fun impromptu meet with Tigger! They were looking at some stuff in the shop together while I was pushing DS in the stroller and the CM pretty much dragged them in since there was no line.

So cool! I have no idea where the entrance is to their meet so I'm not surprised there was no line :confused3

I saw Mary Poppins out meeting and pointed it out to DH who then proceeded to run over to the line but was rejected immediately as they had closed her line down. As we were walking away from her, he shouted, “I still love you Mary!” :rolleyes: Ugh, such a creep.

OMG. I feel like Dan and Jamie are destined to be friends one day. And hopefully if that day comes, you and I will have other plans :lmao:

Aww I always remember your Jaffa Cake story and why you like them :goodvibes

You are, what we call here in England, a yummy mummy :thumbsup2 :love:

And DH hit a wall :lmao: Hey, Pineapples are pretty darn exciting if you ask me!

Modelling is an exhausting career.


Who took the picture?!

In case anyone is wondering, he’s not allowed to show his nametag in pictures and that’s why his hand is up.

That's weird, do you know why?


I just love this ride and wish they would get a FP machine set up for it at Disneyland. Waits can easily start out at 30 minutes not too long after the park opens, so we never really get to ride it often.

Oooh didn't know there wasn't one? Do you know why?



Big shoutout to @TheLittleKatie who gave it that phenomenal name!

If I'm remembered for anything in life I hope it's for eating Broccoli at Broccoliville :teeth:

Also, upstairs was quiet and peaceful so it was a nice break!

I love the window seats upstairs for people watching :cloud9:

That led to a discussion – what would you do if you saw a kid fall? Would you pick him up? Do you just ask if he’s okay without physically touching him? It feels like nowadays, you have to be super careful with kids and how you address/handle them. Perhaps this man thought he didn’t want us (as parents) picking up and touching our child, which would result in us getting angry (which obviously we wouldn’t but he doesn’t know how we would react to that situation). It’s all very iffy, and quite frankly, sad that we have to double think about helping somebody up. Sorry OT, but that’s what we talked about! Thoughts?

Oh noo. I'd probably be pretty unhappy that he didn't even ask if he was ok, but maybe give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's had a bad experience innocently interacting with a kid and someone's accused him of XYZ, and he would rather steer clear of that again.. or maybe he's super awkward about the possibility of that happening :confused3 I think it's a shame that people can be so hysterical these days, but also get that some people might be overprotective for a reason. Everyone's life experiences and perspectives are different i suppose :scratchin

Gender Reveal Fun!

YESSS I knew the story already and I still loved hearing about it again!

We had about 45 minutes until our meet with Mickey over at Town Square

Omg this is taking foreverrrr, wasn't Dan angsty all day?!?!

And let me tell you how excited DH was!

So precious!!! This is such a great idea.

I posted a video about it here and to social media when we returned from our trip but I’ll post it again

IT GAVE ME CHILLS AGAIN. Where can I find that instrumental??!

We all stood around talking about how it was another boy when I hear an, “Excuse me!” from behind us. It was the family that was standing in line with us to meet Mickey. He said, “I hope you don’t mind, but I was able to record a little bit of it and I can send it to you!” pixiedust: How amazing was that!

Amazing!! So kind of them to offer to send it to you :goodvibes

It was actually great timing because we were now stuck with a pink balloon. They had one little girl in their party. :teacher: We asked if we could give it to her and they were very grateful for it!

So perfect! Eee hope you come back soon to post more :goodvibes
Alicia, I hope you are okay! I miss reading your trip reports but mostly I hope your family is okay.
Love the video!!

Okay first off your dog is GORGEOUS!!! Husky? Those have always been DH's favorite breed but I would feel like a terrible human being having one of them in our miserable heat 10 months out of the year! And Vanellope is a great name!!

Awwww I can't believe Q is already 18 months old!!! He's so big and so precious!

That lazy river looks absolutely heavenly. I'm really really really wanting to get back to Hawaii and check out Aulani for the first time. It looks amazing!

Oh my gosh I cracked up at where's emo! We had a kid at our clinic that used to say Zoloft instead of Olaf. I think a movie of the adventures of Zoloft and Emo would be pretty great! Lmao

Thanks for sharing!! Look forward to more and so glad to see you back on the DIS!!
Yay, so happy to see you back here! I've missed you and hope you're doing okay. We all watched your video together and enjoyed it. Right away, upon seeing the lazy river, Izzy started yelling, "That's it! That's what I want to go back to Hawaii for!" (she's been asking often lately) I totally understand not being around here much - I've had a lot of trouble keeping up lately - too much life going on, I guess. Oh, and cute dog!
Hi :wave2: awesome video, thank you for making it! How can Q be 18 months already??? And Calvin starting pre-school? Time is such a strange thing flying by sometimes. Sorry about your health stuff, hope you’re feeling better. The puppy is too cute! Great name too :) how is Percy? Aulani is so gorgeous. One day we’ll get there.
Glad to see you back and well. Aulani looks beautiful. I love the video format. Hope to see more. Oh, adorable dog, and kids!
The video was awesome! If you’re looking for any critiques I had trouble hearing the talking at the same volume level as the music I had to turn it up for the talking and back down for the music.
Well, poop. I'm at work so can't see the video. But I will assume it has something to do with missing us all. :)

Welcome back!
Welcome back! I love the video! Aulani looks gorgeous!

Your dog is so pretty. Do you still have your pug?

I've been away from the DIS for a while too. LIfe just got crazy. I'm determined to finish my TR too. It's from 2 years ago for Pete's sake.
You're back! :)

I'm hoping i'll stay back too!

Love the video!!

Okay first off your dog is GORGEOUS!!! Husky? Those have always been DH's favorite breed but I would feel like a terrible human being having one of them in our miserable heat 10 months out of the year! And Vanellope is a great name!!

Awwww I can't believe Q is already 18 months old!!! He's so big and so precious!

That lazy river looks absolutely heavenly. I'm really really really wanting to get back to Hawaii and check out Aulani for the first time. It looks amazing!

Oh my gosh I cracked up at where's emo! We had a kid at our clinic that used to say Zoloft instead of Olaf. I think a movie of the adventures of Zoloft and Emo would be pretty great! Lmao

Thanks for sharing!! Look forward to more and so glad to see you back on the DIS!!

Vanellope is half Husky half German Shepard and she's so pretty! One blue eye, one green eye.

You're telling me, my friend! Time is going way too fast, he's getting crazy big.

You've got to check out Aulani definitely! We went into that trip thinking, "Okay, one and done." But by the time the last day came around, we knew we had to come back again! Dang, Disney really knows how to grab hold of you with their resorts and cruises!

My MIL was so funny on this trip! From the 15 pairs of shoes :-)faint:), to emo, she was a crack up for sure. And Zoloft is hilarious!!

Yay, so happy to see you back here! I've missed you and hope you're doing okay. We all watched your video together and enjoyed it. Right away, upon seeing the lazy river, Izzy started yelling, "That's it! That's what I want to go back to Hawaii for!" (she's been asking often lately) I totally understand not being around here much - I've had a lot of trouble keeping up lately - too much life going on, I guess. Oh, and cute dog!

I actually thought of you guys when we were there and saw those small 'candle/flame' fountains around the lazy river and I remember you getting a little freaked out at first thinking they were real! Calvin asks allllll the time about when we're going back. When we returned, he would draw a map of our route there, starting with a small plane flying out of Fresno, then a big plane flying to Hawaii, then our rental van to Aulani :rotfl:

Welcome back!!!!!! Glad to see you all are doing well

Yay Kari!! :hug:

Hi :wave2: awesome video, thank you for making it! How can Q be 18 months already??? And Calvin starting pre-school? Time is such a strange thing flying by sometimes. Sorry about your health stuff, hope you’re feeling better. The puppy is too cute! Great name too :) how is Percy? Aulani is so gorgeous. One day we’ll get there.

Hi Pam! :hug: I wasn't very clear in my video, my bad. Calvin is actually in TK right now. His preschool schedule was hard as it was only a few hours each morning so it was pretty much drop him off, come back home get a few things done, then go right back to pick him up again. It was more running around then anything! But now that he's in TK, it's a much longer day (8:15-2:30) so i'm actually able to DO things. Percy is pretty much hating life right now :rotfl2: Vanellope just wants to play and rough house with him and Percy wants no part of it. He's old bones now and is a grump with her! You've seriously got to do Aulani one day! I know that will be an awful long travel day there and back, but I swear it will be worth it!

Glad to see you back and well. Aulani looks beautiful. I love the video format. Hope to see more. Oh, adorable dog, and kids!

Aw thank you so much. It was fun putting it together!

The video was awesome! If you’re looking for any critiques I had trouble hearing the talking at the same volume level as the music I had to turn it up for the talking and back down for the music.

Yes I noticed that too once I actually viewed it on YT! Thank you :goodvibes

Well, poop. I'm at work so can't see the video. But I will assume it has something to do with missing us all. :)

Welcome back!

Well, caca. And thank you!

Welcome back! I love the video! Aulani looks gorgeous!

Your dog is so pretty. Do you still have your pug?

I've been away from the DIS for a while too. LIfe just got crazy. I'm determined to finish my TR too. It's from 2 years ago for Pete's sake.

Yay thank you!

Yep, still have our pug Percy and he is not happy about our new addition:rotfl:She wants to play and jump (Vanellope was one of 8 bros/sis's so for 11 weeks that's all she knew. Percy is old and grumpy and wants no part of her.

Gah, this life, getting all in our way :rolleyes1
So awesome! Great idea on the video TRs. Whatever it takes to allow you enough free time to interact with us, I'm just glad to see you're back!

And I don't blame Q for reacting that way. I'd be freaked out a little bit by this group too.
TK sounds much better all around. Does Calvin like it? My nephew loves goes to school.

Sweet Percy, I can understand why he’s grumpy :laughing: most older dogs are like that with puppies.

Your MiL brought 15 pairs of shoes??? :faint:

We had Aulani booked for last May but had to cancel. Its back on the list, but probably will be a few years before I can go. I’ll get there one day.
So glad to see you're back! I did watch the first part of the video, but since my DIS time right now is severely limited I don't often watch videos. 1) because I'm usually on my phone and somewhere that I can't turn up the volume. 2) I read TRs in a piecemeal format usually from my phone. I might get through the first part of the update while I'm waiting in a Doctor's office, I may read the middle in a parking lot before I go into the grocery store, and the last while I'm by myself in a private room at home. :rolleyes1 There are dozens of other places that I catch up, while the conductor is working with another section in band, at long stoplights when I'm driving, but you get the point....

It's not just your videos, but most of the time when someone posts them I skip them over (unless they are required for a contest...) I understand how it could be easier, and if that's how you choose to do your updates, I will try to find times when Fran isn't with me that I can go over your TRs. She also does not approve of my DIS time, so I have to sneak it in while she is asleep. I've even learned to write my TRs in Google docs and I edit and upload the photos when I'm on the computer and she is asleep or out of the room. Then I can write the TR from my phone or the computer! I hope at some point things get less crazy, but for right now my time is super limited, so I've developed these coping mechanisms so I don't have to drop off the DIS. Even now I'm still falling miserable behind. I watched the video shortly after you published it and this is the first time that I've been on my computer (and coherent) to give you a reply!

Looking forward to hearing more about your trips and if you're coming to DL anytime soon, I would love to meet up!
The kids are getting so big! Aulani looks amazing....I need to get there some of these days!

Jill in CO
Really enjoyed your video! Such a beautiful place. I've been reading your TR's since you took your first DS to WDW as a newborn. Glad to see you back!


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