Las Vegas Shooting

Well as long as we're in the spirit of respecting everyone's opinion...

I don't think making a bunch of gun laws is going to bring about significant change.
Criminals don't abide by the law...
Crazies don't care about anyone..

Plus, the US doesn't do an adequate job of enforcing our current laws, so why have more?

We have laws against drunk driving, yet many people break that law. Repeatedly. 5,6,7 or more times. How are these people even out of jail?
Drunk drivers break the law and kill people. And they continue to drink....and drive...

We have laws against illegal drug use, yet many people use drugs. Sell drugs. Abuse drugs. Get kids hooked on drugs.
People die from drug overdose. Narcan is a household name, since it's used so often. Yet this is a billion(s) dollar industry. Caught with a small amount of marijuana, recreational use? That's a slap on the wrist.
I thought we were fighting a war on drugs. That's a joke!

We have laws to protect at risk women and their children, yet so many sad news stories tell a tale that the system failed them
We have laws against child pornography and other "dark things" that twisted people can get involved in on the internet
We have laws aimed to protect minorities, that seem to continually come up short

Sorry for the tangent, my point is...we need better ENFORCEMENT of laws, and way STRICTER PUNISHMENT if there is to be MEANINGFUL CHANGE.

Interesting points :)
This is true... it's a cultural thing. Over here there are two uses for a firearm - target shooting (usually using an air rifle or air pistol) and hunting (usually with a shotgun or .22). As such you never really need more than one. However, I recognise that some people outside of the UK may have dozens of weapons. I don't understand why, but it's not my place to.

I would agree that dozens of weapons is excessive and nobody truly needs that many. I just don't think that make people automatically suspicious. My dh has several pistols and rifles. He has different calibers. He has also found that he likes certain manufacturers over others so he will most likely purchase new ones by that manufacturer in a caliber he already owns. It kind of grows from there.
I don't think most people who have alot of guns goes out thinking I'm going to buy 30 guns for my aresenal, I think it starts off with one or two and grows from there, much like my collection of Disney purses LOL.
Of course there are always exceptions, not every gun owner is responsible and not every gun owner gradually grows their collection, some do want to amass as many as they can just because they can, or because they fear their right to do so will be taken away, or sadly because they want to commit crimes.
Banning all firearms for civilian use in the United States is never going to happen without an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

** Edited to add **
And in order for an Amendment to become part of the U.S. Constitution, the following has to occur:

  1. an amendment is proposed by Congress with a 2/3 majority vote in both the House and Senate
  2. OR 2/3 of the state legislatures can call for a constitutional convention and propose the amendment that way
  3. Then once either #1 or #2 are done, the proposed amendment goes to each of the 50 states' governors.
  4. Each state's governor then sends the proposed amendment to the state legislature.
  5. The state legislature has to ratify the proposed amendment.
  6. Once 75% of the states (38 states) have ratified the amendment, then it's official and everything's done.
I highly doubt that we would see 38 state legislatures agree to ratify an amendment banning all firearms.
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What are the background checks like in the USA with regards to firearms? Do they differ depending on the type of weapon? For example, would a paranoid psychopathic individual run into problems trying to purchase an assault rifle? I genuinely don't know.
Banning all firearms for civilian use in the United States is never going to happen without an amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

** Edited to add **
And in order for an Amendment to become part of the U.S. Constitution, the following has to occur:

  1. an amendment is proposed by Congress with a 2/3 majority vote in both the House and Senate
  2. OR 2/3 of the state legislatures can call for a constitutional convention and propose the amendment that way
  3. Then once either #1 or #2 are done, the proposed amendment goes to each of the 50 states' governors.
  4. Each state's governor then sends the proposed amendment to the state legislature.
  5. The state legislature has to ratify the proposed amendment.
  6. Once 75% of the states (38 states) have ratified the amendment, then it's official and everything's done.
I highly doubt that we would see 38 state legislatures agree to ratify an amendment banning all firearms.

Not just doubtful, will never happen given the electoral map. And in other news, the NY Post is reporting the Vegas psychopath set up a video camera to capture him shooting for the entire duration of his rampage. Textbook example of narcissistic personality disorder.
Not just doubtful, will never happen given the electoral map. And in other news, the NY Post is reporting the Vegas psychopath set up a video camera to capture him shooting for the entire duration of his rampage. Textbook example of narcissistic personality disorder.

That's creepy.
The maths (sic) is rather simple: less guns = less gun crime.

As others have pointed out, not true.

Can we talk Switzerland. Every male is required to serve time in the military full time for a couple years , and is on call until like age 35, they are all required to hold a gun at that time. That is an entirely different situation we have where we are selling military rifles to anyone with no training or screening required at all.

You want to compare, lets compare Hawaii, a state with sensible gun laws, and you can not just jump across the border to buy one. Their death by firearms rate is 10% of the open carry states.
My iPod shall never grow old. It is awesomeness.

From a fidelity perspective, what is really awesome is my 1962 vintage Dynaco ST70 stereo tube amplifier. In comparison, any digital audio device sounds like the dreck it is.

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From a fidelity perspective, what is really awesome is my 1962 vintage Dynaco ST70 stereo tube amplifier. In comparison, any digital audio device sounds like the dreck it is.

You can't beat UK home grown stereokit. Brands such as Cyrus, Rega, Linn, ProAc, PMC... screw Bose and B&O! We're talking big boys here! Just don't be shocked when you see the prices! Then you'll be wanting gold or silver cabling and connectors, acoustic dampeners for the walls, separate pre and power amps... all more money. To give you an idea, I once sold a £80,000 system including a jade needle for a Rega turntable. But damn, did it ever sound good!
As I said, my evidence is prima facie. The USA has more guns per person than pretty much ANYWHERE on the globe and amazingly has a tragedy every year - Orlando last year, Sandy Hook the year before...

And conversely Europe has very few guns and very few gun deaths and maulings.

Why so psychotically aligned to an amendment, an afterthought? Things can and MUST be changed for the good.

My arguments and points are looking at the overall crime numbers and not just looking to reduce the head line grabbing big tragic events, if we could eliminate these mass casualty events in exchange for a higher homicide rate overall I would not do it.

The constitution and the Bill of rights are not simply old laws as some have said but literally the foundation that we stand on today, changing it is quite difficult as designed and many people from other countries seem to not grasp its importance and seem to forget why we declared independence.

The tool used as you say, can be used to hurt more than 1 person at a time. Like bombs a gun can kill more than 1 person. We ban people from owning bombs not always successful in keeping them from being made, but you hear about bomb deaths less than gun deaths. Yes, a person who is going to kill will kill, but if they only have a knife they are not going to be able to kill more people if the person being stabbed fights and others get away. Look up a man named Nir Barkat, he is the mayor of Jerusalem. There was a stabbing that happened in front of him and the man being stabbed fought the assailant and yelled to the people around him to get away. The man who was stabbed lived and the assailant was arrested, I think by the mayor and his security guards.

I get what your saying but again I'm looking at the big picture here, not just the rare attention grabbing events.

Also Israel has plenty of attacks stopped by armed resistance.
My arguments and points are looking at the overall crime numbers and not just looking to reduce the head line grabbing big tragic events

Sometimes big dramatic events and all that's needed for urgent action to be taken.
I completely respect all opinions for sure but what does pitting country against country and all the talk of "my country does better than yours" actually help in this thread? Now I totally get having one's own thread if you wish on gun control it just feels like...

No one of course has to listen to anyone just putting out my opinion here.
I completely respect all opinions for sure but what does pitting country against country and all the talk of "my country does better than yours" actually help in this thread? Now I totally get having one's own thread if you wish on gun control it just feels like...

No one of course has to listen to anyone just putting out my opinion here.

A good point.


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