Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

Go go go! You can do it! Run like the wind!

PR BABY!!! And then some. More to come but it was a great race and when I really wanted to slow down at mile 12, I remembered all of you and pushed through. SHUT UP LEGS!!!

Special thanks to my hubby @Chris-Mo for pushing me just hard enough to keep me going but not so hard to piss me off. That is a special skill!! :)

I'll write up a full report later.
PR BABY!!! And then some. More to come but it was a great race and when I really wanted to slow down at mile 12, I remembered all of you and pushed through. SHUT UP LEGS!!!

Special thanks to my hubby @Chris-Mo for pushing me just hard enough to keep me going but not so hard to piss me off. That is a special skill!! :)

I'll write up a full report later.

YAY @ZellyB !!!!!! Congratulations girl!! You worked hard for that PR and it paid off!! I hope you find the perfect combination of celebrating and relaxing today!
Gah! I can't believe I got so busy with school that I didn't get a chance to weigh in on the clothing issue. The Calavera shorts are awesome ... and apparently you chose the perfect outfit to get you a PR.

Congrats, Speedy Gisele!!
PR BABY!!! And then some. More to come but it was a great race and when I really wanted to slow down at mile 12, I remembered all of you and pushed through. SHUT UP LEGS!!!

Special thanks to my hubby @Chris-Mo for pushing me just hard enough to keep me going but not so hard to piss me off. That is a special skill!! :)

I'll write up a full report later.

Yay Zelly!!! (Darn - wish I would have remembered to tell my legs to shut up today too!) So happy for you and congrats to Chris for his support - agree that's a special skill! Can't wait to see the photos and read the rest of the details!! :)



The Mo' Cowbell half marathon held in St. Charles, Missouri, was the race we staked out pretty early on to earn a new PoT for our Dopey attempt. Running this just one day before the PoT cutoff was a bit risky, but I felt like it gave me the best chance at achieving my goal of an improved PoT and a new half PR. We'd run this race a few years before and it's a (mostly - more on that later) flat course that is well supported. Let's take just a minute to revisit my stated goals from earlier in the thread (keep in mind I posted this during the height of taper madness)...

Zellyb said:
1) Finish - 99.37% confidence level
2) Improve my current PoT for Dopey which is a 2:31:03 (~11:30 m/m) - 98.12% confidence level
3) New Half PR - Current PR from 2015- 2:19:07 (~10:36 m/m) - 80.93% confidence level
4) 2:15 HM (~10:18 m/m) - 52.55% confidence level
5) Something miraculously faster than 2:15 HM (????? m/m) - 1.682347% confidence level (this is a highly accurate figure as you can tell by the number of decimal places)

Yes, I'm losing my mind.

St. Charles is about a 3 1/2 hour drive away from us, so we headed up on Saturday morning with a plan to stay the night and run the race today. First stop was the expo (or the exMO) as they call it for this race. It was a pretty sad little expo as those things go, so no pictures really. Swag was pretty much nonexistent with the exception of the traditional race cowbell and the race shirt.

I really like the shirt though. It's a dark green, long-sleeve quarter-zip pullover with thumb holes. The women's cut was really slim cut though. I got a large and I definitely wouldn't have wanted it any smaller.

The back has a zipper pocket with a cute little cowbell over it.


We decided to stay at the Ameristar Casino which sits on the Missouri River and is less than a mile from the race start. The room was awesome!




Pretty view of the river outside our window.

Really pretty pool area too although we didn't use it at all.


St. Charles is a beautiful river town along the Missouri River and is well known as the area where Lewis and Clark met up before heading out to explore the West.

We spent a little time in the casino (we won $14!! Woohoo!!!) and had a quick buffet dinner before heading out to see if walking to the start of the race was an option. (spoiler: It was, but we opted to drive anyway).

We walked down to the park and enjoyed the scenery and the beginnings of set up for the race.




It was a nice little stroll and perfect before heading to the room to get things laid out for the race. We got everything situated and were tucked into bed by around 10:00 planning for a 5:30 wake up and ready to race!!

Next up: Let's do this thing!!

You know what we need right?

You know I had to do it...
We both had a pretty lousy night of sleep, so when the alarm went off at 5:30, we were ready to just get up and get going. We ordered a room service breakfast to fuel up and headed out around 6:40. We got to the start around 7:00 and walked up to the corrals. Temp was low 50s and a bit overcast with a light wind. Great conditions. We took a quick bathroom break before self-corralling. The race is set up with corrals starting at 6 m/m and up. We lined up right by the 10 m/m sign and waited for the start. They tell people to bring their mini-cowbells because after the national anthem, they play "Don't Fear the Reaper" and everyone is supposed to ring their race cowbell. We brought ours, but not many other people did which was sort of a bummer. Anyway, when the song is over, you pitch the cowbell to the side and then pick another up at the finish. Right at 7:30, we were off.

The plan was to run 10 m/m average running 2:00/:30 intervals as long as I could hang on and then adjust as need be. It was a pretty crowded start and a fairly sedate pace, so we skipped the first few walk intervals. Eventually we were able to settle in though and I felt pretty comfortable.
Mile 1: 9:53
Mile 2: 9:46
Water stations are every 2 miles, although we carried our own electrolytes since we like Replay and they had Gatorade on the course
Mile 3: 9:40
Mile 4: 9:53
Honestly there's not lots to see on this course for the most part. Fields and more fields, but it's flat as a pancake through here.
Mile 5: 9:59
Around this point, you entered this little planned development called New Town. We could see the leaders of the full/half running past us out of the area. It's a strange little area. Sort of Stepford really, but also lovely. I snapped one shot as we ran around the central canal.

Mile 6: 9:59 (starting to slow just a bit here with lots of turns and some fatigue starting, but still feeling pretty good)
Mile 7: 10:03
Mile 8: 10:01
Leave the little subdivision to head back out on the roads and hit the only hills in the course up ahead.
Mile 9: 9:57 (uphill a bit here, but powered through pretty well)
Mile 10: 9:59 (here was the yuck part of the race). Basically the next two miles are all uphill here although not too steep and on a outer road along a highway.
Mile 11: 10:26 Our only really problem in the race. We stopped to refill our electrolyte bottles with water and mix and they were way short on volunteers and down a cooler. It took me quite awhile to get mine filled. Probably should have just drank some gatorade and moved on, but we didn't.

Mile 12: 10:03 Finally downhill and flat again which was a huge relief, but I was running out of steam and fast. I kept thinking about all of you and your encouragement and kept saying to myself, "Shut up legs!" and kept on churning. Chris had to do some serious encouragement here too.
Mile 13: 10:12 So freaking tired here and this is where @Chris-Mo did his finest work. I wanted to walk extra so badly and he just kept encouraging me. When I told him I was just really tired, he said, "F*** tired!" Which actually really worked for me.
Mile 13.1: 8:45 I wanted to walk so badly and the finish line looked so far away, and I said as much to Chris when a random lady next to me said, "Come on! Let's finish this together!" Which was just the last push I needed. Thanks random lady! You helped me so much!!

And across the finish line. Final time: 2:11:54!!! Say what? Not just a new PR. Not just beating my stretch goal of 2:15, but 2:11:54. Beating my old PR by over 7 minutes. I would have been insanely happy except I thought I was going to puke. Like, for real, the first time ever, thought I would puke. Thankfully, I didn't, but it was close. I guess I know I really did give it all I had!!

ETA for other stats:
Overall: 917 out of 2101
Female: 430 out of 1325
F50-54: 22 out of 106

We headed into the finishers area and got some chocolate milk and sat in the shade a bit. My calves started cramping badly, so I finished off my electrolytes and drank the milk. We headed back for a picture I was stoked to take!

And, you better believe I rang it! And with the best running partner a gal can ask for!

By this time, my legs were relaxing and so we headed for the ultimate reward!

We headed back to the hotel and got cleaned up and ate a quick and yummy lunch and headed home. It's a good thing this race has other things going for it, because the bling both times I've run it have left something to be desired.

I entered our updated PoT for Dopey on the drive home and pretty stoked for a decent corral placement.

Thanks for reading and thanks for all the encouragement and belief, y'all. It helped me more than you can imagine. I thought of all of you so many times when it got tough and you pulled me through!!
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Yay again! Love the happy photos and the race report! That medal is hilarious! Outfit is super cute! Love Chris' encouragement at the end - I think I'll have to remember that one for future motivation. And amazing new PR - woo hoo!!!
YAY @ZellyB !!!!!! Congratulations girl!! You worked hard for that PR and it paid off!! I hope you find the perfect combination of celebrating and relaxing today!

Thank you! It's been an amazing day!!

YESSSS!!! Congratulations!
Enjoy the celebration! Look forward to your recap.

Thank you.

:cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:YES!!!!:jumping1:I am sooo excited!!!

Thank you. I'm excited too!!!

:cheer2: So so happy for you ZellyB!! You worked so hard--it paid off! :cheer2:

Thank you. It's nice to have a good training season pay dividends!


All you needed was a little bit of cowbell :)

Cowbells clearly have magical powers!

I knew you could do it! party:

Thanks for you belief and encouragement!!

Congratulations on a PR!

Thank you!

Gah! I can't believe I got so busy with school that I didn't get a chance to weigh in on the clothing issue. The Calavera shorts are awesome ... and apparently you chose the perfect outfit to get you a PR.

Congrats, Speedy Gisele!!

Thank you. The outfit felt perfect!!

Yay Zelly!!! (Darn - wish I would have remembered to tell my legs to shut up today too!) So happy for you and congrats to Chris for his support - agree that's a special skill! Can't wait to see the photos and read the rest of the details!! :)

Thank you and congrats to you!!!


You totally deserve it. Congrats!!

Thank you, friend!

WOW! You View attachment 274043 'ed it today (ignore the text, well kind of)! Super proud of you!

Perfect gif!! Thank you!!

Yay again! Love the happy photos and the race report! That medal is hilarious! Outfit is super cute! Love Chris' encouragement at the end - I think I'll have to remember that one for future motivation. And amazing new PR - woo hoo!!!

Their medals are hilariously bad. LOL I'm tucking away Chris' foul encouragement for all future races. :D


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