Minnie Vans "Uber" like transport begins soon!

I don't think they could group couples/singles together. At that point, why bother and just get a town car.

Nah it's similar to how it goes now on a larger ride, they ask for 2 people to fill in another group. Honestly I think it's all going to depend on what the capacity per car is like and whether they have a stroller/wheelchair in a group. As far as your other comment goes, Uber is fine and I use it frequently. I hope they don't try to diminish that in hopes to prop up the Minnie Vans. I primarily use uber to get over to Universal. I'd be rather irritated if they make that harder for me.
Nah it's similar to how it goes now on a larger ride, they ask for 2 people to fill in another group. Honestly I think it's all going to depend on what the capacity per car is like and whether they have a stroller/wheelchair in a group. As far as your other comment goes, Uber is fine and I use it frequently. I hope they don't try to diminish that in hopes to prop up the Minnie Vans. I primarily use uber to get over to Universal. I'd be rather irritated if they make that harder for me.

If they group people together I won't be using this service. I'm fine with Uber/Lyft or using the town cars that sit in front of the Swolphin and are immediately available. Also, if they are trying to find people to get the right times to the right places, you could be waiting a while - no thanks.
If they group people together I won't be using this service. I'm fine with Uber/Lyft or using the town cars that sit in front of the Swolphin and are immediately available. Also, if they are trying to find people to get the right times to the right places, you could be waiting a while - no thanks.

I guess public transportation is public. They're gonna do whatever they need in crush times to get people onto the cars and on their way. Sounds like you like private transport which is great. I only use it when I'm running behind. That's what's great about WDW, lots of choices for all!
Thinking that Uber/Lyft will still be needed and allowed. These services (along with taxis) facilitate people getting to the parks and resorts (restaurants), especially those off property. Disney wouldn't want to discourage that.
Thats something I never thought about. So you want have the entire car to yourself? Other people with you?

If that is the case and its same price as Uber I would use Uber over the Minnie Vans any day.
Thinking that Uber/Lyft will still be needed and allowed. These services (along with taxis) facilitate people getting to the parks and resorts (restaurants), especially those off property. Disney wouldn't want to discourage that.

I highly highly doubt Uber will be gone. Florida is a very business oriented state. Would probably cause some big uproar if Disney banned Uber from it's property.

Here in Palm Beach last year there was a fight between the County and Uber because the county wanted them out and tried to get them out with stricter laws. In the end Uber won out and I use Uber a lot here in Palm Beach.
If they group people together I won't be using this service. I'm fine with Uber/Lyft or using the town cars that sit in front of the Swolphin and are immediately available. Also, if they are trying to find people to get the right times to the right places, you could be waiting a while - no thanks.

I wasn't aware about these town cars at the Swan/Dolphin. There's always some waiting? About how much are they?
My gut feeling is they'll probably put each party into one unless you're alone or a couple. They'd probably have to split up larger groups but I'm sure they can survive for a few minutes. So, family of 4 with a double stroller in one car. Group of 10, separate out into 5/5 or 6/4, probably won't want kids in one alone so at least one "adult" there with a group of kids. If it's not busy, you could send a couple along on their own especially since the cars might not fully stop. I'm just kinda spitballing/train of thought on the process of the loading. They probably want to keep it pretty loose since it's a better alternative to packing onto a bus.

I don't think they could group couples/singles together. At that point, why bother and just get a town car.

Nah it's similar to how it goes now on a larger ride, they ask for 2 people to fill in another group. Honestly I think it's all going to depend on what the capacity per car is like and whether they have a stroller/wheelchair in a group. As far as your other comment goes, Uber is fine and I use it frequently. I hope they don't try to diminish that in hopes to prop up the Minnie Vans. I primarily use uber to get over to Universal. I'd be rather irritated if they make that harder for me.
I think we're getting mixed-up conversations here, where one poster is talking about Skyline and the reply is about Minnie Vans.
I wasn't aware about these town cars at the Swan/Dolphin. There's always some waiting? About how much are they?

There are always some waiting - even very late at night. A little more than a cab, but not that much. Its like a taxi que.
I guess public transportation is public. They're gonna do whatever they need in crush times to get people onto the cars and on their way. Sounds like you like private transport which is great. I only use it when I'm running behind. That's what's great about WDW, lots of choices for all!

Yep, I say that bit about WDW having something for everyone all the time, but usually about restaurants. I was confused though! I'm fine with sharing public transport, I'm not waiting around for a big family or whatever if I'm paying for a cab/rideshare and that's what I thought you were talking about...lol. I don't expect to get a gondola or bus all to myself. I DO expect to get an uber/car service all to myself though!
Austin, TX, blocked Uber and Lyft for a couple of years. I don't see why Disney couldn't do it, especially if they start touting the same safety concerns that the Austin City Council had. That could make Disney look really good in the eyes of protective parents.

Austin didn't want to block Uber, they wanted Uber to vet their drivers with a finger print background check, just like all the other cab companies in town have to, and they outright refused.
So they let the people of Austin decide if Uber should do finger print background checks, and put it to a vote.

Uber spent somewhere around $15 million on their campaign in Austin and they threatened to leave if they didn't get their way. They lost. After they lost the vote, they picked up and left that morning, as well as lyft.

Not only did Austin not crumble and die after Uber left, a new group of ride share companies popped up that actually did the things the people of Austin voted on and they thrived in the area.

Texas isn't known for following any sort of due process...

And Disney world is in Florida...there's no such thing as "bad sales tax" to the local and state governements there.

Uber isn't getting banned.

Our new governor is against any sort of regulations at all, it seems, and he and his associates overturned the people's vote in Austin and allowed uber to come back with no finger print background checks for their drivers. Now uber is back full swing, even though they were voted out.

I know tons of people on here adore uber, but after the barrage of info we were forced to digest during the voting process, I'll never use them.

So if Disney wants to learn from Austin, all they have to do is say that, as of now, any ride share driver on their private property has to be vetted and have finger print background checks. Uber left the ENTIRE city of Austin behind over just that. And considering it's at a family friendly theme park resort area, it's not an unfair request to ask that your driver doesn't have a violent criminal background.
The carseats & Minnie Vans (or Uber) conversation has me concerned. We're past that stage of life now... but I would not be comfortable putting my kiddo in a carseat that I didn't install or know what installed correctly, didn't know the history of (expired, in a crash, etc). There are so many variables in carseats - are they going to take them out and adjust the straps to the proper height for every kid? When my kids were little enough for carseats, we rented a car and used our own carseat, that they rode in on the plane down. I think providing a carseat in any form of transportation can open up the situation to a whole slew of lawsuits if something goes wrong.
Thinking that Uber/Lyft will still be needed and allowed. These services (along with taxis) facilitate people getting to the parks and resorts (restaurants), especially those off property. Disney wouldn't want to discourage that.

I believe that Disney would want to discourage people from leaving their property to spend money elsewhere.
They are Chevy Traverses so no. The vehicles are on site already.

What is weird is that they made a pink Minnie Van from a Honda Odyssey and shared it on social media. I thought they would be the vans, until I saw the picture. Wonder why they promoted one brand and chose another?
Austin didn't want to block Uber, they wanted Uber to vet their drivers with a finger print background check, just like all the other cab companies in town have to, and they outright refused.
So they let the people of Austin decide if Uber should do finger print background checks, and put it to a vote.

Uber spent somewhere around $15 million on their campaign in Austin and they threatened to leave if they didn't get their way. They lost. After they lost the vote, they picked up and left that morning, as well as lyft.

Not only did Austin not crumble and die after Uber left, a new group of ride share companies popped up that actually did the things the people of Austin voted on and they thrived in the area.

Our new governor is against any sort of regulations at all, it seems, and he and his associates overturned the people's vote in Austin and allowed uber to come back with no finger print background checks for their drivers. Now uber is back full swing, even though they were voted out.

I know tons of people on here adore uber, but after the barrage of info we were forced to digest during the voting process, I'll never use them.

So if Disney wants to learn from Austin, all they have to do is say that, as of now, any ride share driver on their private property has to be vetted and have finger print background checks. Uber left the ENTIRE city of Austin behind over just that. And considering it's at a family friendly theme park resort area, it's not an unfair request to ask that your driver doesn't have a violent criminal background.

This is kind of plays into what I'm saying but there are some differences.

In Disney's case, they'll already have the "other rideshare company" in place to fill in.

Also, aside from some customers that will just prefer Minnie Vans (as mentioned by a prevoius poster), Uber will literally be competing with Disney's own service, right on Disney's property.

Maybe Disney will feel that competition is minimal and not do anything to curb it. Or maybe they'll try to squeeze every dollar out that they can.
The carseats & Minnie Vans (or Uber) conversation has me concerned. We're past that stage of life now... but I would not be comfortable putting my kiddo in a carseat that I didn't install or know what installed correctly, didn't know the history of (expired, in a crash, etc). There are so many variables in carseats - are they going to take them out and adjust the straps to the proper height for every kid? When my kids were little enough for carseats, we rented a car and used our own carseat, that they rode in on the plane down. I think providing a carseat in any form of transportation can open up the situation to a whole slew of lawsuits if something goes wrong.
Your concerns are valid with Uber, but I think not so much with Disney.
  • Uber drivers are responsible for obtaining and maintaining their own car seats. I trust Disney more to ensure the car seats provided are appropriate and in safe condition. I'm sure they will be purchased new.
  • Uber drivers are required to sign a waiver saying they've been trained and are proficient in installing the seats and securing a child. Uber provides no training, and accepts the drivers' word. I expect Disney would thoroughly train their drivers in the installation and use of the seats, and test their proficiency.
  • As for adjustment, typically with Uber, the driver installs the seat, and then allows the parent to adjust it and secure the child, assisting if the parent is unfamiliar with the particular model. I assume Disney would do the same, except that drivers would be fully trained in securing the child and better able to provide guidance to the parent.


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