"See the Line Where the Guests Meet the Mouse? It Calls Me..." March 2017 *New Post 7/4*

Sounds like a great trip to DLR. I would love to get there someday, but being from northeast Canada, it's a pretty long way to go for me. Still, it's on my bucket list. I like reading TR's about it so if I ever do go there, at least I know what to expect.
Monday, March 13th: An Animal Kingdom Park Day Part Two

So where we last left off, it was around noon on our DAK park day, it was starting to rain and we had just gotten a treat from Tamu Tamu Refreshments. We used our Fastpass for Kilimanjaro Safaris, and since that was our third Fastpass for the day, we were able to make another one in line. We chose Primeval Whirl at 1:10. We got in line for KS at 12:50, so that made for a quick turn around!

The rain slowed down and we enjoyed our safari ride. While I’m thinking about it, I did want to mention that if it’s raining, you will get wet on the Safari! We’ve experienced it before and there was a lot of water coming off the roof of the truck etc. So, just be prepared if you decide to ride in the rain!



The wild dogs were a new addition since our last trip and I LOVED THEM. They looked so unique. Also dogs rule cats drool.


We made our way back to Dinoland to use our Primeval Whirl Fastpasses. Before riding Goofy’s Sky School in DCA, I wasn’t very interested in a ride like this. However, I think GSS is so much fun, and we usually ride PW once every trip.


Gotta say... I might be over this ride. It hurts me. A lot. And since there was only two of us, I got to be awkwardly tossed around into a total stranger. But I will now take this moment to do something that not many people do... Praise Chester and Hester's Dinorama. It's such an odd blemish on the otherwise GORGEOUS work of art that is Animal Kingdom. But you know what? I love this blemish. Not because I love the cheesy carnival games or the cracked blacktop parking lot. I love this area because it does such a good job at being so bad. It's SUPPOSED to look cheesy and run down and ugly. The story goes that Chester and Hester were a married couple who owned a gas station in the middle of nowhere. But when dinosaur bones were discovered nearby, the area was suddenly flooded with scientists (hence the nearby Dino Institute) and dinosaur enthusiasts. So the couple thought they'd cash in on the dino-hype, and they built the dinosaur themed carnival out in their parking lot and converted their gas station into a gift shop. Notice the old gas station signage...


And that's EXACTLY how it looks. I once read something Joe Rohde wrote that said something about how it's easy to build something that nobody has ever seen, because we have no reference to what it's SUPPOSED to look like. But when designing things that nearly everyone has experienced, like cracking blacktop parking lots, the level of detail has to be EXCEPTIONAL. Because we'd notice if it looks wrong. Chester and Hester's Dinorama was intended to look... well... crappy. And it does it soooo well.

Now that we had the spinny ride out of the way, we decided it was time to eat. When we visited in 2015, Flametree BBQ was under refurbishment (the horror!) so we knew we needed to eat there! We decided to split the biggest meal, with the pork, chicken, and ribs, and all three sides.


Scott waited in line for the food and sent me to scout out a good table. Prior to the trip Scott was telling me that he wondered why we never sat at one of the “good” tables at Flame Tree down by the water with a view of Expedition Everest. So…I knew exactly what kind of table I was looking for!


How do you think I did? When Scott came and found me with the food he started laughing because I had found THE exact table he was describing to me before the trip! It was a great moment. I like eating lunch after the lunchtime rush because the restaurants are so much less crowded and the pace of things is just a lot more relaxed. Plus, when I see a bunch of families wandering around with trays, I feel guilty and try to just shove my food down and get out. We had a really peaceful lunch and looked on MDE while we ate.

We decided to get a Fastpass for the Finding Nemo musical at 3:30 (not sure if that’s the show time or when the Fastpass window for seating opened).

After we ate, we sat and relaxed awhile and it started to rain again, so we moved to a table under an awning to wait the rain out. We made a friend during this time, who walked on the railing around us, eying us from a distance for awhile.


We made our way to Nemo, and thoroughly enjoyed the show as always! This is one of our favorites! While we were waiting for the show to start, we made a Fastpass for Dinosaur at 7:10.




This show gives me goosebumps. I love the music. I love it. Father-son stories really get me choked up. I don't know why. I have a great relationship with my dad. Also, the puppetry is fantastic.

Then we headed to do the trails, because we realized that they were going to close fairly soon. We did Maharajah Jungle Trek first, and then Gorilla Falls. We love the trails! I especially love the area around the tigers and I think it’s one of the most gorgeous areas Disney has ever built.



Why is everyone so creeped out by the bats? They're my favorite animal to visit. They have lil puppy faces.

I believe it was raining again at this point, so we decided to head on to something that we were very excited to try: the Nomad Lounge. This had been built since we were last here, so we hadn’t seen the area yet. There was only one other table of people sitting inside when we arrived. We weren’t starving yet, but it seemed like a great way to spend some time because we planned on staying in the park as late as we could!



We had a great experience at the Nomad Lounge with really good service! In fact, when our waiter first walked up to our table, he somehow spotted what camera lens we were using (50mm) within .001 seconds and struck up a conversation with us about it. We were impressed!

Scott ordered a Boto-Rita, and I ordered a Snow Leopard. My drink was very refreshing, and similar to a Moscow Mule.


We tried the garnish on Scott’s drink and quickly learned that they were pink peppercorns and really just for looks, not enjoyment hahaha!


Yea those peppercorns... Still haven't figured that out. They were just sort of hard and crunchy. Almost made to get stuck in your teeth. This drink had mezcal in it, which sort of has a smoky flavor to it. Which I love. But I know that many people are turned off by it. I thought this drink was delicious, but if you're going to order it, expect the mezcal.

I really like the glassware we were served our drinks in, it was so nice and sturdy with a really unique look!

We ordered the bread service and cheese plate to go with our drinks. That’s right, the massive Sanaa bread service just a couple nights prior wasn’t enough! Again, the bread service was served in a very cool manner, and tasted wonderful. We especially liked the super thin and crispy chip-like option. The dips were great as well, and weren’t the same as the ones from Sanaa.




The cheese plate was good, though I recommend ordering these two items together because it was nice to be able to use the dips to pair along with the cheeses, and the cheese plate didn’t come with much bread. We spent a long time at the Nomad Lounge, and I can’t wait to go back! While we were there, all of the walls were still up guarding Pandora, and the water around the restaurant was covered in algae (probably from construction/not having the water circulate yet) so we didn’t really think about sitting outside. But now that Pandora has been completed, I bet that sitting outside is awesome. The furniture out there really reminded me of something I’d see at a resort in Bali, and it would be a great way to spend an afternoon! I really hope that the lounge isn’t too overcrowded once Pandora opens, because we rally want to go back in July!

When we left the Nomad lounge, we headed to use our Dinosaur Fastpass. In line, we picked up a Fastpass for Kilimanjaro Safaris, because we hadn’t ever ridden this at night.

After we rode Dinosaur, we ended up back at the Trilo-Bites stand, and ordered two more of the Sea Dog Sunfish beers. I’m so glad we did this, because we ended up chatting with the Cast Member working there for a while. He was so nice, and he gave us two bottles of water to take with us for free, sweet! We headed back to Harambe, and sat at Dawa Bar to finish our drinks before getting on the Safari.

Our nighttime Safaris ride…WOW! So, we fully expected all the animals to be asleep, and to be honest…a lot of them were haha!


Even the "nocturnal" hyenas, that i was very excited about, were snoozin'!

However, the animals that were awake were amazing! We didn’t see any elephants from what I remember, which are usually my favorite. I really wish I remembered our Safari driver’s name, because he was incredible. He had an amazing tone of voice, and he was doing a sort of half whisper because it’s so quiet out on the safari at night. Well, the family behind us LOVED the safari driver’s voice and kept talking about it, it was so funny. Between the great driver, and overhearing the enjoyment of the family behind me, I loved every minute of it!

We did have a rhino walk directly by our truck, almost so close that it scared me! But the real showstopper was up on Pride Rock! Typically, we see one lion sleeping lazily. But tonight, we saw so many lions, all up on the rock together! Two of the lions were even roaring at each other and play fighting! Well… we hope it was play fighting, ha! It was so incredible to watch!

After the Safari, we walked back to Discovery Island to catch the Tree of Life Awakenings. There wasn’t a showing of Rivers of Light on this day, but there were still a bunch of people there grouped around the tree to watch the awakenings. However, it was raining still, so we watched what we could for a few minutes and then moved on. I think the awakenings are really cool, and we returned to DAK on another day of our trip and discovered an amazing location to watch them from! In fact…we were the only people back in that area! But we’ll get there later in the trip…

We went into Starbucks to get the Animal Kingdom You Are Here mug, so now we officially have the mugs from all of the American Disney Parks! It was about 8:45 at this time, and we wanted to ride Expedition Everest at night, whether it was raining or not!

We very quickly walked to Asia, and hopped in line.



We were able to ride EE twice before the park closed. We had so much fun! There was no wait, so we were able to just run right through.


Alli was "makin' it rain", even though she didn't need much help.


We made our way out of the park, since it was closed.

When we got back to Pop, we were hungry and got a Chicken Bacon Ranch Flatbread, yum!

Scott took pictures of our pin trades for the day after we were back in the room. He was able to complete his Epcot logos pin set, so that only took three days on Disney property! We never looked for the silver chaser pin, because honestly we’re just not big fans of the all silver pins.


I traded for a Disney College Program pin by the Boneyard at some point, and I was so excited to find it! I’m sure it was given away for free to all the DCPs, but I never got one in 2013, so woo! Scott traded for the Storybook Land Lighthouse in the Dinosaur gift shop, which had a big pin board out. We actually found a couple cool Disneyland pins on our trip, and we thought this was a really unique one!


So on this day, we left the resort at 7:50 and stayed at DAK until after it closed at 9pm. We used a total of seven Fastpasses, rode nine attractions (including rerides) and watched two shows. We had meals and snacks five times and just drinks twice. Despite the fact that it rained on and off all day, it was absolutely amazing. I remember a lot of moments of just happily running around and dancing in the rain.

Thanks for reading along! I hope our words and pictures bring you some Disney magic, wherever you’re reading from!

Skip down to our first Epcot day here!!!
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First of all, I love your TR title! I sing it every time that I see it!

Question for you guys: Have you tried any of the new Disney Springs restaurants: STK, Morimoto, Paddlefish, Boathouse, or Homecomin'? Thoughts? Was it worth the big price tag they come with?

My mom and I ate at the Boathouse in March of this year and it was amazing! Our waiter was awesome, the atmosphere was perfect and the food was soooooo good! I highly recommend going there for dinner the next time you are in DS!
Scott: Most people don't realize that there's a puzzle to be solved hidden in the bust eulogies in the interactive graveyard. There are 5 busts and it's your job to figure out who killed who. Start at the center, and you'll quickly realize that each description lines up with a picture that's placed on another bust's eulogy. For example, Uncle Jacob was poisoned, and there's a vial of poison on Bertie's eulogy. But when you get to the last bust, Cousin Maude, it claims that "her dreams went up in smoke," implying that she burned to death in her sleep. (Isn't this a family park?) But there are no family members left to blame, so who dunnit?? Well check out Maude's bun...

MATCHES! The story goes that Maude had used matches to hold up her bun, and they ignited while she slept!! Pretty gruesome. Another mystery solved!!

I love that you are throwing in little tidbits like this! I am a Disney freak and try to learn everything that I can about the parks and all of the hidden magic within, but this is something that I never knew! Thank you! :worship:
Scott: APATOSS stands for A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasure of the Seven Seas. AKA one of the most overlooked, underrated attractions in the Magic Kingdom. Basically, it’s a treasure hunt style game that takes place all throughout Adventureland. If you have time and energy to do it, do it. It’s something to do other than a ride or a show, and you get prizes!!! You can “enlist” in the small shack just outside of the Adventureland arch on the way to Frontierland. You’ll be given a map and a starting symbol. Find the symbol on the map and you’re on your way. The maps make great souvenirs, but I just love maps in general. Specifically treasure maps.

I will definitely be trying this out with my 4 year old son when we go again in November! I think he will love it since he loves Jack Sparrow and all things pirates!
However, both WDW and DL have their strong suits!
Yes, they sure do!

We also had a great view of Disneyland where we could see both Space Mountain and the Matterhorn.
That's awesome!!!

I got home from that trip on Monday, had a fast and furious four day work week and now we're on to the LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL! Yes!
Wow! I'm in upstate New York, so schools around here still have another month.

I like eating lunch after the lunchtime rush because the restaurants are so much less crowded and the pace of things is just a lot more relaxed.
YES!!! This is my plan, too!

Great update, you sure packed lots in! And had loads of fun throughout the day by the sounds of it :goodvibes
Hello! I just stumbled upon your report and am loving it! I quoted a lot of things as I binged it! haha

I remember this from Austin! My husband and I both went to UT and my sister and his sister both live there. My sister-in-law is actually a high school teacher there. We love Austin and still miss it!

I really wanted to try this on our honeymoon but we didn't get time. We do make a recipe from there quite frequently though - the rolling boulder sliders. Looks fun!

Question for you guys: Have you tried any of the new Disney Springs restaurants: STK, Morimoto, Paddlefish, Boathouse, or Homecomin'? Thoughts? Was it worth the big price tag they come with?
We went to Boathouse and I was not impressed. We were not paying but the food was nothing special to me. We also tend to like more interesting food and everything there was sort of, I don't know, normal? I think I might be in the minority on it, though!

Yes, bread service! Need to try this someday!

How cute!


Scott: This one was actually taken on my iPhone. Cell phone cameras have seriously come soooo far.
Beautiful shot!


Maybe a bunny eating a flower isn't that amazing, but I was fascinated.
How cute!

Again, another place we wanted to eat at but didn't get a chance! So much food, so little time.

But even better… FASTPASSES!!! Free Pirates fastpasses for completing two maps! This is AMAZING! As cast members, we would recommend this idea CONSTANTLY. I hope this is something that stays around for a while. Now we wouldn’t have to waste a FP+ selection on Pirates. Albeit, we would have to do a bit of treasure hunting, but I knew this game like the back of my hand, so it’d only take a few minutes. And as I’ve said, I really love this game. If you’re in it strictly for the Fastpasses, I would ask the cast member working the game if they were still giving them out. This seems like something they may change, and I’d hate for you to work hard finishing your two maps only to be denied these Fastpasses that we’ve promised.
We did this and my husband LOVED it. I think it was actually one of his favorite things while we were there. We unfortunately didn't get a fastpass though (that was June 2016), but the experience was prize enough!

3) This ride is so incredibly immersive that it legit frightens me. I truthfully am scared while on this ride.
True story, I scared the family on the ride with us with my massive amounts of screaming on Dinosaur.

How was this? I love dole whips but haven't tried the adult version!

Excited to follow along!
What a fun day at Animal Kingdom! It had to have been pretty cool, getting to experience both the daytime and sunset safari in the same day. It probably gave you a good sense of the differences between the two times.

Expedition Everest at night is the best. One of my favorite ride experiences at Disney. So glad to see you were able to have two turns before park closing.

I can't believe someone traded their College Program pin?! One man's trash, I guess....
Assuming it is an Indian inspired bread service, the thin crispy ones look like poppadom, which are made often with lentil flour and fried. I really like them.

Thanks for the info! They were delicious!

Your AK sounds like the perfect day even with the rain!

It was awesome and I loved remembering it!

First of all, I love your TR title! I sing it every time that I see it!


My mom and I ate at the Boathouse in March of this year and it was amazing! Our waiter was awesome, the atmosphere was perfect and the food was soooooo good! I highly recommend going there for dinner the next time you are in DS!

When I came up with that trip report title, Scott was super skeptical! So, thank you for the validation!

I love that you are throwing in little tidbits like this! I am a Disney freak and try to learn everything that I can about the parks and all of the hidden magic within, but this is something that I never knew! Thank you! :worship:

Yay! So glad we could clue you in about this!

I will definitely be trying this out with my 4 year old son when we go again in November! I think he will love it since he loves Jack Sparrow and all things pirates!

I love how magical it is when you use your magic band to set off special effects in the scenery!

Yes, they sure do!

That's awesome!!!

Wow! I'm in upstate New York, so schools around here still have another month.

YES!!! This is my plan, too!

Great update, you sure packed lots in! And had loads of fun throughout the day by the sounds of it :goodvibes

Yes, Animal Kingdom was probably my favorite park to visit on this trip. I know when we return in July, it won't be the same due to Pandora opening and stress surrounding that, so I'm so so glad we got to spend so much time there over spring break.

Hello! I just stumbled upon your report and am loving it! I quoted a lot of things as I binged it! haha

I remember this from Austin! My husband and I both went to UT and my sister and his sister both live there. My sister-in-law is actually a high school teacher there. We love Austin and still miss it!

I really wanted to try this on our honeymoon but we didn't get time. We do make a recipe from there quite frequently though - the rolling boulder sliders. Looks fun!

We went to Boathouse and I was not impressed. We were not paying but the food was nothing special to me. We also tend to like more interesting food and everything there was sort of, I don't know, normal? I think I might be in the minority on it, though!

Yes, bread service! Need to try this someday!

How cute!

Beautiful shot!

How cute!

Again, another place we wanted to eat at but didn't get a chance! So much food, so little time.

We did this and my husband LOVED it. I think it was actually one of his favorite things while we were there. We unfortunately didn't get a fastpass though (that was June 2016), but the experience was prize enough!

True story, I scared the family on the ride with us with my massive amounts of screaming on Dinosaur.

How was this? I love dole whips but haven't tried the adult version!

Excited to follow along!

Wow! Thank you so much for binging along with us! I tend to always read trip reports in one long go when I'm in the mood, so I love that we provided that for you.

You can get the dole whip with dark rum or coconut rum, and I'm a coconut rum gal myself. It is not mixed into the soft serve, they just pour the rum in the bottom (about an ounce) so you have to stir it in yourself. However, it is only seven dollars, which to me seems inexpensive for Disney prices!

Loving your report!

Y'all are relationship goals!!

Thank you! :cloud9:

What a fun day at Animal Kingdom! It had to have been pretty cool, getting to experience both the daytime and sunset safari in the same day. It probably gave you a good sense of the differences between the two times.

Expedition Everest at night is the best. One of my favorite ride experiences at Disney. So glad to see you were able to have two turns before park closing.

I can't believe someone traded their College Program pin?! One man's trash, I guess....

I loved that we got to see both times at the park, like you said, the two different sides of the jungle!
Tuesday, March 14th: An EPCOT Park Day

For our third park day, we planned to spend a lot of time at EPCOT! I was so incredibly excited that our trip was during the Flower and Garden Festival. While working at WDW in 2013, we got to experience the first Flower and Garden Festival to have food booths aka “outdoor kitchens” included as part of the festival. We eagerly anticipated the menus for the food booths being posted online on the days leading up to our trip. We looked over menus and reviews online and compiled a list of all the food we wanted to try and fit it into our spreadsheet for the day, which turned out like this:

From our plans, you can see that we weren’t sure whether we wanted to stay in the park all night, or hop back over to Animal Kingdom to see Rivers of Light, which was only going to be showing two nights during our trip.


We didn’t write down what time we got in line for the bus this morning, just that we arrived at bag check at 8:50. The park opened at nine, and we were in line for Soarin’ at 9:10. Since we had decided to use our Tier 1 Fastpass on Frozen Ever After, which had opened after our last visit, we were left to fend for ourselves on Soarin’ and Test Track.

We were excited that we were assigned to Concourse C, since we hadn’t been in this theater before, as it was added somewhat recently. We get excited about really little things, haha. I love the new Soarin’ film! Yes, there’s CGI, and yes it bends a bit, but it’s just a much better quality experience overall now. Since this was our first time riding the new Soarin’ in Florida, the last scene was a surprise to us, as it was different than the ending at DCA in California. It makes so much more sense than perpetual Christmas at Disneyland, and I’m really glad they made the change!

I had some real problems with the original film. The L.A. scene was oddly sped up and looked insane, and the fact that it ended in Disneyland..... during Christmas?? So weird. But my biggest problem was the lack of transitions. BOOM golden gate BOOM redwoods BOOM desert. The new film with the transitions is spectacular. I will say that the image seemed FAR more distorted in Epcot than it did when we saw it at Disney's California Adventure.

We decided to get some breakfast at Sunshine Seasons after we were done with Soarin’. The wait took awhile, and by that time just about everybody in the park was likely in line for Test Track, so we decided to just take some time to relax. Scott got an Adult Breakfast Platter.

Just basic breakfast stuff. It was ok.

I got what I thought was a fruit and yogurt parfait but most certainly…was not. It was muesli covered in fruit and coconut.


This was a grab and go item at the food court, and there wasn’t a sign posted, so I just made an assumption, which is my fault really. Muesli isn’t really my thing, but it wasn’t inedible or anything so I took one for the team and ate it anyway, I knew that there would be all kinds of delicious food awaiting me later on in the day.

This day on our trip is when it became impossible to ignore just how unseasonably cold it was. Very. Very. Cold. I have only experienced this type of cold in Orlando once before (Warning: tangential anecdote to follow), on a night in which I was assigned a shift at the Jungle Cruise until 3am. 3 AM Y’ALL!!! There was EMH that night (which must’ve also been around Spring Break time now that I think about it) and in 2013, the Jungle Cruise typically didn’t stay open for evening EMH, but it had been included in the list of EMH attractions mistakenly so we had to push through and stay open. The air was so wet and cold, and I was assigned to greeter for most of the night, where I was basically just alone because so few guests were in the park. I kept running from the entrance of the ride up to the top of the ramp near the treehouse over and over just to stay warm. However, before EMH officially started, Scott came and brought me some glazed almonds from the cart in Adventureland so I would have a warm snack. He’s sweet.

From here on out on this trip, we’re going to do a lot of dodging into random buildings, and you’re probably going to see me wearing my rain jacket in a lot of pictures, because I needed something to cut the wind! That wind was brutal!

There wasn’t a ton that we wanted to do in Future World before heading on to the World Showcase, but we wanted to stay inside for a while, so we decided to head towards Colortopia in Innoventions. We had a bit of difficulty figuring out where to go exactly, Innoventions just looked closed from the outside I guess. But once inside, we hopped in line. There was actually quite a bit of a line. I think we waited through two or three groups to go into the first room before we were able to.

However, the lights in the queue were really interesting and made Scott’s blue shoes look colorless in a strange way, so we were entertained by that. We made our way into the first room eventually, and then out into the first activity, which made Scott mad, and I’ll let him explain why.


This Color Match game is some garbage, man. So the premise is this: the vertical beams light up a certain color and you have to move your RGB sliders to match the color of your paint can to the beam. First person to match it wins that round. But heres the kicker... People were winning when their paint cans didn't exactly match their beam! Also, the beams were not all lit the same. They'd be different shades of reds, or different shades of green. It was just really frustrating. And those 10 year olds who kept beating me were jerks about it.

Overall, we thought this was a fun attraction as adults, and for children I imagine it would be awesome!


Next we headed to use our Spaceship Earth Fastpass at 11:00. Boy, that line was tough! The line in general was very long, even with a Fastpass, and something about the shape of the geosphere was creating some sort of wind vortex where we just could not get a moment of warmth! I always love Spaceship Earth, but I was downright GRATEFUL for the length of this attraction on this day. We were basically warming our hands on the fire of the cavemen.


I was obsessed with this Mouse Trap setup. I don't know how long it's been there, but I'd never noticed it before. I thought it was just... funny. Maybe a nod to the fact that this game was all about a mouse trap set up by humans, while we're forking over hundreds of dollars to gain access to this human trap set up by a mouse?


When we exited the ride, we headed towards World Showcase to use our Frozen Ever After Fastpass.

We stopped to admire these wacky butterflies on the ground. What a neat illusion!!!

We found the way that the inside of the queue and load and unload areas had been restructured very interesting. I always love a good “the inside is the outside” effect, and I thought the queue was great.

Though, we didn’t get to see all of it because we used a Fastpass, but the standby line was 105 minutes, so I’m okay with skipping a room, haha.

My overall thoughts on the attraction were mixed. I’m okay with Maelstrom being replaced (it was so dated, that ending by the oil rig was just strange). The animatronics are obviously incredible. I loved that they looked exactly like the characters from the movie. The face projections were a bit odd, specifically the line at which the projection stopped on their jaw/neck, but overall the animatronics look a lot better than even the new Little Mermaid animatronics in New Fantasyland, so it’s just a trade off. There were really good scenes, but I did not like that entirely empty black hallway following the Let It Go sequence. It just bothers me so much that this space wasn’t utilized in SOME way!

I like the ride. The animatronics are fluid and I'll never complain about a Let it Go sequence. My only complaint is that the ride is soooooo short.

After the ride, we were ready for our first taste of Flower and Garden food! We decided to get a few things from Lotus House. We picked up the spicy chicken lettuce wrap (5.95), the candied strawberries (5.50), and a Dragon Pearl (8.75).

As you can tell, the spicy chicken wrap was a pretty small portion, though it tasted awesome. But the real winners here were the candied strawberries and the Dragon Pearl. I taught English in China and I would eat candied fruit similar to these strawberries from street markets there. It was an awesome bit of nostalgia, but it also just tasted downright delicious! Scott’s Dragon Pearl was its whole own thing, but strange as it was, we really enjoyed it. It consisted of beer, honey, cream, and tapioca pearls. It was strange drinking a beer type drink through a straw, but the whole thing just worked.

The strawberries may have been one of my favorite things we ate from the trip. My mouth is honestly watering thinking of them now. I will say, however, that the cold strawberries did not mix well with the cold weather. We made sure to find a nice sunny spot to enjoy these. And the Dragon Pearl was SO STRANGE! But you know what? The flavors seriously worked in the strangest way. Delicious.

We knew that we had a Fastpass for Mission Space back in Future World at 12:40, so we didn’t want to stray too far.

We decided to make our way to the Butterfly Garden. The Butterfly Garden was PACKED. There were so many people in the tent, it was hard to move around.

Does anyone have a soapbox I can borrow? I’m gonna need one here, y’all! People, many people, including both children AND ADULTS were PULLING the butterflies off of leaves to pose with for pictures. Can you imagine grabbing a butterfly's delicate wings and pulling them? You guys, it was so cringe-worthy that I was just trying to get OUT OF THERE! It’s one thing if a butterfly just so happens to gingerly land on your shoulder before flying away, but these living creatures had to have been getting injured in the process of all of this. There were signs saying not to do this, but with the amount of people packed into the tent, there would’ve been no way to police it. They needed to have fewer people in the tent, with cast members overseeing people’s behavior.

With that traumatization over, we went to use our Mission Space Fastpass, and chose the orange side.

If you noticed my Epcot pins from the last post, you may see a familiar logo in the center of the giant wheel in Mission: Space queue. That's the logo for the old Horizons pavilion, which once stood where M:S stands.

Again, the line took quite awhile and Scott and I decided that in the future we’ll probably save our time and just do the green side or not do this at all. I love pushing the buttons, LOVE it, can’t get enough of it, but this isn’t an attraction worth a thirty minute Fastpass line to me personally. Too bad we couldn’t get two for Spaceship Earth, because I could’ve used some more of that warmth! Once we used our Mission Space FP, we picked one up for Living With the Land at 1:25pm, because why not!

I’m going to leave off there for now, but much more F&G food pictures and reviews will be in our next post! I hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend with your friends and family and I hope that our words and pictures brought you some Disney magic, wherever you’re reading from! Thanks for joining us!

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What a delightful Epcot review! We so enjoyed the few hours we spent at F&G this year. The butterfly illusion on the ground was so neat, and the little bit we sampled from the outdoor kitchens was delicious.

Maybe a nod to the fact that this game was all about a mouse trap set up by humans, while we're forking over hundreds of dollars to gain access to this human trap set up by a mouse?

Yes!! I love this! Hilarious :rotfl2:
It's hard to have to decide between Soarin' or Frozen Ever After for that Tier 1 Fastpass, but it sounds like the standby for Soarin' wasn't too bad for you, guys. It's nice to hear the transitions between scenes in the new film is a lot smoother than the previous version. That was something I always found odd.

Spaceship Earth is so relaxing, but I'm sure it was made even better by the warmth that day. It's always hard to imagine a cold day at Disney, but it certainly happens! (The first trip I took with my husband, we rode Pirates three or four times in a row one night simply because we were too cold to run to a new attraction. We just wanted to get back into the warmth of the queue!:rotfl:)

How awful for those poor butterflies! So sad...

A long wait for Mission:Space? That surprises me. I guess everyone wanted to push the buttons that day!
We so enjoyed the few hours we spent at F&G this year. The butterfly illusion on the ground was so neat, and the little bit we sampled from the outdoor kitchens was delicious.

Most of the food and drink items we tried were spectacular. A few were just alright, and there were a couple that were really disappointing. I can't wait to talk about all of the food we tried. THERE WAS SO MUCH!!! We pigged out and I'm not even ashamed.

It's hard to have to decide between Soarin' or Frozen Ever After for that Tier 1 Fastpass, but it sounds like the standby for Soarin' wasn't too bad for you, guys.

There was a time when I refused to wait in the Soarin' queue. It moved so slowly. And there was a terribly annoying sound that one of those interactive games made that sounded like a bird cawing into a megaphone inside my eardrum. It drove me insane. They've since abandoned the interactive games, and the trivia-style game that they have now was something we had a lot of fun playing in line.

It's always hard to imagine a cold day at Disney, but it certainly happens!

We were shocked. SHOCKED! And very unprepared. And it actually gets worse from here. We should have known better though. There were nights I spent lifeguarding at Pop Century wearing my white polo, a fleece jacket, a heavy windbreaker, my swim trunks, and winter pants along with my crocs (yup), a beanie, gloves, and hand warmers, and I would be nearly crying from the cold. And that was probably around April.

A long wait for Mission:Space? That surprises me. I guess everyone wanted to push the buttons that day!

The green side line was... well there wasn't one. Seems like everyone opted for orange that day.
I know when we return in July, it won't be the same due to Pandora opening and stress surrounding that, so I'm so so glad we got to spend so much time there over spring break.
Yes! As excited as I am about seeing Pandora in August... I'm a little anxious about how it'll all effect my time there.

It makes so much more sense than perpetual Christmas at Disneyland, and I’m really glad they made the change!
As much as I loved this scene, it just made better sense in December than in August... or say, the rest of the year! :laughing:

The L.A. scene was oddly sped up and looked insane
It got to the point where I'd have to not look directly at the LA scene or I'd get dizzy... :faint:

I got what I thought was a fruit and yogurt parfait but most certainly…was not. It was muesli covered in fruit and coconut.
I have to admit that I dream about this muesli - it's one of my favorite things! But I won't hold it against you that it's not one of yours :rotfl:

We were basically warming our hands on the fire of the cavemen.
Oh no! I can't believe how cold it was for you! :sad2:

I was obsessed with this Mouse Trap setup. I don't know how long it's been there, but I'd never noticed it before.
Huh... I've never noticed it either... :confused3

I always love a good “the inside is the outside” effect, and I thought the queue was great.
Me too! Which is why I love the Mexico pavilion so much! :lovestruc

You guys, it was so cringe-worthy that I was just trying to get OUT OF THERE!
I could barely read this part... traumatic, indeed. What ails people?! :headache:

As always, another great update! Happy summer!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 14th: An EPCOT Park Day, Part Two

Where we last left off, it was around 1pm at EPCOT, and we had used our three original Fastpass selections, and spent some time in both Future World and the World Showcase. We picked up a 1:25 Fastpass for Living With the Land.

Typically, I wouldn’t have picked up a Fastpass for this attraction, but it was so busy on this trip, that Fastpasses were useful almost everywhere, and readily available, so why not?

We walked over to The Land, and used our Fastpass, but there was still a bit of a wait. We had a pretty interesting experience on this ride, due to a particular family. You know how two boats are connected together? Well, we were in the back row of the first boat, and a few minutes into the ride, a cast member came over the loud speaker and said that everyone needed to keep his or her hands and feet inside the boat. I assume this is probably a pretty big problem on this attraction, just because the gardens are within touching reach (or the edge of the gardens at least). Well, after the initial announcement, the issue was apparently not resolved. We were treated to many following announcements that became increasingly more specific: “Parents, you need to supervise your children.” “Parents in the back of the boat, please supervise your children.” Since we were in the back of our boat, everyone turned around to look at us, but luckily we did not have any meddlesome children with us. Then, another announcement: “You, in the striped shirt, in the back row, please watch your child!” We couldn’t see exactly what was happening back there, but it was pretty entertaining. Anyway, misbehaving guests aside, I LOVE this attraction. It’s so soothing, and a very nice break from a hectic day.

After Living With the Land, we headed to The Seas, and we’re thinking we must have gotten a Fastpass, because we did the aquarium part of the pavilion prior to the attraction. However, we didn’t write it down, so we’re not sure. Anyway, we had such a great time in the aquarium! When we first got there, we spent some time in all of the downstairs areas. One time when we were living in Florida, we were in the pavilion and got to see a cast member feeding the eels. There was another cast member with her, who explained the whole process and how they had trained the eels etc. It was awesome! Well, on this day we were lucky enough to get to watch something even cooler, the dolphin show upstairs. WOW! If you ever get to watch this, you are lucky! Basically, the trainers working with the dolphins have taught them a bunch of random objects with sound frequencies for names. So the dolphin was wearing a special sort of microphone, and it would swim to one side of the huge tank, where a trainer would hang an object on the glass. Then, the dolphin would swim back to the other side of the tank and tell the trainer which object they saw. Then they would show on the screens which frequency they used, and which object that corresponded to etc. It was fascinating and I would definitely go back and watch the show again!

They even asked the dolphin to pose for us at the end of the show.

After that, we rode the attraction, which was delightful as always. It was around 2:50 when we rode the ride and we picked up an Imagination Fastpass for 2:55. Again, I think we just picked this up because we could, and it was available to be used basically immediately. So, we did just that and walked to the attraction.

A lot of people have very strong feelings about the Imagination ride. My feelings are this... meh. Its a break from the heat (or the cold) and you rarely have to wait in line for it. Could it use an update? Sure. Would I be sad if it went away? Not at all. Is Eric Idle as the moon the creepiest thing I've ever seen? Absolutely. But it's just something else for people to do, which I'll never complain about.

Afterwards, we were ready for some more Flower and Garden food! We made our way to Northern Bloom, which was by the Canada Pavilion I believe and picked up two more items from our list: the Beef Tenderloin Tips (6.50) and Maple Popcorn Shake (4.50). We opted for the non-alcoholic version of this shake, since the whisky version was the same size and 11.75, oy!

The shake, while yummy, really wasn’t anything unique. It was basically just a small vanilla frozen yogurt with some popcorn on top. We expected there to be a maple flavor to the ice cream. The whisky that was supposed to be included says Maple Rye, so maybe that would’ve added something extra. The beef tips were absolutely delicious! One good thing about the cold weather is that hot food was actually fun to eat, instead of being kind of miserable in the summer.

Out of all of the spectacular dishes we tried, a small amount of them were just a let down. I was really excited about this milkshake, and it was just boring. No maple at all, other than the maple popcorn. But the beef tips may have been one of my favorite things we got. Potatoes and gravy and beef... That's me right there. All day.

After that, we headed on to the Cider House in the UK Pavilion and ordered the House-made Potato and Cheddar Cheese Biscuit with Smoked Salmon Tartare (5.25), a Ciderboys Strawberry Magic Hard Cider (4.50), and a Caribe Blood Orange Tropical Hard Cider (4.50).

Everything here was awesome! The biscuit was really soft, instead of crumbly like biscuits typically are, but that made it a lot easier to eat and I really liked the whole thing overall.

The sour cream on top really made it for me.

I chose the blood orange cider and I absolutely loved it! Since we got back, my favorite local cider company Austin Eastciders debuted a blood orange cider that I love. The citrus-based cider just seems a lot dryer, not overly sweet, and it’s not like drinking apple juice over and over.

We explored the various pavilions as we ate, but basically we were kinda pigging out.

We headed onward to France where we went to Fleur de Lys and got the Macaron Chocolat Framboise (4.75). This is a large raspberry macaron with chocolate fudge and raspberry jam. We also got a Kronenbourg Blanc 1664 (4.25).

The Kronenbourg was just beer, nothing too unique. However, the macaron was probably one of the best desserts we’ve ever had at Disney. On our last trip, we got one of the Mickey Macarons that they used to sell at various candy shops throughout the parks, and it was really overly sweet. This macaron was so so good, and definitely the best macaron I’ve ever had. The filling was so nicely chewy and fudgy that the richness blended really well with the sweetness of the cookie. Scott really liked the raspberry jam combined with the other flavors. I love fruit and chocolate, and if you do as well, this is the treat for you!

I second everything Alli said. The chewy fudge was so perfectly chewy, and the jam in the middle was delightful. 10/10

I wish I could say that we went on and did something OTHER than gorge ourselves here…really, wish I could say that we rode an attraction, met a character, etc. But nope, we continued to slowly eat ourselves around the world. Our next stop was Florida Fresh, where we ordered the Shrimp and Grits (6.50) and the Beer Flight (9.50).

All three of these beers sounded good to us, so we decided to just go for the flight. It included: Quat Seasonal Fruit Ale, Mirth and Merriment Golden Ale, and the Feast of Flowers Farmhouse Ale. We’ve had the shrimp and grits before, and they were great. The beer flight was refreshing and great as well. Scott had to deal with a large family who just did not understand the ordering system at the booths and caused a bit of a back up for awhile. Typically, the outdoor kitchens run really efficiently, I think this was the only time we had to wait for an extended period.

Let me just say that I will always order shrimp and grits when I see it on a menu, and I will typically be let down. I told myself I wasn't going to order them this time, because nearly every time I order this dish at restaurants, the grits are super bland. Our intention was to order the beer, but I just couldn't help myself. And I'm glad I couldn't, because these grits were so buttery and perfectly seasoned. Another knockout dish.

Now about this family: First of all, there seemed to be about 75 of them, all with thick Jersey accents. The mother, who was ordering everything, was incredibly nice and respectful, but her sons were insane. The cast member working the register did NOT want to be there. I got that vibe from her when I ordered, so I can't imagine how annoyed she was with this family behind me. I don't even remember what happened, but at one point, the younger son ended up behind the register, sort of watching everything that the cast member was doing. He was odd. And then the kid walks up, away from his family, to where the food is. He steps in front of me and, to the cast member, says "I ordered a shrimp and grits!!!".... Ok?? The rest of his family was still ordering. Thats not how this works, buddy. Finally, they finished up and all came over and I'm still waiting on the shrimp and grits because the cast member making the food is taking his dear, sweet time. So finally the food is ready and they just start grabbing up all the shrimp!! I wasn't going to say anything, because I don't like confrontation. Eventually the mom says "excuse me, but this gentlemen was in front of us." So I finally got my food and left, but not before their older son (who I later saw doing donuts on an ECV in the Morocco pavilion) walks up to the food window and says "What he had looked good. Get me one of them." AFTER THEY HAD SPENT 45 MINUTES ORDERING.

We finally started participating in activities other than simply eating, and spent awhile looking around in Mitsukoshi.

The new layout of the store isn’t my favorite, but it’s still fun to look at the huge variety of unique products. I wanted to buy some mochi and snacks, so I headed to the very back of the shop but the line in this area of the store was so SO long. I probably could’ve picked something out and taken it back to a different register, but it was hard to even look around in that area.
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After that, we headed to the American Adventure to watch the 5:15 show. We looked around in the lobby while we waited for the show and there was a pretty cool exhibit set up inside that I don’t remember seeing before. We really intended to watch the show. We had the best intentions. But unfortunately, we slept. Well, Scott slept peacefully, and I did a drift off, wake up suddenly, and repeat thing for most of the show.

It says a lot about the length of this show that I was able to take pictures, take a serious nap, and wake up and take more pictures. This show is seriously long, or at least it felt that way. I'd pass out for what seemed like forever, wake up, and they'd still be on the same scene!

At around 6:30 we went to the Mexico Pavilion and rode the Gran Fiesta tour. They had a queue going out into the pavilion, but it moved quickly.

Scott decided he wanted to wait it out for a margarita from La Cava, so he got in that line. I don’t like margaritas, or any drink with tequila, so I walked around and took pictures.

I love the cucumber margarita from La Cava, and I promised myself that I'd get it on this trip, regardless of the price or the line. I wish I hadn't, because it was $15 and I had to wait forever. While the margarita was delicious, I probably wouldn't do that again. (Yes I will)

At some point in the day we picked up a Fastpass for Spaceship Earth at 7:35, I think we were just trying to pass the time until Illuminations at 9. Again, Spaceship Earth was a very nice warm reprieve.

After this, we wanted to head back to the World Showcase and I ended up back at Florida Fresh, where I got the Carne Asada (6.50). Somehow I had gotten hungry again, and this was awesome! I could’ve eaten a couple more.

Incredibly flavorful, even though I only got one bite because Alli inhaled this thing.

We watched Illuminations at 9pm. We had some added entertainment from a group standing by us. It was just one of those situations where there was someone in the group who thought that they knew just about everything about Disney and they were loudly telling the rest of their group lots of misinformation. You gotta admire their ambition, but everybody should really just rely on their trusty times guide/information on MDE.

There was EMH from 9-11 in Future World, but we just really couldn’t hack it.

When we were walking that way after Illuminations, we had to wait at the bridge for a few minutes while the barge passed, and around then we just decided we were done. The cold had gotten to us. The only thing that we hadn’t done that we still wanted to do was Test Track, so we walked over there and saw that TT was what everyone else wanted to do at EMH as well, and we were not down with the queue going outdoors, so we headed on out. I wish we could say it was smooth sailing from there, but we had to wait a long time for a bus. At least we had a free, relatively warm ride home!

This is sort of the halfway point in our trip, as we’ve talked about three park days so far, and have three more to go (though we also had a lot of time at Disney Springs on our arrival day). While we were walking our dog today I was talking about this trip compared to our upcoming one, which will be in July and heat will most certainly be an issue compared to the cold in March (unless things get really whacky). We were discussing whether we thought the heat would be more or less of an issue etc. We got to do everything we could’ve possibly wanted to, and then some. The positive of the heat will be that we won’t have to constantly kick ourselves for feeling unprepared. Having the wrong clothing became more and more of an annoyance as our trip progressed and we were forced to recycle our warm outfits. Even though the cold was bothersome, I still remember this trip as being practically perfect, weather and all, I’d gladly relive this week of my life over and over again! Thanks for joining us on our EPCOT day, I hope our words and pictures brought you some Disney magic, wherever you’re reading from!

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