Canadian Buffoon's Hi Low Vacation - South Central Musings

And... it was flippin' cold!
-1C/30F to be exact.
I'm on vacation!
What's it doing on the wrong
side of freezing???
Well, you're from Canada so you should be used to it...

I do believe in rope drop...
but sometimes it sucks!
::yes:: ::yes::

I started to laugh.
I pointed out that she was a woman sconed.

She pointed out that if I wrote that
I'd probably lose readers.

What do you think?




Whoops! Guess she was right.
She usually is.

Which do you prefer?
(bonus point opportunity.)


(Betty and George. Say hi everyone!)
Hi Everyone!

(Do not tell me where to go!)
Don't need to. You already know.

I've seen worse views.

And I had apple pie.
Because... pie.
And better yet, apple pie.

I mean... who doesn't like pie???
You? Tell me yes or no for easy bonus points.
Well, I think I've already answered that one...

That's twenty after six...

in the morning!

When I'm on vacation...
So we're back to Rope Drop?


Annoying kids?

That sucks.

And a train was crossing both of them.
Well, duh. If it wasn't that's either a much bigger town than it looks or that train is very short.

Tell me which one you like for
free and easy bonus points.

(Oddly enough, not many people
visit glaciers in Florida.
Probably because of Disney.)
The only reason that more people don't visit glaciers in Florida is because they can't get FastPasses for Frozen Ever After.

But for some reason...
my parents thought I,
and I alone, would get wet.

Heaven forbid a boy should get wet...
in summer!

Anyways, I got scolded.

Just me.

The injustice still stings.
Clearly you're the black sheep of the family.

"There are no restrooms
on the glacier! Please use
the restrooms before boarding."
Consequently, this sign was located right next to the one that said "don't eat the yellow snow."

the tire wash.
So how do they keep it from freezing and not introduce a chemical that would melt the ice the same way a stray stone would?

The lowest rate was over $900/night.

Who do they think they are?
Heck, that's even expensive for Disney! Sure there are $2000 bungalows, but you could theoretically split those among 3 families and still spend less.

And I knew what I'd done.

I'd left it on the TP holder.
In the restroom...
Two hours drive north...
At the Icefields Discovery Centre.
Well, that's crappy.

1. Next update's a short one so...
Favourite music genre?
(i.e. Rock, Pop, Country, Jazz... )
This one is harder than it should be. I listen to a lot of rock. I listen to a lot of country. So lets blend them and say southern rock.

2. I make two phone calls before
the day is done.
Who to? (hints were left.)
The first call was to the discovery center to check the lost and found status of an ipod and for the second call you decided to be a kind and generous parent and check in on a sick child.

Or I might be wrong and the calls were to banks and airlines to secure any information someone might be able to access through your ipod.

3. What did we eat for dinner?
Chicken, burgers or steaks.
Steaks. Or burgers. But I'll say steaks. If you can have beef or chicken, you always get the beef.

Is there anyone still here?
Nope. Clearly. I was only a month behind...
You promised last night so I've been checking back periodically all day and nothing!

What gives??????
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Understand. It happens more often than you expect.

It's also another reason I never promise updates. Then again I don't have readers clamoring for updates. Another thing which evidences your popularity!
Understand. It happens more often than you expect.

It's also another reason I never promise updates. Then again I don't have readers clamoring for updates. Another thing which evidences your popularity!
Well then I guess I better deliver!

How about... now?
Life is a Highway... Part II

Warning. I did say
this would be a short one.
Actually all the remaining chapters
(Two, maybe?) will be short.
I think.

A few of you were curious
about the food that I'd bought
and left in the car.
Comments ranged from asking
why did we get some in the first place.
(Well... actually, wasn't really sure
about meals at that point.
Thought it might be nice to
have an emergency snicky-snack.)

And some of you commented
that a car would behave more
like an oven than a fridge in the
lower States.

Which reminded me of a tale.
And @GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes
asked me to tell it.

So it's his fault.

Wayyyy back in '87,
when men were men
and you learned not
to squat with your spurs on...


Let's start over.

Back in '87, my best friend
and I decided to go on a road trip.
Winnipeg to WDW.


A trek of some 30 hours.
I'd drive through the nights,
he'd take the days.

Which worked really well...
Until we hit Atlanta.
He woke me from a sound sleep.
"Which way do I go?!?!?"

Huh? Wha? Whazzat?

"Nevermind! We always go
South and East!"

Umm... dude?
This is the one exception.

"Too late! We're already there!"

Which is how we wound up
adding about two hours
to our drive as we took
the looong way around Atlanta.


Before we left,
we filled a cooler with ice
and dumped some food in it
to munch along the way.

Eventually, the cooler had
nothing but ice in it.
(As happens with teens and food)

When we got to Chattanooga,
for some reason, we'd both developed
a hankering for fried chicken.

Being young and dumb,
we opted to stop at a KFC.
I mean... it's not that far
from Kentucky.

There are many fine establishments
that make good fried chicken.
KFC is not one of them.

We were starving so we
got ourselves a nice big bucket
of fried chicken...
And couldn't eat it all.

Which was perfectly fine.
Because we both like
cold fried chicken, too.

(In hindsight, considering the source,
I'm surprised we could eat any of it.)

So I took the leftovers
and put them in a zip-lock bag
and put it in the cooler to keep cool.

We then drove on, arriving in Florida
around 2am.

We reasoned that there wasn't much
point in continuing on, only to arrive in
Kissimmee (our destination of choice)
at five or six in the morning.
So we parked at a rest stop
and dozed for a few hours.

Once we roused ourselves,
we remembered our treasure
in the cooler.
"Let's eat! Cold chicken! Yes!"
I opened the cooler and...
there was no ice.

There was a fair bit of water,
but zero ice.

It wasn't hot water.
Still fairly cold.

Zip-lock bags aren't
necessarily the absolute
best at sealing.


No, no, no!
Not that kind of sealing!!


I said sealing,
not ceiling!!

What is wrong with you people????

They're not the best
at a watertight seal!


I lifted the bag out of the cooler
and held it up for inspection.

The bag was bulging with water.
I looked at it.
It was a mass of swirling... gray.
Dissolved breading flowed
sickeningly in a counter-clockwise
manner inside the bag.
Occasionally a bone, devoid
of flesh, would float by.

I jerked back in revulsion,
quickly walked over to the
nearest trash receptacle
and tossed it in.

My friend said "Where's the chicken?"

I pointed to the trash.

I couldn't eat fried chicken
for years after that.


Back to the TR.
(Sorry, shoulda warned you.
Apologies to those of you
who were eating.)

Let's see... where did we leave off..

Yeah, yeah. I know.
It's been so long that you don't know either.

Hang on... going to check...

Staring at Lake Louise
and realizing my iPod was lost.

I'd left it on the TP holder...
a couple of hours drive north.

I may have been a tad upset.

I thought. "Maybe someone found it
and didn't steal it."
"Maybe if I call up there, they'll have it."

We walked over and into the hotel.
Nice place.

But I was a bit focused on
getting my iPod back
so didn't take any photos.

Ruby did take this one
of the chandeliers.


Those are known collectively
as the "Flying Scullery Wenches".

Okay. I made that up.
But it has a nice chauvinistic
ring to it, doesn't it?
Come up with a better name
for bonus points.

I walked over to the concierge
and asked if I could get the number
for the Columbia Icefields.
He told me that there was a
"Brewster's desk" just down the hall.
(Brewster is the name of the company
that does the buggy tours.)

We marched down the hall
and I told the lady at the desk
about my predicament.
She was kind enough to
let me use her phone,
but she warned me
that there was a very good
chance that they wouldn't answer.

And she was right.
They didn't.

She took down all my info,
including where we were staying
that night.

But... even if they did have it,
it might take a week or two
for them to mail it to me.

I really didn't want to
wait that long to see
if it was found or not.

I looked at Ruby.

"I have to go back up there
to see if they found it."

And so we did.

Google maps shows an anomaly.
If you punch in directions from
Lake Louise, AB to
Columbia Icefield Discovery Centre;
you'll see that it's about 80 miles.

But Google says it will take you
five and a half hours to drive it!

In reality, it's closer to
two hours,
assuming no stops.

It takes that long because the speed
limit is a bit lower
and it's a fairly winding road
in spots.

Unfortunately, the last tour
of the day was leaving soon.
We'd be lucky to make it back there
before they closed for the day.

I made the trip...
There and back...

In two and a half hours.

Sitting in the passenger seat,
Ruby may have looked like this:


And it was all in vain.
We arrived at the Discovery Centre,
asked at information,
who told us that all lost and found
was handled by the hotel.
We then asked the hotel front desk and...

No one had turned in an iPod.

We returned to Lake Louise,
just on the off chance
that my iPod had fallen
out of my pocket or something there.

But I knew where I'd left it.
Just covering the bases.

Dejected, (at least I was)
we headed off to Banff.

On the way, we would occasionally
pass under these bridges:


Those are for animals to cross the highway,
not cars (or people.)
There's fencing on either side of the road
and this is the only access.

Better than schmucking them, I suppose.
Still.... good place for hunting.

Might be slightly illegal, though.

Around 7:30pm, we arrived in Banff.
And we were hungry.
I had punched in dining into
our GPS, Witching Betty
(only her real name is an alliteration.
And it's not Witching Wetty.)
and she guided us to a place called
The Eddie Burger and Bar.

I left my camera in the car
and... oddly enough,
I didn't have my iPod with me,
so no food porn. Sorry.

Ruby had an Eddie burger
(Angus beef, bacon, cheddar,
sautéed onion, pickle, lettuce,
tomato, Eddie sauce, served
on a brioche bun)
and a side of rings with a Diet Coke.

I chose the Rocky Mountain Burger
(Elk, cheddar, sautéed onion, tomato,
mayo, blueberry chutney, served
on a sesame seed bun)
with a chocolate mint milkshake.
(And now I've eaten two of that
elk's kin! That'll learn him!)

And... the burgers were
pretty darned good!
I'd definitely go back.

After dinner, we headed to our hotel.
It was 20 minutes or so away
in the town of Canmore, AB.

We stayed at the
Stoneridge Mountain Resort.
I didn't take a picture of the
front of the resort for whatever reason,
so you'll just have to put up
with this Internet thievery:


But I did take photos of our room.





Nice place! Would stay there again.

We settled in and watched TV
for a little while.
I let Ruby pick the show.
She had suffered through
the wild car ride.
Least I could do.
You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
I may not want to....
But there it is.

Eventually, we turned off the TV
and fell asleep.

Another exciting
(i.e. frustrating)
day in the life.

Wait a minute! Wait a minute!
Pkondz! You said you made
two phone calls...
but you only mentioned one!

Many of you surmised that
I'd called the sick kid.
But... she's 19 and
I don't feel a need
to check on her if she
just has a little cold.

Besides... Ruby was texting
her throughout the day.


I was still worried about my iPod
and a thought occurred.
I called my bank and asked
if my accounts were protected
since I use my iPod for banking.
They reassured me that I was fine
since I needed a password
to gain access.

Oh. Right.
Of course.
It's a sign of how frazzled I was
that I hadn't figured that out
for myself.

I had some trouble falling asleep.
I was upset and worried
about my iPod.
But I did eventually conk out.

Until shortly after 3am.
When I sat bolt upright,

Ohhh.... crap.
If someone hacks my iPod,
they have access to my emails,
simply by clicking on the icon.
Or my WestJet app.
They could change or cancel
our flights.


I got up, got dressed
and headed to the lobby.
From 4am to 5am,
I was online, changing all
my passwords for anything
and everything that I normally
access on my iPod.

I could have wiped the iPod remotely...
But I was still hoping...

But not very much.
Dejected, but feeling
a bit safer...
I returned to bed.

What will the morrow bring?


Answers to previous questions:
1. Favourite music genre?
Answer: 10 points.

2. I make two phone calls before
the day is done.
Answer: Bank, Discovery Centre
10 points and 15 points resp.

3. What did we eat for dinner?
Answer: Burgers. 15 points.

Bonus points for preferred pic - 12 points.
Bonus points for buggy - 12 points. (PM only)

Did you see Marvin? 10 points if you did. (PM only)

Did you see it? pkondz outfitters. 20 points if you did. (PM only)

That one was a little tougher.
But I can't make 'em all easy!
Very few of you caught that one.
And only one of you, @Steppesister ,
caught both.

QueenJen - classic rock, kid, icefields, steak, pic, buggy, boathouse - 64 points.
irene_dsc - eclectic, icefields, kid, steak, pic, buggy, boathouse - 64 points.
mustinjourney - easy listening, kids, icefields, burger, pic, buggy, Marvin - 74 points.
Curiouser&curiouser! - Pop, kid, icefields, burgers, pic, buggy, Marvin - 69 points.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - Rock, kid, icefield, burger, buggy, Marvin - 57 points.
Terra Nova guy - country, kid, icefields, burger, pic, buggy, Marvin - 69 points.
Mac Brew - rock, kid, icefields, chicken, pic, buggy - 44 points.
franandaj - obscure rock, kid, icefields, burger, pic, buggy, Marvin - 69 points
juniorbugman - light rock, kid, icefields, pic, burger, buggy, Marvin - 69 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - eclectic, kid, icefields, pic, steak, buggy, Marvin - 54 points.
Captain_Oblivious - eclectic, kid, icefields, pic, burgers, buggy, Marvin - 69 points.
rndmr2 - variety, kid, icefields, pic, chicken, buggy, Marvin - 54 points.
vrajewski10513 - Hard rock, kid, icefields, pic, chicken & burger (1/2 points), buggy, Marvin - 61 points.
DonnaBeeGood - easy listening, kid, icefields, pic, steak, buggy, Marvin - 54 points.
Mrs T 2009 - alt rock, kid, icefields, pic, burger, buggy, Marvin - 69 points.
Steppesister - almost everything, kid, icefields, pic, burger, buggy, Marvin, boathouse - 89 points.
jandlinz - rock, kid, icefields, pic, chicken, buggy, Marvin - 54 points.
Princess Leia - indie, icefields, Keg, pic, steak, Marvin - 42 points.
MAGICFOR2 - Classic rock, kids, Disneyland, old Marvin - 20 points.
afwdwfan - southern rock, icefields, bank, pic, steak,buggy, Marvin, old pic, pie - 85 points.

As usual, if I've made any mistakes,
either above or below, let me know.

Bonus points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 4 points for waving. 4 points for teasing.
DISNEYMOON10121991 - 3 points for swaying and shaking.
mustinjourney - 2 points for inquiring minds wanting to know. 2 points for my bonus points.
irene_dsc - 4 points for mitts.
QueenJen - 2 points for rubbing it in.
Terra Nova guy - 16 points for pic and pie. 6 points for size. 4 points for top 10.
Terra Nova guy - 4 points for Lake Louise. 2 points for writing in the snow.
Steppesister - 2 points for picturesque. 2 points for either urine or your out. 2 points for crisp.
(woulda been more, but you didn't send any.)
Mac Brew - 2 points for disappointments.
franandaj - 2 points for believing. 4 points for loving noodles.
Princess Leia - 4 points for love.
juniorbugman - 4 points for training.
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 4 points for past and present. 2 points for design flaws.
8 points for lift off.
rndmr2 - 2 points for being crazy.
vrajewski10513 - 2 points for package deals.
Captain_Oblivious - 2 points for understanding. 2 points for chillin'. 2 points for servants.
Mrs T 2009 - Jealousy gets you nowhere. But it does get you 3 points.
knik - 4 points for land of the living room freezer.
DonnaBeeGood - 5 points to dry her tears.
MeghanEmily - 4 points for time wasting. 2 points for failing.
Tracy161 - 2 points for justice!
Kiotzu - 2 points for epic road trips.
jandlinz - 2 points for haters gonna hate.
MAGICFOR2 - 2 points for good cheer.
afwdwfan - 2 points for frozen. 4 points for feeling crappy.

Side bet: mustinjourney + 10 or – 20 : Keg
Wanna go double or nothing?
We could go to Banff again.
Haven't deducted anything yet.


Steppesister - 544 points
franandaj - 524 points
Captain_Oblivious - 489 points
irene_dsc - 457 points
juniorbugman - 434 points
DonnaBeeGood - 419 points
mustinjourney - 384 points
Terra Nova guy - 382 points
Curiouser&curiouser! - 360 points
orangecats2 - 359 points
Mrs T 2009 - 355 points
rndmr2 - 355 points
Mac Brew - 352 points
DISNEYMOON10121991 -350 points
afwdwfan - 315 points
GoofyIsAsGoofyDoes - 308 points
fallonkendra - 288 points
cinderkelly - 286 points
jandlinz - 272 points
MAGICFOR2 - 259 points
QueenJen - 217 points
Thumper_Man's Wife - 189 points
Thumper_Man - 185 points
Gracefulskinny - 183 points
Chrystmasangel - 177 points
vrajewski10513 - 159 points
DaisyDuck001 - 154 points
queenbetsey - 135 points
chookie94 - 122 points
Heluvsme - 102 points
Princess Leia - 92 points
bankr63 - 87 points
tashers - 84 points
chillitsanne - 57 points
SoccerDogWithEars - 44 points
natebenma - 39 points
SnowWhiteOz - 30 points
MHSweb79 - 29 points
kaileighbug - 28 points
krnelson65 - 22 points
lisaviolet - 18 points
Tracy161 - 18 points
BibbitybobityLu - 6 points
MeghanEmily - 6 points.
SimplyGoofy - 6 points.
cindianne320 - 4 points
DizzneyDi - 4 points
Ladyfish77 - 4 points
knik - 4 points.
MarieLightning - 4 points
sk8jdgca - 4 points.
KathyM2 - 3 points
Gigi@Disney - 2 points.
Kiotzu - 2 points.
Self_resqing_princz - 2 points

Questions, next round:
1. What does Ruby do that makes her happy?
(She's done this before on our trips.)

2. Which common fast food place
do I go to, to get breakfast?

3. iPod. Found? Or lost forever?

4. Where do you want to travel to?
(Money is no object. But must be on Earth.)

Did you see it?
No need to PM this one.
Just go ahead and tell the world!

Coming up: Mountains.

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I have no idea why it still won't let me quote. I may need to restart my computer. I'll try and remember all my quotes.
Your fried chicken fiasco had me on pins and needles. I definitely thought you boys would eat it and then get food poisoning. I'm so glad you pitched it. The thought is cringe worthy.
Your gif of the baby was so funny. I definitely laughed. Poor Ruby. She really is a saint to agree to drive back.
I thought Praising Ponzi's Perfection would fit as you walked in to see those chandeliers. I'm totally trying to get bonus points by the way... I got to catch up you know!
I didn't think Martians were considered animals, but it is very interesting that they built bridges for animals. I wonder what the statistics are if they actually help.
Your room is awesome. That is definitely more my style. I do not like roughing it.
I knew there was something in that one picture. I zoomed in on it too. I guess I should have zoomed in more or put on my glasses. P.S. If you did something tricky with the menu on the chandelier picture I call foul play and if there is something there then give a blind woman some credit.
1. She goes shopping, of course!
2. Tim Hortons
3. Found (pixie dust)
4. A tour of Europe. Disneyland Paris included.
Wayyyy back in '87,
when men were men
and you learned not
to squat with your spurs on...
1887???? How old are you anyway????

Back in '87, my best friend
and I decided to go on a road trip.
Winnipeg to WDW.

That's ambitious...

Umm... dude?
This is the one exception.
What?? south and East from Atlanta is the exception?? I usually take I-75 south and east from Atlanta. So what road did you end up on?

There are many fine establishments
that make good fried chicken.
KFC is not one of them.

The bag was bulging with water.
I looked at it.
It was a mass of swirling... gray.
Dissolved breading flowed
sickeningly in a counter-clockwise
manner inside the bag.
Occasionally a bone, devoid
of flesh, would float by.
:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: Cold chicken broth...

(Sorry, shoulda warned you.
Apologies to those of you
who were eating.)
Well, I was planning to get chicken for lunch. Probably still will. Just won't be from KFC.

Those are known collectively
as the "Flying Scullery Wenches".

Okay. I made that up.
At least it sounds creative.

In reality, it's closer to
two hours,
assuming no stops.

It takes that long because the speed
limit is a bit lower
and it's a fairly winding road
in spots.

Unfortunately, the last tour
of the day was leaving soon.
We'd be lucky to make it back there
before they closed for the day.

I made the trip...
There and back...

In two and a half hours.
:car: You've been watching too much Indy car.

I left my camera in the car
Well, better in the car than next to the crapper.

I got up, got dressed
and headed to the lobby.
From 4am to 5am,
I was online, changing all
my passwords for anything
and everything that I normally
access on my iPod.
That's how I'd be too... I'd start thinking about that and go into a panic. I hate that feeling.

1. What does Ruby do that makes her happy?
(She's done this before on our trips.)
Um... I don't know, visit shops?

2. Which common fast food place
do I go to, to get breakfast?
Tim Hortons

3. iPod. Found? Or lost forever?

4. Where do you want to travel to?
(Money is no object. But must be on Earth.)
Well, since this is a Disney Board, I think Disney World is probably the most common and most expected answer. And I do want to travel there. But in this case, I'll say Italy. I love the food, I love the history, I've never been there.

Did you see it?
That's not an elk crossing the highway...
A new update! What a delightful way to cap my dreary day! (I need a vacation. 15 days . . .I can do it!)

Um, I am not sure that I can ever eat fried chicken again now . . . blech!

A new name for the Chandileirs . . . how about 'Yoga poses by Curiouser&Curiouser!'. Aka, You are bound to fall over at any second.

Nice bridge. That is pretty cool!

Ugh. That is a rough night's sleep. I don't' blame you for getting up and changing those passwords.

And my guesses:

1. Shopping. Some people are just shoppers!
2. Tim Hortons
3. I fear that it is lost forever.
4. Tokyo. A bucket list trip for the entire family. My boys are obsessed with the culture. (And if I can get a Toyko Disney visit in there too then great!)

I did find it! And I found it on the first go around because I was admiring the bridge!!
Yeah...I think I may have to wait a while before being interested in fried chicken again too...KFC can blame a dip in their business on you lol.

Not that I eat it very often anyway...but oh about once a year I get a it and then feel sick after and vow to never do it again.

I think I would have had a sleepless night too...curious to see how that turned out...
Wayyyy back in '87,
when men were men
and you learned not
to squat with your spurs on...
Still a useful tip even today...

I couldn't eat fried chicken
for years after that.
Despite the ending to that story, I suddenly find myself with a strange craving for fried chicken. Time for lunch I guess...

I made the trip...
There and back...

In two and a half hours.

Sitting in the passenger seat,
Ruby may have looked like this:
Or this?

Bonus points of you guess the movie. Oh, wait, you give out the points. Never mind....

Those are for animals to cross the highway,
not cars (or people.)
There's fencing on either side of the road
and this is the only access.
I was fascinated by these things. We don't have them out east. It would make sense given the number of moose-vehicle accidents we have, but I suppose they aren't cheap to build.

By the way, you'd better tell Marvin those are NOT chocolate Easter eggs on the ground!

and she guided us to a place called
The Eddie Burger and Bar.
Looks good. I was racking my brain trying to figure out where I ate in Banff. Luckily I still had the pics on my phone. It was a place called Park Distillery. It had just opened and was brewing their first batch of craft beer that summer. Really good food. I had a massive plate of "breakfast poutine". Much like Gaston, they used antlers in all of their decorating.


Questions, next round:
1. What does Ruby do that makes her happy?
(She's done this before on our trips.)

2. Which common fast food place
do I go to, to get breakfast?

3. iPod. Found? Or lost forever?

4. Where do you want to travel to?
(Money is no object. But must be on Earth.)

Did you see it?
No need to PM this one.
Just go ahead and tell the world!

Oops...forgot the answers.

1. I expect it would be shopping
2. Subway
3. Lost forever :(
4. A tour of the Asian Disney Parks.

Saw it, referenced it in my earlier post.

I like it - a new addition to my vocabulary - hubby will do the guy equivalent to eye rolling (aka - not notice)

put them in a zip-lock bag

I'm impressed - a young buck knowing to use a zip-lock bag. I know, I know...impressing me is all you strive for. lol

So we parked at a rest stop
and dozed for a few hours.

Um....isn't there a movie scene that teaches us not to spend too much time at a rest stop....let alone sleep?

I jerked back in revulsion,
quickly walked over to the
nearest trash receptacle
and tossed it in.

You have renewed my faith in men....I thought men would eat anything!

I may have been a tad upset.

Poor Ruby.

"Flying Scullery Wenches"

I'm in agreement with another reader.....Pkondz perfection

Those are for animals to cross the highway,
not cars (or people.)

There is talk of building those in So. Cal. If they work, I am all for it.

good place for hunting

not nice.

you'll just have to put up
with this Internet thievery

Beautiful exterior

But I did take photos of our room

Very nice

1. What does Ruby do that makes her happy?
(She's done this before on our trips.)

Pops in one or more gift shops

2. Which common fast food place
do I go to, to get breakfast?

Tim Hortons

3. iPod. Found? Or lost forever?

Faith in humanity....found (even I surprised myself with this answer)....wishful thinking for you.

4. Where do you want to travel to?
(Money is no object. But must be on Earth.)

Tough choice. I would have to say a build my own itinerary for a world tour. I may have to take breaks to connect back to home. Love getting to a destination and exploring by car...and also enjoy some relaxation time. Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, North America. Some locations I've been to before, but would love to go back.

Did you see it?

I thought he was a martian not an animal

I got up, got dressed

Well, thank goodness you got dressed!

Bonus points of you guess the movie. Oh, wait, you give out the points. Never mind....

My guess is Spies like us. Pkondz likes giving out bonus points....hope the guess is right.
Glad to see an update!

I think "Flying scullery Wenches" is the best name for those chandeliers

Sorry they didn't have the iPod. Awesome that you made it there and back so quick.

Beautiful room!

Questions, next round:
1. What does Ruby do that makes her happy?
(She's done this before on our trips.)------------------Shopping

2. Which common fast food place
do I go to, to get breakfast?----------------McDonalds

3. iPod. Found? Or lost forever?---------------Found

4. Where do you want to travel to?
(Money is no object. But must be on Earth.)---Disney of course but that's too obvious, however I would like to someday go to all the other Disney Parks around the world (Paris, Shanghai, Tokyo, Hong Kong)

Did you see it?
No need to PM this one.
Just go ahead and tell the world!
-------------That was a cool bridge for the animals to cross over, fun to see Marvin trying to cross too


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