To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

March Madness. It's in full swing at my house although I don't participate. My husband does a pool every year which is hilarious because we literally never follow basketball except for the tournament. He roped in one of my daughters this year to pick a bracket with him.

He usually does pretty well actually. His very scientific method is choose a quick pick bracket throw in a few random upsets and cross your fingers. :D
Sorry I'm jumping in late, do your hedge your bets with multiple entries? When I used play DFS, it really helped! It's the insurance man approach :-)

Essentially yes. I use a statistical model to decide what the probability of every outcome is and then randomize those probabilities to create the bracket. There is no input from me. If the process works correctly, then my 83 brackets should be representative of the statistical probability of certain teams making it to certain rounds. The 83 brackets verified that, and thus created a normal distribution of brackets from bad to good. With the hope that one "good" bracket will be "great" and win something in a free contest. I've got no idea which bracket will be best at the beginning just the hope that will be really good enough to win.
Essentially yes. I use a statistical model to decide what the probability of every outcome is and then randomize those probabilities to create the bracket. There is no input from me. If the process works correctly, then my 83 brackets should be representative of the statistical probability of certain teams making it to certain rounds. The 83 brackets verified that, and thus created a normal distribution of brackets from bad to good. With the hope that one "good" bracket will be "great" and win something in a free contest. I've got no idea which bracket will be best at the beginning just the hope that will be really good enough to win.
Smart, hope you do well! Plus each year you get more data to learn from!
Smart, hope you do well! Plus each year you get more data to learn from!

Just trying to keep getting better at predicting madness!

Fun facts: My grandfather Ernie made the final four with Villanova in 1939. I like to think I got some of my height and mad skills from him (actually I'm quite terrible at aim is very poor)

I'm also quite terrible at brackets!

Wow, that's so cool! Please give him my apologies for my team (Wisconsin) knocking Villanova out this year. I'm also not very good at basketball. I could shoot the three, but I couldn't dribble to save my life (not good for a 6ft male). One time my wife and I played in a pick-up basketball game (half-court) and hit like 14/17 threes. After the game, everyone else came up and asked us whether we played for the Badgers. LOL! Sometimes everything just clicks!
Time for another diet change!

For Christmas, I received the book "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek. In a brief summary, the book details his rise from an average-good HS runner to one of the best ultra marathon runners of all time. Something he harps on in the book a ton is his vegan diet. He slowly transitioned (over years) from a normal american fast food diet, to a somewhat vegan diet, to a vegan diet, to a raw foods diet, to a vegan diet. When I tried to postulate his success to his diet I felt there was a looser connection then he stated in the book. Now I can't take away his feelings on it as those are his, but he was a decent ultra marathoner (like 2:50 marathon) prior to making his serious changes. He improved, but he was good before. Regardless, it led me to rethink my diet once again. I REALLY want this sub-3, so if there is a small tweak I can make to my diet I'll do it. Am I going vegan? Nope. But making some changed that I feel will put my nutrition in a better place.

I started with the chocolate milk (Nesquik powder + milk) recovery drink. I've said it before that the chocolate milk is close to the same benefits as a protein powder based recovery drink. The main drawback to the protein powder is the cost, and the main drawback to the chocolate milk is probably the sugar. So the goal was to find a compromise at near the same cost with less sugar.

I evaluated several options:

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One of the first considerations was do I go with a solid or liquid recovery option. My initial thought going into it was liquid because it was probably more easily digested and quicker to the muscles/blood stream. I found a few scientific articles evaluating this and there seemed to be enough evidence to suggest the liquid option was better. So this meant, I would likely cut out the oatmeal banana PB protein bars for the near future and focus solely on a liquid source. I looked at Bob's red mill (whey based), Sunwarrior (vegan), Vega (vegan), and Promix (whey based). It came down to Sunwarrior vs Promix for me because of the cost and the % protein as a % of the total volume of a serving size. Promix was a $1 per ounce and 83% protein. Since finding a protein powder was my goal, I felt like the Promix satisfied my needs better. A big key to me is that while the serving size is 25g protein, my research has shown that you really only need about 15-20g protein in a post recovery drink. Which meant I could double the length of time in use from 76 servings to 152 servings which means it should last ~6-7 months even though it's $80 per canister. The wife gave me the thumbs up, but how did it compare to the chocolate milk?

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So the chocolate milk was costing me about 55 cents per day. It had the ideal ratio of carbs to protein of 3:1 (65:18), but contained 61 g sugar.

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The Promix + Ice cubs + Banana + PB powder (left over) will cost me about 83 cents per day. Also has the ideal ratio of carbs to protein (60:20), but contains half the sugar at 33 g.

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In about 3 months, I'll run out of the PB powder I have so this will be the cost perspective at that point ($1.05 per day). So an extra 50 cents per running day, which is $3.00 per week. That's less than a starbucks drink, so yea the difference is minimal on a weekly basis. Wife gave the thumbs up!

The next step was to evaluate the rest of the normal diet:

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I wanted to be close to the same calorie count ~2500 calories. I wanted the ratios of carbs:fat:protein to stick close to the 60/20/20 (not a necessity but I believe in balance). Since I was adding bananas to my post-recovery routine I felt like it was redundant to have them for lunch too. I also realized that my apples (Pink ladies) are REALLY expensive (like a $1 per apple). So I decided I would cut the apples and bananas out of lunch, and the brown sugar out of the oatmeal at breakfast. So I tried to find something that was healthier to add in:

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I decided to try and do a salad at lunch with my chicken sandwich. The organic baby spinach was $4.50 for a pound at Costco and should last about a week. I was looking for a little more fat and calories so I also found Wholly Avocado mini-packs at Costco (actually Guac) for ~63 cents per serving. The Wholly Avocado which had 0 sodium at my local grocery store was completive at 83 cents per serving, but I went with the extra 20 cents per day. Lastly, I needed a calorie dense item that wouldn't break the budget with carbs. I decided to go with Quinoa (which at Costco was $11.50 for 4.5 pounds).

I decided to add in almonds as a snack (28 cents per day with a 3 pound bag of raw unsalted almonds from Costco). I originally had them with my lunch, but since the protein absorption limit is around 30-40g per 1 hour I knew adding in more protein would become redundant even though I was looking for more calories. So I went with it as a snack at either 10am or 2pm dependent on the day's schedule.

All in all the calories were about the same (2800), the carbs/fat/protein ratio was near the 60/20/20 balance I was looking for, and the protein content was in the 120-150 g range per day. I might even drop the chicken sandwich in half (4 oz to 2 oz) to drop the protein content of the lunch.

The other big item I found at Costo was Edamame Pasta. Not terribly expensive, but wow does it pack a nutrition punch! 25g protein per serving and a MASSIVE content of potassium. Kudos to @FFigawi for mentioning this a few times because when I saw it at Costco I had to see what the buzz was about. Nice pick-up!

Alright, so that's the new plan for the moment. I've been slowly integrating these changes over the last couple weeks. I can tell the difference already as I've lost some bad weight and feel much stronger lately. I haven't even added the Promix powder yet, so I'm excited to see how this new diet change experiment goes.
Edamame pasta from Costco? That sounds wonderful. I'm still not at the spreadsheets for my food levels of watching what I eat but I can appreciate the thought process. Now I want to go to Costco. Just avoid the frozen appetizer section. I literally force myself to roll past that part!!!
Finally got caught up on your journal. Thanks for posting! What a GREAT source of information. I've got a book to read: @FFigawi posted the mental training book? That's what I need to work on.

Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist, so my opinions are anecdotal and my NCAA predictions based on who I like.

I was committed to a vegan/raw food diet over 15 years ago. The night I found out I was pregnant, I asked my husband to cook me a steak! There was no good information for carrying a child and eating vegan back then--- I got scared and jumped back onto the traditional "food pyramid". Anecdotally, however, I felt best back then compared to any other time in my life. It's a current goal of mine to continue back to that path. I'm of the opinion that we each have a different body chemistry and should find what makes us function best. There are good general rules we can all follow, but there is a "best" for each of us.

Duke should win because I always root for Duke. Such a smart school, and forever good at basketball.

Have a great week!
89 Days to Go (Let's kick this up a notch, BAM!)


Date - Day - Scheduled Workout (Intervals within desired pace, Strength +/- 5 sec, everything else +/- 10 sec)

3/14/17 - T - 2 mi @ WU + (4x200m @ R w/ 200m RI) + (8x400m @ R w/400m RI) + (4x200m @ R w/ 200m RI) + 3 mi @ CD (13/16)
3/15/17 - W - 7 miles @ 8:04-9:01 min/mile
3/16/17 - R - 7 miles @ 8:04-9:01 min/mile + 6 strides
3/17/17 - F - 2 mile WU + 10 x 2 minutes @ I pace with 1 minute RI + 3 mile CD (no real window, but 8/10 were close)
3/18/17 - Sat - 7 miles @ 8:04-9:01 min/mile + 6 strides + MBW
3/19/17 - Sun - 14 miles @ 7:42 min/mile (14/14)
3/20/17 - M - OFF

Total (training) mileage = 55.6 miles
Number of SOS intervals within pace = 27/30 (90%)

Monday was the off day and another super hero tumbling class. G did better in this class but she's still got some learning to do. But we had a pep talk in the middle of the class and afterwards and she seemed to understand what I was talking about. It'll be interesting to see how the next one goes. Unfortunately, my hip was sore throughout the day. This was likely because of the extra push at the end of the M Tempo run on Sunday, but I knew just stay the road and things would eventually return to normal.

Tuesday was back to the road with the same speed session as Week 1 except now there were 8x 400m instead of 6x 400m.

2 mi @ WU + (4x200m @ R w/ 200m RI) + (8x400m @ R w/400m RI) + (4x200m @ R w/ 200m RI) + 3 mi @ CD

I wasn't sure what I was going to get out of this run. My hip has hurt since Monday morning. It was a WC of 11F with a light wind of 5-10 mph. So I had to dress a little warm to take the edge off the cold.

Goal Pace
R - 5:52 min/mile (200m = 44 sec, 400m = 88 sec) *This is mile pace.

Interval limit = +/- 1 second

200m Set 1 - 45, 44, 43, 44
400m Set - 85, 87, 87, 86, 89, 88, 88, 87
200m Set 2 - 45, 45, 44, 42

Surprisingly good set even with the conditions and clothing choice. The only three intervals out of range were too fast, so not the end of the world. I had to turn it up a notch after the 89 second 400m in the middle and was happy to see I recovered well. Also, happy to have the hip hurt less when running, then as I'm walking around all day. Not sure what to think of it. In the end, 13/16 intervals were hit.

Wednesday was an easy day with a WC of 23 and a light wind. Felt good for most of the run and ended up with a good pace. The strides felt comfortable as well.

Thursday was another easy day. I took off Thursday and Friday for the NCAA tournament. My wife was going to attend a funeral for a family friend from long ago and thus my best option for a run was in the morning. So I was up at 5:15am and out the door at 5:45am. As is typical for me the first mile was super slow for an early morning run, but as the run progressed so did the pacing. It was a COLD morning at a temp of 13F with no wind.

Friday was the 2nd speed day of the week. Because my wife was working until 7pm, my intent was to run in the early morning before we left for G's brain appointment. Woke up at 4:45am this morning to get this run in, but there was about a 1/4 inch of ice on the street. So no such luck. Instead, my MIL offered for me to drop G off for a little bit of time so I could get the run in. G had fun at her brain appointment. We've done it a few times. Essentially they are social experiments on kids to determine different aspects of human development. This one was a series of cartoon pictures of two adults. They differed in height, weight, race, gender, and whether they were standing on stairs. The goal was to see "who was bigger?", but they were making the connection to "who was in charge?" They must have had some sort of other research to equate "bigger" to "in charge" for kids, because I think G was literally choosing who was bigger. At one point during the test though G brought a smile to my face. Two adults of same height and weight were shown with one on stairs and the other not. She said "they're the same". But the proctor wouldn't take that answer since one "had to be bigger". She eventually chose one of them.

2 mile WU + 10 x 2 minutes @ I pace with 1 minute RI + 3 mile CD

I pace = 6:20 min/mile
No real interval zone as this run is meant to be more intuitive and by feel. Comfortably tough, but not to the max.

By 10am most of the ice had melted (a few spots remained). I wasn't sure what this run was going to feel like since this was a new pace and type of run in this training cycle. According to Daniels, this pace is about 95-100% VO2max is primarily meant to work on that system. It takes about 2 minutes from rest to reach VO2max at this pace, thus with the 1 minute intermittent rest periods I continually stressed the system. I decided to run this on my normal route, thus incorporating hills. I wasn't able to find Daniels specifically defining whether this was or was not meant as a "flat track work". Needless to say running up the hills at this pace was tough. The thing that caught up to me the most was my breathing more so than my leg fatigue. I need to improve on the breathing. I had a side stitch for the last two intervals and the entire 3 mile CD. Overall a solid workout! I felt very comfortable at this pace for many of the intervals. WC was 30F, minimal wind, light drizzle, with some periods of ice.

After the run I reviewed the book again and came to the conclusion that while it isn't defined as track work or not, that the reasoning seem to suggest it would be better on a flat street path. In addition, Daniels specifically states in the book that this is the toughest workout of the cycle (I pace specifically). This is because it stresses the system so much, but that the pace is HYPER critical to getting the correct benefits. This is also suppose to be near HRmax. Well given I felt comfortable (somewhat) at the paces other than those on hills, and because I wasn't anywhere near HRmax for the average of the run (I used the HR max of each RI since this would occur at the tail end of the 2 min interval to use as my "average"). It was a 6:22 average at 164 HR. That would be a really low max HR (and lower than the calculated HRmax of 180 based on races).

Saturday was another easy day with a WC of 27 and a wind of 10-15 mph. The paces of the last couple easy runs have been in the 8:30-8:45 range with HR in the 128-133 range. Things seem to be improving.

On Sunday, it was decision time. All of my metrics (maxHR %, HR vs pace, Daniels chart, Garmin VO2max) all have been suggesting that my marathon pace is around a 7:03 min/mile. So the question was do I switch up my paces to match the metrics or hold steady for another week. I decided to see how this run felt to decide whether this was a new appropriate pacing scheme. The goal going into this run was a HR around 140-143.

It was another interesting run with a mini dog chasing me, kids trying to "steal" my water bottles, and being slightly overdressed for the weather. I'm trying a new technique running without my water bottle, but hitting the "aid station" every 3 miles for a drink. My sleeping has been a bit out of rhythm with March Madness as well. I also made a mental calculation error on whether this run required nutrition. Any run over 90-100 minutes should be with my E-gels, but I whiffed on remembering this. Adding this with a reduced breakfast (banana and PB spoon, instead of standard banana + PB bagel) all led to a likely tougher run than normal.

The beginning of the run felt VERY smooth and comfortable. I was consistently holding back to maintain a pace within the interval window of 7:32-7:52. It was around mile 7 that the run started to increase in difficulty. It wasn't too hard, just harder than the previous miles. During the last two miles the difficulty increased to a new level that was very representative of the end of a marathon. Breathing was tougher, legs feeling it, but I just kept the smiling beaming because this was the feeling I was looking for. Nailed it! I hit all 14 miles within desired pace (with 1st mile window at +30 sec).

Interestingly, the average HR was 147. So a bit higher than expected. Not sure if all of the factors played a role or if this was in fact "too much". I'll go a week with the new pace scheme and see how the other runs go. If indeed it's too much, then I'll happily back it down to the previous pace scheme. So the new temporary pacing schedule will be:

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Let's see what happens!
Edamame pasta from Costco? That sounds wonderful. I'm still not at the spreadsheets for my food levels of watching what I eat but I can appreciate the thought process. Now I want to go to Costco. Just avoid the frozen appetizer section. I literally force myself to roll past that part!!!

Yea and it's not terribly expensive either! Yep, the key with Costco is to go in with a plan and don't eat the samples (because it might lead to decisions you regret later).

Finally got caught up on your journal. Thanks for posting! What a GREAT source of information.


Disclaimer: I'm not a scientist, so my opinions are anecdotal and my NCAA predictions based on who I like.

Duke should win because I always root for Duke. Such a smart school, and forever good at basketball.

NOOO, not Duke!!! Like anyone but Duke.... UGH to the 2015 National Championship game...

I was committed to a vegan/raw food diet over 15 years ago. The night I found out I was pregnant, I asked my husband to cook me a steak! There was no good information for carrying a child and eating vegan back then--- I got scared and jumped back onto the traditional "food pyramid". Anecdotally, however, I felt best back then compared to any other time in my life. It's a current goal of mine to continue back to that path. I'm of the opinion that we each have a different body chemistry and should find what makes us function best. There are good general rules we can all follow, but there is a "best" for each of us.

Interesting! I've definitely been able to tell a difference with the change thus far even though I'm not going vegan (just some better decisions). Completely agree about the individualization of diet.

Have a great week!

Thanks, you too!
Great job as you keep tackling what seems like a tough schedule to me!

Being dressed right for this drunk weather has been especially annoying lately, but I've found that once I'm in a good rhythm on a long run I'd rather just keep going while slightly too hot than stop and take my pullover off to tie around the waist or whatever other adjustment is needed. So I often will take small sufferings over chopping up my run. I've found the weather likes to change mid-run too which is fun (chilly breezes or sunny spots, etc.) When will your temperature controlled running thunder dome be ready for training?

And the "who's in charge" experiment sounds pretty cool. I have a feeling my kiddo would answer every picture with "me!" (and she'd probably be right) :)
Great job as you keep tackling what seems like a tough schedule to me!


Being dressed right for this drunk weather has been especially annoying lately, but I've found that once I'm in a good rhythm on a long run I'd rather just keep going while slightly too hot than stop and take my pullover off to tie around the waist or whatever other adjustment is needed. So I often will take small sufferings over chopping up my run. I've found the weather likes to change mid-run too which is fun (chilly breezes or sunny spots, etc.)

Just need a touch warmer to 40F and then there isn't any more debate for me: shorts + tank top. So close...

When will your temperature controlled running thunder dome be ready for training?


Thunderdome! Thunderdome! Thunderdome!

And the "who's in charge" experiment sounds pretty cool. I have a feeling my kiddo would answer every picture with "me!" (and she'd probably be right) :)

Sounds about right!
March Madness through Rd 32

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Well it worked quite well thus far. I got a relatively normal distribution of brackets with one super bracket out at 56 points. It's actually tied for 3rd place out of 53,421 brackets in the Katie Couric contest on Yahoo.

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BUT.... It had Notre Dame as the champion. Womp, Womp... So the time at the top will be short lived. So can't rest my hopes on that one.

Of the 83 brackets created, only these 6 still have a complete Final Four with 16 teams remaining.

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Best chance for an individual prize is probably bracket 59 with an Antonio brown signed jersey and 3000 Nike gift card on the line. But I've got some ground to make up there.
For those that have seen Beauty and the Beast, is it suitable for Gigi? I've heard mixed signals as to whether it's appropriate (primarily the fighting scenes are "scary" for a 3 year old).
For those that have seen Beauty and the Beast, is it suitable for Gigi? I've heard mixed signals as to whether it's appropriate (primarily the fighting scenes are "scary" for a 3 year old).

This is from a 4 year old parent. Kiddo generally is not very phased by disney villains. She gets more scared by realistic things that could harm her. Like she got terrified by the part in Moana where she almost drowns going over the water line the first time and closed her eyes and wouldn't watch the rest. Though Hades and Maleficient, etc don't phase her.
So the Beast did not scare her at all.
What did scare her were the wolves scenes. She crawled in my lap and kept asking if they were real.
I will say that the end fight scene with Gaston and the beast involves firearms and that also was a bit scarier to her than the animated version.
Then again, she's asked to go see it again so it must not have scarred her.
I don't think she was ever terrified but was anxious for those few parts. It's definitely much more "adult" than cartoonish in feel so I was shocked she sat through the whole thing.
PS It is 2 hours and 9 minutes and there's a thousand previews. Wiggle-worms beware! Pre-movie bathroom breaks are musts!
And she thought Belle was beautiful :)

ETA to say if she sat through the live action Cinderalla and wasn't bored she has a good chance of liking this one. But it's for sure darker than Cinderella.


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