Welcome to WISH-topia! March 2017 WISH Lifestyle/Weight Challenge

Somebody remind me of this tomorrow morning when she's screaming how much she hates me about a something trivial? ;P

Ah yes, my 13 yo is like this too. Some days she is super sweet and the some days she pushes me to the limit. Luckily she's more sweet than sour.

And it also made me aware that literally 90% of the women I know don't feel good about their bodies regardless of their size and the only women I know that are content are over 70.

It's funny because when I was getting dressed this morning I was looking up my upper arms thinking YUCK! I'm guilty of always looking for flaws and not looking at the good. Hopefully I will have body acceptance before 70!

I also got a new pair of jeans. I was trying to hold off a little bit in getting a new pair but the ones I have are just getting to big. I have now moved down a size. Yay!!!!!

Yay! Congratulations on the new size! That's always a great feeling! Yumm on the DQ; we've stopped and had a couple of cones there lately. Something about spring weather makes me want a cone.

Checking in at 20%. Did 10 running miles and 10 biking miles last week. I haven't been on a bike in a long time and it was windy so I was struggling but 10 was my goal and I stuck with it. I really hate those bike seats though; my husband tells me I will get used to it (he bikes about 100 miles a week) but I'm definitely sore today. Other than that, I'm feeling really good. My right knee bothers me a lot and I feel like the biking helped that by strengthening some different muscles that I don't usually use.
I had to share this with you guys, because you're the only ones who can understand...

So I heard DD9 puttering in the kitchen just now and presumed she was making a bedtime snack...and she comes out with one of our "pretty" plates we don't use as much and brings it over to me. "Here mommy, I know you can't have all the same snacks as us and you have to keep track, but I want you to have a snack. I measured it all to be sure!" And there was a scribbled little post-it note:

five strawberrys
1 teaspoon spepelda
1 cup carrots
1 teaspoon salt
4 oz cucumber

:sad: (Happy, sometimes-she's-still-cute tears...)

BTW- that spelling is all how she had it, that second one is "Splenda..." because she put all the strawberries on a kabob and then sprinkled fake sugar on them. And yes, I had plenty to eat today, and yes, those carrots were VERY salty, but I ate it all anyway, just to make her happy... well, sorta... I gave her one of the strawberries... and sure enough, she went, got a pencil, erased the "five" and wrote in "four," so I wouldn't track it wrong...

Somebody remind me of this tomorrow morning when she's screaming how much she hates me about a something trivial? ;P
Awww... how sweet.
The good news is: I tracked yesterday and today and have been very good with my eating! If I can get through the next two days without going off plan, I think I am back in my groove. The best about this is that it used to take me two months to get back into tracking and eating on plan (or even longer) after I had been thrown off. Now, it is a couple of days.

Sometimes that's the hardest part -- just getting back on track. Glad to hear it's not totally throwing you off this time!

To my surprise, when I got home and tracked everything, I ended up being 6 calories under for the day! I honestly couldn't believe it. I had decided that I was going to track it no matter how far off I ended up being and I guess I learned that sometimes, early planning in the day can save your evening meal even when there aren't good choices. I also learned that it doesn't kill me to skip the cookies and brownies even when they are available lol!

That's awesome! I sometimes loose site of things like that myself-- go to events and just assume it's going to be an awful day and eat all the things. But in reality, if I make the better choices, it doesn't have to derail me.

I had to share this with you guys, because you're the only ones who can understand...

So I heard DD9 puttering in the kitchen just now and presumed she was making a bedtime snack...and she comes out with one of our "pretty" plates we don't use as much and brings it over to me. "Here mommy, I know you can't have all the same snacks as us and you have to keep track, but I want you to have a snack. I measured it all to be sure!" And there was a scribbled little post-it note:

five strawberrys
1 teaspoon spepelda
1 cup carrots
1 teaspoon salt
4 oz cucumber

:sad: (Happy, sometimes-she's-still-cute tears...)

BTW- that spelling is all how she had it, that second one is "Splenda..." because she put all the strawberries on a kabob and then sprinkled fake sugar on them. And yes, I had plenty to eat today, and yes, those carrots were VERY salty, but I ate it all anyway, just to make her happy... well, sorta... I gave her one of the strawberries... and sure enough, she went, got a pencil, erased the "five" and wrote in "four," so I wouldn't track it wrong...

Somebody remind me of this tomorrow morning when she's screaming how much she hates me about a something trivial? ;P

That's so cute!!!

I learned that weight loss does not equal self acceptance and self acceptance is very important for both weight loss and maintenance, and content life.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes to all of this!

I think the thing I have learned the most is that I need to move. Sitting at a desk all day I have to make an effort to move. I need to get up throughout the day and just get a little walk in, then work out when I get home.

Seriously! Desk jobs make it so hard to get moving!

I also got a new pair of jeans. I was trying to hold off a little bit in getting a new pair but the ones I have are just getting to big. I have now moved down a size. Yay!!!!!

That's worthy of all the woohoo-ing emojis! :cool1::cheer2::banana::woohoo:
What have I learned... that I have a short attention span. I do the best with weight loss when I have a specific goal/time frame in mind, like losing weight before vacation, then, well, vacation blows it all to heck. I think it's also the 'diet' mentality not 'life style choice' that keeps biting me. And I really need to work on self confidence and taking care of myself and the rest will follow.

As planned Saturday was run-around day, with lots of errands with my Sister. We had lunch at a dim-sum place we had hadn't been to for a very long time... it was an adventure to say the least. Everything we chose tasted good but some of the textures were kind of yucky to me. I've never been good with chop sticks (at Teppan Edo I always have the attendant wrap them up beginner style), and so ended up eating a lot of things with my hands which probably offended a few people. Later I also had ice cream and jelly beans, so it was a pretty sugary day. Sunday I stayed home in the house all day... it was divine. Did odds and ends of chores, knit and watched a lot of Food Network and on-demanded Manchester by the Sea. It was really good but really sad, as many had warned me. I didn't eat very much, so it was a good offset for Saturday and this morning I was actually down half a pound.

There's snow in the forecast again today. We don't have anything in the city, but it was biting cold on the way to work this morning. so if any moisture does show up it will be in the form of snow. I am getting anxious for spring.
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Sorry I never got back yesterday to chat -- although it was quiet so I don't feel too guilty Haha!

I went down a rabbit hole and got busy, but it was good busy. DH and I meal prepped our whole week. I even weighed things! And you know what? It wasn't as daunting and time consuming as I thought it would be. It took maybe two hours, and I have breakfast parfaits for the week and peanut butter protein snacks for the month. DH has breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the week. I am ordering my healthy lunches so I am set on that. Then we prepped a chicken dish to marinate for tonight's dinner. So I am very pleased. I even made a side trip to Jo-Anns fabric to get some fabric to make some Minnie ears that I saw on a youtube tutorial... I didn't get around to that one, but my food is ready LOL
Question of the Day: March 6

hopps family.jpg

This is the Hopps family! Judy and her family are from Bunny Burrow.

Here, the Hopps family makes a living as carrot farmers.

bunny burrow.jpg

Looks like the residents of Bunny Burrow don't have much trouble getting their fruits and veggies!

What about you? Do you struggle to keep fruits and veggies a big part of your diet/lifestyle?

Does your town offer any farmers markets so that you can eat more locally?

Bonus: What is your favorite vegetable heavy dish/meal?
Love fruits, kind of picky about veggies. As I've mentioned, while down at the beach I had a meal consisting of pickled vegetables, and got to thinking this would be a good way to increase my intake. I'll start having them for a light dinner this week and see how it goes. Fruits are so out of season right now that I haven't been having very many, but will be stocking up as best I can this week. I did some 'fridge cleaning over the weekend, to make room for new, healthier stuff.

We do have quite a few farmer's markets in the greater Seattle area, and my neighborhood has a nice one. I had thought about going up yesterday, but that would have meant getting out of my PJ's so it didn't happen. There are seven grocery stores in my 'hood: I usually shop at the one closest which is pretty good, but for fruits an veggies I like the one that is the farthest away. There is a chain called PCC that has all the natural/organic stuff but I don't got here very often: they are going to be closed for a couple years for a tear-down/rebuild, and hopefully when it's larger it will be more enticing.

What is my favorite veggie heavy dish? Hmmm... I can't think of anything specific, but lately I've actually been craving salads which is strange, because I generally don't love lettuce. I'm going to start making smoothies again, and will grind my leafy greens up and drink them, hopefully disguised with a bunch of other stuff.
I am trying to spend a little bit less time on the computer over the weekends knowing that we have a busy schedule coming up on some weekends in the near future where time is going to be short and getting a decent signal on my phone is a challenge ( darn those metal structure buildings at the fair grounds). Here are my exercise numbers for over the weekend and I will be going back to answer the various questions of the day that I still need to catch up on later on ( hopefully today)
Friday 19 minutes of walking monthly total 60 minutes got 25 laps done
Saturday 19 minutes of walking 25 laps done monthly total 79 minutes
Sunday 28 laps done in 19 minutes ( this was pushing it a bit too much for me so I need to slow it down to 25-26 house laps) plus 5 minutes of toning exercises using the resistance bands and the weight ball total time for the month so far 103 minutes

percentage check in
This is a weird week being that we just started. So if you want to report, great! If not, I know it's early in the game :-) But I will post on the report if you post your percent!

Weekly Check In - Week 1

Down 5 pounds last week for a 55% to goal! (I'm counting last week as a full week even though part of that was Feb)

What about you? Do you struggle to keep fruits and veggies a big part of your diet/lifestyle?

Does your town offer any farmers markets so that you can eat more locally?

Bonus: What is your favorite vegetable heavy dish/meal?

I actually do a decent job of incorporating both. Just because they're healthy options that I can eat to keep me full, at least for a little while! I love any spaghetti squash dish that I've tried. I mostly like it because it's a low cal option that I can put a heavier sauce on (like alfredo) and still feel like it's an indulgence without so many dense carbs.


I actually had a decent weekend in terms of staying on track. Don't get me wrong, I ate a lot. But I ate intentionally and did my best to keep it in check. I also did a good workout on Friday and Saturday and used Sunday as an "active recovery" day so I did yoga. This morning I hit the gym and decided that this will be a heavy leg training week for me. I may gain this week considering the large loss I had last week, the emphasis on weight training, and the fact that I'm headed towards TOM at the end of this week. But I also feel like I'm seeing good changes in my body and strength and I'm pretty content with my pace right now. Of course, I'd like to continue my progresswith making healthier choices on the weekends. But one weekend at a time is all I can do!
I love salads. We eat a big salad for dinner about once a week. I also love cucumbers. A lot of times I will just cut up a cucumber in a bowl, add vinegar (enough to pretty much cover the cucumbers), add just a little bit of oil (i would say around a tablespoon), then sprinkle garlic salt on it. I have done this since I was a kid.

Fruits are harder here. They are only in season in the summer (or at least the ones I like) and in the office season they just look really bad. Strawberries lately have been pretty good though so we have been buying some of those and the grapes looked good. I really like the green grapes but my daughter only likes the red ones (we are the only ones that eat them) so I pretty much only buy the red ones. i will still eat them but just not my favorite. My daughter loves fresh fruit so this helps me to eat more.

We do have some small farms markets close by but we don't make it there often. We do have a big one in the city. It has everything from fruits and veggies to all sorts of butchers. I love going here but they are only open a few days a week so we don't always make it. We will go more when summer comes around. They don't always sell local crops though. The building is really cool. The market opened in 1912 and still in the same building. It is now a historic building. Here is a link to the Wikipedia page about the West Side Market. It does have a few pictures of the building.

What about you? Do you struggle to keep fruits and veggies a big part of your diet/lifestyle?

Does your town offer any farmers markets so that you can eat more locally?

Bonus: What is your favorite vegetable heavy dish/meal?
I am not good at getting veggies, I am a little better at fruit. We do have farmer's markets but they aren't very close. I should make more of an effort to get out to them because I know the food is better and it helps support our local farms. Last night I did the grocery shopping and decided we need to cut way back on prepackaged foods. I know the added preservatives, sugar etc from those types of foods are not good for anyone. I did really good and hardly bought anything in a box. The only exception was the kid's school snack. That one is hard.

Bonus: I'm not sure what my favorite vegetable dish would be. I don't really cook veggies other than steaming. Sometimes I will bread and pan fry squash but I'm not sure how healthy that is.
I'm in!

This is the first time I will have joined the WISH monthly challenge.

I have been on a health and weight loss journey since April 2016.
I've gone from 212lbs to 175lbs as of this morning.
My goal is for the scale to say 169lbs by April 7th. (Leaving for WDW that day).
I walk about 2.5 miles every day although for the next month I will be getting in 5 days per week due to other commitments.
What about you? Do you struggle to keep fruits and veggies a big part of your diet/lifestyle?

Does your town offer any farmers markets so that you can eat more locally?

Bonus: What is your favorite vegetable heavy dish/meal?

I go back and forth with doing good with fruits and veggies. I love salads and have one most evenings with dinner, so that helps some. I usually fix simple green beans or corn with dinner as well - I don't eat much of the corn, but DH and DS really like it. As bad as it sounds, the only fruits I eat regularly are bananas and grapefruit. I love apples, but biting into them bothers my teeth and honestly, I'm usually too lazy to cut them up (I know that's bad to admit) - kind of the same with other fruits, but with those, I could prep a bunch ahead, but I don't tend to do that either. Maybe that needs to be my next month's goal lol!

Our town has a farmer's market every Tuesday during the summer. I do enjoy going to them because the options they have a so good!

I'm not sure on my favorite vegetable dish meal other than a nice big salad. I especially love getting them when we go out to eat! I also love slaw which can be somewhat healthy if made the right way.

Also, if you want to mark me down, I guess I'm at 16%. I've tracked all 5 days so far out of 31 total in the month, so I'm on my way to 100%!
I'm going to start making smoothies again, and will grind my leafy greens up and drink them, hopefully disguised with a bunch of other stuff.

That's a good idea. I do that sometimes with spinach and kale and mask the flavor with ginger and an orange or apple.

I love any spaghetti squash dish that I've tried. I mostly like it because it's a low cal option that I can put a heavier sauce on (like alfredo) and still feel like it's an indulgence without so many dense carbs.

YUM! That sounds good! I have yet to try spaghetti squash, but hear such good things about it!

A lot of times I will just cut up a cucumber in a bowl, add vinegar (enough to pretty much cover the cucumbers), add just a little bit of oil (i would say around a tablespoon), then sprinkle garlic salt on it. I have done this since I was a kid.

That sounds like a good light version of what I do sometimes -- but instead of oil and garlic salt, I use sour cream and paprika. That sour cream is the worst part, but taste so good LOL I may have to try it with a little oil and garlic salt!

Sometimes I will bread and pan fry squash but I'm not sure how healthy that is.

I don't know either, but that sounds GOOD! :)
I'm in!

This is the first time I will have joined the WISH monthly challenge.

I have been on a health and weight loss journey since April 2016.
I've gone from 212lbs to 175lbs as of this morning.
My goal is for the scale to say 169lbs by April 7th. (Leaving for WDW that day).
I walk about 2.5 miles every day although for the next month I will be getting in 5 days per week due to other commitments.

:welcome: Congrats on your progress so far!
I'm in!

This is the first time I will have joined the WISH monthly challenge.

I have been on a health and weight loss journey since April 2016.
I've gone from 212lbs to 175lbs as of this morning.
My goal is for the scale to say 169lbs by April 7th. (Leaving for WDW that day).
I walk about 2.5 miles every day although for the next month I will be getting in 5 days per week due to other commitments.

I'm in!

This is the first time I will have joined the WISH monthly challenge.

I have been on a health and weight loss journey since April 2016.
I've gone from 212lbs to 175lbs as of this morning.
My goal is for the scale to say 169lbs by April 7th. (Leaving for WDW that day).
I walk about 2.5 miles every day although for the next month I will be getting in 5 days per week due to other commitments.

Welcome to the group! Congratulations on your success so far!! You've done great!! :dogdance::cheer2:
I would like to join this challenge. My goal this month is to lose 8 pounds. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I have no problem getting my veggies I love them. We have a small farmers market in the summer but it is not great. I live in a crappy town.
Good luck everyone with your goals.


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