~~October 2016~~Sew, it was the greatest Stitch Experience ever!~~Final Update 3/19/2017!

Did you guys look at the single rider lines for FJ/Gringotts? I always hop in those, and esp the FJ one seems to be maybe 10 minutes long. But two trips in a row would have done me in too!!

Once back in Diagon Alley... We stood in the middle of the path for what seemed like forever, waiting for the dragon on top of Gringotts to blow fire... We waited, and we waited and we waited... Nothing. We were quite sad. I've been to U/S twice now, and spent all of my time in the HP areas - and never once have I seen the dragon breathe fire. :scratchin

Interesting! The dragon always seems to be going for us every 20 minutes or whatever its supposed to do! I know this bc it freaks out my dd!! (she's 4).

We still weren't feeling great... We texted Cindy to ask her if she could give us a ride back to the resort a bit earlier than planned, and thankfully she was able to. Both of us were feeling quite ill, and the heat was really getting to us - which was such a bummer, as this day was so expensive and I am not one to waste money in the form of time.

That is too bad. I always leave Universal feeling that way, because SO many of their rides make me sick! The motion simulation ones, plus even their regular coasters, are just too much on me now. They need some tamer ones I think. (Plus it'll be a while before we return as my 4 YO is getting tall enough for a number of rides but not old/brave enough and I wouldn't want her to feel sick either).

I am sure there was a lot that factored into it - I am sure it needed some pretty hefty work to bring it up to code... But it was a great place and one that we enjoyed immensely back in 2008. For that matter - it's what kept us from staying at SoG for several years. I was very excited when they announced the grand re-opening of this restaurant over the summer - it was a much needed addition to the resort.

That is funny it is what kept you away from Shades. No matter where I stay - on or offsite, I only eat at Disney TS :) I guess I like to be part of the Disney bubble lol. The most I got at Shades was a coffee one morning.

We were super tired - so after about 30 minutes of swimming, we decided to call it a night... My headache was still pounding, and although it was better after I ate - I just wanted to sleep.

The pools are great though, that slide was fun!! Love their splash pad area for little kids too.
I honestly have no recollection of what I threw into my cart.

Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this problem when it comes to Christmas clearance. I was actually debating bringing our Christmas stuff onto the back porch so it would be ready for next week but then I found out our highs this weekend are only going to bi mid-40's so I changed my mind lol.

Loving the TR as usual. The heat that week was brutal! It really took its toll on us as well.

Looking forward to the next post! I'm planning on starting mine tonight. :)
Sounds like a lovely way to round out your day! I think those pizza pans are genius!!! It's always so hard to keep our plates, drinks, etc. organized with those giant pizza pan things on the table!!
I also have the 2nd tree I purchased on clearance last year - I haven't decided if I am setting that up yet - or where - I was considering setting it up on the front porch... :scratchin
That's nice you have 2 separate trees! Are both your trees the same size? If you were to put the second one up, would you make it a lot different then your main one? Interested to see what you do with all the Christmas decorations - I remember everything looked so beautiful last year!:goodvibes
Then I have to run to town to get 2 of my nails fixed - both thumb nails, the black/dots came off last night - I was bummed. They guarantee their work for 1 week and I had them done on Thursday - so I should be OK?
That's great your nail salon doe that for its customers. I don't think any place near me would do that:rotfl:
We thought the pizza pan was awesome though - it took up a lot less room on the tables. ::yes::

That is a really cool pan! Glad you all enjoyed the meal.

Victoria loved the new slide - but man - you come off of it with some force! She came up coughing and spitting water. LOL After the first ride - she was much better prepared to exit the slide cautiously - or as cautiously as she could. LO
That's great they added a slide to SOG. I always love pool slides at the WDW resorts:rotfl:
we have a day "off" tomorrow - so we can sleep in a bit and wander easily. ::yes::
Days off are always nice!:thumbsup2
Just popping in to say hi! Loving this trip report. I don't think I will ever go back to US; I haven't been in a long, long, long time; it's just too expensive. It's amazing what they have done in their HP expansion. I think WDW is trying to compete with Avatar and Star Wars. I have a feeling even if you aren't an Avatar fan the Land could be pretty amazing if they do it right. The visuals in the movie were the best part of it.

The church is so beautiful; it reminds me of the Catholic churches in Europe. You have a lot of history invested there D.

You looked amazing for the wedding! I am finding it interesting the Allison and Victoria are starting to look more alike as they get older. The pic of your girls from the wedding is beautiful.

Good luck with decorating! I wish I could decorate more. I love Christmas. I have 3 cats in my house, with one being a kitten. Not much can go up that breaks. The tree gets to be a challenge enough.

Good to hear your Dad is doing well, and glad ya'll got to see him for a bit.

Take care, hugs.
What a shame that you got to share the train ride with a bunch of teens.

Sounds like you had a good day at Universal even if you got some rain.
Did you guys look at the single rider lines for FJ/Gringotts? I always hop in those, and esp the FJ one seems to be maybe 10 minutes long. But two trips in a row would have done me in too!!

Interesting! The dragon always seems to be going for us every 20 minutes or whatever its supposed to do! I know this bc it freaks out my dd!! (she's 4).

That is too bad. I always leave Universal feeling that way, because SO many of their rides make me sick! The motion simulation ones, plus even their regular coasters, are just too much on me now. They need some tamer ones I think. (Plus it'll be a while before we return as my 4 YO is getting tall enough for a number of rides but not old/brave enough and I wouldn't want her to feel sick either).

That is funny it is what kept you away from Shades. No matter where I stay - on or offsite, I only eat at Disney TS :) I guess I like to be part of the Disney bubble lol. The most I got at Shades was a coffee one morning.

The pools are great though, that slide was fun!! Love their splash pad area for little kids too.

I didn't even see an option for single riders - unless I missed them? I probably wouldn't have done it for her first rides though, maybe when we went back to Gringotts later, I might have - there didn't appear to be any such thing. :scratchin

Hahaha... I am sure it goes - there were a lot of people waiting around for it - and it rumbled a lot - but it never actually blew. I was a little bummed about that!

Yup - I totally understand. If we ever go again - I'll bring the Dramamine. ::yes::

Well - It only kept me away because so many of the restaurants had such bad reviews on property - not that we ever ate at them or needed to... When I stayed there with Allison in January (before Evergreens opened again) we didn't have any issues - We utilized the Java Cafe daily - and we were on Disney property the rest of the time... There were a couple of times we brought food back from Disney T/S to eat in our room and it worked out well. It sure is NICE to have Evergreens now - the ability to have a sit down meal (that you have to order at the bar and eat with plastic utensils) - but it's great to have that option. Pretty sure I won't feel the need to stay at a Disney resort again - staying at SoG, to me, is very much like staying at an extension of the Poly - as we spend so much time there. :lovestruc

They do look awesome!!! They did a great job with the pools - one of these days, I'll be brave enough to try out the slide... I have not used the pools on our last 3 trips - which is odd for me, typically I do. I just feel like, by the time I get dressed, swim, shower, get dressed again - it's sooo time consuming. LOL It's easier to just dip my feet in. ::yes::

Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this problem when it comes to Christmas clearance. I was actually debating bringing our Christmas stuff onto the back porch so it would be ready for next week but then I found out our highs this weekend are only going to bi mid-40's so I changed my mind lol.

Loving the TR as usual. The heat that week was brutal! It really took its toll on us as well.

Looking forward to the next post! I'm planning on starting mine tonight.

Yah - it was terrible last year... I'll find a way to use everything - believe me... it should be interesting! Lots of glass ball decorating this year. ::yes::

Thanks! I didn't think the heat was that bad... A few afternoons it was a bit warm - but after 2 August trips in a row, nothing could beat that heat. LOL That was like death.

Yay!!! LMK!

Sounds like a lovely way to round out your day! I think those pizza pans are genius!!! It's always so hard to keep our plates, drinks, etc. organized with those giant pizza pan things on the table!!

Thanks! It was! It was a lot of fun - and sad that we had to cut it so short... Honestly - the whole trip, we played it this way and didn't push ourselves - there were a few times, looking back, I wished we would have... Oh well.

I agree - which is why I took a picture of them - V wanted to show the owner at her work, she thought they'd be brilliant... Sadly the owner already has them tucked away in a closet - he doesn't like them or use them. Pfft! I think they are great! LOL

That's nice you have 2 separate trees! Are both your trees the same size? If you were to put the second one up, would you make it a lot different then your main one? Interested to see what you do with all the Christmas decorations - I remember everything looked so beautiful last year!

That's great your nail salon doe that for its customers. I don't think any place near me would do that

That is a really cool pan! Glad you all enjoyed the meal.

That's great they added a slide to SOG. I always love pool slides at the WDW resorts

Days off are always nice!

Well, to be honest - I have no idea. LOL I purchased both trees last year at Target, the morning they went 90% off... The one was a display tree - and it's pretty nice, at 90% off, I still paid $18 for it (with out any of my discounts)... the other tree I paid $8 for, I think - I've never even taken it out of it's box - I have no hope that it will be anything grand. LOL The total for both trees, after my discount was under $25 - I was happy with that. ::yes:: I think the one nice one will go in the living room. Originally - last year - the plan was to put the 2nd tree in the dining area of the kitchen by the mantel - but the mantel is now gone and the China hutch is there... I am actually considering setting the 2nd tree up on the front porch? :scratchin It would probably look similar - I am not really sure?? I am pretty sure that all of the decor I got last year is all coordinated & very classic Christmas colors (red, green, gold, silver)... I had NO idea how much I had accumulated when I was stocking up - ridiculous amounts. LOL

It is nice... I am not sure if it's just because I go to the owner? Or if every nail tech does it? I did go back yesterday though, and had the chipped nails redone - the owner wasn't there - so someone else did it... She did an OK job - but not as good as the owner... Oh well.

Yes - the pizza was surprisingly good, not sure if it was because we were so hungry? Or what? It was gone quickly though. LOL

It is so neat that they added the slide - and it's a large slide too - as large as the Deluxe resorts, for sure... So that's really nice.

It was a great day off - I am looking forward to sharing it!

Just popping in to say hi! Loving this trip report. I don't think I will ever go back to US; I haven't been in a long, long, long time; it's just too expensive. It's amazing what they have done in their HP expansion. I think WDW is trying to compete with Avatar and Star Wars. I have a feeling even if you aren't an Avatar fan the Land could be pretty amazing if they do it right. The visuals in the movie were the best part of it.

The church is so beautiful; it reminds me of the Catholic churches in Europe. You have a lot of history invested there D.

You looked amazing for the wedding! I am finding it interesting the Allison and Victoria are starting to look more alike as they get older. The pic of your girls from the wedding is beautiful.

Good luck with decorating! I wish I could decorate more. I love Christmas. I have 3 cats in my house, with one being a kitten. Not much can go up that breaks. The tree gets to be a challenge enough.

Good to hear your Dad is doing well, and glad ya'll got to see him for a bit.

Take care, hugs.

Carol - it's great to see you! I don't blame you about U/S - I personally don't have any desire to go back there myself... So, unless the girls want to go back - AND they pay for it themselves... Maybe we'll go then? :scratchin

I am very excited to see the new Avatar and Star Wars areas... Honestly though - Disney needs another park to disperse some of these crowds... It's insane every day in every park in any season. ::yes::

Thank you - I love that church myself... My only disappointment was that my parents were never married there - even though it was my Mom's church - they were doing extensive remodeling that year, so my parents had to be married in the "other" Catholic church in town... It's not nearly as beautiful.

Thanks!!! I am so excited to get it all upstairs - I keep walking by it in the basement when I go down to do laundry, and I hesitate for a moment, thinking I want to bring it up - but I am trying so hard to wait until after Thanksgiving. LOL

I was very nice to see dad too. :lovestruc

Take care Carol - and have a nice weekend! :)

What a shame that you got to share the train ride with a bunch of teens.

Sounds like you had a good day at Universal even if you got some rain.

It was a bummer - but it was OK, not as terrible as we had feared.

It was a good day - short - but good. :)


Good morning all... I am running a bit late today - I over slept, can you believe it? LOL

I had a nice day yesterday - I worked out in the morning, and I worked upstairs all day.

After lunch - I went into town to have my nails redone - well, 4 of them anyways... The owner wasn't there, so I had to have one of the other girls do them - they aren't nearly as great, the dots are quite small... but they look better than when they were chipped - so I'll be fine with it. :)

I grabbed V from school and took her to religion...

Came home, made dinner and relaxed all night.

Today - it's a heavy lifting day - so I will do that shortly.

Then I will work all morning.

I have to pick V up from school today and take her to work. I also need to wash my car and make it a priority - it should have been washed weeks ago... Starting tonight, it's supposed to get cold. MN is supposed to get some snow too - but I think that is staying mostly north of us? :scratchin Hopefully...

And that's all!!! I hope you all have a great day! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you!!! :lovestruc

Good morning all... I am running a bit late today - I over slept, can you believe it? LOL
Sleeping in is alwyas good. I have to get up in the morning to make sue my girls are up and moving as well as braid Dani's hair most mornings.

After lunch - I went into town to have my nails redone - well, 4 of them anyways... The owner wasn't there, so I had to have one of the other girls do them - they aren't nearly as great, the dots are quite small... but they look better than when they were chipped - so I'll be fine with it. :)
Do you have a picture of the redone nails?

I have had a slightly crazy with since Dh is out of town on business. Doing twice as much. Sydney went back to the orthop on tuesday. They care calling her elbow a contusion since the only spot that they thought was a break wasn't where it was hurting her. She doesn't have to go back to dr but supposed to be no sports till next tuesday. Of course she wanted to play volleyball in gym yesterday.
Last night she played all of instruments. I'm not sure if she lost the chance to be first chair in the winter concert or not? SHe was supposed to have a sight reading test against one other girl but she couldn't because of her elbow.
My other daughter also got a 99 on her seating auditions, but i have no clue what happened with it since she doesn't play her clarinet like Sydney plays her flute. There are also more clarient players. They are in 2 groups unlike the one flute group.
From what I've read here on the DIS you are a early bird. So it's a little hard to believe that you over slept :)

What a bummer that the owner wasn't there to do your nails. I'm glad to here you're fine with the job one of the other girls did on your nails.

Here the temperatures have been around 41ºF the last week. We haven't seen any snow here yet.

I had my new car at the garage on Tuesday. I drove to my therapy riding class yesterday, but since I had my riding shoes on it was difficult to feel if what they had done with the floor was good enough. Today I was out driving again and it feels like the floor is good now. It also looks like they managed to fix the back door so it opens as it should every time I try to open it.

Now I have to start practicing driving my electrical wheelchair. I haven't used it since I got the joystick adjusted. It's so scary to drive the electrical wheelchair out of the car. I know I really have to do just that a lot of times so I get used to it and it isn't scary any more. The scary part is to drive backwards out on to the lift. I'm so scared that I miss the lift and one of the wheels of the wheelchair go out side of the lift.
UGH. My DIS is SO glitchy today!!!! Hopefully this response posts because it's the 3rd time I'm trying! Yay for getting your nails fixed, keep the Disney spirit alive :) I can't believe they're predicting snow for this weekend!! Today, it's supposed to be 72 in Chicago! We're heading to Purdue University for a cousin's weekend and supposed to go to the game on Saturday. I'm hoping they're wrong on the weather!! We shall see.
Popping in to catch up and say hi! Looks like a fun day at Universal...I want the ice cream you had!! Sorry you guys weren't feeling the best...but you did get all the important stuff done!!
It's good to sleep in once in a while. The phone woke me up at 6. It was an unavailable number. Then I got a bunch of weather alerts on my phone because we had a freeze or frost.
I'm glad you enjoyed the ts at Shades of Green.
We used to single rider line for Gringott's. I rode with my son-in-law and my daughter got sent to they version of fast past line. I offered to switch but she didn't want to. We did get to see the dragon shoot fire.
My garage door cable broke yesterday. Luckily I was out shopping and my car wasn't in the garage. The repairman is going to stop by sometime today. I don't have to be here for that. He can call me at work and let me what's going on.
I'm able half way done piecing my quilt.
Have a good day
Look at you with the personal chauffeurs!!
Glad you were able to sit with friends for a while and relax! Pretty amazing you had that whole pool to yourself! Wow! very cool!!

Bed early much needed especially after having a nasty headache for as long as your holding onto this one!
Wow! $25 is great for both trees! A tree on your porch sounds very nice! Looking forward to seeing what you do with everything!

Hoping you don't get snow! We have barely gotten any in NY yet, and I'm hoping it stays like that for a little while longer!
I really want to go to the HP stuff at Universal but I get such bad motion sickness that I'm really not sure I would be able to ride anything! LOL But the theming looks absolutely amazing and I'd love to try butterbeer and some of the specialty food items and explore the shops. :-)

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well on that day and had such a bad headache.

I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to get my Christmas stuff out next weekend (I normally decorate on Black Friday and the next day) or wait until all of my company leaves. I'm not sure yet.

Sleeping in just means that your body needed more rest. :-) I'm glad you were able to get your nails redone! I just broke two of mine trying to open my silverware drawer. *Sigh*

Have a great day!
Thanks! I didn't think the heat was that bad... A few afternoons it was a bit warm - but after 2 August trips in a row, nothing could beat that heat. LOL That was like death.

Oh see, I only have Missouri Octobers to compare Florida October temperatures too lol. It was definitely nice in the mornings but I think the humidity was high too. That's usually what kills me.

Wow, we're supposed to have record highs close to 80 today but I think it's down to 45 on Saturday. I have started Christmas shopping & listening to Christmas music though. I'm okay with snow being late lol.
My Christmas decorating dilemma is that I have a full size refrigerator in my living room in the place that I usually put a Christmas tree, (We are remodeling our kitchen.) At least I don't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year. :)

Victoria loved the new slide - but man - you come off of it with some force! She came up coughing and spitting water. LOL After the first ride - she was much better prepared to exit the slide cautiously - or as cautiously as she could.
That looks like an awesome slide. I bet it is popular with the kids in the summer.

We were super tired - so after about 30 minutes of swimming, we decided to call it a night... My headache was still pounding, and although it was better after I ate - I just wanted to sleep.

Cindy went home and V and I went to bed. I noted in my journal that we were in bed by 8pm! Thankfully - we have a day "off" tomorrow - so we can sleep in a bit and wander easily.
That's too bad that you had a headache for such a long time. It was a good thing you had a rest day planned.
Sleeping in is alwyas good. I have to get up in the morning to make sue my girls are up and moving as well as braid Dani's hair most mornings.

Do you have a picture of the redone nails?

I have had a slightly crazy with since Dh is out of town on business. Doing twice as much. Sydney went back to the orthop on tuesday. They care calling her elbow a contusion since the only spot that they thought was a break wasn't where it was hurting her. She doesn't have to go back to dr but supposed to be no sports till next tuesday. Of course she wanted to play volleyball in gym yesterday.
Last night she played all of instruments. I'm not sure if she lost the chance to be first chair in the winter concert or not? SHe was supposed to have a sight reading test against one other girl but she couldn't because of her elbow.
My other daughter also got a 99 on her seating auditions, but i have no clue what happened with it since she doesn't play her clarinet like Sydney plays her flute. There are also more clarient players. They are in 2 groups unlike the one flute group.

Yes - I understand - I have to get up too to make sure V makes it out the door on time... which is sometimes a feat unto itself. :lmao:

I don't - sorry... They look exactly the same, except a few of the dots on the nails that were redone are a bit small imo. Otherwise - they all match, since I only had 4 nails redone. ::yes::

Well, hopefully it all works out, and the girls get their chance to play and experience their proper chairs. ::yes:: Hopefully Sydney is feeling better soon and back to being active again! ::yes:: Good luck to both of them in both of their concerts! :lovestruc

From what I've read here on the DIS you are a early bird. So it's a little hard to believe that you over slept

What a bummer that the owner wasn't there to do your nails. I'm glad to here you're fine with the job one of the other girls did on your nails.

Here the temperatures have been around 41ºF the last week. We haven't seen any snow here yet.

I had my new car at the garage on Tuesday. I drove to my therapy riding class yesterday, but since I had my riding shoes on it was difficult to feel if what they had done with the floor was good enough. Today I was out driving again and it feels like the floor is good now. It also looks like they managed to fix the back door so it opens as it should every time I try to open it.

Now I have to start practicing driving my electrical wheelchair. I haven't used it since I got the joystick adjusted. It's so scary to drive the electrical wheelchair out of the car. I know I really have to do just that a lot of times so I get used to it and it isn't scary any more. The scary part is to drive backwards out on to the lift. I'm so scared that I miss the lift and one of the wheels of the wheelchair go out side of the lift.

Hahaha... Yes - it is hard to believe... Typically it happens if I can't sleep during the night... I almost always fall back to sleep at about 4am, and then I can't get up.

Yes - she did an OK job on my nails... I would still much prefer that the owner does them, but these will work. ::yes::

There was some bad weather here on Friday - but we missed it all. We did get a bit of rain though - but as of now, no snow cover. It's coming, that I am sure of. ::yes::

Hopefully everything is good to go with your car now... Yikes about the lift and your wheelchair - I can understand why that would be so scary... Is there something that cane be put there, so you can't drive off - some sort of safety feature? :scratchin I hope you are able to get a lot of practice, so it's something you are comfortable with.

UGH. My DIS is SO glitchy today!!!! Hopefully this response posts because it's the 3rd time I'm trying! Yay for getting your nails fixed, keep the Disney spirit alive I can't believe they're predicting snow for this weekend!! Today, it's supposed to be 72 in Chicago! We're heading to Purdue University for a cousin's weekend and supposed to go to the game on Saturday. I'm hoping they're wrong on the weather!! We shall see.

Thanks for continuing to try - I hate it when the Dis is acting up. LOL

I hope you had a great weekend! Did you ever get any snow? We didn't - it missed us, however, we did get some rain - which we needed. I am sure the snow is coming - and it will probably come with force since we don't have it yet. ::yes::

Popping in to catch up and say hi! Looks like a fun day at Universal...I want the ice cream you had!! Sorry you guys weren't feeling the best...but you did get all the important stuff done!!

Hi there! :lovestruc

We did - and yes, I HIGHLY recommend the ice cream - it was so delicious! I should just plan, from now on, to not feel well in Universal - since every time I am there - those rides do me in. LOL That was my goal though - was to get the important stuff done... Like ice cream. ::yes::

It's good to sleep in once in a while. The phone woke me up at 6. It was an unavailable number. Then I got a bunch of weather alerts on my phone because we had a freeze or frost.
I'm glad you enjoyed the ts at Shades of Green.
We used to single rider line for Gringott's. I rode with my son-in-law and my daughter got sent to they version of fast past line. I offered to switch but she didn't want to. We did get to see the dragon shoot fire.
My garage door cable broke yesterday. Luckily I was out shopping and my car wasn't in the garage. The repairman is going to stop by sometime today. I don't have to be here for that. He can call me at work and let me what's going on.
I'm able half way done piecing my quilt.
Have a good day

It is - I thoroughly enjoy it - however, it does throw off my routine... So I always feel like I am spending the day trying to catch up. ::yes::

We love staying at SoG - it's such a great resort!

I didn't see the single rider lines as an option while we were there... We definitely would have taken advantage. Next time I will ask.

Yikes!!! I hope is it all fixed now! ::yes::

Wow!!!! You are making great progress on your quilt - it will be done in no time! ::yes::

Thanks! Same to you!

Look at you with the personal chauffeurs!!
Glad you were able to sit with friends for a while and relax! Pretty amazing you had that whole pool to yourself! Wow! very cool!!

Bed early much needed especially after having a nasty headache for as long as your holding onto this one!

Well, I really dislike depending on my friends for rides in WDW - I am really uncomfortable with inconveniencing people - so this was really hard for me to do... However, I am very grateful for them and very thankful that they were able to help me out! :lovestruc

Yes - it was relaxing! I don't think we had the whole pool to ourselves - there were other people there - I know that for sure. :scratchin Maybe some of the kids had just gotten out or something? I don't remember lol.

Yes - it was very nice to crawl into bed on this night - both V and I needed it. ::yes::

Wow! $25 is great for both trees! A tree on your porch sounds very nice! Looking forward to seeing what you do with everything!

Hoping you don't get snow! We have barely gotten any in NY yet, and I'm hoping it stays like that for a little while longer!

Yes - it was a great deal!!! But even at $25, I hated paying it, because I'd just be storing them for a year... But now that it's coming time to put them up - I am very excited to have them stored. LOL :woohoo: I am excited to get everything set up!

We missed out on the worst of the snow - we ended up with rain... I am sure the snow is coming and it will come fiercely. LOL It sounds like you may have gotten some of our storm this weekend?

I really want to go to the HP stuff at Universal but I get such bad motion sickness that I'm really not sure I would be able to ride anything! LOL But the theming looks absolutely amazing and I'd love to try butterbeer and some of the specialty food items and explore the shops.

I'm sorry you weren't feeling well on that day and had such a bad headache.

I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to get my Christmas stuff out next weekend (I normally decorate on Black Friday and the next day) or wait until all of my company leaves. I'm not sure yet.

Sleeping in just means that your body needed more rest. :-) I'm glad you were able to get your nails redone! I just broke two of mine trying to open my silverware drawer. *Sigh*

Have a great day!

Yes - it's definitely fun to look around - the theme is excellent... However, I am not sure the price of the ticket is worth just that? :scratchin The motion sickness is REAL there - so if it's something you are very sensitive to, then I would definitely avoid it. ::yes::

I am trying to sort out when I want to decorate for Christmas too... Our Thanksgiving plans are a bit different this year. Typically - we decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving... However - this is the first year I have really decorated for fall/harvest - so I am trying to figure out when I want to take that all down - clean - and then set up Christmas... I feel like I should keep the fall up until Thanksgiving for sure - even though we aren't having Thanksgiving here. :scratchin I do plan on getting a few boxes this week though - so I can pack up and store my fall stuff - I did accumulate much more than I thought I did this year. LOL

True... It was nice to sleep in - but then I always feel like I am running late all day. I am such a routine driven person!

Yikes!!! I hate it when I break nails! Hopefully it wasn't too painful. ::yes::

Thanks! Same to you! :lovestruc

Oh see, I only have Missouri Octobers to compare Florida October temperatures too lol. It was definitely nice in the mornings but I think the humidity was high too. That's usually what kills me.

Wow, we're supposed to have record highs close to 80 today but I think it's down to 45 on Saturday. I have started Christmas shopping & listening to Christmas music though. I'm okay with snow being late lol.

LOL - yes... In that case, I can see where this was hot. Trust me... I am not sure that I could ever do another August trip - it's tough!

Yes - we had some beautiful weather last week, until Friday... Thankfully we didn't get any of the snow or bad weather - just lots of rain. ::yes:: It's coming though - I have no doubt. It's super hard to get excited and decorating for Christmas without snow though. :scratchin

I have a couple of very small gift for the girls - otherwise I have not started shopping for anyone yet. I don't even have a clue of where to start or what to get any of them. I might go easy and go with cash this year. ::yes::

My Christmas decorating dilemma is that I have a full size refrigerator in my living room in the place that I usually put a Christmas tree, (We are remodeling our kitchen.) At least I don't have to cook Thanksgiving dinner this year.

That looks like an awesome slide. I bet it is popular with the kids in the summer.

That's too bad that you had a headache for such a long time. It was a good thing you had a rest day planned.

LOL - I can see where that could be an issue... Decorate the fridge this year, maybe? LOL Put a star on top... Some garland on the doors? :scatchin

I am sure it is?? SoG just put this slide in last fall - so it's new to the resort... They just did an extensive remodel of both pools - I was happy to see that they had kept the Mickey head pool though - so that was cool... It's one of the few "Disney" themed items that remain from when it was a Disney resort. ::yes::

Yes - that headache was a toughie... I had a few hours here n' there where it was gone - usually right after I took a dose of ibuprofen/tylenol... but otherwise - it hung on for days - it was quite annoying actually. The rest day did help a lot! :lovestruc


Well, happy Monday everyone!!! I hope you had a nice weekend??? I am looking forward to a fun holiday week here - I cannot wait to eat turkey, spend some time with family, spend some time with the girls, Black Friday shopping and Christmas decorating! :woohoo: It promises to be a FUN week! ::yes::

Those of you who are friends on Facebook know that Josh and I escaped for the weekend... I know I mentioned here about Matt playing hockey for the Alaska Aces... Josh and I had been talking about going to his games in Wichita, KS - and we had been planning to do so, as long as he was on the flight to go. On Wednesday night, Josh got a text from Matt that he was on the flight... So, we quickly booked our hotel for the weekend, purchased our game tickets and planned our little get away. ::yes::

We left as soon as V boarded the bus for school on Friday morning - barely escaping the blizzard/winter storm that was about to pound MN... We drove for 10 hours, through Iowa, Missouri and part of Kansas - arriving in Wichita about 3 hours before the puck dropped. Which gave us just enough time to check into our resort and find dinner.

We stayed at Water Walk Hotel - we had a great room rate of $79/night for a king suite with a kitchen and living area... Which also included a free, made-to-order breakfast each morning and a free shuttle within a 3 mile radius... It was fantastic! Breakfast was amazing and the shuttle was super convenient. I would definitely recommend anyone staying there if they ever make it to Wichita. ::yes::

Matt didn't play in Friday night's game - which a sort-of a bummer for us... but he was able to visit with us during the game for a little while - so that was nice. Sadly - Matt's team lost Friday night. It was VERY awkward for us to be in the crowd with the opposing team's jersey on... As I am sure you can imagine... Not many people make the trip from Alaska. In the crowd on Friday night - there were exactly 3 of us cheering on the Aces - our only ally was across the arena... It was pretty quiet.

We did get a great picture with Matt though...


On Saturday, Josh and I got up... Enjoyed our amazing FREE made-to-order breakfast of omelettes and Belguin waffles... Then we decided to explore the Old Town area of Wichita... We ended up at a little museum...


It was a neat museum and something I tend to get into... I love learning about local history and things like that. However - this museum is more of a broad history museum, which spans from B.C. to modern times - and world wide... Not really the local history I get into - but it was still fun...

The had a little spot dedicated to Jesse James... I know a lot of history around the capture of the gang, considering that it happened nearby in Northfield, MN... So, it was kind of fun to see some of the other part of the spectrum of the gang and the family, since they were originally from that area...


And to keep this post on a Disney topic... These two beauties were displayed in the museum...


But perhaps, the most interesting and coincidental display in the museum was that of the Berlin Wall... See - it just so happens, while Josh and I were having our first get-away in years... Around the world, Brian and Myrthe were also having their first get-away in years... As we were driving to Kansas, Brian and Myrthe were flying to Berlin. :lovestruc So, as Josh and I were walking through the museum and we stumbled upon a piece of the Berlin wall, I took a picture of Josh and sent it to Myrthe... About 10 minutes later, Myrthe responded back with a picture of Brian standing next to the Berlin wall... Two brothers, a world apart, at the same moment on the same day... Just a cool coincidence...



We finished up at the museum a little before lunch... I decided that I needed to search out Starbucks - as I wanted a "you are here" mug from Kansas... After finally finding a Starbucks - I was sadly disappointed to find out that they don't even make one for Kansas, and the closest thing I could get was a Starbucks ornament with KS on it...


We were able to connect with Matt at this point - so we picked him up from his hotel and we all went out for a nice lunch. It was fun to visit with him and catch up. He was on the list to play that night, so we didn't stay to eat long, as we all wanted to nap and rest up for the game... We were very excited to see him play again.

We arrived at the arena to lines going out to the street - a huge difference from the night before... Personally - I wasn't looking forward to being only 1 of 3 cheering on the opposing team in a packed arena... I hiked up my big girl panties and went in. We found our seats - in the same area we were in the night before... Many of the opposing team's crowd recognized us from the night before and I must say, Wichita is a very welcoming community - we were welcomed and thanked for attending the game on several occasions on both nights - which was very nice. I am not sure if it was because we traveled so far to cheer them on? I do know that I a few of them were a little disappointed that we had only come from MN, vs. Alaska - LOL...

Saturday's game was much better - we won a shut-out game 5-0... Matt was on the ice for 4 of the 5 goals, which was awesome! A really fun game and a really fun night! It was awesome to be able to see Matt play again and at this level. (This photo is NOT from Saturday's game...)


Sunday morning - we checked out of the hotel... Had our made-to-order breakfast and we were on the road headed towards home at 9:45... We made a stop for lunch in Kansas City, and met my cousin Jessi there... It was nice to see her again - I saw her briefly at the wedding last weekend, but we didn't get a chance to visit - so it was nice to meet her near her home and have a quick lunch together. We were on the road again an hour later... Making several stops along the way. What took us under 10 hours on the way there, took us almost 12 to get home... But we made it safely, both directions, with no issues either way. I am always so grateful for safe and uneventful trips! :lovestruc

The girls were happy to see us, the dogs were happy to see us and we were happy to be home. We went straight to bed, and here we are.

Today - I will be working out right away, as usual. I didn't have a terrible eating weekend... Well, actually - I did... I tried to off set the high calorie meals with only 2 meals per day rather than 3... So, I don't feel too terrible.

Then I will be working upstairs all day - I have a lot to get done this week with only a few days to work with the holiday in there - so I need to stay on top of things. :lovestruc

I was hoping for a TR update today - but I don't think that will happen, as this took me so long to write... Sorry about that. Plan for tomorrow though. ::yes::

I hope you all had a nice weekend! Sending prayers and pixie dust out to all of you!!! :lovestruc

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We left as soon as V boarded the bus for school on Friday morning - barely escaping the blizzard/winter storm that was about to pound MN... We drove for 10 hours, through Iowa, Missouri and part of Kansas - arriving in Wichita about 3 hours before the puck dropped. Which gave us just enough time to check into our resort and find dinner.

We stayed at Water Walk Hotel - we had a great room rate of $79/night for a king suite with a kitchen and living area... Which also included a free, made-to-order breakfast each morning and a free shuttle within a 3 mile radius.
Sounds like you had a fun! Glad boht drives were uneventful even if long.
But perhaps, the most interesting and coincidental display in the museum was that of the Berlin Wall... See - it just so happens, while Josh and I were having our first get-away in years... Around the world, Brian and Myrthe were also having their first get-away in years... As we were driving to Kansas, Brian and Myrthe were flying to Berlin. :lovestruc So, as Josh and I were walking through the museum and we stumbled upon a piece of the Berlin wall, I took a picture of Josh and sent it to Myrthe... About 10 minutes later, Myrthe responded back with a picture of Brian standing next to the Berlin wall... Two brothers, a world apart, at the same moment on the same day... Just a cool coincidence...
That is so cool.
Saturday's game was much better - we won a shut-out game 5-0... Matt was on the ice for 4 of the 5 goals, which was awesome! A really fun game and a really fun night! It was awesome to be able to see Matt play again and at this level.
Glad you had fun at both games. Does Matt get a lot of playing time? What position does he play?

Today - I will be working out right away, as usual. I didn't have a terrible eating weekend... Well, actually - I did... I tried to off set the high calorie meals with only 2 meals per day rather than 3... So, I don't feel too terrible.
Glad I'm not the only one who does that.

I had a horrible eating day yesterday. DH joked that we ate one meal since we started the day with a leftover cupcake from my nephew's first birthday party. We went out for lunch. Then had ice cream sundaes for dinner.
I'm hoping it warms up this afternoon so we can go for a run.
So glad you had a fun getaway and that you missed the storm on your departure day. We are fans of any Alaska team, so I'm happy to hear that the Aces won the second game. Yea! And I'm glad they had a few fans in the stands.

I also enjoy exploring local history when we travel. Love that you found Mickey and Minnie dolls!

How incredibly neat that Josh and his brother both were visiting portions of the Berlin Wall on the same day, an ocean away. So neat!

I'm glad you made it home safely.

Our company arrived this weekend and it's a bit insane at our house...my sister, her husband, their three daughters and their dog (last minute addition -- she was supposed to stay with one of our other sisters this week...)....and my parents...and a friend's dog (we trade off dogsitting but she never confirmed that they needed us this week so I thought it wasn't going to happen...until she texted on Saturday to see what time we wanted them to bring the dog over). So it's a bit crazy at our house with seven adults (I count Brie in that), three children ages 10, 9, and 4, three miniature dachshunds (including a male who marks everything...ugh, and a cranky old lady dachshund) and our larger dog. It's a madhouse and poor Brie is going crazy with all of the noise. We're used to a much quieter house, LOL. So I've been finding errands and things for her to do to get her out of the house for a break. She has school today and tomorrow so that will help. Wednesday will be a big cooking day and then Thanksgiving on Thursday with even more people coming. I think I'm insane....LOL....

Have a wonderful day!


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