We Ate, We Drank, We Conquered - An Aug/Sep '16 Dining Report - Complete 3/11

Flying Fish looks absolutely delicious. Also love the fish scales detail on the cutlery.

My, my, you really scored with that $25 dessert party! Very nice. And those special Mickey glasses are pretty cool. Plus a private ride on the new Soarin? Fantastic! Can't wait till I get to experience it in Disneyland next year.
Wow the revamp of FF looks great. I love the details in the silverware. Your entree choices are were very unique and the presentation was awesome! I would have been all over that dessert party for that price. Looks like you guys had a great evening.
I have to agree with you about the nori. It doesn't seem like the right addition to a sour dough bread. It actually sounds like an experiment gone wrong. :sad2:

Jason's entree looks delicious. I would have ordered this, too.

How do you think Flying Fish stacks up against Narcoossee? We ate at Narcoossee for the first time last month we were not super impressed. First of all we like our signature dining to be a little quieter and more relaxing. This restaurant either had bad acoustics or noisy people or both. We had the Artisan Romaine salad, which was delicious, but the entrees were just okay. DH had the filet which wasn't amazing. But we are pretty spoiled with good beef here in the Midwest. So are standards are high. The almond encrusted cheesecake was amazing and the highlight of the meal along with the pressed pot of coffee. :lovestruc We might be hitting up the bar area for dessert on night when we are there in December.
what did you have for your entree? Or did you both have the same? I have it on my list (a noisier restaurant is better with kids ;) ) and am planning to get the lobster. Even though I live in New England, it is still quite an indulgence to have a nice, plated lobster meal... even just getting one from a seafood takeout joint is not super cheap and then I have to deal with cracking it and dishes etc. So I'm looking forward to the treat. I figure if they get them in live from maine it's no different than here at home :) I am not much of a steak snob though!
Great review on Flying Fish! I'm glad I read it and will probably pick the bass now! Lol! Looks amazing! The pasta was going to be my choice but you've convinced me :)
what did you have for your entree? Or did you both have the same? I have it on my list (a noisier restaurant is better with kids ;) ) and am planning to get the lobster. Even though I live in New England, it is still quite an indulgence to have a nice, plated lobster meal... even just getting one from a seafood takeout joint is not super cheap and then I have to deal with cracking it and dishes etc. So I'm looking forward to the treat. I figure if they get them in live from maine it's no different than here at home :) I am not much of a steak snob though!
I had the shrimp and pasta dish. I've heard that the lobster is very good. The view from the restaurant was fabulous. We saw the Star Wars fireworks from our table. :)
I had the shrimp and pasta dish. I've heard that the lobster is very good. The view from the restaurant was fabulous. We saw the Star Wars fireworks from our table. :)
oh ha interesting! We have an early dinner (5:35) but will probably be there when the fireworks go off at 6:45 as we are doing dxddp and have an appetizer course. Where did you sit in the restaurant to have that view?

Flying fish seems by far the more innovative, interesting and sophisticated choice. Given that my child is pretty picky and more of the entrees sound good to him there (4 things vs. 2 if I take out the absolute last resort of mickey pasta with butter instead of sauce from both) and better sides to swap at Narcoossees vs. flying fish, Narcoossees seems a better choice. but man the FF reviews get me going. Someday when he is older :) of if I ever go by myself!
oh ha interesting! We have an early dinner (5:35) but will probably be there when the fireworks go off at 6:45 as we are doing dxddp and have an appetizer course. Where did you sit in the restaurant to have that view?

Flying fish seems by far the more innovative, interesting and sophisticated choice. Given that my child is pretty picky and more of the entrees sound good to him there (4 things vs. 2 if I take out the absolute last resort of mickey pasta with butter instead of sauce from both) and better sides to swap at Narcoossees vs. flying fish, Narcoossees seems a better choice. but man the FF reviews get me going. Someday when he is older :) of if I ever go by myself!
Our table was on the right as you walked into the restaurant. We looked toward the Contemporary and the fireworks seemed to be above the Wilderness Lodge.
Hurray for Flying Fishes! So glad to hear that everything is still up to par. We have a reservation for the Monday after the Darkside Half in April. I figured it would be a nice to celebrate the race!
Wow, Flying Fish looks awesome!! I totally would have ordered either of your entrees, but I'm a sucker for rock shrimp so glad to hear Jason's was as good as it looked. I'm not sure how I feel about seaweed in my bread, but you're right, slather enough of that delicious sea salt butter on it and it doesn't sound too bad!

That dessert party looks like so much fun! And Soarin' after.. wow! Sounds awesome.
Go Dillon!!!!!!!!! And if it makes you feel better Casey is asking for a Pop Tart :-) She eats great, but still loves the crap. But who doesn't :confused3

crap is a food group! You still need to indulge!

Ltt - I really want to try this next trip, when ever that may be. But it always does look yummy!

Flying fish - I love this restaurant can't wait to give it another try sometime soon. Your meal looks yummy

Desert party - haven't done one either but they do look fun and that price can not be beat!
The price you got for the dessert party was great, especially with alcohol included. Those Mickey glasses are so cool, I got a pair back in 08 on my training trip - be sure to look at your Christmas tree with them on :goodvibes
Your Flying Fish food looks incredible. Is that the very same Pork Belly "butter" that Corey raved about during the DIS Team's FF video? Looks like a must try. ps that table though is just so wrong. Why a table would be parked on top of the fire alarm and nearly on what looks like the fire exit door is just a big no. Management should be giving itself a good old head shake. Sigh. At least you could console yourself with that excellent bottle of vino. :drinking:
I'm so happy you loved Flying Fish! But yes, you did get shafted on the table! I was never there before its refurb so I didn't have anything to compare it to, but we thought it was amazing. I really liked the decor also.

I had considered the pork belly app also but ended up getting the tuna and it was fabulous.

I'll have to try that wine, it sounds amazing. I had a grapefruit and lychee martini and I could have had 6 they were that good!
I love the picture of Casey by the fire alarm :rotfl2: Seriously though! Who thought putting it within reach of any child seated there was a good idea??? Otherwise the restaurant looks very nice, although having never been in the "old" one I can't compare.
I didn't know your dessert party was $25, what a deal! Looks like a nice spread. Makes me excited about my upcoming JBJB dessert party, even though it's not $25 :santa:
I love the picture of Casey by the fire alarm :rotfl2: Seriously though! Who thought putting it within reach of any child seated there was a good idea??? Otherwise the restaurant looks very nice, although having never been in the "old" one I can't compare.
I didn't know your dessert party was $25, what a deal! Looks like a nice spread. Makes me excited about my upcoming JBJB dessert party, even though it's not $25 :santa:

will you please review the JBJB dessert party? I am going on 12/3, would love to know what to expect! and I like your reviews!
will you please review the JBJB dessert party? I am going on 12/3, would love to know what to expect! and I like your reviews!
Oh, thank you :) Yes I most certainly will. I'm going to do a dining report for our trip but since so many people will be going to the party between us returning and the time I'd get to it in my DR, I'll do the review in a separate post :thumbsup2
Your reports are always so enjoyable and, after reading an earlier report a while back, I went back to read all of your old ones! I love that you all will vary what you order and give us a wider snapshot of what's on the menus.
That app looks APPsolutely wonderful. I would really like to try that. I'm glad to hear the quality and attention to detail is still in tact and we'll have to fit Flying Fish in on another trip. I've heard you rave about that wine before, it sounds very refreshing. Casey as always is just too cute!
It APPsolutely was (totally gotta steal that one). The wine is delicious (says the girl who may or may not be drinking a glass of Gruener as I type)

I have to agree with you about the nori. It doesn't seem like the right addition to a sour dough bread. It actually sounds like an experiment gone wrong. :sad2:
I didn't even realize it was sour dough they added it to. I give them credit for trying something different but IMO it just didn't work

How do you think Flying Fish stacks up against Narcoossee? We ate at Narcoossee for the first time last month we were not super impressed. First of all we like our signature dining to be a little quieter and more relaxing. This restaurant either had bad acoustics or noisy people or both. We had the Artisan Romaine salad, which was delicious, but the entrees were just okay. DH had the filet which wasn't amazing. But we are pretty spoiled with good beef here in the Midwest. So are standards are high. The almond encrusted cheesecake was amazing and the highlight of the meal along with the pressed pot of coffee. :lovestruc We might be hitting up the bar area for dessert on night when we are there in December.
Wow, that is a tough one for me. I think I'd have to give it to Flying Fish but just my a hair. Their food is pretty similar in quality to me, but what I don't like about Narcoossee's is that their menu just doesn't turn over very much and their wine list is pretty bad. Narcoossee's does win the dessert award, but agree the ambiance lacks lacks. All things considered Flying Fish to me is a more complete package.

I would have gone to a dessert party for $25 if it included the booze, too. That sounds wonderful.

Did you know that you would be going to Soarin' ahead of time? That was a nice addition to the evening's event. I like the new Soarin' more than the original, too. :)
It was wonderful and I didn't even know there would be booze. So totally score. We knew there was a "surprise" at the end but didn't know what it was. This was the first time we got to ride Soarin so with a mostly empty ride it was pretty darn cool.

Chilean sea bass is one of my all time favorite foods! I think I could even soldier through the octopus just for that dish. I find Illuminations a little boring, but those glasses look so cool. You should have just ordered a pizza from Via Napoli and eaten that as your desert ;) I've never done Soarin' because I'm too impatient to wait in any line over 30 minutes, but everyone raves about the new version so I'll have to put it on my list for our upcoming trip!
I'm a huge sea bass fan too, though I've noticed its not on the menu as much as it used to be. Guess the price has gone up. Have you ever tried octopus? It's very good, pretty similar to squid in flavor and texture if you've had those.

Yeah, I'm with ya on illuminations. It's generally not my favorite but booze and mickey glasses can make up for that.

You'll definitely have to try Soarin and with the new theater the lines aren't quite as long anymore. We did it one day without a fast pass and only about a 15 minute wait. You just have to time it right.

Your meal at Flying Fish looks very delicious, maybe someday I will be able to enjoy a fancy dinner at Disney lol! Sorry you all had an odd back table! I thought the dessert party was good for the money as well. I am with you, I have never had an interest in them because of the cost, so this was very nice for the price. The magical moment of riding Soarin after the park closed was great. Andi loved the Mickey bars, of course! Again, so nice meeting you and your family, it is always fun to meet Disney loving people, and oh yeah people who love eating!
It was definitely a pleasure meeting you both! Thanks again for tipping me off to the dessert party. Definitely a highlight for us.

Looks like you had a great meal at Flying Fish as well! The pork belly is delicious! Your entrees look good as well but yeah - I feel you on your opinions on squid ink pasta!

Cute dessert party you were able to go to for a reasonable price. I'm sure you got your $25 worth of champagne + some ;)
Yes that pork belly was definitely delicious. We tried another one later in the week at The Wave that was quite good too, but didn't have the refinement that FF did.

Yeah, the dessert party was a good time. I don't think Jason and Casey got their money's worth, but champagne and I sure did :drinking1

$25 for unlimited champagne?!?! Sign me up! The dessert would be a bonus.
Yeah they should have billed it as a champagne party cause that is certainly all I cared about. Though I'm not quite sure if the champagne was unlimited or if they had extra and the lush that I am just kept asking for more :-)

Ohhh, I know all about this. Sadly, I didn't know until I opened the menu. What a mess!
Oh no, you didn't know until you got there. That sucks!!!!! You'd think a menu change so drastic would have at least warranted an email to let you know.

Ya'll are hilarious!
To be clear, Jason and Casey are pretty hilarious. I'm just the sarcastic one with the camera.

Oh, on my recent trip, I got the bad table to end all bad tables... But it was towards the end of my trip, so it will be a while yet before that story surfaces in my trip report!
Yikies. After our fire alarm seat I can't fathom a worse one. Gonna keep my eyes out for that one.

Hi!! I've been on here more recently since I started planning this trip but between my 12 hour work shifts and my kids' after school activities, I don't last too long before I'm ready to pass out and go to bed!
You and me both. Weekends before the rest of the crew get up are about the only time I have. Or of course holidays like today. :-)

Then, we will move to the family suite on the 7th and flying out on the 11th. Just realized we have the exact same dates! I hear you on resort changes- this started out as a mother/daughter trip but has turned into a family vacation so I changed us from POFQ to the family suite, but I am mourning not staying at a deluxe and have been thisclose to switching us to a WL BB room or the Poly, but I just can't give up that extra bedroom and bathroom with a teen and tween!
Yeah with your crew I'm sure the family suite would come in handy. We did suites our first few trips with Casey just so we had an extra bedroom for her when she still napped and went to bed early. It would still be nice, but my wallet couldn't sustain it ; )

Glad to see our trips are colliding. We'll have to compare plans when we get closer (and I of course actually make plans, which I have none of besides the hotel so far)

And the kicker to this whole trip is since we are getting our tickets through the dance package deal, we won't be able to make any fast passes until we actually arrive at the resort and check in!!:scared1: :faint:
That is crazy!!!! Wonder why they do it that way.

How bizarre. It really looks like a corner that was never intended for a table, but someone said, oh, just stick a table there, it'll be fine.
Gotta squeeze as many dollar bills as you can in there :-)

I've never been sure about these dessert parties (especially at full price), but I admit to having a sweet tooth. I could probably get my moneys worth if I ate lightly that day.
This was probably the only one we'll ever do. I've considered the star wars one a few times, largely for the good location. But while I could justify the price for Jason and I as we'd just drink our money's worth, no chance $50 for a kid who'd eat a cupcake could be justified in my brain.

Very cool. I read about these somewhere, but couldn't picture what they did. Good to see you had pictures of the Mickeys.
Yeah, I annoyed Jason because I was taking the pics with a flash on but I thought it was cool to see.

Ugh! Can't believe I'm over two weeks and six pages late to this party! :crazy2: Oh well, better late than never amirite?!

SO JEALOUS! I am staying at the Poly for the first time (woo hoo!) in a DVC studio in March for a long weekend with a friend so I will be taking notes on how to maximize the fun (and bevs)
You'll be shocked to know we didn't do too much Poly drinking, but got plenty in other ways!!!!!!

Is there any other way for you? :cloud9:
Nope!!!! Unplanned is my middle name

Still my favorite story about my favorite attraction, and yes, I call it the Pooper at least in my head now too!
Eventually I think I can amass enough people to call it the pooper and they will have to just change the name to the tomorrow land transit authority pooper!

So stinkin cute. Did Jason take these? The photos look great and very professional.
Thanks. She is definitely too stink in' cute (and why you didn't know this the poor kids nickname is stinky too). Jason did take them. He's a great photographer, just hasn't been as in to it the last few years. Especially at Disney, he takes his good camera every year and then leaves it in the room cause he just doesn't want to lug it around.

:teacher: I love Kari's sommelier school. Definitely learning a lot about wine from your TRs!
I love that Melinda is my first student!!! Speaking of which, we hit up a local winery today and I got to try two new grapes I hadn't had before. The one I really liked was a Tannat which is apparently a lesser known French varietal. It was really spicy and had a lot of tannins which I love. Speaking of loving wine, when are you headed to Sonoma?
Flying Fish looks absolutely delicious. Also love the fish scales detail on the cutlery.

My, my, you really scored with that $25 dessert party! Very nice. And those special Mickey glasses are pretty cool. Plus a private ride on the new Soarin? Fantastic! Can't wait till I get to experience it in Disneyland next year.
Was Soarin' still not open on your last trip? How cool you get to do Disneyland next year. It's on our short list for a potential September vacation (its our 10 year anniversary). But I think Jason is gonna push for something non-Disney. Though I keep reminding him we stopped there on our honeymoon so we could just recreate it ; )

Wow the revamp of FF looks great. I love the details in the silverware. Your entree choices are were very unique and the presentation was awesome! I would have been all over that dessert party for that price. Looks like you guys had a great evening.
Yeah, FF was pretty incredible. Think we'll likely try it again next trip to see how it stacks up.

what did you have for your entree? Or did you both have the same? I have it on my list (a noisier restaurant is better with kids ;) ) and am planning to get the lobster. Even though I live in New England, it is still quite an indulgence to have a nice, plated lobster meal... even just getting one from a seafood takeout joint is not super cheap and then I have to deal with cracking it and dishes etc. So I'm looking forward to the treat. I figure if they get them in live from maine it's no different than here at home :) I am not much of a steak snob though!
We've never done the lobster at Narcoossee's but the lobster mac and cheese is pretty darn incredible. Best on property IMO. Like Sue we've also had the shrimp pasta dish and it is down right decadent and delicious. Their scallops dish is also the best I've ever had!

Great review on Flying Fish! I'm glad I read it and will probably pick the bass now! Lol! Looks amazing! The pasta was going to be my choice but you've convinced me :)
Yeah, Jason definitely picked the winner. The pasta was good, but nowhere near worth the price tag. If you want seafood pasta, the scallops or shrimp dishes at Narcoossee's blew this one out of the water.

Hurray for Flying Fishes! So glad to hear that everything is still up to par. We have a reservation for the Monday after the Darkside Half in April. I figured it would be a nice to celebrate the race!
Sounds like a perfection celebration. Hope you enjoy the race. Jason and Casey aren't going to do it next year, so we'll have to race and eat vicariously through you.

Wow, Flying Fish looks awesome!! I totally would have ordered either of your entrees, but I'm a sucker for rock shrimp so glad to hear Jason's was as good as it looked. I'm not sure how I feel about seaweed in my bread, but you're right, slather enough of that delicious sea salt butter on it and it doesn't sound too bad!

That dessert party looks like so much fun! And Soarin' after.. wow! Sounds awesome.
I saw online they replaced the rock shrimp with key west shrimp, but they are great too. Just a little sweeter IMO.

crap is a food group! You still need to indulge!
Yes, crap is a food group. I'll have to remember that when I make bad menu choices when we go out to dinner later tonight ; )

The price you got for the dessert party was great, especially with alcohol included. Those Mickey glasses are so cool, I got a pair back in 08 on my training trip - be sure to look at your Christmas tree with them on :goodvibes
Yeah, the alcohol was a nice surprise. I'd asked before we decided to go and they said no alcohol, but a cash bar would be available. Turned out no cash bar, but free champagne. Worked for me!!!!

Love the Christmas tree idea with the glasses. Casey will love that!

Your Flying Fish food looks incredible. Is that the very same Pork Belly "butter" that Corey raved about during the DIS Team's FF video? Looks like a must try. ps that table though is just so wrong. Why a table would be parked on top of the fire alarm and nearly on what looks like the fire exit door is just a big no. Management should be giving itself a good old head shake. Sigh. At least you could console yourself with that excellent bottle of vino. :drinking:
I didn't see their FF video but heard some snipets on the podcast that they loved the meal. I don't think the menu has changed much since they reopened so it's probably the same.

Yeah, the table still has me perplexed. Why no one has gotten rid of it is beyond me. But yes, wine was a nice consolation prize. As was our amazing server!

I'm so happy you loved Flying Fish! But yes, you did get shafted on the table! I was never there before its refurb so I didn't have anything to compare it to, but we thought it was amazing. I really liked the decor also.

I had considered the pork belly app also but ended up getting the tuna and it was fabulous.

I'll have to try that wine, it sounds amazing. I had a grapefruit and lychee martini and I could have had 6 they were that good!
It is definitely gorgeous. Jason actually liked it before better, said it had more whimsy to it. But I preferred the redo.

Yeah I was pulling for the tuna, but let my man have some meat. Seafood is almost always my go to, but its like #3 on his list so I acquiesce to the carnivore side every one in a while.

Was the grapefruit and lychee martini at flying fish??? That sounds awesome. I had a grapefruit mixed drink at Tiffins that was awesome too. Must be the in disney mixer.
I love the picture of Casey by the fire alarm :rotfl2: Seriously though! Who thought putting it within reach of any child seated there was a good idea??? Otherwise the restaurant looks very nice, although having never been in the "old" one I can't compare.
I didn't know your dessert party was $25, what a deal! Looks like a nice spread. Makes me excited about my upcoming JBJB dessert party, even though it's not $25 :santa:
Yeah, Casey is quite the jokester (egged on my her father of course who just couldn't get over the table). I on the other hand was too transfixed my food and wine that after a bit I just didn't care.

I'm sure your dessert party will be even better. You and Steve better drink lots for me!!! The food here was nothing to write home about, but we couldn't beat the price.

Your reports are always so enjoyable and, after reading an earlier report a while back, I went back to read all of your old ones! I love that you all will vary what you order and give us a wider snapshot of what's on the menus.
Wow, thank you so much that is very kind of you to say. Yeah, we definitely mix it up at most places. There are a few (like Via Napoli) where I just can't stray but at most of the places I'm also up for working my way through the menu.
Was Soarin' still not open on your last trip? How cool you get to do Disneyland next year.

I was there in May and Soarin didn't re-open til June. I never rode the original either. Was so disappointed since I'm not planning another WDW for a few years. But now since I'm going to DL next year it's all good.

My DL trip is actually the ABD Behind the Magic SoCal/DL. Pricey I know especially for a solo, but I found dates on my bday next year so decided it was worth the celebratory splurge

It's on our short list for a potential September vacation (its our 10 year anniversary). But I think Jason is gonna push for something non-Disney. Though I keep reminding him we stopped there on our honeymoon so we could just recreate it ; )

Your logic makes perfect sense to me


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