Last Chance for a Summer Vacation Experience- August 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

I need to step away from weight loss goals and focus on behaviour for number of reasons
1st - If I keep doing the right things the results will come
2nd - I had number of chats with trainers in work and in the gym and I am more clear on what I need to cut and add to get where I want
3rd - I am so near the goal, the weight loss is slow and it doesn't show equally. As effort in one or two weeks can show on 3rd week. If I worry too much about weight instead of behaviour I know I will get frustrated and that's just silly as I am so much happier with how I live, feel and look now than 10kg before!

So while no weight loss (well there is tiny little bit) for me this month it has been important step forward. I didn't overeat. I kept active. I ate plenty vegetables, fruit. I was disappointed but didn't let the disappointment lead to going overboard either way - making it too hard to be sustainable for short term goals or giving up. I noticed when things aren't going the way I want to. I had a good think about it and changed the plan to get me move towards my goal. Which is living happy and healthy at the core, it's not a number or a look.

Even the month I was in Spain for week and half was easier

Changing to behaviour goal is simple switch, and it will immediately make me feel happier and easy to keep the good habits. With that said I will leave the weight loss forums for little while, maybe a month

The reality is while goals are great, if I want to keep it happy and sustainable I have to be willing to accept that the my best weight maybe not what I think or it may take longer to adjust. Posting this quoate again more for me than anyone else!

Thanks for the wonderful support by all, the host and the participants.

"Best weight” is a non-statistical goal that is easy to set and easy to explain to patients. Patients can diet themselves down to any weight they put their minds to, but to maintain that weight, they need to actually enjoy the lifestyle that got them there.

A patient’s best weight is therefore whatever weight they achieve while living the healthiest lifestyle they can truly enjoy. There comes a point when a person cannot eat less or exercise more and still their life. The weight they attain while still liking their life is thus their “best” weight, as without the addition of pharmacotherapy or a surgical intervention, no further weight loss will be possible.

We need to remember that in modern society, eating is not simply about survival. We use food for comfort and for celebration and, with the exception of religious prohibitions, there should be no forbidden foods. If your patient cannot use food to comfort or celebrate, or if they consider certain foods “forbidden,” then they are likely on a diet, and unfortunately diets are known to fail over 95% of the time. For sustainable weight management, a patient should be consuming the smallest number of calories that still allows them to enjoy each day. Some days will simply warrant more calories, such as birthdays, anniversaries, religious holidays, and days when injuries, illness or fights with loved ones occur. Simply put, ice-cream and cookies and their cultural and ethnic equivalents are vital parts of a rich life experience.

With exercise, a patient should be encouraged to be as physically active as possible and include as much additional exercise as they can enjoy each day. Some days obviously will allow for more activity than others, but there is a maximum, above which the patient would run out of time or energy, hurt themselves or come to hate exercise. That is when they quit. Eating less and exercising more within the context of a life the patient does not enjoy is the very definition of a diet, which is why diets almost always fail over the long-term. If a patient does not enjoy the way they are living while they are losing weight, they will almost certainly revert to “normal” practices and gain the weight back.
I need to step away from weight loss goals and focus on behaviour for number of reasons
1st - If I keep doing the right things the results will come
2nd - I had number of chats with trainers in work and in the gym and I am more clear on what I need to cut and add to get where I want
3rd - I am so near the goal, the weight loss is slow and it doesn't show equally. As effort in one or two weeks can show on 3rd week. If I worry too much about weight instead of behaviour I know I will get frustrated and that's just silly as I am so much happier with how I live, feel and look now than 10kg before!

So while no weight loss (well there is tiny little bit) for me this month it has been important step forward. I didn't overeat. I kept active. I ate plenty vegetables, fruit. I was disappointed but didn't let the disappointment lead to going overboard either way - making it too hard to be sustainable for short term goals or giving up. I noticed when things aren't going the way I want to. I had a good think about it and changed the plan to get me move towards my goal. Which is living happy and healthy at the core, it's not a number or a look.

Even the month I was in Spain for week and half was easier

Changing to behaviour goal is simple switch, and it will immediately make me feel happier and easy to keep the good habits. With that said I will leave the weight loss forums for little while, maybe a month

The reality is while goals are great, if I want to keep it happy and sustainable I have to be willing to accept that the my best weight maybe not what I think or it may take longer to adjust. Posting this quoate again more for me than anyone else!

Thanks for the wonderful support by all, the host and the participants.

We will miss you, but I understand you very well! You need to do what makes you happy the most! We would love to cheer you on and support you for your non weight loss goals as well, but I can see that an environment where most talk about pounds is not the right one for you if you are trying to get rid of that mentality! I am always inspired by the wonderful success you had during your last weeks, you have come a long way! Good luck with getting into a more maintenance frame of mind. And I hope we will see you pop in to let us know that you are doing great in the future!
So, I think it is time for me to come back here more regularly again!! I finally am back out there running! I got my inserts fitted and bought new shoes. Very nice light blue shoes. They are from Saucony and are a special shoe for the German market and it is called München (the German name of Munich). I am quite amused by this. I went out for a run this morning, only 3km, but it felt soooo good!! Now back to regular training! I also need to get better at keeping up my PT exercises for my foot to prevent it from getting bad again...

Weight is ok, I have not lost anything, but also have not gained. I am back to being just below a BMI of 25. I knew the summer would be hard, it always is hard for me. But I am happy that I managed to maintain without a lot of effort and far too many treats! I will make sure to make September and October count though. Historically these two months always were great weight loss months for me! This morning I reset all my weight loss apps with new goals. I have one for a short term goal until my vacation in November and then a long term one for my end goal. Looking forward to see progress on both! That should give me a lot of incentive to really step on the scale daily again, which I find is vital for me to watch what I am eating during the day.
Hello all I have had a busy few days ... I will post photos of my woohoo Wednesday - we have had a taste of Hollywood here in Brisbane this week - we decided to have a look on Wednesday and we were rewarded with a big woohoo ... see pics below

Thor 1.jpg Meeting the Disneyland Thor 2 years ago and .......

Thor 2.jpg Thor 3.jpg

Thor himself Chris Hemsworth in person on Wednesday after a long day of shooting for the new Thor film!!!!!!! First photo is DS no 2 with him and me videoing on the other phone behind him with DS no. 1 next to me (I had no idea I was in he shot!). then DD got a slightly blurry but still happy she got one snap! Oh and he held my phone to take the photo himself :love::love::love::love:. DS15 made it on the news being interviewed while we were waiting also ... he was a celebrity at school today haha.
Hello all I have had a busy few days ... I will post photos of my woohoo Wednesday - we have had a taste of Hollywood here in Brisbane this week - we decided to have a look on Wednesday and we were rewarded with a big woohoo ... see pics below

View attachment 189748 Meeting the Disneyland Thor 2 years ago and .......

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Thor himself Chris Hemsworth in person on Wednesday after a long day of shooting for the new Thor film!!!!!!! First photo is DS no 2 with him and me videoing on the other phone behind him with DS no. 1 next to me (I had no idea I was in he shot!). then DD got a slightly blurry but still happy she got one snap! Oh and he held my phone to take the photo himself :love::love::love::love:. DS15 made it on the news being interviewed while we were waiting also ... he was a celebrity at school today haha.

That is so cool. My dh and sons love those kinds of movies and they would be impressed. DS1 has been Thor for a couple of Halloween parties.
So, I think it is time for me to come back here more regularly again!! I finally am back out there running! I got my inserts fitted and bought new shoes. Very nice light blue shoes. They are from Saucony and are a special shoe for the German market and it is called München (the German name of Munich). I am quite amused by this. I went out for a run this morning, only 3km, but it felt soooo good!! Now back to regular training! I also need to get better at keeping up my PT exercises for my foot to prevent it from getting bad again...

Weight is ok, I have not lost anything, but also have not gained. I am back to being just below a BMI of 25. I knew the summer would be hard, it always is hard for me. But I am happy that I managed to maintain without a lot of effort and far too many treats! I will make sure to make September and October count though. Historically these two months always were great weight loss months for me! This morning I reset all my weight loss apps with new goals. I have one for a short term goal until my vacation in November and then a long term one for my end goal. Looking forward to see progress on both! That should give me a lot of incentive to really step on the scale daily again, which I find is vital for me to watch what I am eating during the day.

Glad to see you back.

I need to step away from weight loss goals and focus on behaviour for number of reasons
1st - If I keep doing the right things the results will come
2nd - I had number of chats with trainers in work and in the gym and I am more clear on what I need to cut and add to get where I want
3rd - I am so near the goal, the weight loss is slow and it doesn't show equally. As effort in one or two weeks can show on 3rd week. If I worry too much about weight instead of behaviour I know I will get frustrated and that's just silly as I am so much happier with how I live, feel and look now than 10kg before!

So while no weight loss (well there is tiny little bit) for me this month it has been important step forward. I didn't overeat. I kept active. I ate plenty vegetables, fruit. I was disappointed but didn't let the disappointment lead to going overboard either way - making it too hard to be sustainable for short term goals or giving up. I noticed when things aren't going the way I want to. I had a good think about it and changed the plan to get me move towards my goal. Which is living happy and healthy at the core, it's not a number or a look.

Even the month I was in Spain for week and half was easier

Changing to behaviour goal is simple switch, and it will immediately make me feel happier and easy to keep the good habits. With that said I will leave the weight loss forums for little while, maybe a month

The reality is while goals are great, if I want to keep it happy and sustainable I have to be willing to accept that the my best weight maybe not what I think or it may take longer to adjust. Posting this quoate again more for me than anyone else!

Thanks for the wonderful support by all, the host and the participants.

Please remember that you are always welcome here. I have given up several times but have always come back for the support this gives.

I do have to say since I have not worried too much about how much weight I have to lose but concentrated on healthy habits I too am happier and I have lost some weight very slowly but I think in a better way.
Good Thursday Morning everyone

We are off to take a trip to Animal Kingdom to see some animals.
I love all there is to do at Animal Kingdom but my favorite is to ride the safari and walk the trails

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The tigers always amaze me with their strength

But my favorite trail is the one by the safari
I love to watch the gorillas and the meerkats

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It is always fascinating to hear the cast members talk about their diet.
It is mind boggling when you think about how many different diets they deal with on a daily basis.

Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

Here is a great article that talks about what you should ask yourself before you start a diet.
The questions are very thoughtful and helpful when you are thinking about a lifestyle change.

Have a happy and healthy day

Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

Here is a great article that talks about what you should ask yourself before you start a diet.
The questions are very thoughtful and helpful when you are thinking about a lifestyle change.

Have a happy and healthy day

I don't really do a "diet", because most of them aren't sustainable for me over a long period of time. I just track my calories and make sure I don't go over a certain amount per day. I might bump it up a little if it's a running day, and if I want to eat something that has more calories than most meals, I know I'm going to have to make up for it on my other meals. For me, it's something I can do over the long haul and it still allows me to eat just about anything I want in moderation.

I have tried doing the same thing before with minor success, but this time it has really stuck. I just can't see me going back to eating whatever I want whenever I want.


Also got a little woohoo last night when the AP state football rankings came out - we were ranked #1 for our division. It's the first time we have ever been ranked #1... doesn't really mean anything as far as how the season will go, but it's a nice honor for everyone.
Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

WW is something that I've always had success with. The structure is what I need to encourage me to make healthy choices. When I'm just counting calories or macros I get too overwhelmed and end up making poor choices. But I also don't consider WW to really be a diet. It's more like a guided eating guide. It's nt restrictive. It just helps you make the right choices.
Good Thursday Morning everyone

We are off to take a trip to Animal Kingdom to see some animals.
I love all there is to do at Animal Kingdom but my favorite is to ride the safari and walk the trails

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The tigers always amaze me with their strength

But my favorite trail is the one by the safari
I love to watch the gorillas and the meerkats

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It is always fascinating to hear the cast members talk about their diet.
It is mind boggling when you think about how many different diets they deal with on a daily basis.

Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

Here is a great article that talks about what you should ask yourself before you start a diet.
The questions are very thoughtful and helpful when you are thinking about a lifestyle change.

Have a happy and healthy day

I joined WW the beginning of the year. I knew I needed to do something because I was heavier than I had ever been, felt crappy all the time, and kept getting sick. As a matter of fact I was home sick wallowing on the couch watching TV and after Oprah's WW commercial came on for the 5th or 6th time I realized she was talking to me and picked up my phone and joined. I really needed structure and a plan, so it was/is a good fit.

I had a very good eating day yesterday, staying within points. I got on the scale this morning thinking maybe I would be down a little tiny bit but was actually up from weighing in last weekend, but there were some really bad days in between so no great surprise. If I stay on track the weight will come off.
Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

Yes, I don't do the diet thing, for me it's a mathematical equation, which is probably why I flounder when I'm not in loss mode - who wants to plug in calorie numbers all day every day - I'm horrible at maintenance. But when I hunker down, I get on the MFP app and key in all the calories every day and keep it under 1,430. I go high protein in the morning, salad with tenders, tuna or some nuked Far East topping for lunch, some hummus or yogurt for a snack and then whatever I can scrounge for dinner. Oddly, by keeping breakfast, lunch and snacks pretty cookie-cutter, dinners are managed based on activity level and whatever is going on (like eating out with friends) since it's the least manageable meal for myself.
Good Thursday Morning everyone

We are off to take a trip to Animal Kingdom to see some animals.
I love all there is to do at Animal Kingdom but my favorite is to ride the safari and walk the trails

View attachment 189757
The tigers always amaze me with their strength

But my favorite trail is the one by the safari
I love to watch the gorillas and the meerkats

View attachment 189759

View attachment 189761

It is always fascinating to hear the cast members talk about their diet.
It is mind boggling when you think about how many different diets they deal with on a daily basis.

Have you ever thought about how you came to the diet you are on?
Did you have several to choose from?
What made you choose the one you are on now?

Here is a great article that talks about what you should ask yourself before you start a diet.
The questions are very thoughtful and helpful when you are thinking about a lifestyle change.

Have a happy and healthy day

Mine really is not a diet. I still eat what I want but only in moderation. We do try to have more salads with our dinners and maybe even one night have a salad for the dinner. We do eat more chicken now and we buys ones that are pre-measured to 4-5 oz.
Also got a little woohoo last night when the AP state football rankings came out - we were ranked #1 for our division. It's the first time we have ever been ranked #1... doesn't really mean anything as far as how the season will go, but it's a nice honor for everyone.

Congrats on the ranking. I taught in a high school that has a great history of sports so I know how great that feels. One of our former students just got signed by Green Bay Packers and another one played in the Super Bowl a couple of years ago.
I feel like I've been on a diet for my whole life! I guess I picked it up from my mom, she was always trying to lose weight but never got anywhere. I have learned that diets just don't work. Instead making better choices has worked for me and cutting out the bad foods. So my rules are now no more french fries or soda ever. They make me feel horrible anyways so why did I want to consume them?! Try to limit breads and processed foods. Add more fruits and veggies when I can. I started to eat this way to see if it helped me feel better and it did and I'm starting to slim down.

I feel like sadness has taken over the past couple days. Not sure why now but it sucks :(
Good Friday Morning everyone

I thought we would look at some different types of characters you can see at DHS.
As the mother of two boys we are really not into princesses so we are really into different types.
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My sons say they are just like these two guys.

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Toy Story is one of my sons favorite movies. I think because it is so much like their life. When #3 came out ds2 called me from school and told me he was coming home so get tickets for all of us including his brother and brother's gf. Ds2 had left for college the year before but that movie had dh and I in tears. We bought the dvd when it came out but I have never opened it.

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Dh and I have been Star War fans from the beginning. Both sons love these movies.

Which Disney character reminds you the most of yourself and why?

Have a happy and healthy day
Which Disney character reminds you the most of yourself and why?

Well, being concerned that I might forget a heroine or two, I decided to take an online test, and I think they nailed it! Megara (Meg) from Hercules --

You’re a cynical and sarcastic person with a great sense of humor. You consider yourself very independent, and you often feel fear when falling for someone.

I probably would've said Merida from Brave because of the red hair and the chunk of my muttdom heritage that is Scottish, not to mention love of the outdoors... but Meg is probably more spot on with the sarcasm, humor and independent streak!
I too am not a "diet" fan. I think the changes I make have to be for life and not for just a period of time. That being said, I know WW is considered a diet by many but I think it counts as a lifestyle change if you go into it with that mind set. I have had success with it in the past. The reason I dont do it now is because the calculations just became too daunting for me. I prefer to track my calories as its simpler, and I try to make higher protein choices when I can.
I did it the same thing (took a quiz) and evidently I'm Jack Soarrow... Perpetually drunk and wobbly? I think not. But I have always had a thing for pirates, so I'll go with it. My favorite charectors are Tink and Chip... Both a little cranky and not afraid to speak their minds.

Yesterday was a very interesting day with a lot of forward movement, kind of like when the People Mover speeds up around the corners. I've been working on a team restructure plan and we hit a big milestone yesterday, after being a bit stuck and behind. As part of that effort I presented a significant process change to our primary BIZ partner and got initial buy-in. It's something I've wanted for a couple years, so I'm really happy. Even on a personal level, my sister had been having issues with the neighbor on the other side and finally went to talk to a lawyer, who validated her side of the issue and wrote up a kind of cease and desist letter, so again sudden forward movement on something that has been lingering.

I'm down a pound, but still up from last week, baby steps.

Have a happy and healthful weekend everyone!


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