BREXIT......How do you feel Brits? Excited??

It wouldn't exactly be unusual for parliament to ignore the will of the people

There's a big difference (there and here) between chalking something up to "Well, we elected the idiot" or "You can't trust a politician" and having them go against a direct vote from the people. The latter cuts at the core of what makes a democracy or a republic work - and keeps the people from an all out revolt.
I'm still not actually convinced Brexit will actually happen. The people didn't vote it in a referendum is non binding it is advise to the government. For I article 50 to be triggered it needs to be voted through parliament and I'm not sure that vote will go that way

Also Cameron isn't going to trigger it before he resigns he is going to leave that for his successor. I'm not convinced his successor will want to take that risk and damage to reputation

We will see I'm really not convinced this is a done deal

"As the pro-Brexit camp splintered Thursday, [Theresa] May presented herself as a unifying candidate for prime minister who, despite backing “remain,” could bring together the badly fractured Conservative Party.

She was introduced Thursday by Chris Grayling, a prominent Brexiteer, and described herself as the candidate best prepared for the tough talks ahead with E.U. leaders, having spent years wrangling with other European security chiefs as the country’s home affairs minister.

“I have not just done it. I’ve delivered on those negotiations,” she said.

Despite supporting “remain,” May said there would be no going back.

“Brexit means Brexit,” she said. “The country voted to leave the European Union, and it is the duty of the government and of Parliament to make sure we do just that.”

May was considered only a reluctant E.U. backer, with a long record of Euroskepticism and a hard line against mass immigration.

May would be the second female prime minister in British history, after Margaret Thatcher. May’s unsmiling public persona and hard-line conservative politics have drawn occasional comparisons to the Iron Lady.

Britain’s next prime minister will not be picked by the public. Instead, he or she will be selected in a two-stage process within the governing Conservative Party. First, the party’s members of Parliament will whittle the field down to two over the next two weeks. Then the party’s rank-and-file members will select the winner."
Ignoring the result of a general election or even a local election would be u democratic and could lead to revolt

Taking the result of a referendum which was unbinding and only ever giving the people's advise to the parliament is something else entirely. ParticuLarly if subsequent events or discussions identify issues not previously identified

At the end of the day the British people did not as many are stating vote to leave Europe. The British people voted to advise their government that they would like to leave Europe. Not quite the same thing
The important thing to remember is that the referendum is ADVISORY, not LAW. To become law, it needs to go before Parliament. And many parties are calling for either a second referendum or a General Election before the article becomes law. On top of this, 4 million people have called for a second referendum and over 2 million people who voted OUT now want to change their vote to IN.

Interesting times.
and over 2 million people who voted OUT now want to change their vote to IN.

Sounds like BS that the losers would make up. Just happens to be enough to reverse the vote.

Do the Brits have to publicly vote and have their vote registered to them? How else could they possibly know that here are over 2 million - or even 2 dozen - voters who voted to leave that now want to change their vote?

Somebody over there is desperately trying to send the message that if Parliament proceeds based on the referendum, they are actually going against the "true" will of the people.
Actually, all you need is roughly 650,000 people to change their minds (I think the spread was 1.3 million votes, right?). Anyway, I could totally see them saying we will wait till after the next Parliament election. Candidates can state their position on Brexit unequivocally (remain or leave). If a majority of leave are elected, there's your answer. Or vice versa. Since it is Parliament that must actually vote on this matter, that would seem to make sense.

Seems pretty clear to me that none of the people who backed this (the leaders) are all that hip on pulling the trigger. Curious.
Actually, all you need is roughly 650,000 people to change their minds (I think the spread was 1.3 million votes, right?). Anyway, I could totally see them saying we will wait till after the next Parliament election. Candidates can state their position on Brexit unequivocally (remain or leave). If a majority of leave are elected, there's your answer. Or vice versa. Since it is Parliament that must actually vote on this matter, that would seem to make sense.

Seems pretty clear to me that none of the people who backed this (the leaders) are all that hip on pulling the trigger. Curious.

So if your side loses by only 650K in the next election, you'll be ok with revisiting the decision?
Actually, all you need is roughly 650,000 people to change their minds (I think the spread was 1.3 million votes, right?). Anyway, I could totally see them saying we will wait till after the next Parliament election. Candidates can state their position on Brexit unequivocally (remain or leave). If a majority of leave are elected, there's your answer. Or vice versa. Since it is Parliament that must actually vote on this matter, that would seem to make sense.

Seems pretty clear to me that none of the people who backed this (the leaders) are all that hip on pulling the trigger. Curious.
We had a Parliamentary election last year.
Only the Conservatives had a manifesto commitment for an in/out referendum on our membership of the European Union.
The Conservatives won the election with a working majority. The next election does not have to be held until 2020.
They held the referendum.
The out camp won.
Because the Prime Minister, David Cameron, had made such a strong personal case for the in side he had no choice but to resign.
The election of a new Conservative leader and, therefore, Prime Minister will be completed by early September.
The new leader will then put their Cabinet together as well as the negotiating team for EU withdrawal.
The EU democratically elected leaders such as Merkel and Hollande understand this and are happy with the timetable.

ford family
Sounds like BS that the losers would make up. Just happens to be enough to reverse the vote.

Do the Brits have to publicly vote and have their vote registered to them? How else could they possibly know that here are over 2 million - or even 2 dozen - voters who voted to leave that now want to change their vote?

Somebody over there is desperately trying to send the message that if Parliament proceeds based on the referendum, they are actually going against the "true" will of the people.

The 2 million figure was the result of polling offset by the opposite scenario, ie. people who voted in but now want out.

It would be interesting to see what another referendum would thus be like, especially if 16 and 17 year olds were permitted a vote as many here believe they should - after all, they hold the age of consent, the right to get married and have kids. Why not a say in their future?
The 2 million figure was the result of polling offset by the opposite scenario, ie. people who voted in but now want out.

If given the opportunity, virtually every remain voter would tell a pollster he voted leave, but changed his mind.
If given the opportunity, virtually every remain voter would tell a pollster he voted leave, but changed his mind.

It's certainly not a dead cert; polls have been shown to be inaccurate in the past few instances.

Of course, if it were accurate, we would have grounds for a second referendum - after all, the whole point is to reflect the majority will of the people and since the margin in the first round was so small, it is only natural for many people to feel uneasy or even cheated.
Staying tuned into the drama. It's why so many people here in the US don't vote. They feel like their votes don't matter because the "big Kahunas" don't care what they want. Kahunas know better. :crazy:

Interestingy, a number of smaller parties along with many members of the big two parties are pushing for a General Election in October. If a small coalition wins enough clout, aided by disenfranchised Labour and even Conservative MPs, the Brexit issue is dead in the water already. ESPECIALLY if the election is conducted by Proportional Representation, as UKIP have requested (UKIP are a far-right party).
The election of a new Conservative leader and, therefore, Prime Minister will be completed by early September.
The new leader will then put their Cabinet together as well as the negotiating team for EU withdrawal.
The EU democratically elected leaders such as Merkel and Hollande understand this and are happy with the timetable.
The EU seems fine with Article 50 being initiated by Parliament sometime in later 2016, after PM election.
However they have made it pretty clear that waiting until 2017 to start the process is not acceptable. Some of what I've read in European press (online US editions) indicates a reluctance of many MP's to actually trigger Article 50 for a variety of reasons. Hopefully when push comes to shove they will be more willing to move the process along....
I am curious what those who live in Britain think of all of this now that Corbyn, Cameron, Johnson and now Farage have all quit. They were among the leaders who brought Britain to this tenuous place and now they are all bailing on the issue and leaving it to others to solve. Is there an obvious leader who can navigate the Article 50 trigger and the two years of negotiations?


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